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It's Over How anime avis are making you gay

System Restore

System Restore

May 2, 2020


Be careful, don't end up developing gay tendencies

I have a theory that anime Avis makes others gay

Well the the theory goes like this

When you see a girl in anime, you see a foid created by men. This foid is different from real foids, they aren't necessarily Chad chasers and help you in distress not run away in disgust. Many anime watchers develop liking to these animated foids.

When you see a user with anime girl Avi, your brain associates the user who is a man behind a computer as an anime 2d foid who you like. This is where the problems begin, you associating a man behind a computer with a ( fictional ) foid you like.

You start to develop liking for this user and then the gay feelings start to come. All because your brain is associating an anime foid character you like with a man. You develop liking for this man. You become gay and want to have romantic relationships with him.

Tldr - Cute anime girl Avis makes some users have gay tendencies
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I just dont understand why there are so many anime avis. They arent exactly cool
I couldn't have said it better myself.


Be careful, don't end up developing gay tendencies

I have a theory that anime Avis makes others gay

Well the the theory goes like this

When you see a girl in anime, you see a foid created by men. This foid is different from real foids, they aren't necessarily Chad chasers and help you in distress not run away in disgust. Many anime watchers develop liking to these animated foids.

When you see a user with anime girl Avi , your brain associates the user who is a man behind a computer as an anime 2d foid who you like. This is where the problems begin, you associating a man behind a computer with a ( fictional ) foid you like.

You start to develop liking for this user and then the gay feelings start to come. All because your brain is associating an anime foid character you like with a man. You develop liking for this man. You become gay and want to have romantic relationships with him.

Tldr - Cute anime girl Avis makes some users have gay tendencies

Ok GrAYcel
So azusa what do you thinkof the op think he 3945153
I've honestly not seen anything about him since he quit, everyone just seemed forget him
He exclusively goes by his singer/songwriter name "Joji" now, meaning that he completely dropped the Filthy Frank character and not only that but is an extremely popular Hip-Hop/Rap artist throughout the world currently as well.
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Another reason why anime avis are GAY and DUMB
Kinda true, ngl. Users with anime avi definitely give off some halo effect.

Still prefer to look at them, though. Cute anime girls help me cope.
This is true, I remember a guy in an incel discord, long before r/incels was a thing, legit developing a gay crush on another incel in the chat because the dude had an anime avi. Despite the anime avi guy telling him multiple times that he was an ugly ass incel with disabilities, the dude still had a crush on him and legit begged him to let him meet him. It was extremely cringe, and really shows the true power of anime avi, made exceptionally worse by the prison gay that often develops with incels. When you mix sexually frustrated dudes with cute anime girls it's bound to happen eventually. Discord I think just amplifies it because it's a more personal platform than a forum where you're just throwing posts into the ether. On discord they grow to like the person but also attracted to the anime avi and it crosses wires because quite honestly the subconscious human brain isn't smart enough to differentiate between the fiction and reality. It is a sad state of affairs.
This is true, I remember a guy in an incel discord, long before r/incels was a thing, legit developing a gay crush on another incel in the chat because the dude had an anime avi. Despite the anime avi guy telling him multiple times that he was an ugly ass incel with disabilities, the dude still had a crush on him and legit begged him to let him meet him. It was extremely cringe, and really shows the true power of anime avi, made exceptionally worse by the prison gay that often develops with incels. When you mix sexually frustrated dudes with cute anime girls it's bound to happen eventually. Discord I think just amplifies it because it's a more personal platform than a forum where you're just throwing posts into the ether. On discord they grow to like the person but also attracted to the anime avi and it crosses wires because quite honestly the subconscious human brain isn't smart enough to differentiate between the fiction and reality. It is a sad state of affairs.
This is valid, I recollect a person in an incel friction, some time before r/incels was a thing, genuine building up a gay pound on another incel in the visit on the grounds that the man had an anime avi. In spite of the anime avi fellow disclosing to him on various occasions that he was a revolting ass incel with handicaps, the man despite everything really liked him and genuine beseeched him to let him meet him. It was amazingly flinch, and truly shows the genuine intensity of anime avi, aggravated particularly by the jail gay that regularly creates with incels. At the point when you blend explicitly baffled fellows in with adorable anime young ladies' will undoubtedly happen inevitably. Friction I think just intensifies it since it's a more close to home stage than a discussion where you're simply tossing posts into the ether. On friction they develop to like the individual yet in addition pulled in to the anime avi and it crosses wires on the grounds that actually the subliminal human mind isn't sufficiently brilliant to separate between the fiction and reality. It is a dismal situation.
Jfl at thinking anime avi's make you gay. I have never heard of a gay incel. Only low inhib cels fall in love with anime avi's
Jfl at thinking anime avi's make you gay. I have never heard of a gay incel. Only low inhib cels fall in love with anime avi's

Darkness with a mask
Jfl at thinking anime avi's make you gay. I have never heard of a gay incel. Only low inhib cels fall in love with anime avi's

Yeah, if you develop a gay crush for an user with an anime avi, you were a faggot from the beginning.
@WithoutMe @quinn24 be careful
I don't like anime.
thoughts? @AccountError

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