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Story How I Almost Got A Girlfriend (Part 3)



Buff Auschwitz Escapee
Jan 17, 2018
Part 1 https://incels.is/threads/how-i-alm...-let-me-know-if-you-want-to-hear-more.165823/

Part 2 https://incels.is/threads/how-i-almost-got-a-girlfriend-part-2.167217/

My eyes opened. As pain ripped through my side, a groan left through my gritted teeth.

I pushed the blanket off me and looked down at my body. My clothes were gone, save for a cloth bandage wrapped around my midsection. Bits of hay stuck out from the mattress upon which I laid. It was one of many. The room had two rows of these beds, parallel against the red brick walls. A few of them had people in them who were bandaged much like I was. Some had splints. In the middle of the room, a table stood next to a wooden chest.

“Looks like the new recruit is-is finally awake.”

My gaze darted to whence the voice came. A man walked toward me, the medals laid over his lorica segmentata glinting with sunlight from a nearby window. His rat head was clad in a helmet of fine steel whose red horse hair plume ran horizontal above his brow. Upon the hilt of his short sword, he laid his hand, a bony thing that menaced with sharp claws. At his flanks stood two other men. One was a soldier, a human, with the plume on his helmet running vertical, and his armor plainer. The other was another rat man, standing hunched over with a cloth tunic hanging loosely over his wiry frame. By the way this one glared at me with beady hate-filled eyes and held his clutched hand to his chest, I surmised that he was my foe from the fight before: Phrak Skinripper.

“Hello?” I rubbed my eyes and rose from the bed. Pain jolted at me through my side. I stifled a grunt and held my posture as straight as I could, as I guessed based on the rat man’s plume and armor décor that he was someone of rank.

“Fool!” The rat man snarled. He struck the back of his hand across my face. “You speak-grovel before a centurion of the Thirteenth Legion of Rome. You, slave, are but a mewling worm before me-me! Do not speak without permission.”

My heart sunk into my chest. I bowed my head in submission.

“Good-good.” The centurion nodded. “The Force Inhibitor runs at all times. Your powers are-are worthless here. However, they interest us, yes-yes. Our Caesar always looks-seeks for force-sensitives to join the ranks. The war is harsh-taxing on our manpower.”

I blinked twice, wondering if this was yet another strange dream. “Permission to speak, centurion?”

The centurion growled and nodded.

“Might I ask what war, and what I’m meant to do in it?”

“A ceasefire between our Imperium and the People’s Democratic Republic of the Underworld has come to an end. Their undead warbands assemble under their necromancers to take-seize an important trade hub on our island frontier. The Caesar, infinite in his-his wisdom, has tasked the army to raise-levy penal legions of prisoners and slaves to fill-cover the reserves, which are lacking. Force-sensitives such as yourself are-are of interest to the Caesar and my-my commanding officer, Legatus Darth Vader.” The centurion struck his fist upon his armored chest. “I am-am a transfer from the Thirteenth Legion, Centurion Kahk Doombringer of the Thirteenth’s First Cohort. Is my duty to evaluate slaves and prisoners for fitness to join the Twenty-First Penal Legion and train-drill them for battle-slaughter.” He gestured to Phrak Skinripper. “This will be-be your training partner. He will join you in your contubernium, yes-yes. You will spar; he will ensure your duties go unshirked as you do his. The penalties for disobedience are harsh, yes-yes, especially for slave filth such as yourself. Be disobedient, and you will find yourself lashed and nailed to a cross, yes-yes. Understood?”

I straightened my posture despite my pain, pressing my arms to my sides. “Yes, centurion.”

“Good. Now, you must heal-recover, but not here. You have been cleared by Legatus Darth Vader to make use of the bacta tank. He would prefer your training begin post-haste. Follow me, yes-yes. A soldier’s life awaits you.”

“Permission to speak further, centurion?”

“Quick,” Kahk Doombringer snapped. “Make it quick.”

“Do you know how I got here? In this world, I mean?”

Kahk Doombringer shook his head. “I-I need not explain. Many outsiders such as you were brought here in similar fashion. This world is a loose conglomerate of other, more stable worlds. To explain how it came to be or why it is would be too much time wasted on a slave like you.”

I blinked. “Permission t- “

“Denied!” Kahk drove his fist into my gut; I grunted and fell to one knee. “Follow me now, slave-peon. First the bacta tank, then your training. You will waste-waste no more of my time-time.”
Wish i had the attention span to read all that
Writing is your gift
This aint even real nigga im not reading that
I can't handle the cringe, it's too much for me
Didn’t read because of autism
The whole story is autistic as autistic can get tbh
I can’t even sit down and read a book for half an hour anymore because my concentration has gone down the plug hole. I’m sure your post was a good read though.
I can’t even sit down and read a book for half an hour anymore because my concentration has gone down the plug hole. I’m sure your post was a good read though.
I think your age has more to do with that than your autism. Almost everyone under age 30 has the attention span of a goldfish these days.
I think your age has more to do with that than your autism. Almost everyone under age 30 has the attention span of a goldfish these days.
Probably because of all the technology. Everyone wants their fix, it’s like drugs.
I see you as an artist. I love stories

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