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Holy shit. Found the pic on what I mean by "bloated face"



Nov 11, 2017

This is exactly my problem. It's so goddamn round and bloated even though I'm at 11%. I have this same exact issue. I just don't fucking get it.


This is what I wish I had. See how the jaw is wide but isn't bloated? I don't get it. Just LOL at my subhuman genetics

PS: That guy in the first pic is NOT me. He actually looks decent besides the moon face.
The first guy looks fine. 6/10. i get what you're saying about the bloated face, but its not so important really
TheVman said:
The first guy looks fine. 6/10. i get what you're saying about the bloated face, but its not so important really

It's important in person. It looks subhuman in pictures too. Women would never see a photo of you and say

"That jawline can cut through glass" more like saying "Those cheeks are bigger than the shit I took last night"

It's over seriously.
Recessed cheekbones are your problem. Impossible to fix unfortunately
lmao my face is 10x more bloated than the first guy and I'm skinny af.
Intermittent fasting + low carb may help.
Same here. I have good features underneath a layer of FAT and it's frustrating af. Have little bodyfat percentage btw so not volcel.
iblamemyself said:
Same here. I have good features underneath a layer of FAT and it's frustrating af. Have little bodyfat percentage btw so not volcel.

Bs. You are not shredded enough. Do you have veins on your abs?
demonanus said:
Bs. You are not shredded enough. Do you have veins on your abs?

Have a bit of veins popping on my biceps, but even if a bodyfat percentage that low would be required to get me a good face - I couldn't keep it up. You shouldn't drop below 8% for too long.
I have the same problem. Isn't there really any possible surgeries/procedures to improve?
iblamemyself said:
Have a bit of veins popping on my biceps, but even if a bodyfat percentage that low would be required to get me a good face - I couldn't keep it up. You shouldn't drop below 8% for too long.

It's quite unrealistic to maintain that level of leanness year round even on gear though. It's mostly genetic to be honest. But you could try to get absolutely diced just once. Fucking cunts are just born with good bones. FUCK
Its your shitty facial bone structure just lol if you havent roped as genetic trash.
ive seen that pic of the high tier normie before... where did you get it from? i swear i saw it on amiugly or something
chiseled statue bones by the gods themselves or its over
if the first pic is you you are fakecel
looksandstatus said:
I have the same problem. Isn't there really any possible surgeries/procedures to improve?

Nothing will work. You can get cheek implants but it'll just make your face wider and fatter. Same with jaw implants. It'll make your face wider and in terms of our types of faces, fatter.

It's fucking over for us. I need to rope.

That's why when you have these stupid dumb fucking retarded normies
"Just lift bro!!!! Diet bro!!!!"

How much more do you want me to fucking diet MORONS? I'm at fucking 11%. I have visible abs. I have a fucking v line. I have a good body (think Nick Bateman). Yet I get no women because of my FUCKING FACE. GOD. I HATE NORMIES SO MUCH.

Hunter said:
if the first pic is you you are fakecel

Low IQ
My case is weird. I have visible concave cheeks in almost every lightning, not too prominent but noticeable cheekbones and prominent jaw yet from a frontal view the sides of my face are not as sharp (the jaw gonion corners) as the hollowed cheeks suggest.
Zyros said:
My case is weird. I have visible concave cheeks in almost every lightning, not too prominent but noticeable cheekbones and prominent jaw yet from a frontal view the sides of my face are not as sharp (the jaw gonion corners) as the hollowed cheeks suggest.
It's because of the shape of our mandibles. No amount of "low body fat" will change the mandible. It's our fucking bones. It's just how our bones are and nothing will work. Maybe fillers. Jaw implants will do nothing but make your face look worse and puffier. There is no surgeries out there that can give you that straight angular jaw look. Nothing at all.
anincelforlifelol said:
It's because of the shape of our mandibles. No amount of "low body fat" will change the mandible. It's our fucking bones. It's just how our bones are and nothing will work. Maybe fillers. Jaw implants will do nothing but make your face look worse and puffier. There is no surgeries out there that can give you that straight angular jaw look. Nothing at all.

no its not because if I press agaisnt the jaw, the bone itself is sharp. I dunno if its because of high placed masseters or that even tho I leaned out my face, there is still room to lean it more. 

But now it doesnt hurt my face as much as it did before leaning anyways. Just stating that I would like full sharpness of gonial zone from a front perspective
You're probably nowhere near 11% bf tbh, just being real. 11% bf is really really lean.

The rounded jaw of the guy in the first pic is because of a rounded mandible. You want your mandible to be straight like the guy in the second photo. Then again, even with that flaw, you'll probably still look better lean than fat.
CopingGymcel said:
You're probably nowhere near 11% bf tbh, just being real. 11% bf is really really lean.

The rounded jaw of the guy in the first pic is because of a rounded mandible. You want your mandible to be straight like the guy in the second photo. Then again, even with that flaw, you'll probably still look better lean than fat.

I am 11% body fat. I've been tested and I tested myself and I'm not talking about those crappy machines that you aim at your body so it shows your body fat. For the last time, your bones usually show around 13-15% body fat. 11% is good enough to show how you would look with a lean face. Anything under 10 is excessive for someone who is natural, and because I have no bones supporting my face I look worse under 10%. It's over.
dam I have that too although I haven't started lean maxing
Sadist said:
dam I have that too although I haven't started lean maxing

It's fucking over. Truly subhuman. Good look trying to get rid of that...you won't. Fuck our lives.
anincelforlifelol said:
It's fucking over. Truly subhuman. Good look trying to get rid of that...you won't. Fuck our lives.

fuck, idk tho I have some jaw line showing before when I was in better shape (note I wasn't lean maxed here either) so I might have hope. just this uni life makes it hard to eat healthy enough to start lowering my bf
FOcusing on one problem does nothing, you have many worse problems to worry about than 'bloating'

The best thing you can do is give up. It may sound discouraging but it's the best course of action. No surgery can fix you serious .. natural born slayers have optimal everything. They're not fucked in one department and great in everything else like you think you are (and you're not)

Just.give up
takurak said:
FOcusing on one problem does nothing, you have many worse problems to worry about than 'bloating'

The best thing you can do is give up. It may sound discouraging but it's the best course of action. No surgery can fix you serious .. natural born slayers have optimal everything. They're not fucked in one department and great in everything else like you think you are (and you're not)

Just.give up

Just LOL at thinking I believe I have great development everywhere besides my round bloated potato face subhuman jaw. No I'm subhuman EVERYWHERE, but at least if I had a somewhat nicer angular jaw I'd feel an ounce bit better.
anincelforlifelol said:
Just LOL at thinking I believe I have great development everywhere besides my round bloated potato face subhuman jaw. No I'm subhuman EVERYWHERE, but at least if I had a somewhat nicer angular jaw I'd feel an ounce bit better.

Do you even read? Yes I know you are.

Well if it that's your reasoning then I don't see much wrong in attempting to get an angular jaw. But if its for ascension then its not worth it.
takurak said:
Do you even read? Yes I know you are.

Well if it that's your reasoning then I don't see much wrong in attempting to get an angular jaw. But if its for ascension then its not worth it.

You can't attempt to get an angular jaw with certain features in your mandible. It's literally impossible. I'm fucked.

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