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RageFuel How did you counter bullying?



May 30, 2018
In the dark days of school I do remember instances were thug wannabes used to pick on anyone and many would cower, tbh I legit only fought back if they hit me but there were times where I didn't fight back and it still depresses me to this day. I remember when I used to be young, my parents would say "if someone tries to fight or bully you go to a teacher" fucking gayest advice, they never told me to fight back and hold my ground. This is one of the biggest reasons why I grew up with shit confidence and avoid confrontations.
By being invisible
The high school I went to was "prestigious" so it filtered the undesirables out, I just did my thing and went about my business
In the dark days of school I do remember instances were thug wannabes used to pick on anyone and many would cower, tbh I legit only fought back if they hit me but there were times where I didn't fight back and it still depresses me to this day. I remember when I used to be young, my parents would say "if someone tries to fight or bully you go to a teacher" fucking gayest advice, they never told me to fight back and hold my ground. This is one of the biggest reasons why I grew up with shit confidence and avoid confrontations.

Most of the bullying I received was passive-aggressive Facebook/Twitter vitriol, so I would confront them in-person during class and call them out for the pieces of shit they were. They were all women.
I like your thinking boyo, and JFL if they survive, they'd have to deal with the scars for life:lul:
fire is a devastating weapon and is terrifying. there is a reason some religions believe hell, the land of suffering, to be a lake of fire, or simply a land engulfed in flames.
fire is a devastating weapon and is terrifying. there is a reason some religions believe hell, the land of suffering, to be a lake of fire, or simply a land engulfed in flames.
Yes bro
Most of the bullying I received was passive-aggressive Facebook/Twitter vitriol, so I would confront them in-person during class and call them out for the pieces of shit they were. They were all women.
Nothing but whores
Simple, I didn't assist to class, thanks to that I failed 2 years, after that I just pretended to be psychopath, and people eventually got scared of me :)
Tallfag bullies never laid a finger on me, but they did taunt me. I never had to do anything except stare them down until they left me alone. As a weakling manlet kid, I would've panicked if I actually had to square up and fight someone, so I got lucky.

As a fully grown adult male I feel a lot less vulnerable. There's still plenty of guys that could easily fuck me up, but so what? I could hurt them badly as well, even kill them if I needed to. Non-compliance, a rapid and violent counterattack if things escalate. That's my strategy if I ever have to deal with one of those people again.
Honestly you never have to listen to the meme advice of "just ignore them" :soy:

Saw a couple of people in the school who just stayed there receiving the bullying and it never stopped even if they ignored it, I would say it actually increased.

I always fight back so had an average school experience with few joys and few hard times, mostly labelled as the creep tho, managed to leave the school in normie levels of reputation.
The high school I went to was "prestigious" so it filtered the undesirables out, I just did my thing and went about my business
Prestigious?Are your parents rich or something?if they are do they let you neetmax?
there were times where I didn't fight back and it still depresses me to this day.
This happened to me a lot. Highschool was hell for me and three tallfags always messed with me because I was the shortest of the class. Back in those years I was to high inhib to pick a fight, so that bullying didn't stopped until I finished highschool. Now I want to take revenge on my bullies if I encounter them in my college. I'm still depressed thinking about those days, thinking how things would have changed if I had defended myself.
Martial Arts if one on one.
Knives &/or environmental weapons against groups.

Got tired of it real quick.
Got a ged and went to college early.
No bullies there! Yea!
Everyone was too srs.

Back then defenders were punished. (1970's) So I used a "form" I called "accidental harm." In case of witnesses. Today that would be cameras.

Hands up palms out looking scared and harmless. Grab and break arms as presented. Keep face grim. Eyes wide open looking at chest. (Looks scared from afar - crazy if near: ) Nostrils flared.

Depending on attacker. Look resigned and determined to "get it over with." This usually scares them off because real fights are dangerous. (People are fragile.)

You have to have knowledge of anatomy and basic movement control and above all CALMNESS.

It's the calmness that freaks them out the most. They want easy. You give them hard. Your going to get hurt either way. So hurt them too.
As far as training goes...
I took a summer of Tai Chi and watched the tv show "kung fu" with David carradine." Lol. It worked. It still works.

It's all about the will to stand up for yourself. Because if you don't, NO ONE ELSE WILL!
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I haven't experience any hardcore bullying only very light bullying. I believe it's because of my introverted nature that makes me invisible to most people. I've seen people get bullied in a physical way before and the reason for that was the victim made himself visible usually saying or doing something stupid to the bully and thus was bullied.

