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Serious How can someone be black pilled, but still believe that there is a god?



No road left but the one that leads to the end
Dec 3, 2019
Being black pilled is essentially understanding and accepting evolutionary biology. Most scientists around the entire world understand the black pill (at least to a degree), and most have also come to the conclusion that there is more than likely no god. Most scientists are atheist.

How can you accept macro evolution, and then say you are Christian or some shit? So which happened? Did women evolve to be attracted to the biggest/most attractive men as the black pill claims through evolution? Or did god create Adam and Eve, meaning there would be no reason for women to be attracted to big/attractive/low inhib men. They almost seem to fundamentally contradict each other. Many other things too I don’t feel like going over.

The logical conclusion, at least if we are going by evolutionary biology (everyone here is, because that’s directly tied into the black pill), seems to be that there more than likely is no god, and it’s illogical to believe so until evidence comes along to prove otherwise.
Believing in God is a cope for black pillers, it gives them something to atleast hope for in the end (heaven).
because they're coping faggots.

they also use the phrase "degenerate" to look down upon atheists, when the concept of "degeneracy" comes from the religion itself, so it's basically a circular argument
I believe in a petty, vengeful God
Religion is a crapcope tbh. Most religious monkeys are bluepilled morons.
because they're coping faggots.

they also use the phrase "degenerate" to look down upon atheists, when the concept of "degeneracy" comes from the religion itself, so it's basically a circular argument
High IQ. “Degeneracy” implies that there is “right” and “wrong” inherently, when in reality, there isn’t.
Believing in God is a cope for black pillers, it gives them something to atleast hope for in the end (heaven).

Thats the most bluepilled thing you can say. Its sort of like saying believing a foid loves you (when she clearly doesnt) keeps you going.
Some like myself saw the pragmatic benefits of it, like enforcing traditional values and the art / philosophy produced by it.
Religion is also used as a community for those without a community. That is also an attractive feature of Religion, to be part of something that has a purpose rather than stewing alone without one. I despise all Religions of today. Nothing but Tribal hatred in them.
they also use the phrase "degenerate" to look down upon atheists, when the concept of "degeneracy" comes from the religion itself, so it's basically a circular argument
Nah fam, God's shadow is lurking through bluepilled normies, and many still look down upon "degenerates" even outside of religion.
Thats the most bluepilled thing you can say. Its sort of like saying believing a foid loves you (when she clearly doesnt) keeps you going.
thats why i call it a cope, believing in God just allows them to numb themselves from truly going down into a deeper blackpill.
High IQ. “Degeneracy” implies that there is “right” and “wrong” inherently, when in reality, there isn’t.
It also implies that the world is just which it obviously isn't.
thats why i call it a cope, believing in God just allows them to numb themselves from truly going down into a deeper blackpill.
Like every popular pastime it is nothing but a distraction from ones own existence, reality and mortality.
true but copers here will go nuts

it doesn't make any sense to me someone call himself blackpilled and cope this way
Well it would make sense to give humans a survival operating system with instincts similar to animals so that when civilization is non-existent or Christianity is non-prevalent, they can still operate and continue the human race.

I won't get into a religious debate but I'll say this: the elites that run the west are literal devil worshipers.
thats why i call it a cope, believing in God just allows them to numb themselves from truly going down into a deeper blackpill.

You might as well be bluepilled then? One delusion the replace another?
You might as well be bluepilled then? One delusion the replace another?
i didn't state that i believe in God. Yes, believing in one is a delusion to those who don't want to take the brutal blackpill, they are essentially using God as a shield to think there is something to benefit from in the end. All i'm stating is that it just numbs the believer from going further into the blackpill, some people cannot simply deal with the truth so they use God to only bring half truth.
I don't believe in God, but I can understand it, even for incels. Because our pain sometimes seem deliberately sculpted by a conscious being.

In contrast, Christian foids believe in a good and loving God because their lives are one fortunate event after another. They get in a bad situation, and a man saves them from it. Instead of sensing that their happiness comes from the efforts and pains of men, they attribute it to God or a just world (which amounts to the same superstition), rewarding them for being good. Yes, they think evil thoughts and do evil things, but since they're not punished for it, they think these thoughts and deeds are morally good because they keep getting rewarded for it. Then they expect to go to heaven after death, since they've been getting rescued from bad all the time in life, so it might as well happen again when they die.

