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RageFuel How can German guys take constantly being bullied by Sandniggers?



More Insane with every day
May 17, 2024
Germans especially Gen Zs are easily the most domesticated form of Euromales.

I know too many cases, too many instances, I watched documentaries and it's very well known. I also was multiple times the epicentre for bullying and mogging by turks, pakistani and arabs.

Afghans have the highest rate of crimes...in Germany!

They also take over the German Cucks women.

Mohammed is the legit number 1 name in Berlin 2024.

I literally do not ever have known a Sand bastard who has not insulted me or another German guy when I was around.

Some german schools already have more migrants then german kids in the classes ON AVERAGE.

Eventually this has to crash. Like this shit, this migrant crisis and at this point it isnt even a crisis from just illegal immigration but migrants literally taking over the country by replacing German cultures and traditions, breeding german women and driving Trucks and Cars into German Events and burning Bibles and stealing money and groceries or hell even entire cultural heritage:


The three leaders of the Remmo-Clan. An arab massive family that occupies as a mafia in Berlin.

Drug dealing, possession of illegal arms and weapon business, fraud, scamming, strealing, robbing, vandalism, sex tourism, raping, internet criminality, manslaugther and even murder is something that the Arab family does on a weekly Basis.

They are well known and yet still get NEETBUXX despite being criminals who drive Lambos and Porsche. Germans are aware of them and how large the family gets as they all have many children who are included in the family "business" and yet nothing has ever really been done to them but taking a few of their prices cars funded by the german tax payers.


The upper 3 guys are the ones who stole a Gold coin in 2014 thats worth 7 million euros now and still is missing. They got between 3 to 6 years for the robbery.

The 2 below stole the cultural goods of the Green Museum which ones belonged to King August the Strong King of Poland and Saxony...which was worth nearly 200 million dollars.

Some of the pieces have returned since.

Wissa Remmo has gotten 6 years as the highest sentence and should be free soon again despite having a criminal history of over 100 "small robberies".

The Remmos possess multiple houses and Villa worth several million euros aquired from fraud and barely has anything been done about it.

They are but one of many such Sandnigger Clans in Germany and the rate is rising, yet Germans dont do nothing, just go to work 50 hours a week to finance more of such people and their lavish lifestyles.

Cant have Abduhl Karim Hussman not fuck my 18 yo Arian Daughter, can I know? hehehe - Every German Father 2025.
Whites are increasingly cucked but this is all predicted in the Bible anyway.
Modern German TV is essentially a Jew in a box being beamed into your living room
I am white, I find it hard to even respect the "based" whites nowadays. They claim white nationalist yet hate on Christ and even lust after gook foids. These things happening doesn't phase me so to say. If God isn't real then what will happen is whites will die off due to bring cucked, nothing matters then. If God is real he will find favor in us whites who stayed steadfast in the most impossible times.
Modern German TV is essentially a Jew in a box being beamed into your living room
Its soooo true. Have barely watched TV in years but when i do i think to myself "This gotta be a joke right? Whos falling for this brainwashed nonsense?"
Colossians 3:11"Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all." doesnt this verse destroy that vid ?
No, since all of those people are descendents of the 12 tribes which are Europeans. Jew for example is not the jew of Revelation 3, it's a mistranslation of Judea (tribe of Judah)

I can explain why but it would take about 1000 words. You can read or listen here

The remmos or other clan families in Germany don’t have that much difference in comparison to banking dynasties who are stealing off the peoples wealth and politicians who keep deceiving people into thinking, they are pushing the folk’s interests, when in matter of fact, they only pursue their own and the elite’s interests.
The only thing that separates these two are, that the one is in the spotlight and the other in the shadow, doing their illegal activities.

Imagine being in a system, working daily, being a law abiding citizen and it’s system still shits on you :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

Remmos are based and low inhib.
No point of contributing to a society, that excluded you in the first place
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Stop being a pussy and do something when they talk shit irl. Thats what i do. Nothings gonna change if all germans just sit and be cowards hoping superman will save them. Ive been in fights with turks, serbs, moroccans, and some random blacks. When i say do something it also means just asking them whats up and confronting them. Not just throwing punches. Most of them are pussies and will back off.
After moving to a bigger city, switching schools, I kinda just went along with it. Ironically I got bullied more in a smaller town with 80-85% being german/huyte, my parents migrated themselves (East-Slavic tho) so they somewhat saw me as "one of them", couple kids were of my own kind too. Biggest problem only was how they always acted as if they're genuinely mentally retarded in class.

But honestly, it doesn't matter if you're German or anything else in school. Ethnics will just like any other bully find something to pick on u for, basic rules against bullying always gonna be: go to a martial arts school n defend urself if shit goes down. With any bully you'll have to show not to fuck w/ u, and that actions have consequences even if it means slamming his ass on the ground. Wish I did that shit.
They have lower average height

They should just mog them more that shitskins start feeling like shit tbhngl
Pretty much every country in that region is being taken over by semites

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