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It's Over How do I overcome the fear of bumping into someone I know whenever I leave the house?



Dec 1, 2019
Tbh the main reason I'm miserable isn't foids(I've long ago come to terms with the blackpill)it's that I'm too afraid to go out and do the thing I'm interested in/persue hobbies and I desperately want to change this
Just go out, you'll rarely see someone you know, and if you do just avoid eye contact
put headphones on and sun glasses and say they. mistakenrd you
Ya, that worries me, bumping into someone I new from the past(especially teacher) and they ask whats my job(never had one). I'll prob just deny that I'm who they think I am.
Become the threat and be so repulsive that other people become scared to bump into you
Tbh the main reason I'm miserable isn't foids(I've long ago come to terms with the blackpill)it's that I'm too afraid to go out and do the thing I'm interested in/persue hobbies and I desperately want to change this
just focus your eyes on the surroundings not the subjects that is what i find natural and less cringy
like these examples
Cities 71
I know what you're saying because I get this too myself, and has been lessened as of late.
Your only choices in my opinion, are to self reflect on this issue and question why it is that the nerves are causing you to feel this way ( I would bring in something biological but I know that it has nothing to do with predisposed wiring or having to eat certain foods to counteract this ), so for example, when I was at the train station 3 days ago, I noticed a person who had been ridiculously bullying me since High School, and the sudden onset of flight of fight had occurred.

Why was this the case? usually because the conditioned fear and interactions we have with others we don't get on well with, causes us to interpret the existence of them infront of us as a stressor and not as the expected social interaction, thus the fight or flight, since we wouldn't know what they are about to do now.

Therefore, when this arises, you would have to look at this introspectively, and not based on whims, since basing it on whims, only makes it worse in the future for you, in comparison to what I mentioned in the former, as introspection, slows your thought process and clearly details, why it is that you fear them, and from that your solutions will arise, since usually the brain doesn't go without any solutions in my honest opinion.

Thus, when you are questioning yourself on this issue, you would have to assess, whether it truly is a threat to you or not, as the other person might forget you, or is in a different position themselves to even care or just wants to know how you're doing and had forgotten all their ills against you. You should also be questioning the fear and whether it's necessary, or in fact whether your fear of them is necessary towards what you have aimed to do outside, since the latter should be your main mode to think in, as this means instead of fearing the other person, you are to be focussed on what your intended desire to be outside is. Meaning that this other person you know outside, isn't of importance to you and isn't something to worry about, unless, it becomes to the point that they end up being a threat or time waste you, to which you would have to come to the conclusion on how to deal with that.

You could take substances to ease your social anxiety, though I would much rather favour introspection, than coping with substances that will compound on you with their side effects the more you do them, since the way I approach things is, if a problem arises within me, the only solution is me and nothing else, but if it ends up being something biologically caused, as in you were born with a defect/disorder, then you should consider external actions/substances. Likewise, any problem caused by someone else or something, should be dealt with externally i.e. punching the other person back that had punched you or looking after your gut, when you experience gluten issues that create inflammation.

What if they try and talk to me?

If this is your main worry, then you should really be questioning, whether this is something to fear, since what they might try to talk to you isn't something definite, to which you realised, so to worry about something they are going to say, when you don't know what they are going to say is impractical and silly, further increasing unneccesary stress for you ( trust me I know this feeling, and I do get it time to time but I still question, even when the likely topics that others bring up occurs ), therefore it would be best if you just calmed down and assess the situation again.

If they do talk, just simply say hello and that you're in a rush to do something, which usually is respected and they go off on their own way, whilst you do what you need to do. If they state they would like to talk to you on certain occasional topics, then I guess you could respond to what they say, pause and tell them you have stuff to do.

Otherwise, just find a different route and head that way or do what I do and cover myself as much as possible so they don't detect you. Always works in regards to meeting family members ( I don't ever like interacting with them ) apart from mum and dad or anyone I know in general outside.

Your main goal is to go outside and finish what you wanted to do; all these obstacles in your way are pointless, thus sort them out by avoidance and with no fear intertwined.

Forgot to note but, by assessing and questioning the scenario, you should manipulate the entire thing to ensure you come out of it, than being stuck in it
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Yeah I have that.
I have to go out at times for work or shopping, sure it's uncomfortable when feeling that everyone is watching you.
I just pretend I don't know anybody PERIOD.
Just go around invisible, don't look at anyone, head down. If you have a hoodie, even better.