It's opposite for us. We are constantly punished day in and day out. We fight against censorship and virtue signaling, logically morally bad things, but we are punished for it. It's certainly not fair, but it's unfair so consistently and in such a redundant way that it's tiresome and seems deliberately constructed. Eventually, these compounded failures begin to look a lot like repeated signs and symbols, making a collection of miniature portraits of sorrow drawn by an artist who is somewhat limited in thematic scope. Then genetic determinism begins to feels like destiny, and in my mind, destiny has divine connotations.

Evolution is inconsistent with a Christian god, but not all gods in general. From this, I can understand someone who has the delusion that there is a God, but a hateful and malevolent God.
it's important to tell lolis that there is a God and that God will be disappointed if they don't let me creampie them
i dont believe in evolution tbh
Organised religion is man made. Wether god exists or not is of no importance to anyone nowadays. Even the most fundamentalist religious nutcases only use religion as excuse for politcal power.
Atheism is the cause of all this mess (feminism, liberalism).

They seriously need to teach americans about the enlightenment
Being black pilled is essentially understanding and accepting evolutionary biology. Most scientists around the entire world understand the black pill (at least to a degree), and most have also come to the conclusion that there is more than likely no god. Most scientists are atheist.

How can you accept macro evolution, and then say you are Christian or some shit? So which happened? Did women evolve to be attracted to the biggest/most attractive men as the black pill claims through evolution? Or did god create Adam and Eve, meaning there would be no reason for women to be attracted to big/attractive/low inhib men. They almost seem to fundamentally contradict each other. Many other things too I don’t feel like going over.

The logical conclusion, at least if we are going by evolutionary biology (everyone here is, because that’s directly tied into the black pill), seems to be that there more than likely is no god, and it’s illogical to believe so until evidence comes along to prove otherwise.
They can't. Being atheist/agnostic is a prerequisite for being blackpilled
pretty much most of religions is just a big gigacope :lul:
High IQ. “Degeneracy” implies that there is “right” and “wrong” inherently, when in reality, there isn’t.

It also implies that the world is just which it obviously isn't.

Like every popular pastime it is nothing but a distraction from ones own existence, reality and mortality.
There may not be any inherent right and wrong(though it sounds like the kind of thing a liberal feminist cuck would say). But there are ways to organize human society that lead to better results. Enforcing traditional values and preventing degeneracy is one such thing that can help incels.
Being black pilled is essentially understanding and accepting evolutionary biology. Most scientists around the entire world understand the black pill (at least to a degree), and most have also come to the conclusion that there is more than likely no god. Most scientists are atheist.

How can you accept macro evolution, and then say you are Christian or some shit? So which happened? Did women evolve to be attracted to the biggest/most attractive men as the black pill claims through evolution? Or did god create Adam and Eve, meaning there would be no reason for women to be attracted to big/attractive/low inhib men. They almost seem to fundamentally contradict each other. Many other things too I don’t feel like going over.

The logical conclusion, at least if we are going by evolutionary biology (everyone here is, because that’s directly tied into the black pill), seems to be that there more than likely is no god, and it’s illogical to believe so until evidence comes along to prove otherwise.
Most scientists also assume there is no free will but that is inherently false, since this would mean there are no such thing as the choices we have right now, which you clearly know yourself isn't true if you chose to take the blackpill. Also nice cherry pick on just christianity, when there are other religions that have a different basis on what original creation might have been, which is why I have always said that religion has some truths but mixed in with egos of idiots to think they are of the superior religion i.e. jews. You can still believe in god and understand evolutionary biology since both don't even discredit each other in fact have the same combination as all other subjects, such as chemistry being linked with the process of the bodily functions and physics working in the same manner.

Also if you atheist physicalist niggers think that everything came to be, then tell me how on earth are you able to have objects you have right now, considering by your stupendous logic, they would just have to have magically appeared and sort itself out like that, with no processes or any meaning behind them, and no wonder, why physicalist idiots are also the same conumerist cunts and hedonistic too that have no understanding of meaning and just act like monkeys without awareness of their actions. I would also like an explanation on how inventions come from or the idea of inventions, in fact why don't you faggots who can't think for yourself but like to reference others because you have a coddling complexity, explain to me the origin of idea and where consciousness and awareness arises from, because if you assume they just happened to be, then that would just be illogical as this would be like saying a computer is what it is and there was no such thing as the necessary components required for it or the origin of those components.

The fact that you are aware of the blackpill must tell me that you are also aware of other aspects, even those ranging to the metaphyical but clearly I doubt everyone here even holds that level of awareness considering most of you are here becuase you have little egos to feed for the crimes of whores, that which I won't deny but goes to show that most if given the chance with a whore would also throw your fellow incels in the trash bin and call the blackpill some myth that never existed.

