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It's Over How do I have ZERO redeeming facial features?



Nov 8, 2017
-Backwards grown maxilla, no cheekbones
-My jaw is set waaayyy back and narrow as fuck; my jaw is narrower than my pencil neck
-First two results in zero angularity
-This lack of angularity is accentuated by my double fucking chin and chubby cheeks, that obviously have no bones to support the extra soft tissue
-I have no bones supporting my under eye are, so I constantly have eye bags
-Recessed/weak chin
-Not only do I have a long nose, it's also bulbous and wide (as a white person, I have no idea how that happened)
-Large pores on my nose that perpetually have blackheads
-Big goofy ears
-Pale freckled skin (I can't tan); looks disgusting, full of blemishes
-Stupid big bright red lips that contract horribly with my pale skin
-Fucking bald
-low fwhr

If I posted a candid, defrauded picture, people would say I look worse that St. BlackOpsCel. I look like a pasty fucking potato head.

How is this even fucking possible; there literally is no god.
I've a huge bulbous nose with a recessive chin as a white guy aswel
just be urself brah :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Would you send your picture via PM (Confidential ofcourse)
PM me a picture nigga I gotta see, I always see these threads and assume its just some normal looking guy who is cripplingly neurotic about his appearance, like @crew2
-Pale freckled skin (I can't tan); looks disgusting, full of blemishes
-Stupid big bright red lips that contract horribly with my pale skin
that's my fetish
just be a femoid and I'll gladly accept you
I just imagined what your face looks like in my head... It's over :feelsohh:
Think about this. The probability of having a face this fucked up is equal to the probability of being the ultimate gigachad. Nature fucked you hard
Think about this. The probability of having a face this fucked up is equal to the probability of being the ultimate gigachad. Nature fucked you hard

Yep, believe me I know. I'm on the verge of roping, I can't take another 50 years of this existence.
nature doesn't give a fuck about you
I just imagined what your face looks like in my head... It's over :feelsohh:

I sent photos of me to those that requested. I'm waiting for confirmation that it is truly over.
i am really curious
Blame your parents.
Oh that's why I have eye bags at 20 years old?
Use dark circles roller it’s $10 at any store most of the time. I stay up till any time now and never get circles or dark circles. Pretty good tbh
I sent photos of me to those that requested. I'm waiting for confirmation that it is truly over.
Pm me fam . I keep it confidential.
get a new haircut bro
go to gym bro
be fun to be around bro
don't be weird bro

femshits don't care about your looks bro it's the personality bro
get a new haircut bro
go to gym bro
be fun to be around bro
don't be weird bro

femshits don't care about your looks bro it's the personality bro
Showers... I don't see them in the list... Looks like... Yeah... Somebody just forgot to take shower...

Aha! Spotted! Start respecting wimuns and take a shower immediately, you filthy musogeniyst!
PM me a picture nigga I gotta see, I always see these threads and assume its just some normal looking guy who is cripplingly neurotic about his appearance, like @crew2

It’s funny that crew looks normal but because of where he lives, he’s incel as fuck. Having light features without angularity or a Germanic look is DEATH there it seems. Ed Sheeran was a one in a million guy to be talented enough to ascend from eternalceldom.
You aren't even close to being a blackops2cel @TheIncelStaresBack , you just have some very average features which puts you in the very age / slightly below average category. Chin isn't really recessed, its just not a strong chin like your step brothers. My chin is weaker kek, and we both have the dreaded low body fat yet doublechin of an obese fat guy. Its so frustrating, I have a fat/obese friend whos face is relatively speaking absurdly lean compared to me.

You are definitely just a summation of very bland average / slightly below average features, with the expected result of no real facial harmony. In your current state I can definitely see you would get nothing off of Tinder.

The two things that kill it for you the most:

1) Hair. Balding is a death sentence and you look pretty young. I don't know how well transplants would work especially as you have fair hair, but if I were in your shoes its something I would consider.

2) Leanmaxxing. Doublechin wrecks your side profile worse than anything else, and you look slightly pudgy so you can probably stand to lose some weight. Getting really lean will also reveal what bone structure you do have in your face, so its something to try.

If you are too lazy for that, then its time to visa max. Hit up the Thailand / Phillipines and use your passports power + whiteness to get women, you are easily at the looks level to do well there.

Good luck nigga:feelsokman:.
Men were never meant to be good looking. That's a feminism construct/
As you know i've seen your pictures, it's far from over for you

Once you looksmax like we said you'll be a 6/10 which is upper normie tier tbh
You have many features that i would consider attractive tbh and so would alot of people

Keep trying to looksmax and ascend brother
-Backwards grown maxilla, no cheekbones
-My jaw is set waaayyy back and narrow as fuck; my jaw is narrower than my pencil neck
-First two results in zero angularity
-This lack of angularity is accentuated by my double fucking chin and chubby cheeks, that obviously have no bones to support the extra soft tissue
-I have no bones supporting my under eye are, so I constantly have eye bags
-Recessed/weak chin
-Not only do I have a long nose, it's also bulbous and wide (as a white person, I have no idea how that happened)
-Large pores on my nose that perpetually have blackheads
-Big goofy ears
-Pale freckled skin (I can't tan); looks disgusting, full of blemishes
-Stupid big bright red lips that contract horribly with my pale skin
-Fucking bald
-low fwhr

If I posted a candid, defrauded picture, people would say I look worse that St. BlackOpsCel. I look like a pasty fucking potato head.

How is this even fucking possible; there literally is no god.
It is over brah. Sorry.

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