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How can we use our sexual energy in a more productive way?

  • Thread starter Divergent_Integral
  • Start date


Spastic ricecel, heightmogged by 99.74% of men
Jul 3, 2020
I've noticed this thing about myself where, when I'm in love (or rather, infatuated) and still somewhat hopeful (which never lasts that long, of course), I literally can do a ton of work. But when I'm not in love (as has been the case for over a year and a half now), I can't be bothered to do fuck all. I've tried talking myself out of this nonsense, but to no avail.

So how can we, i.e., myself and others in similar situations, change or at least hack our basic motivation structure? I would like to tap into that large reservoir of sexual or vital or whatever-you-call-it energy that resides within me, without it being necessary that I'm pining and whining for some worthless foid who will never return my affection.
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I don't have any idea on how to do that tbh
same. there is no way. only the love of a pure loli can resurrect my will
Nofap is actually pretty good for that. Stores up that energy then you can use it, the payoff is the depression and intense lust that come and go in time.
Nofap is actually pretty good for that. Stores up that energy then you can use it, the payoff is the depression and intense lust that come and go in time.

Interesting. Are you yourself a NoFapper?
Lol imagine being in love as an incel
Only a passive income would motivate me(like NEETbux), nothing else really works for me.
Lol imagine being in love as an incel

Perhaps "infatuated" is a more accurate description, yes. By the way, your avatar gave me a nice epileptic seizure. :feelsLSD:
Interesting. Are you yourself a NoFapper?
Yeah, I've been trying my go at some streaks for a while. Admitedly I feel way less shit when I go on reasonable streaks and deliberately attempt to stop myself from having sexual thoughts. But if you manage to pull that off the desire goes away in time and only comes back occasionally. Also, the energy you often get is no joke.

If you don't try to fend off the sexual thoughts it won't be very useful, even if you don't actually masturbate.
Wish I had that talent. Horniness keeps me off my work all the time.
Yeah, I've been trying my go at some streaks for a while. Admitedly I feel way less shit when I go on reasonable streaks and deliberately attempt to stop myself from having sexual thoughts. But if you manage to pull that off the desire goes away in time and only comes back occasionally. Also, the energy you often get is no joke.

If you don't try to fend off the sexual thoughts it won't be very useful, even if you don't actually masturbate.

Thanks for clarifying. What strategies do you use for fending off sexual thoughts? Strenuous mental activity perhaps, or something else?
This greycel is suspicious AF.

I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I needed to say this.
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Just reprehend lascivous throughts whenever they come. Has been working for me.
So how can we, i.e., myself and others in similar situations, change or at least hack our basic motivation structure? I would like to tap into that large reservoir of sexual or vital or whatever-you-call-it energy that resides within me, without it being necessary that I'm pining and whining for some worthless foid who will never return my affection.
No matter what you could do.. where you could go.. what you could achieve or discover.. it wouldn't change your face. My personal goal in life is to live to see worldwide calamity strike this planetary prison. I will never be happy so I don't see why I should want anyone else to be either.
I don't have any idea on how to do that tbh
Yeah.. if we got the social structure milestones Chad got we would know all the ins and outs of society. Life however is not as the school censors portray it. Notice how all lies are hammered into a person when they are young? Like trying to create a perfect program that doesn't stray from its coding.
This greycel is suspicious AF.

I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I needed to say this.

What's bothering you about me?
sexual energy in a more productive way

Come on, dont be like foids. You can only use your sexual "energy", sexually. So fap away.

All this energy and thinking positive talk means jack shit.
Not going to tell you why because if you really are an infiltrator, I don't want to give you clues on how to better pass as one of us.

I can only "pass" as myself, nor do I want to pass as anything else. Take it or leave it, bro. If you saw my face, you would know I was the genuine incel article.
Stop simping 2020

There hasn't been anyone since 2018 really. But now I feel empty inside.
I think we need to look at Christian monks who are celibate by choice, we need to look at using religion and God as cope. God is the final and the highest cope.

I myself am in the process of converting to Christianity (I was raised Muslim) because it promotes celibacy, and it doesn't look down on incels.
I can only "pass" as myself, nor do I want to pass as anything else. Take it or leave it, bro. If you saw my face, you would know I was the genuine incel article.

There hasn't been anyone since 2018 really. But now I feel empty inside.
Mogs me at talking to femoids
Put the energy into going ER (in Persona 5)
No I can’t. I don’t know how to do it
If you saw my face, you would know I was the genuine incel article

What? You contradict yourself. You said in your AMA thread that you have normal face, no moles (did not answer the question), acne healed nicely, no deformities...your problems were being short, cp, autistic, Korean. Your face was average and not your problem. Your face is far from trucel level. It would be normal face in Korea. I have trucel-tier face and it's my biggest problem: https://incels.is/threads/green-veins-under-eyes-and-undereye-darkness-and-roughness.218751/

To answer the question: I would get motivation in life if I got love and sex or clear path to getting those.

