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It's Over How do you discuss blackpill-related things with your family?

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
This is going to sound incredibly autistic, cringeworthy and all-around dumb, but I basically tried discussing the blackpill with my dad over the phone.

I was talking to him about my hairline, which I'm 99% sure is receding and thinning at the edges. I asked him if he had ever put thought into the genetic quality of his kids - if he had recognised that he was going to in all likelihood produce short, facially-meh, neurotic children with a lower general intelligence than him (or at the very least lower than what could have been possible) because of the lower-class foid he impregnated. I didn't ask it in these words, of course, I only used neutral, objective words that didn't make it look bad (neurotic and short but not facially shitty or manlet) on purpose.

I also brought up that this matters because vastly more men than women are celibate as a result of dating apps (used sexless, not celibate), and that statistics showing significantly more women than men have kids by the age of thirty combined with high single motherhood+out of wedlock births means the future is Japan-like sexless wageslave men acting as providers to single mothers through their taxes (I did call the children of single mothers crotch spawn, but that was the only point at which I used the term). I also gave passing mention to the fact that women have life on tutorial mode and can simply open their legs to succeed (I actually said this) and he didn't even care, which basically proves that inceltears faggotry only applies to pathetic white knights on the internet. Most bluepilled men aren't that bad even if they are pretty cucked, they just don't know any better.

Because of the first paragraph's worth of what I said, he started sobbing on the phone.

I didn't understand how this could have upset him so much until I put into context how bluepilled he was (which I wasn't able to do because I haven't spoken to anyone that isn't a relative or a doctor in several months, and people who aren't that, cashiers or university group work peers in several years, combined with autism). I had only asked him if he had taken into account what his progeny would be like, but to somebody who hasn't thought about this you're just listing off immutable flaws that you passed onto another person (not that these people even think of their unborn children and infants as human beings until they grow up fully). He said that he hated himself while he was sobbing, to which I pointed out that he was no more worthy of hate than anyone else walking around on the street, and that the opposite of all the flaws I listed was being perfect (which isn't realistic) so clearly innate flaws are something to be taken into account rather than to be stressed over for the sake of themselves, but it didn't help. He said that I was suggesting he shouldn't have had children when this was only something he had inferred from what I'd said. He said "when you have kids, you can think about that" in a way that screamed "what you're saying is awful, if you really feel the urge to say it you should apply it to yourself" because apparently genetics are so offensive you wouldn't want to force an understanding of them upon yourself. I feel bad for him, I can empathise with him and I can see why it would have offended him, but seeing as he made it and at least one major flaw he passed on (balding) has a cure (finasteride, minox) he wasn't even aware of, things surely can't be that upsetting, right? He said I shouldn't have said what I said because it was upsetting, even though he didn't deny it was true. Is he confronting the fact that it's well and truly over?

How do you discuss basic biological reality to people who have spent 45 years marinating in bluepill thinking? I don't hate my father, I am not ungrateful towards him for giving me consciousness (which I am terrified of the eventual loss of) and I certainly don't want him to feel like he failed or is a bad person. However, the blackpill is as big a part of life as somebody's work, what they eat or what they do with their time, and it's just as worthy of discussion in a conversation.

At least this has been motivation to see a dermatologist ASAP about my scalp. It's doing good by him.
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I don’t.
Do you even speak to your parents, or do you avoid each other in a stereotypical NEET scenario in which you have 1 meal a day from the fridge at 4 am and piss in a bottle to avoid seeing them?
Why would you talk to your parents about that? Can they help you? Can it do anything but upset them and make things awkward?
You have to say it in a more light hearted way, instead of kind of springing it on your father like that. I'm not saying don't take it seriously, but just giving him a breakdown in what a genetic failure he is isn't very good.
You have to say it in a more light hearted way, instead of kind of springing it on your father like that. I'm not saying don't take it seriously, but just giving him a breakdown in what a genetic failure he is isn't very good.
Do you even speak to your parents, or do you avoid each other in a stereotypical NEET scenario in which you have 1 meal a day from the fridge at 4 am and piss in a bottle to avoid seeing them?
I’ll occasionally have dinner with them but that’s about it. I’m not much for conversation tbh..