One more thing, give me evidence of how the big bang came to be, because if the big bang was supposed to arive from infinte nothingness, then for sure there would have to have been something in the process, whether it be god, the almight consciousness that is our creator or whatever it maybe.
I just take a look at what detaching from religious values has done to society.

3 things of the top of my head:

-Women getting paid to be worshipped by men
-Sexual Immorality
-Women sleeping around.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

Most scientists around the entire world understand the black pill (at least to a degree), and most have also come to the conclusion that there is more than likely no god. Most scientists are atheist.
Bit of a blanket statement but ok.

Did women evolve to be attracted to the biggest/most attractive men as the black pill claims through evolution? Or did god create Adam and Eve, meaning there would be no reason for women to be attracted to big/attractive/low inhib men.
In Genesis 2:12, God created Eve to be Adam's helper. Later in Ephesians 5, women are told to submit to their husbands. Now because of the modern fallen world we live in, feminists have destroyed that dynamic and want women to be worshipped and not submit to everyone.

Feminism and other non-religious societies have essentially told the human race
"Follow the desires of the flesh. Don't think twice about it, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, WHENEVER YOU WANT. DON'T THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES".

Roman's 1:24-27

Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
Everything in those verses is happening in society as we speak.

Say what you want about religion; when the world followed Christian values, hypergamy was controlled. Impulsive habits were frowned upon and degeneracy was shamed.
Now a women that sleeps with 100 guys is praised and you expect me to adhere to a society that encourages that as well as: Mutilating your gentiles because of mental illness, sleeping with the same sex as you, sleeping with animals, alcoholism, worshiping of women?

A Lion will naturally attack a man, but with extreme control and strict safeguarding it's possible for man to co-exist alongside lions.
The reigns of religion were removed from women and now the lion is slaughtering whatever lays in it's path - resorting to it's natural biological habit.

May God take before I bow down to the ways of this world.
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High IQ. “Degeneracy” implies that there is “right” and “wrong” inherently, when in reality, there isn’t.
Here's where religious niggers get it wrong as well. There is no wrong in sinning but letting sin control you is where most of the problems lie, which as we know are the equivalence of addicts of substances and other mediums. To think you can carry on jerking off everyday all day isn't going to cause problems is laughable, just as much as lifting 100kg plates for 24 hours is stupid. If there is no reason for you to carry on because you've already reached your satisfactory levels, then there is no reason to be addicted to whatever shitty cope you have.

Edit: but then you can bring on something like murder to the question, which I have an answer for that already, as continuously murdering others without even questiong what the effect of it maybe would only lead to either you getting killed in return (which hats up to you if you can survive) or ending up with you being the only human left, and the latter should give you enough clarification on how stupid it is because those that you murdered might be of use for something of benefit towards a desire/interest you like, unless of course you can do the same thing that those you killed can do, which CHAZ the fucking shithole "autonomous" state in america is currently doing right now by kicking out cops and medics but cry for them in return. Now tell me, where on earth does value come from, because based on evolutionary biology, intangible concepts "aren't" a thing to those (((scientists)))
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Legit have no idea. If it's just a belief in a prime mover/intelligent design that's one thing. But anyone who believes in a loving god in this day and age is a fucking moron. Actually in any day and age tbh. I get how Islam spread so rapidly but Christianity?? A loving god? Creating THIS? LMFAO.
Being black pilled is essentially understanding and accepting evolutionary biology. Most scientists around the entire world understand the black pill (at least to a degree), and most have also come to the conclusion that there is more than likely no god. Most scientists are atheist.

How can you accept macro evolution, and then say you are Christian or some shit? So which happened? Did women evolve to be attracted to the biggest/most attractive men as the black pill claims through evolution? Or did god create Adam and Eve, meaning there would be no reason for women to be attracted to big/attractive/low inhib men. They almost seem to fundamentally contradict each other. Many other things too I don’t feel like going over.

The logical conclusion, at least if we are going by evolutionary biology (everyone here is, because that’s directly tied into the black pill), seems to be that there more than likely is no god, and it’s illogical to believe so until evidence comes along to prove otherwise.
Just tag me next time. Also, a lot of scientists may be atheist but there are plenty of religious scientists as well; they conclude that everything is so precisely placed that it can't be just a coincidence. But, yes, I do believe in God. Being blackpilled doesn't change that.
No. Evolution is a hoax and Earth is flat, that's why i believe in God.
Simple : they believe in an after-life.