Sexual energy is sexual energy, I haven't found a way to use it for something else.
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What? You contradict yourself. You said in your AMA thread that you have normal face, no moles (did not answer the question), acne healed nicely, no deformities...your problems were being short, cp, autistic, Korean. Your face was average and not your problem. Your face is far from trucel level. It would be normal face in Korea. I have trucel-tier face and it's my biggest problem: https://incels.is/threads/green-veins-under-eyes-and-undereye-darkness-and-roughness.218751/

Sigh. It is a "normal" face only in that it isn't deformed or anything. But it isn't an attractive face by any stretch. (Even in Korea it wouldn't be.) And within the context of white western aesthetics it's even worse. Here it is, if you want to see for yourself: https://looksmax.org/threads/please-rate-me.164091/
Sigh. It is a "normal" face only in that it isn't deformed or anything. But it isn't an attractive face by any stretch. (Even in Korea it wouldn't be.) And within the context of white western aesthetics it's even worse. Here it is, if you want to see for yourself: https://looksmax.org/threads/please-rate-me.164091/

You clearly don't know how's life with a face that has it all. Your face does not have any problems for your ethnicity.

For starters, my face has tens of nevi, big cherry angiomas, couperosa, still getting 5-10 pieces of acne spots every day, acne scars, general redness, roughness of surface, blackheads, especially nose permanently destroyed by them, thick green veins under eyes very visible, big skin pores (that regularly become inflamed, just today I saw one new inflamed red skin pore spot under my eye)...and I have of course receding hairline. And my hair colour sucks. Even without autism no-one would hire me for customer service jobs.

My body is full of nevi and cherry angiomas, I have acne also in the chest, back, even legs. I have other skin conditions also that I don't know the name of.

(Does the same account work in that site?)
You clearly don't know how's life with a face that has it all. Your face does not have any problems for your ethnicity.

For starters, my face has tens of nevi, big cherry angiomas, couperosa, still getting 5-10 pieces of acne spots every day, acne scars, general redness, roughness of surface, blackheads, especially nose permanently destroyed by them, thick green veins under eyes very visible, big skin pores (that regularly become inflamed, just today I saw one new inflamed red skin pore spot under my eye)...and I have of course receding hairline. And my hair colour sucks. Even without autism no-one would hire me for customer service jobs.

My body is full of nevi and cherry angiomas, I have acne also in the chest, back, even legs. I have other skin conditions also that I don't know the name of.

(Does the same account work in that site?)

Yeah, yeah, you have it far worse face-wise. Happy now? The key point in your post though is "for your ethnicity". Compared to the local white demigods around here (who additionally tower over me like sequoias over a mushroom) my face is total horse crap with not an ounce of sexual dimorphism in it. And the Looksmax commenters say as much.

No, I made an account with the same name.
Yeah, yeah, you have it far worse face-wise. Happy now? The key point in your post though is "for your ethnicity". Compared to the local white demigods around here (who additionally tower over me like sequoias over a mushroom) my face is total horse crap with not an ounce of sexual dimorphism in it. And the Looksmax commenters say as much.

No, I made an account with the same name.

There's always the possibility to go to your place of origin where your face would be totally normal. I don't have that possibility.
There's always the possibility to go to your place of origin where your face would be totally normal. I don't have that possibility.

Good luck dating with cerebral palsy in SK, where people are supposedly even more superficial than in the west. Also, SK foids chase chad as well, which is why they're all trying to up their SMV like crazy, with plastic surgery and other cheating methods.
We found a way to channel male sexual energy into productive and constructive ways.
It is called patriarchy and monogamy.

But the western world decided to dump that system, and now we see a growing mass of young men LDARing.
Good luck dating with cerebral palsy in SK, where people are supposedly even more superficial than in the west. Also, SK foids chase chad as well, which is why they're all trying to up their SMV like crazy, with plastic surgery and other cheating methods.

Of course it's over (never began) with cerebral palsy. Never denied that. I am just jealous of your normal-looking face and high IQ.
Of course it's over (never began) with cerebral palsy. Never denied that. I am just jealous of your normal-looking face and high IQ.

Don't feel too bad. These "advantages" that I supposedly have are almost completely useless and pointless. I'd gladly trade in the IQ for no cp and a normal height. But alas, no such luck.

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