It has happened to me that some people say: "Hey I saw you in that place and said hi and you didn't even look at me"
I always tell them that on the streets, I don't know anybody. So that they don't feel insulted when I don't interact.
That's just my way, minding my own shit and not bothering anyone.
Don't worry. They don't want to talk to you as much as you don't want to talk to them.
I am also worried about this whenever I had to leave to go somewhere. You most likely would never see someone you knew. If you do then just look away from them and pretend you never saw them
I know what you're saying because I get this too myself, and has been lessened as of late.
Your only choices in my opinion, are to self reflect on this issue and question why it is that the nerves are causing you to feel this way ( I would bring in something biological but I know that it has nothing to do with predisposed wiring or having to eat certain foods to counteract this ), so for example, when I was at the train station 3 days ago, I noticed a person who had been ridiculously bullying me since High School, and the sudden onset of flight of fight had occurred.

Why was this the case? usually because the conditioned fear and interactions we have with others we don't get on well with, causes us to interpret the existence of them infront of us as a stressor and not as the expected social interaction, thus the fight or flight, since we wouldn't know what they are about to do now.

Therefore, when this arises, you would have to look at this introspectively, and not based on whims, since basing it on whims, only makes it worse in the future for you, in comparison to what I mentioned in the former, as introspection, slows your thought process and clearly details, why it is that you fear them, and from that your solutions will arise, since usually the brain doesn't go without any solutions in my honest opinion.

Thus, when you are questioning yourself on this issue, you would have to assess, whether it truly is a threat to you or not, as the other person might forget you, or is in a different position themselves to even care or just wants to know how you're doing and had forgotten all their ills against you. You should also be questioning the fear and whether it's necessary, or in fact whether your fear of them is necessary towards what you have aimed to do outside, since the latter should be your main mode to think in, as this means instead of fearing the other person, you are to be focussed on what your intended desire to be outside is. Meaning that this other person you know outside, isn't of importance to you and isn't something to worry about, unless, it becomes to the point that they end up being a threat or time waste you, to which you would have to come to the conclusion on how to deal with that.

You could take substances to ease your social anxiety, though I would much rather favour introspection, than coping with substances that will compound on you with their side effects the more you do them, since the way I approach things is, if a problem arises within me, the only solution is me and nothing else, but if it ends up being something biologically caused, as in you were born with a defect/disorder, then you should consider external actions/substances. Likewise, any problem caused by someone else or something, should be dealt with externally i.e. punching the other person back that had punched you or looking after your gut, when you experience gluten issues that create inflammation.

If this is your main worry, then you should really be questioning, whether this is something to fear, since what they might try to talk to you isn't something definite, to which you realised, so to worry about something they are going to say, when you don't know what they are going to say is impractical and silly, further increasing unneccesary stress for you ( trust me I know this feeling, and I do get it time to time but I still question, even when the likely topics that others bring up occurs ), therefore it would be best if you just calmed down and assess the situation again.

If they do talk, just simply say hello and that you're in a rush to do something, which usually is respected and they go off on their own way, whilst you do what you need to do. If they state they would like to talk to you on certain occasional topics, then I guess you could respond to what they say, pause and tell them you have stuff to do.

Otherwise, just find a different route and head that way or do what I do and cover myself as much as possible so they don't detect you. Always works in regards to meeting family members ( I don't ever like interacting with them ) apart from mum and dad or anyone I know in general outside.

Your main goal is to go outside and finish what you wanted to do; all these obstacles in your way are pointless, thus sort them out by avoidance and with no fear intertwined.

Forgot to note but, by assessing and questioning the scenario, you should manipulate the entire thing to ensure you come out of it, than being stuck in it
+1 high effort reply
Just keep your head down and avoid eye contact. Pretend to be playing with your phone. They likely won't approach you. I've run into several coworkers outside of work and as long as we don't notice each other at the same time, they don't approach me and I don't approach them.
What if they try and talk to me?
Talk back to them I guess, just take deep breaths and go onwards. Maybe ask ur doctor for anti anxiety medication
Just go out, you'll rarely see someone you know, and if you do just avoid eye contact
Why you all so low T outta nowhere. I'd say, wear clothes you like, wear a hood. It's incel trait to cover yourself as much as possible, though it's ok. But why you act like you care. Just demolish them with eye contact, burn their normie souls with a laser like that guy from X-Men.

I just went on a jog this morning, and I encountered hs Chadlite. I was running while, he got fatter since hs. I usually don't avoid eye contact on the streets, and instead try to scare shit out of people. You can get used to it, just keep eye contact whenever you go out. Why ever act like you give a shit.
Just talibanmaxx theory
Become the threat and be so repulsive that other people become scared to bump into you

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