I don’t use any piss bottles. My parents would go crazy. Jfl
My family knows that looks and money are the most important anyways.
Why would you talk to your parents about that? Can they help you? Can it do anything but upset them and make things awkward?
I didn't think it would upset him that much.
Also, I'm younger than him, so what happens to him will happen to me. It seems worth discussing when the thing in question amounts to sexual death. You are right that I completely sperged out and shouldn't have said what I said though. Hopefully my dad doesn't dwell on it.
I did when i was 16 and discovered puahate because I got tired of them telling me to stop being shy (I put myself out there and had tons of courage to do it because I'm sub 3 genetic dog shit and all that happened was I got rejected and my depression became worse), asking me why I don't go out, and asking me why I don't have a girlfriend. They got extremely triggered over it, but now they leave me the fuck alone.

Basically there is no way to discuss it with your family. You're telling them that they are trash and that your life sucks and then you die because of the shit genes they gave you.
I've told my mom and grandma that foids only care about genetics and that I will be weeded out of the genepool as a result because I'm seen as genetic trash. Grandma is surprisingly based and sympathizes with me on an at least intellectual level even if she for whatever reason thinks I'm handsome, while my mother just give the typical low IQ foidish response like 'get a haircut and start looking after yourself' and tells me I'm good looking, and even if I wasn't it wouldn't be a problem because a lot of femoids care a lot more about personality than they do looks (I'm a 3/10, it's over)
Whenever my parents mention marriage, I tell them foids/marriage aren't worth the effort anymore in this day & age or something vague like that. I have to try to keep it mild because obviously, I can't really tell them I believe all foids are whores and even if I did, it wouldn't come through them anyway.

I wouldn't say the things to my dad you said simply because I don't believe my inceldom was caused by having flawed genes but just the fact that I was born in a country where the native population mogs me in every way and because of my mental issues. The latter are, as I said in a thread on Off-Topic, most likely caused by being traumatised by my circumcision combined with maybe an inherited affinity for things like depression but I wouldn't know how to talk about that with my parents so I won't for the time being.
I did blame them a few times for moving to Europe, saying that my life most likely would have been better if I had born in their homeland.
Normally goes like this:

"Dont worry about girls now, make money and work on yourself and once you're in your 30s, they'll be plenty of single MATURE ( :forcedsmile: ) women available for you to pick"

Safe to say they're boomers
Although one time I did respond to my mom with: "Isnt what you're saying essentially I should find a prostitute as if a woman wasn't with me when I'm broke but only displays interest in me if I'm rich, I'm paying for a girlfriend with extra steps?"

I only hand out blackpills when someone tries to feed me bluepilled lies
I tell my mom all the time that i shouldnt have been born and all this was a mistake... but then she tells some bluepill shit and brings god into the picture and i just fucking leave coz i dont want to argue religion
I've told my mom and grandma that foids only care about genetics and that I will be weeded out of the genepool as a result because I'm seen as genetic trash.

Did you really tell her this in your own exact words?

Normally goes like this:

"Dont worry about girls now, make money and work on yourself and once you're in your 30s, they'll be plenty of single MATURE ( :forcedsmile: ) women available for you to pick"

Safe to say they're boomers
Although one time I did respond to my mom with: "Isnt what you're saying essentially I should find a prostitute as if a woman wasn't with me when I'm broke but only displays interest in me if I'm rich, I'm paying for a girlfriend with extra steps?"


Did she just walk out the room when you said that?
Did you really tell her this in your own exact words?
yes, I didn't say 'foids' though but that's mostly because they wouldn't know wtf I'm talking about if I used that word. I do sometimes incorporate incel lingo when talking with my parents.
My mother's a narcissistic shit-for-brains (thank god I inherited my dad's brain and not hers), so when I tell her that I can't get a girlfriend due to genetic factors, and point out that my brother is incel just like me as proof of that statement, it goes in one ear and out the other.

These days, when she says something about me getting a girlfriend or a wife (she took the godpill to cope with the wall hitting her like a freight train), I tell her I'm actually going to have nasty pump-and-dump with disease-ridden club whores. So far, it's been more effective at shutting her stupid mouth than telling her it's over for me.
i never do with my parents, absolutely no point, ik they're from a different generation and incapable of seeing things my way
You made your father cry...
That's why I don't discuss blackpill with the family
You made your father cry...
:feelsbadman: tbh, I don't wish it upon him, I don't know what to say to him next time I speak to him to make it better. I hope he forgets about it but I dunno if he will. I can't stop empathising with him at this point. Talking to people over 25 about the flaws of what they spent their entire life doing is a blow that absolutely winds them, and I hope he attributes it to me being a retard. He must still think I reckon he made a mistake though, poor guy.
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:feelsbadman: tbh, I don't wish it upon him, I don't know what to say to him next time I speak to him to make it better. I hope he forgets about it but I dunno if he will. I can't stop empathising with him at this point. Talking to people over 25 about the flaws of what they spent their entire life doing is a blow that absolutely winds them, and I hope he attributes it to me being a retard. He must still think I make he made a mistake though, poor guy.
I am not a judge. But your father was put in a similar situation as you.

