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I Love Chainsaw Man
May 22, 2024
Greetings everyone.

I was about to go to sleep a little bit ago, but this entire situation has made me rush to make this post. So here is my first ever high-effort post, with many more to come. As of writing, not even 20 minutes ago, I was checking my discord messages.

Now, I don't really speak with anyone aside from my best friend. He is my best friend because he and I met numerous years ago on Xbox when we were young. We've talked practically every day since. As we've grown up, one thing has become increasingly obvious though. I grew up into being the incel that I am now;

My friend grew up into Chad.

He's a whopping 6'1 and he's very muscular, and his arms are really vainy (I know foids find that SUPER hot for some reason). He also has an insane jawline and face in general. Here's a picture of him. (Also first post of mine where I've tried to use pictures in this way, so forgive me if it comes out weird.)

I'm not inserting a picture of myself, because I hate myself and how I look, I literally can't even look at myself, let alone take a picture and upload it.

Anyway, onto the main point of this post. He lives in Australia while I'm in America. We've never actually fully met, but we're still close enough to always talk about each other's life. He knows that I'm incel (you'll see) and doesn't have an issue with it or anything. I tell him he's Chad but he usually just dismisses it. He's very antisocial and was practically isolated from society for like 10 years because he lived in the country side and didn't want to talk with anyone.

I, on the other hand, consider myself to be a very extroverted and social person. At least, to the extent that I can even be social without people being disgusted by me ever trying to talk to them, which is pretty much all interactions; but I do it anyway because I hate everyone anyway and want to talk to people (always backfires).

(Unrelated to the post, but I love how beautifully this shows the statement: 'incels just lack social skills' is plain wrong. Prime example of this cope in the post below JFL)

Now, according to normies and blue-pillers, I should be liked and fun to be around, whilst my friend would be treated weirdly because of his anti-social habits (he literally covered his face with his hands at his own birthday party while they were singing happy birthday to him).

Yet, that's not the case, at ALL. Every time I try to talk to anyone, there's inevitably a joke and mockery of my height (5'3). Every, damn, time. I'm talked down to like I'm a child. I've had multiple instances of foids literally laughing at me in public as I walk past. I have had a school bus of middle-school children constantly laugh at me while I was picking up my little sister, to the point I had to hide behind a tree because my sister asked me to so that she didn't have to be seen with me.

How's my friend doing, then? Well, it seems to be going pretty well considering he has a Stacy obsessing over him and wanting to be around him constantly; and he doesn't even like her. Videos of her below for proof. My friend is in the background.

The foid constantly invites him out to go do stuff with her. Just yesterday she went out with him to hike up a mountain. She made sure to wear blue booty shorts that hugged her ass and a tank top. And just today, she invited him to go shopping with her at the mall. I didn't know this until he sent me a message ~30 minutes ago, which is where the picture of this Discord conversation starts.

Again, I don't know how it will look, so I apologize if it comes out weird. If there's a better way to upload them, let me know and I'll edit the post. (Using Google Drive for now because regular image upload looks odd for me in the preview)

1st part of the conversation

Don't be fooled, he's not an incel. He's not calling her a foid to disrespect her, it's because he knows I'm an incel, and I use it all the time, so he says it in a joking way. You can notice me getting angry with him because he literally brags about his height to me all of the DAMN TIME. Everyday he says something about his height. He'll humble brag most of the time, but this time he just full on bragged about it.

2nd part of the conversation

The text doesn't show it, but I was extremely upset after hearing that. The foid literally knows I'm his BEST FRIEND, and that he cares (supposedly) for me deeply. Yet I still got called a midget. And she said I had 'my rights too' when I mentioned shopping for nooses to hang myself.

This foid has NO IDEA that I have any feelings of malice towards her. She literally doesn't even know what I say about her, and doesn't know that I'm an incel. I'm literally just a random guy as far as she knows; and yet she is still making fun of me and my horrid height.

Foids love to make fun of us, IT will deny it, but it's the truth.

