I only skimmed through that article.. how far back does it go?
there was research posted here and I think on braincels that something like 8000 years ago (in the jungle, natural selection in full effect), the male to female sexual success rate was 1:17. assuming 100% sexual success rate for women, that means only 6% of men were fucking. that's where we're headed now buddy boyo. I keep saying, the end is near. the only straw that's left is for money to lose all of its ability to purchase a womb. you'll know this happens when you see actual organized harems become a thing.
-money will lose its value once the average woman makes as much as the average man on a large scale. you're seeing this happen with affirmative action, women getting more and more degrees and being encouraged to become strong independent career women.
-then money can't be used by men as leverage to betabux, so foids will have 0 reason to marry and will realize how stupid it was for them to ever consider settling in the first place. marriage will officially be a thing of the past. it's really hanging by a thread right now.
-once men realize this, they have no more incentive to contribute aka go to work. the tribe can no longer reward men with breeding rights for their contributions. why work when you'll never have a family to provide for?
-suddenly the vast majority of men are completely sexless, childless, and NEET
-around this time, you'll see guys with harems slowly pop up on social media.. with dating and marriage no longer being a thing, its the only logical solution to fulfill women's sexual desires. if they want chad dick, they have to share. and god knows they want chad dick. they have all these degrees and careers and suddenly "they know their worth"
-once it becomes trendy, it'll soon become the new normal once all relevant parties see how much better it is than traditional 1:1 monogamous relationships. it's the way nature intended, foids will get way more dopamine from tall robust unattainable dangerous chad. further reinforced when it's around for a generation and little kids grow up in a world where mommy lives with daddy and 20 other mommies. that becomes normal eventually, even if it seems ridiculous now.
-there's still that 94%+ of sexless men.. likely more than 94% since 1 in 17 in primitive times considers a small tribe size and accounts for males in reasonable proximity.. today's sexual market is global with easy transportation. you're competing with your whole city/state.. women have far more options and all they have to do is open an app and can filter through men at a rate of 1 per second. though access to contraception and consequence-free sex means they can be a little less picky and monkey branch a little bit. still though, overwhelming majority of men are completely neglected.
-"the child who is not embraced by the village, will burn it down to feel its warmth"
-now you have enormous spikes in male on male violence, drug/alcohol abuse, suicide, ERing, lawlessness, reliance on government entitlements/welfare.. the ones still working will get taxed out the ass to pay for govt entitlements, less incentive to continue working and better paying careers de-incentivized. (btw, this is a new paradigm. textbook natural selection.. except chads/roasties flaunting their happiness and sexual conquests on social media for the world to see.. but this world has guns.. it's really a recipe for disaster. everyone is a potential ER)
-the end. the story that began in 1923 with equal rights finally comes to an end,
basically an all out shit-show. that's where the west is headed now, and where every other society that gives its women rights will end up eventually. civilization can only exist if it benefits men at the expense of women. female sexuality is the most destructive force in the world. let it out just a little bit, give it just a little bit of freedom, and it will unleash itself fully and destroy everything around it. give it an inch, and it will take a mile. it all starts with simple, seemingly trivial rights. an organized society with suppressed female sexuality IMPEDES NATURES ABILITY TO SELECT THOSE FIT FOR SURVIVAL. since females are the instruments of natural selection, they will stop at nothing to destroy whatever gets in their way, even if that something benefits them too.. even if they don't know what it is that's standing in their way.. they somehow instinctively and collectively know it's what needs to be done to ensure the survival of the species.
if the sexual success rate were 1:2, that would probably be workable with. but nature is far crueler.