He was born against his will with bad genetics that he managed to pass on because of older times, not too many social media back then

And then you were born for something no one can stop.

Your father is really not to blame, you shoved a blackpill he didn't needed down his throat and probably ruined his life

I encourage you to make things better with your father, he loved you unconditionally at some point.
This is going to sound incredibly autistic, cringeworthy and all-around dumb, but I basically tried discussing the blackpill with my dad over the phone.

I was talking to him about my hairline, which I'm 99% sure is receding and thinning at the edges. I asked him if he had ever put thought into the genetic quality of his kids - if he had recognised that he was going to in all likelihood produce short, facially-meh, neurotic children with a lower general intelligence than him (or at the very least lower than what could have been possible) because of the lower-class foid he impregnated. I didn't ask it in these words, of course, I only used neutral, objective words that didn't make it look bad (neurotic and short but not facially shitty or manlet) on purpose.

I also brought up that this matters because vastly more men than women are celibate as a result of dating apps (used sexless, not celibate), and that statistics showing significantly more women than men have kids by the age of thirty combined with high single motherhood+out of wedlock births means the future is Japan-like sexless wageslave men acting as providers to single mothers through their taxes (I did call the children of single mothers crotch spawn, but that was the only point at which I used the term). I also gave passing mention to the fact that women have life on tutorial mode and can simply open their legs to succeed (I actually said this) and he didn't even care, which basically proves that inceltears faggotry only applies to pathetic white knights on the internet. Most bluepilled men aren't that bad even if they are pretty cucked, they just don't know any better.

Because of the first paragraph's worth of what I said, he started sobbing on the phone.

I didn't understand how this could have upset him so much until I put into context how bluepilled he was (which I wasn't able to do because I haven't spoken to anyone that isn't a relative or a doctor in several months, and people who aren't that, cashiers or university group work peers in several years, combined with autism). I had only asked him if he had taken into account what his progeny would be like, but to somebody who hasn't thought about this you're just listing off immutable flaws that you passed onto another person (not that these people even think of their unborn children and infants as human beings until they grow up fully). He said that he hated himself while he was sobbing, to which I pointed out that he was no more worthy of hate than anyone else walking around on the street, and that the opposite of all the flaws I listed was being perfect (which isn't realistic) so clearly innate flaws are something to be taken into account rather than to be stressed over for the sake of themselves, but it didn't help. He said that I was suggesting he shouldn't have had children when this was only something he had inferred from what I'd said. He said "when you have kids, you can think about that" in a way that screamed "what you're saying is awful, if you really feel the urge to say it you should apply it to yourself" because apparently genetics are so offensive you wouldn't want to force an understanding of them upon yourself. I feel bad for him, I can empathise with him and I can see why it would have offended him, but seeing as he made it and at least one major flaw he passed on (balding) has a cure (finasteride, minox) he wasn't even aware of, things surely can't be that upsetting, right? He said I shouldn't have said what I said because it was upsetting, even though he didn't deny it was true. Is he confronting the fact that it's well and truly over?

How do you discuss basic biological reality to people who have spent 45 years marinating in bluepill thinking? I don't hate my father, I am not ungrateful towards him for giving me consciousness (which I am terrified of the eventual loss of) and I certainly don't want him to feel like he failed or is a bad person. However, the blackpill is as big a part of life as somebody's work, what they eat or what they do with their time, and it's just as worthy of discussion in a conversation.