3rd part of the conversation

4th part of the conversation

What he's talking about here is a conversation I was having with him earlier regarding how foids are evil. He said that they were kind to him, and I was trying to explain to him that it was because he is literally Chad. I was trying to tell him how men treat me with kindness (lie, I still get treated like trash) when compared to foids treating me.

In the message, I started trying to explain to him what it's like to be such a disgusting manlet, but I genuinely think he just doesn't get it. Typical of Chad, they will never understand.

5th part of the conversation

Here is trying to give me copes. He's talking about my hair here being nice. I have curly, long, black hair. I won't post a picture though as I said earlier, but know that this is just cope. I also consider it my best feature, but make no mistake; it means nothing because everything else about me is horrible. ESPECIALLY my height.

Then he starts talking about how he showed his mother and the foid's mother a picture of me, and they said my hair is nice. However, my memory isn't that bad, and I recalled how they also made fun of me and insulted me when they saw pictures of me. Which I mention in the following messages.

Last part of the conversation

This entire post is an excellent proof of the Blackpill. Use this whenever IT cucks or whomever else tries to gaslight you or others into believing that women don't look down on manlets and ugly men.

This post is proof of our struggles, and how we're looked down upon by foids of all types, and ages. I have done nothing to any of these people, and yet I still suffer mockery and insults.

I might come back to this post tomorrow morning and add improvements where I can.

Ultimately, the Blackpill is proven correct once more.
You need to make your posts shorter, brocel.

I mean, I know this is probably profound news, but still. Ease it up a bit. Add a tl;dr section if you need to.
That whore's aptitude at Minecraft leaves much to be desired. I bet she only played it to seem quirky and better ingratiate herself towards getting into chad's pants.
You need to make your posts shorter, brocel.

I mean, I know this is probably profound news, but still. Ease it up a bit. Add a tl;dr section if you need to.
I see, you’re right. My greatest apologies. I was trying to make a well thought out post, I can see how it got a little long. I do write a lot.
I fucking hate tall niggers so much. All they know how to do is brag. Actual w*men tier behavior.
You need to make your posts shorter, brocel.

I mean, I know this is probably profound news, but still. Ease it up a bit. Add a tl;dr section if you need to.
Same could be said for your voice recordings tbf.
You need to make your posts shorter, brocel.

I mean, I know this is probably profound news, but still. Ease it up a bit. Add a tl;dr section if you need to.
Greetings everyone.

I was about to go to sleep a little bit ago, but this entire situation has made me rush to make this post. So here is my first ever high-effort post, with many more to come. As of writing, not even 20 minutes ago, I was checking my discord messages.

Now, I don't really speak with anyone aside from my best friend. He is my best friend because he and I met numerous years ago on Xbox when we were young. We've talked practically every day since. As we've grown up, one thing has become increasingly obvious though. I grew up into being the incel that I am now;

My friend grew up into Chad.

He's a whopping 6'1 and he's very muscular, and his arms are really vainy (I know foids find that SUPER hot for some reason). He also has an insane jawline and face in general. Here's a picture of him. (Also first post of mine where I've tried to use pictures in this way, so forgive me if it comes out weird.)

I'm not inserting a picture of myself, because I hate myself and how I look, I literally can't even look at myself, let alone take a picture and upload it.

Anyway, onto the main point of this post. He lives in Australia while I'm in America. We've never actually fully met, but we're still close enough to always talk about each other's life. He knows that I'm incel (you'll see) and doesn't have an issue with it or anything. I tell him he's Chad but he usually just dismisses it. He's very antisocial and was practically isolated from society for like 10 years because he lived in the country side and didn't want to talk with anyone.

I, on the other hand, consider myself to be a very extroverted and social person. At least, to the extent that I can even be social without people being disgusted by me ever trying to talk to them, which is pretty much all interactions; but I do it anyway because I hate everyone anyway and want to talk to people (always backfires).

