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How do you cope with being genetic trash?



Jul 31, 2019
Truly a loser. Imagine, being over 20 and you have never felt the affection of anybody. it's all a package, you also have a very difficult time making friends, having a good job, you're neurotic so you're probably also dealing with constant anxiety/depression or worse if you're truly unlucky.

Just truly the losers of the world. Very few know this feel.
i dont cope, i rot
Tbh I barely function.
i wake up every morning and stare at myself in the mirror, disgusted at my subhumanity, my day is spent hiding inside making up excuses not to leave, my night is spent crying listening to lo-fi.

i have the means of ending my life on hand but its poison tht takes awhile to actually kill you :cryfeels: if i cant get a shotgun that is my alternative

all my copes are gone, its only youngcels talking about how they still derive enjoyment from things, but once you hit a certain age then it is over
being ugly =/= genetic trash
Daydreaming , anime , forum , being a shut in etc
being ugly > unable to pass genes > genetic trash
well why are you unable to pass on your genes? It's because irrational cum dumpsters don't view you as desirable. So are you then saying that these cum dumpsters are great at objectively assessing your genetics? seems pretty cucked to give women that much credit. Their sexual selection mating patterns are stuck in the neolithic era and every society that's ever advanced out of the stoneage has recognised the necessity in suppressing it are any higher human types to breed in substantial numbers and civilization established and maintained. So much for them being great gene selectors eh
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So are you then saying that these cum dumpsters are great at objectively assessing your genetics? seems pretty cucked to give women that much credit.
The very fact that we are posting here, depressed and demotivated for life because the same cum dumpsters collectively reject us is incredibly cucked if you think about it. Might aswell admit the facts. Unless you're the top 1% in a field, your contributions to society are next to irrelevant. All that's left is your innate value to women as a physical male specimen. If they reject you, you have no value in modern context and should be wiped out of the gene pool.
I can't cope with it, I wish I could somehow.
The very fact that we are posting here, depressed and demotivated for life because the same cum dumpsters collectively reject us is incredibly cucked if you think about it. Might aswell admit the facts. Unless you're the top 1% in a field, your contributions to society are next to irrelevant. All that's left is your innate value to women as a physical male specimen. If they reject you, you have no value in modern context and should be wiped out of the gene pool.
there are several issues with this line of logic. One is simply a matter of pragmatic implementation as it would logically lead to 80% of males being kept out of the genepool and yet be expected to contribute to society. This obviously isn't feasible as most males would eventually refuse systemic cuckoldry and revolt. But even if the removal of 80% of males from genepool were to be carried out successfully the sacrifices this would entail along the way eventually lead to the return of a neolithic type structure where no civilization exists at all and warlords keep harems of females and most males die during birth or childhood. If this is the type of existence for humanity that you want then, by all means, be a male feminist (which you seem to be as, going by your line of logic, feminism has actually benefited mankind and should continue to do so in the future by weeding out disgusting inkwells). Your argument eats itself in so far as its consequences would prevent any realistic implementation of it

Another issue is of course that we're rapidly decreasing in genetic quality if we go by the measures of intelligence, testosterone and birth deformities. So it seems that even though less men can be expected to breed in the future, the traits that females are selecting for has a negative bearing on the prevalence of the type of man that anyone that has the flourishing of civilization in mind would want. These half assed appeals to eugenics, when in fact the opposite is happening all around us, are sloppy attempts at masquerading your own weakness and apathy. That, or you're just a foid wanting a dignified excuse for spreading your legs for a new chad that you meet on tinder every new weekend thinking you're doing humanity a favor.
it is what it is
there are several issues with this line of logic. One is simply a matter of pragmatic implementation as it would logically lead to 80% of males being kept out of the genepool and yet be expected to contribute to society. This obviously isn't feasible as most males would eventually refuse systemic cuckoldry and revolt. But even if the removal of 80% of males from genepool were to be carried out successfully the sacrifices this would entail along the way eventually lead to the return of a neolithic type structure where no civilization exists at all and warlords keep harems of females and most males die during birth or childhood. If this is the type of existence for humanity that you want then, by all means, be a male feminist (which you seem to be as, going by your line of logic, feminism has actually benefited mankind and should continue to do so in the future by weeding out disgusting inkwells). Your argument eats itself in so far as its consequences would prevent any realistic implementation of it

Another issue is of course that we're rapidly decreasing in genetic quality if we go by the measures of intelligence, testosterone and birth deformities. So it seems that even though less men can be expected to breed in the future, the traits that females are selecting for has a negative bearing on the prevalence of the type of man that anyone that has the flourishing of civilization in mind would want. These half assed appeals to eugenics, when in fact the opposite is happening all around us, are sloppy attempts at masquerading your own weakness and apathy. That, or you're just a foid wanting a dignified excuse for spreading your legs for a new chad that you meet on tinder every new weekend thinking you're doing humanity a favor.
I wasn't advocating for mass genocide of low quality men nor eugenics, much less one where women get to make the rules. I wouldn't mind taking billions of normie scum out of the genepool with me though. I was talking from society's viewpoint. What me and you subjectively consider good or bad genetic quality is irrelevant
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I wasn't advocating for mass genocide of low quality men nor eugenics, much less one where women get to make the rules. I wouldn't mind taking billions of normie scum out of the genepool with me though. I was talking from society's viewpoint. What me and you subjectively consider good or bad genetic quality is irrelevant
well my point is that there's where complete free market capitalism in regards to the sexual market leads. And it seemed like you advocated it when you said "should" but alright
my hoping that god will soothe some of my comfort in this life(i can trust the next life to be something,but not this life),and by hoping i will be able to moneymaxx/statusmaxx so that i am able to get a wife in the philippines
I wish i could've been somebody else, tbh.
i dont cope, i rot
same there is no cope that can hide the facts
only acceptance and LDAR
I play vidya and fap but I know it's not cope, it's rot
I drag myself through each and every day while wallowing in my own failures and shortcomings
i dont cope, i rot

my hoping that god will soothe some of my comfort in this life(i can trust the next life to be something,but not this life),and by hoping i will be able to moneymaxx/statusmaxx so that i am able to get a wife in the philippines
If god gave a shit he wouldn't have made you ugly
being ugly > unable to pass genes > genetic trash
If you have to compensate for your ugliness with money and other bullshit, it is pretty much genetic trash, sorry to say.
It might be good for society that these people exist to build civilization, but their life sucks, and Chad always wins.

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