At least this has been motivation to see a dermatologist ASAP about my scalp. It's doing good by him.
this is basically what you did to your dad

jk :/ this post actually seems really sincere :cryfeels: i can't tell anymore though. real life is a larp for me now.i imagine everyone as either chad larping as incel. or incels larping as chad larping as incels. some fathers would say it's a dumb waste of money so he seems blackpilled enough. what more could he do?
Op if you like your dad you should apologize, a grown man crying to his son isn't the norm, you hurt him. I don't bother to talk to my dad about it bc he's a Chad lite. My mom though is more sympathetic since I explained how a down swinging face works. I also think she realized how big looks are since she aged horribly. Alot of 'ugliness' is sickness or sensitivity of the body anyway, I'd start from that angle and not jump into genetics right away.
what more could he do?
I said he did the best he could. He told me that sounded condescending, because he couldn't have done anything better than he did. I, like a retard, told him that people are not born blank slates who are capable of everything and nothing at the same time, and there were obviously innate traits of his that would have lead to a certain limited range of life outcomes and that he wouldn't for instance, have ended up homeless. I have to make it clear to him that I do appreciate him somehow but I dunno how, what do?
Might as well talk to a brick wall
Funnily enough (And outlandish as this seems) my mom taught me blackpilled shit when I was a kid.
Simple answer: You dont.
Yeah you shouldn't at all. I actually tried black pilling my dad when we were kind of having a debate. Told him I'm a failure because I'm ugly. He actually kind of agreed with me. But then he tried the boomer bluepill advising me. "money makes the world go 'round bucko!" "ugly or not men don't give up!" JFL.
This is going to sound incredibly autistic, cringeworthy and all-around dumb, but I basically tried discussing the blackpill with my dad over the phone.

I was talking to him about my hairline, which I'm 99% sure is receding and thinning at the edges. I asked him if he had ever put thought into the genetic quality of his kids - if he had recognised that he was going to in all likelihood produce short, facially-meh, neurotic children with a lower general intelligence than him (or at the very least lower than what could have been possible) because of the lower-class foid he impregnated. I didn't ask it in these words, of course, I only used neutral, objective words that didn't make it look bad (neurotic and short but not facially shitty or manlet) on purpose.

I also brought up that this matters because vastly more men than women are celibate as a result of dating apps (used sexless, not celibate), and that statistics showing significantly more women than men have kids by the age of thirty combined with high single motherhood+out of wedlock births means the future is Japan-like sexless wageslave men acting as providers to single mothers through their taxes (I did call the children of single mothers crotch spawn, but that was the only point at which I used the term). I also gave passing mention to the fact that women have life on tutorial mode and can simply open their legs to succeed (I actually said this) and he didn't even care, which basically proves that inceltears faggotry only applies to pathetic white knights on the internet. Most bluepilled men aren't that bad even if they are pretty cucked, they just don't know any better.

Because of the first paragraph's worth of what I said, he started sobbing on the phone.

I didn't understand how this could have upset him so much until I put into context how bluepilled he was (which I wasn't able to do because I haven't spoken to anyone that isn't a relative or a doctor in several months, and people who aren't that, cashiers or university group work peers in several years, combined with autism). I had only asked him if he had taken into account what his progeny would be like, but to somebody who hasn't thought about this you're just listing off immutable flaws that you passed onto another person (not that these people even think of their unborn children and infants as human beings until they grow up fully). He said that he hated himself while he was sobbing, to which I pointed out that he was no more worthy of hate than anyone else walking around on the street, and that the opposite of all the flaws I listed was being perfect (which isn't realistic) so clearly innate flaws are something to be taken into account rather than to be stressed over for the sake of themselves, but it didn't help. He said that I was suggesting he shouldn't have had children when this was only something he had inferred from what I'd said. He said "when you have kids, you can think about that" in a way that screamed "what you're saying is awful, if you really feel the urge to say it you should apply it to yourself" because apparently genetics are so offensive you wouldn't want to force an understanding of them upon yourself. I feel bad for him, I can empathise with him and I can see why it would have offended him, but seeing as he made it and at least one major flaw he passed on (balding) has a cure (finasteride, minox) he wasn't even aware of, things surely can't be that upsetting, right? He said I shouldn't have said what I said because it was upsetting, even though he didn't deny it was true. Is he confronting the fact that it's well and truly over?

How do you discuss basic biological reality to people who have spent 45 years marinating in bluepill thinking? I don't hate my father, I am not ungrateful towards him for giving me consciousness (which I am terrified of the eventual loss of) and I certainly don't want him to feel like he failed or is a bad person. However, the blackpill is as big a part of life as somebody's work, what they eat or what they do with their time, and it's just as worthy of discussion in a conversation.

At least this has been motivation to see a dermatologist ASAP about my scalp. It's doing good by him.
I don't think I could ever blackpill my parents like that. It probably feels horrible to be a bluepilled boomer and realizing your son will never find love because of his shitty genetics.
I don't, and I would never. They'd never understand.
Don't bother. They had it easy about everything.
They wouldn't understand.

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