(Unrelated to the post, but I love how beautifully this shows the statement: 'incels just lack social skills' is plain wrong. Prime example of this cope in the post below JFL)

Now, according to normies and blue-pillers, I should be liked and fun to be around, whilst my friend would be treated weirdly because of his anti-social habits (he literally covered his face with his hands at his own birthday party while they were singing happy birthday to him).

Yet, that's not the case, at ALL. Every time I try to talk to anyone, there's inevitably a joke and mockery of my height (5'3). Every, damn, time. I'm talked down to like I'm a child. I've had multiple instances of foids literally laughing at me in public as I walk past. I have had a school bus of middle-school children constantly laugh at me while I was picking up my little sister, to the point I had to hide behind a tree because my sister asked me to so that she didn't have to be seen with me.

How's my friend doing, then? Well, it seems to be going pretty well considering he has a Stacy obsessing over him and wanting to be around him constantly; and he doesn't even like her. Videos of her below for proof. My friend is in the background.

View attachment 1200564

View attachment 1200565

The foid constantly invites him out to go do stuff with her. Just yesterday she went out with him to hike up a mountain. She made sure to wear blue booty shorts that hugged her ass and a tank top. And just today, she invited him to go shopping with her at the mall. I didn't know this until he sent me a message ~30 minutes ago, which is where the picture of this Discord conversation starts.

Again, I don't know how it will look, so I apologize if it comes out weird. If there's a better way to upload them, let me know and I'll edit the post. (Using Google Drive for now because regular image upload looks odd for me in the preview)

1st part of the conversation

Don't be fooled, he's not an incel. He's not calling her a foid to disrespect her, it's because he knows I'm an incel, and I use it all the time, so he says it in a joking way. You can notice me getting angry with him because he literally brags about his height to me all of the DAMN TIME. Everyday he says something about his height. He'll humble brag most of the time, but this time he just full on bragged about it.

2nd part of the conversation

The text doesn't show it, but I was extremely upset after hearing that. The foid literally knows I'm his BEST FRIEND, and that he cares (supposedly) for me deeply. Yet I still got called a midget. And she said I had 'my rights too' when I mentioned shopping for nooses to hang myself.

This foid has NO IDEA that I have any feelings of malice towards her. She literally doesn't even know what I say about her, and doesn't know that I'm an incel. I'm literally just a random guy as far as she knows; and yet she is still making fun of me and my horrid height.

Foids love to make fun of us, IT will deny it, but it's the truth.

3rd part of the conversation

4th part of the conversation

What he's talking about here is a conversation I was having with him earlier regarding how foids are evil. He said that they were kind to him, and I was trying to explain to him that it was because he is literally Chad. I was trying to tell him how men treat me with kindness (lie, I still get treated like trash) when compared to foids treating me.

In the message, I started trying to explain to him what it's like to be such a disgusting manlet, but I genuinely think he just doesn't get it. Typical of Chad, they will never understand.

5th part of the conversation

Here is trying to give me copes. He's talking about my hair here being nice. I have curly, long, black hair. I won't post a picture though as I said earlier, but know that this is just cope. I also consider it my best feature, but make no mistake; it means nothing because everything else about me is horrible. ESPECIALLY my height.

Then he starts talking about how he showed his mother and the foid's mother a picture of me, and they said my hair is nice. However, my memory isn't that bad, and I recalled how they also made fun of me and insulted me when they saw pictures of me. Which I mention in the following messages.

Last part of the conversation

This entire post is an excellent proof of the Blackpill. Use this whenever IT cucks or whomever else tries to gaslight you or others into believing that women don't look down on manlets and ugly men.

This post is proof of our struggles, and how we're looked down upon by foids of all types, and ages. I have done nothing to any of these people, and yet I still suffer mockery and insults.

I might come back to this post tomorrow morning and add improvements where I can.

Ultimately, the Blackpill is proven correct once more.

