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JFL “How do you reform from being a creep?”

nigga talked to a thousand girls and couldn't get a single one. at that point you have to realize it never began jfl
and contributed to a society where women don’t feel safe. I feel very ashamed of this .
Oh noez! Le poor womminz don't feel safe! :soy::soy::soy:

Fucking retard
Don't go out to look for women. Do fun, interesting stuff. Then you'll meet people, including women, who share your interests and relationships will happen organically.
Not completely wrong, but you have to be neurotypical and not ugly as fuck to be able to pull something like this off. It's literally how normies get laid after all.
Don't go out to look for women. Do fun, interesting stuff. Then you'll meet people, including women, who share your interests and relationships will happen organically.
Why are you here then?
He is apologising for doing nothing wrong like a cuck, so these reddit retards trash him less.

The only reason these foids have been made uncomfortable is his looks and it’s just retarded that these reddit foids and cucks are just lying to his face to avoid telling him the uncomfortable truth. This man needs to just take the blackpill ASAP.
He's only considered a "creep" because he's unattractive to foids. No matter how much you try to change your personality, you'll always be a "creep" to them.
nigga talked to a thousand girls and couldn't get a single one. at that point you have to realize it never began jfl
"no man theres like 8 billion people in the world so at least 2 billion of them are women, you've only approached thousands of women, theres still billions of women left"-:soy::soy::feelsclown:
Imo after a couple of approaches where you know your standards are basically nonexistent and you're still getting rejected, its pointless continuing it
I was just trying to solve my loneliness proactively rather than wallowing in it like an incel, but I went about it in such a creepy way.
Virgin but not incel, lol :lul:

nigga talked to a thousand girls and couldn't get a single one. at that point you have to realize it never began jfl
He legit has subhuman IQ to not realize that his autistic cold approach attempts were never going to work after the first couple attempts let alone the first 100 or 1000

I legit don’t think I could continue to live after irrevocably and publicly disgracing myself like this and would probably commit honorable seppuku
nigga talked to a thousand girls and couldn't get a single one. at that point you have to realize it never began jfl
Pretty much.
U don't u metamorphose into the monster they fear in their nightmares
when you bully a male kid to suicide: you're not entitled to anything, the world is tough, maby he was genetic shit and it's just natural selection
when an ugly guy tries to have small talk with a foid in a public space: cheepers creepers, I feel so heckin unsafe, it's literally terrorism
You get taller and better looking. That’s the only way to not be a creep to foids
Foids claim that a man's actions make him a creep but it has NOTHING to do with what he DOES but how ATTRACTIVE he is! If an unattractive guys says hi to her in a coffee shop he's a creep. If an attractive guy walks by and slaps her ass as she's standing in line at the exact same coffee shop, he's confident and eager.
r/socialskillsPosted by u/Pure_Negotiation_452 7 days ago
How do you reform from being a creep?
Long story short, this past year, I followed a lot of bad advice on improving from dating life from pickup artist forums and books. I never crossed the legal line into assault, stalking, catcalling threatening, etc... just started a lot of innocent conversations, but I was a major nuisance to the women I interacted with (I'd often 'hover' in their area for a minute trying to work up confidence before approaching which was by far the creepiest part). I'd spend whole afternoons walking around malls, campuses, coffee shops looking for women to talk to and "pickup." Talked to a lot of girls way too young for me (not illegal young, just 18/19 when I'm in my mid-20s). Did it so often (probably 500-1000 times this year) that it's likely I have a bit of a negative in reputation in certain areas of my city (honestly don't know what I'd do if what I did got back to my friends). I was just trying to solve my loneliness proactively rather than wallowing in it like an incel, but I went about it in such a creepy way.
While I know I never crossed a line into directly harming someone, I’m sure my actions made a lot of women uncomfortable, and contributed to a society where women don’t feel safe. I feel very ashamed of this . So my question is, how do I reform? How can I manage the shame I feel for making so many women uncomfortable? How can I deal with knowing that I might have a majorly negative reputation in my city from my actions? How can I one day learn to meet women in a way that isn’t so socially out of line?
967 upvotes243 comments

So my question is, how do I reform? How can I manage the shame I feel for making so many women uncomfortable? How can I deal with knowing that I might have a majorly negative reputation in my city from my actions? How can I one day learn to meet women in a way that isn’t so socially out of line?

I'm gonna tell you buddy boyo:

Approaching women on the streets is only for Chads, that is: handsome guys.

Since you're not Chad, you're gonna have to negotiate and pay for sex and company.

You either pay by becoming a betabuxx and getting divorce-raped by an ungrateful wife, losing all your assets to her, and getting saddled with alimony and child-support for kids that aren't even yours... or you pay by finding a "sugar baby" or an escort and paying for the experiences you'd like to have with women.

Sorry you weren't born good-looking. Those are your options. Have a good life.
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I'm gonna tell you buddy boyo:

Since you're not Chad, you're gonna pay for sex and company.

You either pay by becoming a betabuxx and getting divorce-raped by an ungrateful wife, losing all your assets to her, and getting saddled with alimony and child-support for kids that aren't even yours... or you pay by finding a "sugar baby" or an escort and paying for the experiences you'd like to have with women.

Sorry you weren't born good-looking. Those are your options. Have a good life.
That subreddit is pure blackpill.

The dudes there... some have never had a good interaction with anyone...

Others haven't left the house in years. Truly, being subhuman is being in a genetic prison, like Saint Hamudi says...
That subreddit is pure blackpill.

The dudes there... some have never had a good interaction with anyone...

Others haven't left the house in years. Truly, being subhuman is being in a genetic prison, like Saint Hamudi says...
Most of the times, bad social skills just come from being ugly and/or shit parenting. But soyciety tells you that they’re something you can “learn” naturally as an adult, and as a result you’re giving out money to (((them))), kek
Most of the times, bad social skills just come from being ugly and/or shit parenting. But soyciety tells you that they’re something you can “learn” naturally as an adult, and as a result you’re giving out money to (((them))), kek
In fact, foids and normies have zero social skills. People acquire social skills by working in customer service (like waiters) or in occupations like sales rep or police officer.

What normies call "social skills" in everyday usage of the word merely means "not getting automatically rejected by normies due to being an ugly and/or non-NT male".

IF you pay attention to how normies behave around one another, you notice they can't even keep a conversation. They have no social skills. They just abstain from bullying and rejecting each other, which is something they do to omega males.
Don't be ugly, get a new face.
this is what soyciety does to males.
That hurts to read. The guy tries to make a lot of concessions to all the feminist crap but will still get shit.

Females are kinda like animals in a way; when you're too submissive and compromising like that around them they just see you as weak and hate you even more.
Don't go out to look for women. Do fun, interesting stuff. Then you'll meet people, including women, who share your interests and relationships will happen organically.
cope, this only works if you’re very NT and in the right social groups. Every girl I’ve met was either taken, a lesbian, or a landwhale that I had no interest in. Single, skinny foids barely do anything these days
I actually work on making myself more creepy to make womyn more afraid of me
Anything that pisses of normies and foids is probably a good thing

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