She almost looks curry.
This pic says it all. At first it looks like a bunch of young kids having fun of their lives, but the reality becomes apparent on further inspection.
The stacy allowed the chadlite to pic her up. She would never have allowed a subhuman male the same courtesy. She is of course in the center frame with her legs sprawled across, attracting maximum attention towards herself.
The becky hapa sticks close to chadlite. She is not confident in her looks, race and ability to attract chad. She would suck his dick at drop off a hat, if allowed the opportunity. So she deliberately tries to stick her body to chadlite, to feel she has a chance with him. She believes she doesn't need attention like stacey, just chad. But in reality she is jealous of her.
The beta is of course in his natural place. At the feet of chad and stacey. Forcing himself into the frame. Wants to feel he is the same as them just cuz he is in the party and the photo. That he is not subhuman. But rly it would have made no difference to anyone if he was not there. He is trying to pick up the scraps of the life that chad and stacy live.
The incel is in his home. Comfy in bed, browsing and typing this post.