Existence used to be much worse than it is nowadays. It hasn't stopped people from believing in God.

On the contrary : one could argue that the imperfections of the World are kind of a proof of the existence of a perfect world somewhere. As I understand it, that was Plato's point of view and he had a big influence on the Christian world if I'm not mistaken.

That being said, that's all BS IMHO. There is no God, at least not in the physical sense. It's a concept that influences the World only through the credence people put in it.
> Being black pilled is essentially understanding and accepting evolutionary biology

the blackpill simply states that woman value looks,money and status.With looks being way more powerful then the rest.Just because people desire things it doesn't mean it proves "evolutionary biology".It says man wants that which is good but it doesn't logically lead to common interpretations of "evolutionary biology".Which is kind funny since the blackpill goes more in hand with thomas aquinas and anselm then any atheist philosopher.for example you cannot prove evolutionary biology as a fact since all of you do not believe in objective eternal facts.Whilst thomas aquinas would say that looks matter and will forever matter,atheists would most likely go on to say that not everyone believes looks matters(they don't believe in universals) and even if a great majority did you should still be able to find a girl who doesn't find that looks matter.the blackpill actually makes no sense under the atheist usually conception of singular physicalism.After all everything is subjective to them kek.

> Most scientists around the entire world understand the black pill (at least to a degree), and most have also come to the conclusion that there is more than likely no god. Most scientists are atheist

If you are talking about the usual conception of an abrahamic god then it's obvious that no scientist would ever find god by looking at a microscope.God is immaterial not material.If you want standard apologetic works for the the existence of god then go read answering atheism or the last superstition.It's heavy lifting but since you are seeking knowledge of god through your intellectual abilities and not in prayer and liturgy(which is the way most people come to know god),don't complain.god didn't expect all man to become philosophers in this life.I don't know if most scientists are atheists,but most people are atheists or live like them.They might call themselves christians but it's clear to see that they do not consider god the endgoal of life.

>How can you accept macro evolution, and then say you are Christian or some shit? So which happened? Did women evolve to be attracted to the biggest/most attractive men as the black pill claims through evolution? Or did god create Adam and Eve, meaning there would be no reason for women to be attracted to big/attractive/low inhib men. They almost seem to fundamentally contradict each other. Many other things too I don’t feel like going over.

even atheists are in contention over macro evolution.I don't see how man would stop desiring because he was created by god.Christians believe that angels were solely made by god and i have never seen them claim that angels are objects who have no will.
it's important to tell lolis that there is a God and that God will be disappointed if they don't let me creampie them
How do you think priests molest so much kids?
There may not be any inherent right and wrong(though it sounds like the kind of thing a liberal feminist cuck would say). But there are ways to organize human society that lead to better results. Enforcing traditional values and preventing degeneracy is one such thing that can help incels.
There may not be any inherent right and wrong(though it sounds like the kind of thing a liberal feminist cuck would say). But there are ways to organize human society that lead to better results. Enforcing traditional values and preventing degeneracy is one such thing that can help incels.
I believe in god. The bible has many blackpilled points, and certainly gives a different perspective. The many pleasures you see portrayed in this society are truly detrimental to oneself. Few men come out with perfect families and faithful wives. The pleasure you see these degenerates portray are false.
it's important to tell lolis that there is a God and that God will be disappointed if they don't let me creampie them
your posts are so damn based
I believe religions are part of our social evolution and are necessary for a civilization to function. Whether god exists or not won't make a difference to us incels, we are the bottom of the barrel, left to rot by a cruel god.
No gods for your face and height.
I can enter the kingdom, but there’s no living god.
No gods for your face and height.
According to Bible you can praymaxing to become a Chad, remember that Jesus according to Isaiah, was a ugly male:

Philippians 2: 7-9: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

Isaiah 53: 2-3: For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

But after he transfigured after deep praying and meditation he becames a Chad (The real Jesus form):

Matthew 17: 1-2: And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.

Probably Jesus became this Chad:

Psalm 45:

My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.

Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O most mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty.

And in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things.

Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies; whereby the people fall under thee.

Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.

Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad.

Kings' daughters were among thy honourable women: upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir.

Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and thy father's house;

So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him.

And the daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift; even the rich among the people shall intreat thy favour.

The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold.

She shall be brought unto the king in raiment of needlework: the virgins her companions that follow her shall be brought unto thee.

With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter into the king's palace.

Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children, whom thou mayest make princes in all the earth.

I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever.
Because god is not a nice guy.

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