It's not about helping me you selfish normie fuck: it's about waking up other men. Look at how much r/incels was growing. Look how many times it made the front page of reddit. That's why we are so bitterly attacked. If we were truly wrong and impotent, we'd be ignored, just like some fucking retard who is touting a conspiracy about how apples are making everyone sterile. What we say is powerful, thus they try to shut us down.
Every man who checks out of this shit show, who stops being a normie incel in denial and sees this all for what it is, who doesn't fall into the trap of some modern frigid hypergamous slut who could never love him WRECKING HIM and leaving him cold and broken, that is a victory.
This isn't about us: it's a fucking army recruitment, an army of people defecting from the slave army that drives society for Chad to play fucky fucky fuckfest while countless men live hopelessly isolated in a world of concentrated sexual access and wealth. Slaves.