I don't know much but that's just my life experience of course others will be different.
In the dark days of school I do remember instances were thug wannabes used to pick on anyone and many would cower, tbh I legit only fought back if they hit me but there were times where I didn't fight back and it still depresses me to this day. I remember when I used to be young, my parents would say "if someone tries to fight or bully you go to a teacher" fucking gayest advice, they never told me to fight back and hold my ground. This is one of the biggest reasons why I grew up with shit confidence and avoid confrontations.
Learn Martial arts
Beating the fucking SHIT out of them. And threatening to KILL them.
I remember when I used to be young, my parents would say "if someone tries to fight or bully you go to a teacher" fucking gayest advice, they never told me to fight back and hold my ground. This is one of the biggest reasons why I grew up with shit confidence and avoid confrontations.

I always fought back, man. I tried this gay advice once and backfired tremendously. So, I resumed with my old methods. It's not very nice to say, but bullies must be beat to really stop. Luckily those times are gone.
When someone wanted beat me or push me around,i beat them. Simply as that.
Prestigious?Are your parents rich or something?if they are do they let you neetmax?
HAHAHAHA no I'm pretty poor and my father forces me to work a job I hate
Honestly you never have to listen to the meme advice of "just ignore them" :soy:

Saw a couple of people in the school who just stayed there receiving the bullying and it never stopped even if they ignored it, I would say it actually increased.

I always fight back so had an average school experience with few joys and few hard times, mostly labelled as the creep tho, managed to leave the school in normie levels of reputation.
Ignoring it makes it much worse true
This happened to me a lot. Highschool was hell for me and three tallfags always messed with me because I was the shortest of the class. Back in those years I was to high inhib to pick a fight, so that bullying didn't stopped until I finished highschool. Now I want to take revenge on my bullies if I encounter them in my college. I'm still depressed thinking about those days, thinking how things would have changed if I had defended myself.
Brings me true despair when I think about it honeslty ffs
Martial Arts if one on one.
Knives &/or environmental weapons against groups.

Got tired of it real quick.
Got a ged and went to college early.
No bullies there! Yea!
Everyone was too srs.

Back then defenders were punished. (1970's) So I used a "form" I called "accidental harm." In case of witnesses. Today that would be cameras.

Hands up palms out looking scared and harmless. Grab and break arms as presented. Keep face grim. Eyes wide open looking at chest. (Looks scared from afar - crazy if near: ) Nostrils flared.

Depending on attacker. Look resigned and determined to "get it over with." This usually scares them off because real fights are dangerous. (People are fragile.)

You have to have knowledge of anatomy and basic movement control and above all CALMNESS.

It's the calmness that freaks them out the most. They want easy. You give them hard. Your going to get hurt either way. So hurt them too.
As far as training goes...
I took a summer of Tai Chi and watched the tv show "kung fu" with David carradine." Lol. It worked. It still works.

It's all about the will to stand up for yourself. Because if you don't, NO ONE ELSE WILL!
Very true bro
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I didn’t. I just stood there and took it.
In the dark days of school I do remember instances were thug wannabes used to pick on anyone and many would cower, tbh I legit only fought back if they hit me but there were times where I didn't fight back and it still depresses me to this day. I remember when I used to be young, my parents would say "if someone tries to fight or bully you go to a teacher" fucking gayest advice, they never told me to fight back and hold my ground. This is one of the biggest reasons why I grew up with shit confidence and avoid confrontations.
Same thing with me.
I cannot get rid of this past humiliation.
A permanent defeat that i will never have the opportunity to redeem, since its a long gone moment.
I had nothing to lose so i beat the crap out of them with anything.
I fought back a lot. Drew blood.

I also infected them by spitting phlegm in their water jug

I also turned them against each other by taking stuff and putting them in another's stuff so he's blamed for stealing.

Even got a whole classroom suspended by writing mean things on the blackboard. When no one admitted, whole classroom suspended. Lol
I didn’t. I just stood there and took it.
Do you feel despair knowing you didn't do anything?
I fought back a lot. Drew blood.

I also infected them by spitting phlegm in their water jug

I also turned them against each other by taking stuff and putting them in another's stuff so he's blamed for stealing.

Even got a whole classroom suspended by writing mean things on the blackboard. When no one admitted, whole classroom suspended. Lol
That's crazy bro
When they insult me i laugh with them
Just use your fists bro
With my fag voice better not to talk
Sometimes I fought sometimes I froze up and did nothing

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