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How are you supposed to approach?

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
I was listening to the most recent lookslive stream and tbh I've never really approached in adulthood, I just did a cringeworthy job at asking a foid out and being rejected when I was like 14. I should do it to confirm the blackpill (likely) or get segs from some subhuman landwhale and delete myself off this forum (unlikely). However, what the fuck are you supposed to do if you approach? Go up to the foid and say hello? Ask if they want to fuck as you walk past them? This seems like turbo cope, of all people who have sex the vast majority arrive at that point organically through meeting each other somewhere. With Chad fucking her in the bathroom 2 hours after meeting her surely she makes a move on him. People complain men don't approach anymore in 2020. What are you supposed to do?
You are not unless you are chad.
Approach single girls have never resulted in sex for me
You approach her by lifting her without saying anything at all.
"Wanna have sex?"
You say some bullshit about the party/bar/club you're at. If you're not a Chad you should at least wait for an IOI or its a likely blowout
well if you are sub 8, you are going to need crazy good social skills, which I assume most of us lack
You say some bullshit about the party/bar/club you're at. If you're not a Chad you should at least wait for an IOI or its a likely blowout
That sounds retarded, so I'm supposed to get sex from small talk?
This is reserved for 7s and up
It is near impossible for a non chad guy to cold approach
Most normie approaches happen in close social circles, where people share interest at least in one topic
After befriending the foid, normie tries to make a move, asking for a coffee or some shit
If he is lucky enough to be above the foids requirements, the date happens, if not, especially the approached isn't a normie, if he is an incel like me, the result is always the same, humiliation
when i approach i just say hello in a monotone way and then its already over
That sounds retarded, so I'm supposed to get sex from small talk?
This is reserved for 7s and up

Like I said it only works if you're Chad or you're Chadlite/Uppertier normie and she sends you a signal to approach her..
It is near impossible for a non chad guy to cold approach
Most normie approaches happen in close social circles, where people share interest at least in one topic
After befriending the foid, normie tries to make a move, asking for a coffee or some shit
If he is lucky enough to be above the foids requirements, the date happens, if not, especially the approached isn't a normie, if he is an incel like me, the result is always the same, humiliation

I can't help but think it would be social suicide to approach a girl who didn't want you within your social circle.
You are supposed to rot and die as a cel, not to approach women.
I can't help but think it would be social suicide to approach a girl who didn't want you within your social circle.
I did it, many times
It depends on the girl, some didn't even care about it and forgot it in a day
Some, on the other hand told everyone that I asked her out, creating a horribly humiliating situation that can last years, which did happen to me
I was reminded of my failure every week
I did it, many times
It depends on the girl, some didn't even care about it and forgot it in a day
Some, on the other hand told everyone that I asked her out, creating a horribly humiliating situation that can last years, which did happen to me
I was reminded of my failure every week

Which is why some PUA shit like reading body language isn't complete BS.
well it starts with being tall and attractive and then say just about anything and fuck her
Which is why some PUA shit like reading body language isn't complete BS.
I knew that none of them was interested in me tbh, it's just that I felt so desperate, I had to try anything I could, I was incredibly low inhib at the time
don't even think about it if you're sub 6, it'll do more harm than good. as a 5 you might get away with checking foids out and maybe 1 out of 300 will look back. takes a lot of work even for a 7, 8+ can slay relatively easy doing it if lowinhibmaxxed
Like I said it only works if you're Chad or you're Chadlite/Uppertier normie and she sends you a signal to approach her..

I can't help but think it would be social suicide to approach a girl who didn't want you within your social circle.
Imo the only legitimate way to meet women is like you said, organically through friends or in a comfortable setting like at work unless you're low inhib.

Attraction is mainly physical, it doesn't really matter what you say unless you say something really weird or that would creep a women out.
When I approached girls I just went up to them and said something simple like "I thought you looked nice" - nothing over the top, no contrived pick up lines, just straight forward and to the point. Obviously, it didn't work, but at least it saved time as I didn't beat around the bush.
Easy. Just have a 7+/10 face, be NT, be tall and be white, bro! It works for chad(lites) all the time bro!
They don't want us to approach
You're not supposed to approach. You only approach when you get a signal, and only chad gets signals.

What are the signals? Only chad knows. He's been getting them since girls hit puberty. Most of the time he doesn't get signals though, he's the one who gets cold approached. Other times he gets literally sexually assaulted when they cop a feel.
well if you are sub 8, you are going to need crazy good social skills, which I assume most of us lack
I'm sub 5 tbh
and i have basically zero social skills when it comes to women
You're not supposed to approach. You only approach when you get a signal, and only chad gets signals.

What are the signals? Only chad knows. He's been getting them since girls hit puberty. Most of the time he doesn't get signals though, he's the one who gets cold approached. Other times he gets literally sexually assaulted when they cop a feel.
I have asparagus
I'm a fucking ugly faggot but even if I got one how would I know
You approach her by lifting her without saying anything at all.

Do you think she was mirin you when you lifted her?
I don't talk to people when I have nothing to tell them. I guess that makes me socially retarded.

I wish I was based so I could just be direct with females and tell them I want them, but I'm not and I'm not willing to beat around the bush either.
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Do you think she was mirin you when you lifted her?

I do not know, but she was confused for sure and perhaps a bit afraid because of what happened.
What are the signals? Only chad knows.

No need to be Chad to know that. Women just stare at him, or they just go to him and find a BS excuse to initiate a conversation. Like asking for directions or shit. You know, beginner level PUA stuff.

I witnessed it just last month, Chad was walking amongst us in the street and a female asked him for directions. I had no doubt that was an excuse to at least see him from closer or something.

I mean, I'm pretty sure no female has ever asked me for directions, ever.
There ia no methodology, there is no etiquette, you're either good looking and it happens or you're not.
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I have no idea Ive never done it, but i'll eventually have to improvise
Just be attractive, bro!
I could give you tips but whenever I wrote would probably get over-analyzed and criticized/made fun of. There's no magic spell. Just focus on acting normal and being lighthearted and fun.
I just look for a IOI or a bitch that looks ugly enough that she might want to smash a ugly fuck like me. (not likely) Then I’ll say something like “You look sympathetic” “I think you are very beautiful, do you want to get some coffee with me sometime?”

Usually they will say, “No, sorry, I have a boyfriend” or just walk away lmao. I have a touch of the autism, so most of the IOI’s I got were probably just her being nice, like a cashier or something.

I’ve done this roughly 40 times with slight variations. Really it comes down to being attractive, because a Chad probably could have got laid at least 1 out of 4 times with my same approach.
I have asparagus
I'm a fucking ugly faggot but even if I got one how would I know
Over for asparaguscels.
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What kind of stream is that? can I have a link

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