Looks > everything
Height > all
Bone structure > every fucking thing on this planet
it's fucking OVER
read the entire thing. this is an amazing summary of what its like being a shortcel. i too am 5'3 and it is absolutely brutal the way i see some foids look DOWN at me when im walking past them at school/public because theyre taller. or even worse, i make eye contact with them accidentally because im the same fucking height as most of them.

its so ENRAGING when your own COUSINS (my only real social interaction outside of school) still make off-putting comments about my height despite being supposedly "blackpilled." but jfl my formerly "blackpilled" 20 year old cousin fucking ascended (must be brutal for for his older brother, my other cousin, who is 23 and his only experience with women is simping online or at the bar. fucking cuck.) i rarely speak about my cousins, because it infuriates me so much but this post is a carbon copy of what ive experienced. people never compliment me on my face, but they are quick to notice my height, or hair, or clothes. i dont even think im that fucking ugly but my height is really the main issue.

also this chad is so unaware that he is living in a world we can only fantasize about. having a blonde stacy literally willing to suck your dick off but youre friendzone her and brag about it? disgusting. and by the way she giggles, and interacts with him :feelsrope: absolute SUICIDEFUEL.

i usually am not quick to anger but this exact post is how i feel all the fucking time.
Greetings everyone.

I was about to go to sleep a little bit ago, but this entire situation has made me rush to make this post. So here is my first ever high-effort post, with many more to come. As of writing, not even 20 minutes ago, I was checking my discord messages.

Now, I don't really speak with anyone aside from my best friend. He is my best friend because he and I met numerous years ago on Xbox when we were young. We've talked practically every day since. As we've grown up, one thing has become increasingly obvious though. I grew up into being the incel that I am now;

My friend grew up into Chad.

He's a whopping 6'1 and he's very muscular, and his arms are really vainy (I know foids find that SUPER hot for some reason). He also has an insane jawline and face in general. Here's a picture of him. (Also first post of mine where I've tried to use pictures in this way, so forgive me if it comes out weird.)

I'm not inserting a picture of myself, because I hate myself and how I look, I literally can't even look at myself, let alone take a picture and upload it.

Anyway, onto the main point of this post. He lives in Australia while I'm in America. We've never actually fully met, but we're still close enough to always talk about each other's life. He knows that I'm incel (you'll see) and doesn't have an issue with it or anything. I tell him he's Chad but he usually just dismisses it. He's very antisocial and was practically isolated from society for like 10 years because he lived in the country side and didn't want to talk with anyone.

I, on the other hand, consider myself to be a very extroverted and social person. At least, to the extent that I can even be social without people being disgusted by me ever trying to talk to them, which is pretty much all interactions; but I do it anyway because I hate everyone anyway and want to talk to people (always backfires).

(Unrelated to the post, but I love how beautifully this shows the statement: 'incels just lack social skills' is plain wrong. Prime example of this cope in the post below JFL)

Now, according to normies and blue-pillers, I should be liked and fun to be around, whilst my friend would be treated weirdly because of his anti-social habits (he literally covered his face with his hands at his own birthday party while they were singing happy birthday to him).

Yet, that's not the case, at ALL. Every time I try to talk to anyone, there's inevitably a joke and mockery of my height (5'3). Every, damn, time. I'm talked down to like I'm a child. I've had multiple instances of foids literally laughing at me in public as I walk past. I have had a school bus of middle-school children constantly laugh at me while I was picking up my little sister, to the point I had to hide behind a tree because my sister asked me to so that she didn't have to be seen with me.

How's my friend doing, then? Well, it seems to be going pretty well considering he has a Stacy obsessing over him and wanting to be around him constantly; and he doesn't even like her. Videos of her below for proof. My friend is in the background.

View attachment 1200564

View attachment 1200565

The foid constantly invites him out to go do stuff with her. Just yesterday she went out with him to hike up a mountain. She made sure to wear blue booty shorts that hugged her ass and a tank top. And just today, she invited him to go shopping with her at the mall. I didn't know this until he sent me a message ~30 minutes ago, which is where the picture of this Discord conversation starts.

