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How do you feel about dying childless?



Nov 15, 2017
When you are an oldcel like me, you start thinking about this a lot more than about mere pleasure or validation.

Immortality or posterity through children is an illusion, from every logical perspective. A child is not a clone of you, in a lot of cases he is very different, and in some cases he can actually become your worst enemy. Even if the transmission of your values succeeds with your own children, over the succession of generations, your genes are even more diluted away and the transmission of your cultural patterns is ever more likely to fail. Ultimately, there is no escaping the fact that we die and disappear as unique aggregates of information. What I wrote can be interpreted as edgy teenage nihilism, since it goes very much against established social norms, but I have yet to see a convincing retort to it. You just have to open a history book to see the long list of fallen dynasties and rebellious children.

On the other hand, there's no denying that the instinct to reproduce can be strong, and that it becomes stronger with age, probably as a result of some genetic programming that we rationalize. People who "suddenly" find they want a child while well in their thirties or forties are very common. They will usually deny the narcissism behind this wish, talking only about a generous wish to share life, to create life, but let's be honest here: if only generosity was involved, they'd do charity work, or adopt.

Basically, foregoing entirely the desire to make a copy of you may actually be impossible. Sometimes I find it unfair that all of my genetic peculiarities, including the good ones, will disappear just because of a few flaws, esthetic flaws at that. I then find solace in the idea that it happened to far greater men in the past, and that humans will get replaced sooner or later with superior synthetic lifeforms anyway.
It's probably for the best.
bro women start fucking at age 13

you basic have almost zero chance to get a girl pregnant with your own sperm because she's constantly having new dicks in and out of her
My child would probably be risking inheriting aspergers and my looks he would suffer everyday of his life i'm doing him and the world a favor by not trying to have him.
I have a higher chance of spreading my incel genes than for genetic recombination to happen, so no, I wouldn't my child to suffer because of my incel genes
My child would probably be risking inheriting aspergers and my looks he would suffer everyday of his life i'm doing him and the world a favor by not trying to have him.
I think that if your child is ugly, you could save him a lot of trouble by blackpilling him as early as possible, but I don't see myself having the courage to have this conversation.

"Son, you're ugly, we need to talk!"
I do want to extend the family name but it's looking more and more impossible by the day
Fatherhood is cuckoldry. Read some of the bitter assholes on r/mgtow and r/mensrights. Men have no power and get utterly fucked over with kids and marriage. I don't understand the concept of devoting your life to raising another life at all anyway. I can't imagine a more nihilistic act. It's the #1 benefit of inceldom.
Nah, I'll never have children. I already hate my parents for having me, bringing in another child to this world with these genes would be unfair to him.
:feelsokman: I feel quite good.
I don't want my children to suffer like I do/did. I'll die as a virgin anyway, so I don't need to worry about this
I never wanted to have children even before realizing I'm an incel. I did want a wife though
It will be unfortunate not having my curry son.
children stink,man. You'll have to spend your money on baby clothes, diapers and you'll have restless sleep due to constantly being disturbed by its crying. Your wife will get fatter and more moody until she ceases to have sex with you altogether.
I wouldn't want to bring them into this world full of evil and deceit
If you have a shit life it seems cruel to want to bring a child into it. I want children less and less as I age for this reason. It'll be a miracle if I do.
Fine. No-one to suffer from my subhuman genetics.
I will reproduce when I travel overseas
Don't asssume every incel is going to have ugly children plus I won't be living in western society
hoping for genetic recombination lottery or are you a """"""mentalcel""""""
I don't really want to have a kid tbh. Too high maitnenance, too expensive, too much luck involved in not raising either a total shit head or total loser, and ultimately you have to say goodbye to them as they create their own life which is depressing.
I don't even not want kids because I dislike them, I like them it's just too much bullshit comes with raising them that it outweighs the joy i'd get from having a mini me to teach about the wonders of the world.

I can't lie though, I have considered adoption if I ever get a stable life when i'm older. I'll always be a KHHV, or at best an escortcel, but the least I can do is ensure some kid born unlucky with no parents can at least have a shot at normalcy. Would have to be a son obviously. I like the idea of being looked up to as a masculine role model, that's how I viewed my own dad after all and all my favorite fictional characters are masculine figures I look up to for their macho-ism, so I have this desire to be that guy to someone.
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I refuse to propagate my shitty genes.
Once I'm dead, my "legacy" won't matter, so it doesn't bother me.
i dont care no children means more money for myself
Fine. No-one to suffer from my subhuman genetics.
Genetic recombination can happen one way or another. Viggo Mortensen had a sub-par son, Joseph Goebbels had relatively pretty children.

But I agree that the mathematical probability is not in favor of a successful recombination.
I'm not cruel enough to bring new life into this rotting world.
I'm not cruel enough to bring new life into this rotting world.


Im also more concerned about dying a virgin, i dont want to pass my subhuman autistic genes onto another generation

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