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News Homeland Security backed 250000$ research on incel communities



Nov 24, 2017
Image of silhouette of man's head in front of computer monitor light at night.

Media Contact
Noelle Toumey Reetz

Public Relations Specialist
404-413-6649[email protected]
ATLANTA—The United States Department of Homeland Security has awarded a $250,000 grant to Georgia State University to research the evolution and spread of the growing male supremacist movement referred to as Incel.
The new grant will fund a year-long effort led by Dr. John Horgan to research the group’s emergence and evolution. Horgan is a Distinguished University Professor of Psychology at Georgia State and directs the Violent Extremism Research Group.
“The Incel community is one of the purest hotbeds of Internet radicalization I’ve ever seen, and it’s a community that is growing in size and confidence,” Horgan said.
The new collaborative research project will provide a first-of-its-kind view into the movement referred to as the “Incel Rebellion” and its followers. Researchers will identify the group’s activity and identify what role the internet plays in fomenting violence and hate.
Group members identify themselves as “Incel” — “involuntarily celibate” or unable to find a romantic or sexual partner. Members are typically white, heterosexual men who harbor a self-described resentment toward women. The subculture is found predominantly online.
“Though Incels have been around for several years, the research community has only recently begun to sit up and take notice. I see Incel violence against women as nothing less than a new form of terrorism,” Horgan said.
In the past five years, Incel violence has been linked to 47 deaths, including a shooting and stabbing in Isla Vista, Calif., and an attack last year in Toronto, Canada. The new research will show how members are being radicalized.
“The recent Incel attacks against women have given the movement a new sense of urgency and direction,” Horgan said. “These are high-profile acts of targeted violence that have energized an already toxic and rage-fueled community.”
Dr. Horgan will lead a team of scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital’s Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences at Penn State University.

Featured Researcher
Headshot of lead researcher Dr. John Horgan.

John Horgan
Psychology and Global Studies Institute
Dr. Horgan’s research focuses on psychological issues in terrorism and political violence. His current projects involve the development of psycho-social intervention programs for children affected by conflict, evaluating programs aimed at ‘Countering Violent Extremism’, and understanding the over-representation of religious converts in terrorist plots.
duplicate post but ffs this egghead looks like your typical IT poster bet he drinks soylent
What a time to be alive. This is why you don't rope, people. Can you believe this? We gon' be on TV!
duplicate post but ffs this egghead looks like your typical IT poster bet he drinks soylent
He has to.
1L per day at least.


Don't let him control the narrative. Don't let his "research" fall prey to bias. Call him, e-mail him, speak for yourselves.
JFL this is what our tax dollars are going towards, wars in the middle east for Israel and research on incels.

For those more hopeful than the rest of us, maybe the researchers will become blackpilled after this """study""".
This is fake news. That dudes research is wasted. I bet we can write this dudes research papers and projects for him.

United States of Cucks strikes again.
"M'Lady, I-I'm gonna deal with the evil inkwells!1! Hehe a-afterwards we c-can go on a date, r-right? :soy: "
"Thank you so much my big strong beta, I mean alpha. I'd totally go on a date with you if I wasn't busy fucking chads, I mean my boyfriend who I've been in a committed relationship with for many years."
Hello and thank you for your email. I’m currently on vacation 20-29th June.
I will respond to messages after this time.
With thanks

John G. Horgan, Ph.D.
Distinguished University Professor
Department of Psychology
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA 30303

What kind of vacation could $250,000 buy?
I genuinely want one of these incel researcher retards to come over to my house so I can basically blackpill them. That would honestly be great.
They should just give the money to incels instead.
Dude looks like an actual queer.

If you're reading this, fuck you and your awkwardly infantile face.

Eat my dick and suck muh balls.
I prefer not to be doxxed by one of these guys or put into jail. I live in Canada so it will probably be the latter.
the growing male supremacist movement referred to as Incel.

Since when are we supreme? It's rather the contrary.
So, what if we are a real threat to society? Are they going to drone-strike me?
What a waste of resources.

He's secretly one of us.
Haha, all that money will go the cuck researcher's wife.
Homeland Security is an absolute mess. It always has been, from an organizational standpoint, but now more than ever. The Trump admin purged their leadership two months ago and it's running around like a headless chicken.

Why doesn't DHS stick to running concentration camps instead of wasting money investigating folks who are just venting?
Degenerates, better could give those moneys to incels, for various maxxings

The honkpill honk again
Doctors, pharmaceuticals, and cars are far more deadly than lonely ugly men.

(((They))) just hate White men. Maybe we should pick a hapa leadER?
Selfies and texting while driving is 100x more dangerous than a lonely man.
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I prefer not to be doxxed by one of these guys or put into jail. I live in Canada so it will probably be the latter.

I'm happy for living in a lawless shithole tbh. They even found drugs in the president's airplane lmfao....
Homeland Sickurity, as someone has called it.

Fortunately, in Europe we do not have black lists for airline passengers and paranoia on almost every matter. Despite, Big Brother is getting bigger every day.
"""""""""""movement""""""""""""" makes me rage every time
The state of the US where tax dollars go to doing research on fucking Internet god life really hates us
JFL they actually think this is a terrorist movement, they will research us and realise we're nothing but basement dwellers

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