Again, I don't know how it will look, so I apologize if it comes out weird. If there's a better way to upload them, let me know and I'll edit the post. (Using Google Drive for now because regular image upload looks odd for me in the preview)

1st part of the conversation

Don't be fooled, he's not an incel. He's not calling her a foid to disrespect her, it's because he knows I'm an incel, and I use it all the time, so he says it in a joking way. You can notice me getting angry with him because he literally brags about his height to me all of the DAMN TIME. Everyday he says something about his height. He'll humble brag most of the time, but this time he just full on bragged about it.

2nd part of the conversation

The text doesn't show it, but I was extremely upset after hearing that. The foid literally knows I'm his BEST FRIEND, and that he cares (supposedly) for me deeply. Yet I still got called a midget. And she said I had 'my rights too' when I mentioned shopping for nooses to hang myself.

This foid has NO IDEA that I have any feelings of malice towards her. She literally doesn't even know what I say about her, and doesn't know that I'm an incel. I'm literally just a random guy as far as she knows; and yet she is still making fun of me and my horrid height.

Foids love to make fun of us, IT will deny it, but it's the truth.

3rd part of the conversation

4th part of the conversation

What he's talking about here is a conversation I was having with him earlier regarding how foids are evil. He said that they were kind to him, and I was trying to explain to him that it was because he is literally Chad. I was trying to tell him how men treat me with kindness (lie, I still get treated like trash) when compared to foids treating me.

In the message, I started trying to explain to him what it's like to be such a disgusting manlet, but I genuinely think he just doesn't get it. Typical of Chad, they will never understand.

5th part of the conversation

Here is trying to give me copes. He's talking about my hair here being nice. I have curly, long, black hair. I won't post a picture though as I said earlier, but know that this is just cope. I also consider it my best feature, but make no mistake; it means nothing because everything else about me is horrible. ESPECIALLY my height.

Then he starts talking about how he showed his mother and the foid's mother a picture of me, and they said my hair is nice. However, my memory isn't that bad, and I recalled how they also made fun of me and insulted me when they saw pictures of me. Which I mention in the following messages.

Last part of the conversation

This entire post is an excellent proof of the Blackpill. Use this whenever IT cucks or whomever else tries to gaslight you or others into believing that women don't look down on manlets and ugly men.

This post is proof of our struggles, and how we're looked down upon by foids of all types, and ages. I have done nothing to any of these people, and yet I still suffer mockery and insults.

I might come back to this post tomorrow morning and add improvements where I can.

Ultimately, the Blackpill is proven correct once more.

Incredibly brutal ans relatable especially being considered a living joke by basically everybody. (5'4 framecel.)
How the hell does this high effort post only have 10 replies. Add a TLDR at the beginning for retards.

It must be torture having a close friend that is like this, but you are lucky that you can talk to him about inceldom. If I started ranting about how ugly I am and how I am an incel, even to an online friend, I would be looked at as if I am insane. Having such a close view into the life of a chad is brutal but interesting. I am considered a sort of asexual being so there is no mention of relationships to me and I have no clue what the life of a sexhaver is like. No one talks to me about their life with women because they assume, correctly, that I would not know anything about it.

Why are you still friends with him? You may as well be two different species. I would have too much hate to talk to someone like this.
How the hell does this high effort post only have 10 replies. Add a TLDR at the beginning for retards.

It must be torture having a close friend that is like this, but you are lucky that you can talk to him about inceldom. If I started ranting about how ugly I am and how I am an incel, even to an online friend, I would be looked at as if I am insane. Having such a close view into the life of a chad is brutal but interesting. I am considered a sort of asexual being so there is no mention of relationships to me and I have no clue what the life of a sexhaver is like. No one talks to me about their life with women because they assume, correctly, that I would not know anything about it.

Why are you still friends with him? You may as well be two different species. I would have too much hate to talk to someone like this.

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