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How can be a White Nationalist believe in Christianity

Blackpill Monk

Blackpill Monk

I want my pain to be inflicted on others
Jan 28, 2023
How can be a European ethinic White Nationalist believe in Christianity, Christianity is literally a foreign Semitic religion and core and fundamental value of Christianity is universalism beyond ethinic/racial lines, that is promotes Globalism, but still Hardcore European ethnic White Nationalist blindly radically follow Christianity. They even abuse other White nationalist who advocates of follow the European native faith(European Paganism), calling them Jewish agent but irony is that they themselves follow a Dead Jew. They do cringe mental gymnastics to show Christianity is a pro White and Jesus is ethinic European, JFL. I mean you are ethono-nationalist why are following a foreign religion that doesn't belongs to ur native root and literally promotes universalism/globalism.Tbh I they those White nationalist who blindly follow Christianity and the same time calling themselves as a White nationalist are low iq as they have no logical consistency and it totally contradicts thier idea/thought as how can you be a Ethono-nationalist if you are follow a Universalist religion at a same time.

If you are a True ethono-nationalist, if you should follow your indigenous native religious faith/ethinic religious faith(paganism/folk religion)
@DarkStar @Lonelyus @Chudpreet @wereq
White nationalists main activity is defending white women and insulting ugly white men geg
they wanna twist the Lord to fit their white narrative, just like the niggers like to pull the “black jesus” bullshit
White nationalists main activity is defending white women and insulting ugly white men geg
That's not the main discussion here, I m saying why they are blindly following a foreign religion that allow/promotes globalism
That's not the main discussion here, I m saying why they are blindly following a foreign religion that allow/promotes globalism
It's tied in because basically most of them are completely retarded and go against their own self interest
They usually follow really reactionary or ethnocentric sects like Positive Christianity or Positive Catholicism
In our belief, Christ will be there regardless or not if we choose to follow.
Christianity, along with Judaism and Islam, are three religions of Abrahamic origin and therefore Semitic, and have nothing to do with the origins of ancient Europe and its pagan traditions.
Christianity, along with Judaism and Islam, are three religions of Abrahamic origin and therefore Semitic, and have nothing to do with the origins of ancient Europe and its pagan traditions.
That's why European people should leave that religion
Whites made christianity and it's not foreign
It's pretty funny because Christianity ends up being the downfall of those White Nationalist groups, just look at the KKK or Apartheid. Non-racist conservative Christians are able to appeal to white Christians in these groups and cause the groups to implode. Conservative white evangelicals, like Billy Graham, helped normalize MLK and civil rights among white Christians with segregationist sympathies in the South. Similar story with F.W. de Klerk, who came from a conservative Christian background but helped normalize the desire for a "post-racist" society with Mandela. Many other cases too.
It's pretty funny because Christianity ends up being the downfall of those White Nationalist groups, just look at the KKK or Apartheid. Non-racist conservative Christians are able to appeal to white Christians in these groups and cause the groups to implode. Conservative white evangelicals, like Billy Graham, helped normalize MLK and civil rights among white Christians with segregationist sympathies in the South. Similar story with F.W. de Klerk, who came from a conservative Christian background but helped normalize the desire for a "post-racist" society with Mandela. Many other cases too.
Why they just don't return to thier original indigenous faith
White nationalists main activity is defending white women
That's only the mainstream ones, I recognize the issue that women are.
But the reason why, is that it's the "White" religion if that makes sense, similar to how Islam is the MENA one(despite Christian MENA existing, as well as Jews being MENA in origin) or Buddhism being the "Yellow" one

Many falsely believe Hitler was Christian, even though this is false.

I've shared a bunch of stuff here proving he wasn't, that the NSDAP deep down was anti-Christian, and also that Christianity was a factor which led to the decline of the Roman Empire.

But yes, these people are ignorant for many reasons:
It's pretty funny because Christianity ends up being the downfall of those White Nationalist groups, just look at the KKK or Apartheid. Non-racist conservative Christians are able to appeal to white Christians in these groups and cause the groups to implode. Conservative white evangelicals, like Billy Graham, helped normalize MLK and civil rights among white Christians with segregationist sympathies in the South. Similar story with F.W. de Klerk, who came from a conservative Christian background but helped normalize the desire for a "post-racist" society with Mandela. Many other cases too.
they wanna twist the Lord to fit their white narrative, just like the niggers like to pull the “black jesus” bullshit
Yeah it's idiotic, it's also the same as WN claiming "we wuz Egyptians" the same way Negros do; Egyptians were just MENA, but the ancient ones were closest to modern Levantines & Turks who are the "Whitest" of the lot.
I struggle on the Christian question a lot honestly.

It really does depend on Jesus actually being ARYAN like Christian WNs claim and the world was a lot whiter once an it's apart of the Jewish plan to kill Adamites (whites) to bring in their Jewish Anti Christ.

However Christian Nationalits on bitchute have definitely given good advice on other worldly affairs so I wouldn't dunk on them either way
I struggle on the Christian question a lot honestly.

It really does depend on Jesus actually being ARYAN like Christian WNs claim and the world was a lot whiter once an it's apart of the Jewish plan to kill Adamites (whites) to bring in their Jewish Anti Christ.

However Christian Nationalits on bitchute have definitely given good advice on other worldly affairs so I wouldn't dunk on them either way

Yeah it's idiotic, it's also the same as WN claiming "we wuz Egyptians" the same way Negros do; Egyptians were just MENA, but the ancient ones were closest to modern Levantines & Turks who are the "Whitest" of the lot.
But later Ancient Egyptian Empire has many Kings/Pharaoh of Greeko-Roman Origin
But the reason why, is that it's the "White" religion if that makes sense, similar to how Islam is the MENA one(despite Christian MENA existing, as well as Jews being MENA in origin) or Buddhism being the "Yellow" one

Many falsely believe Hitler was Christian, even though this is false.

I've shared a bunch of stuff here proving he wasn't, that the NSDAP deep down was anti-Christian, and also that Christianity was a factor which led to the decline of the Roman Empire.

But yes, these people are ignorant for many reasons:
Personally I think if European civilisation and White People have to be thrive, they have to totally abandoned Abrahmic or any other non European religion and return back to their indigenous native ethinic faith like Hellenism, Roman Religion, Germanic paganism, Slavic Paganism, Nordic Paganism, Celtic paganism
Its like a chinese person adopting mayan mythology and building their entire identity around it
Yea whites who say Christ is kang after saying all non whites are non human is funny when in the Bible it clearly states humans are made in gods image

I mean sure you can say that but don’t call yourself Christian
White nationalists main activity is defending white women and insulting ugly white men geg
leftist white men are lgbt trannys who are fucking white stinky feminist stacies. whats better now?

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