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RageFuel How cucks react to depression



Oct 3, 2019
"Depressed" foid who barely has 1% of unpleasantness in her 99% perfect life:
"Holy shit, that's horrible, no one should have to go through any of this, this world is so unfair sometimes, I apologise in its name. Here's 100 dollars and if you need anything else,or someone to talk with just tell me please. I hope you get well soon sweetheart"

Truly depressed man with 0 friends, who has been bullied hard in school, high school and even college, rejected by every single foid he tried to ask out, parents unhappy cause he's not earning enough money to sustain itself and still lives with them in late 20's :
"Man up fag, the world doesn't owe you shit. You're not the only one who has it tough, ok? Nothing will change if you cry and complain like a bitch on the Internet, no one will come and help you. Fix your own problems and stop being entitled. The world doesn't owe you friends or even worse girlfriends "

Maybe it's a little exaggerated, but the big picture is pretty accurate. Fuck those emasculated cucks
someone post that pic from reddit where roastie talks about anxiety meme and gets tons of comments, upvotes and golds while some truecel who said he has no reason to live post under got no recognition
Females can't have depression, their lives are easy mode
Cucks are good for proving that society doesn't give a shit about men period, and if you're a woman no matter how far you fall you can't ever really hit rock bottom.
This funny af :feelskek: and depressing:feelsbadman:.

someone post that pic from reddit where roastie talks about anxiety meme and gets tons of comments, upvotes and golds while some truecel who said he has no reason to live post under got no recognition
I nid to see this:feelswhere:
Females can't have depression, their lives are easy mode
"Depressed" foid who barely has 1% of unpleasantness in her 99% perfect life:
"Holy shit, that's horrible, no one should have to go through any of this, this world is so unfair sometimes, I apologise in its name. Here's 100 dollars and if you need anything else,or someone to talk with just tell me please. I hope you get well soon sweetheart"

Truly depressed man with 0 friends, who has been bullied hard in school, high school and even college, rejected by every single foid he tried to ask out, parents unhappy cause he's not earning enough money to sustain itself and still lives with them in late 20's :
"Man up fag, the world doesn't owe you shit. You're not the only one who has it tough, ok? Nothing will change if you cry and complain like a bitch on the Internet, no one will come and help you. Fix your own problems and stop being entitled. The world doesn't owe you friends or even worse girlfriends "

Maybe it's a little exaggerated, but the big picture is pretty accurate. Fuck those emasculated cucks
It's brutal how this people claim that's your fault for being entitled while you've been rejected and humiliated your whole life.Ans at the same time fo out their way to help foids who has even the slightest """problem""" This is really blackpill on how soyciety works
someone post that pic from reddit where roastie talks about anxiety meme and gets tons of comments, upvotes and golds while some truecel who said he has no reason to live post under got no recognition

I remember seeing that but didn't save it

It's brutal how this people claim that's your fault for being entitled while you've been rejected and humiliated your whole life.Ans at the same time fo out their way to help foids who has even the slightest """problem""" This is really blackpill on how soyciety works
Those types of people need to have their balls cut off and fed to them at dinner.
I will never understand these people who claim to be depressed.

Depression isn’t a mystery. As incels, we acknowledge why we’re depressed and suicidal and we don’t spin it and say it’s due to chemical imbalance or whatever dogshit the Jew psychiatry tells people. Incels have a lot of self awareness and that’s what separates us from the masses. I know for sure I wouldn’t be feeling depressed if I had good looks and had everything going for me as a result. My depression stems from being a subhuman currycel that’s trapped in the life of wage slavery. I don’t believe any self aware Incel should be labelled as any derogatory term by Jewish psychiatrists. The people who have everything going for them but end up killing themselves are the real mentally ill ones.
Just man up bro. Btw women are very oppressed.
Sounds like something trp fags would say.
"We need to talk about depression NOW"

"No one owes you anything, you creepy incel"
SMV buddy boyos, if chads could get depression then theyd be looked after
BPD is the new trend
Just grow a pair of balls bro.
At this point depression is relative to your normal state. Any mood fluctuation below normal is considered depression. Any brain activity more than normal is considered anxiety. What constitutes depression for a man is in another universe from what constitutes depression for foid’s.
This is why I laugh when I see virtue-signalling idiots campaign for better mental health awareness. They don't really give a shit, they just want brownie points for being "woke". They're the same SJW fuckers who tell us to kill ourselves.

If they are serious, they should go volunteer with the Samaritans or something. Spend hours talking to subhumans instead of just pretending to care.

It's brutal how this people claim that's your fault for being entitled while you've been rejected and humiliated your whole life.Ans at the same time fo out their way to help foids who has even the slightest """problem""" This is really blackpill on how soyciety works
I will never understand these people who claim to be depressed.

Depression isn’t a mystery. As incels, we acknowledge why we’re depressed and suicidal and we don’t spin it and say it’s due to chemical imbalance or whatever dogshit the Jew psychiatry tells people. Incels have a lot of self awareness and that’s what separates us from the masses. I know for sure I wouldn’t be feeling depressed if I had good looks and had everything going for me as a result. My depression stems from being a subhuman currycel that’s trapped in the life of wage slavery. I don’t believe any self aware Incel should be labelled as any derogatory term by Jewish psychiatrists. The people who have everything going for them but end up killing themselves are the real mentally ill ones.
I've made a few posts about this. It's so fucking rage inducing when people talk about depression or anxiety, they talk about being nervous at a party, hanging out with friends, feeling sad because they don't have weekend plans, etc. People like me, I explain to doctors and people online I can barely leave my room without a full blown panic attack, sweating and my depression is diagnosed "Major depressive disorder" meanwhile these people aren't even diagnosed with anything. They don't know the REAL hell of depression and anxiety.

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