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JFL Hipster Woman's Take on Incels

  • Thread starter Deleted member 6501
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1 minute in, she claims being incel is about 'basically about not wanting to take responsibility for the parts of their personality-'
can't be arsed to watch past there tbh
infuriating normie drivel where someone speaks about incels after reading the definition and one huffington post article.
more like crack whore's take on inceldom.
biggest accomplishment in years.
infuriating normie drivel where someone speaks about incels after reading the definition and one huffington post article.

Pretty much.

Most of these youtubers suddenly making videos about incels never even heard of incels a couple weeks ago, only know what they read from the mainstream media and are just regurgitating it on youtube because they think "incel" is "trending" topic.

That's what tons of youtubers do these days. Pick a topic that's popular in the news at the time, regurgitate what you read in the articles, offer no unique perspective, and don't bother doing your own research beyond buzzfeed and vice articles. And as long as you strike while the iron is hot you're guaranteed to get views regardless, especially if you're female.
The reality is that we are not physically attractive. That's it. Personality meme be damned.
She basically has a good point especially when she mention that we don't just want sex but some women to love us back but she goes off the deep end talk about we have ridiculous high standards and that we're "choicecels" because we don't want to fuck a landwhale.
She basically has a good point especially when she mention that we don't just want sex but some women to love us back but she goes off the deep end talk about we have ridiculous high standards and that we're "choicecels" because we don't want to fuck a landwhale.

She goes on to other wacky shit like women don't want to be with us because they can "sense" we want to hurt them.
Pretty much.

Most of these youtubers suddenly making videos about incels never even heard of incels a couple weeks ago, only know what they read from the mainstream media and are just regurgitating it on youtube because they think "incel" is "trending" topic.

That's what tons of youtubers do these days. Pick a topic that's popular in the news at the time, regurgitate what you read in the articles, offer no unique perspective, and don't bother doing your own research beyond buzzfeed and vice articles. And as long as you strike while the iron is hot you're guaranteed to get views regardless, especially if you're female.
She basically has a good point especially when she mention that we don't just want sex but some women to love us back but she goes off the deep end talk about we have ridiculous high standards and that we're "choicecels" because we don't want to fuck a landwhale.

I don't know about you, but I just want sex. My problem is prostitution is illegal and I'm scared of STDs because hookers bang 100+ guys a year and are virtually guaranteed to carry herpes.
I'm sick of hearing we have high standards, where does this even come from? Sure maybe I don't want to bang a downy or a women that would need a crane to get her ass out of bed, but that's hardly what I call high standards.
I wonder how much she charges for a raw blowjob.
She goes on to other wacky shit like women don't want to be with us because they can "sense" we want to hurt them.
Yeah and she mentions afterwards that the reason that women don't want us is because they want to live. If that were true women wouldn't be with killers, murders, drug dealers and other sort of assholes if that were the case
I don't know about you, but I just want sex. My problem is prostitution is illegal and I'm scared of STDs because hookers bang 100+ guys a year and are virtually guaranteed to carry herpes.
I don't just want sex, I want someone to want and love me as well but a this point I don't think that will ever happen.
Yeah and she mentions afterwards that the reason that women don't want us is because they want to live. If that were true women wouldn't be with killers, murders, drug dealers and other sort of assholes if that were the case
Their "intuition" fails them when it comes to physically attractive men who are bad for them. Interesting how that works.

I wonder how much she charges for a raw blowjob.
Don't think you want your dick to smell like cigarette ash.
I didn't click because there's no reason to give people like her more views.
I don't just want sex, I want someone to want and love me as well but a this point I don't think that will ever happen.

Well yeah, that would be nice. But bottom line if I was banging girls on Tinder I don't think I'd feel so lonely or isolated or like such a failure as a man.
this woman has had several phallus' in her mouth and wants to lecture me.
Oh Lord, someone's mom trying to be famous on YouTube.....
I'm sick of hearing we have high standards, where does this even come from? Sure maybe I don't want to bang a downy or a women that would need a crane to get her ass out of bed, but that's hardly what I call high standards.
we are famous guys, many people talking about us we are like rockstars.
Oh god I hope not. The idea of being famous for being pathetic is kind of disgusting. It's like the Kardishians or something, but worse.

Anyway, I didn't bother to watch the video. I read she told incels to work on their personalities and I lost all interest. Women are marrying alcoholics, wife-beaters (who are then going to beat their kids), drug-dealers, and all other types of horrors. I mean, it hardly needs to be pointed out, but jesus christ when will the obvious hit these people in the head? Oh well, she'll probably just use good old cognitive dissonance to band-aid and double-down on her position, even if she does have to utter a word of rebuttal.

And does she think anyone can really change their personalities? I don't know if people realize this, but their personalities are pretty much set in early adult-hood. Does she just want us to become sociopaths???

Hipster? More like trailer-trash crackwhore. Also admits in the vid that it's holding out for trailer-Chad.
she just need to comment and orbiters will give him a lot of likes making her believe that she was right about whatever she said.
What do you want to bet some guy wrote that he completely agreed with her before even watching the video?
She has some points, I can relate, I mostly agree. However, forgetting sex/inceldom/dating and all things related, how come no one ever talks about women and their shitty personalities? I have dealt with many women as well as men with shitty personalities. I mean, I don't give a good fuck how "Feminine or masculine" you are, I do not expect women to be smiley 50s housewife types, I mean, really guys? Try to be real here, but fuck! Have I dealt with some real cunt rags. And it's always over petty, stupid shit where if you like tore into them emotionally, went off on them like told them to stop being such an unreasonable cunt and shut the fuck up, you'd probably be doing them a favor.
Oh god I hope not. The idea of being famous for being pathetic is kind of disgusting. It's like the Kardishians or something, but worse.

Anyway, I didn't bother to watch the video. I read she told incels to work on their personalities and I lost all interest. Women are marrying alcoholics, wife-beaters (who are then going to beat their kids), drug-dealers, and all other types of horrors. I mean, it hardly needs to be pointed out, but jesus christ when will the obvious hit these people in the head? Oh well, she'll probably just use good old cognitive dissonance to band-aid and double-down on her position, even if she does have to utter a word of rebuttal.

And does she think anyone can really change their personalities? I don't know if people realize this, but their personalities are pretty much set in early adult-hood. Does she just want us to become sociopaths???


Yes, I mean, I kind of just said the same thing. Why does no one point this out? Well, I have my theories. It's not so much herd mentality, as it is, people just go about their lives/business and realize that shit is not my fucking problem. That's the truth. You/they had a choice, that was theirs, And don't come crying to everyone else when he beats you. You could have had a nice, normal, loving relationship, but that was not good enough. Or ye old you thought he would change. I tried to be sympathetic to this shit for the longest time, then realized, fuck it.

I think people can change their personalities or parts of it.
Something to think about in regards to this I meant to bring up prior. First off, let's put aside for a moment, all things chad/Stacey, incel, red/blue/black pill, looks/leagues all of that for a few moments, and focus on her message of how well, we all want to meet someone and be with someone and have that. I think it is fair to say, if we had that, even one, most of us would be happy. That is the part where she actually makes a good point and I agree. I think we can accept we are not going to be Chad Thundercock the ultimate alpha who fucks all the hot bitches.

Now, after that, back to what this is REALY about. As we know, for a long time, incels/love shy and the sjw progressive feminazi crazed cuntbags and sensitive snowflakes, don't get along, and even with that in mind, there are many similarities in some ideas I've noticed. As we know those said sjw types have long LONG been on about the online network and world of incel/mgtow/mra/alt right. I have read about it I am fairly guessing some of you have. Where am I going with this? Well, this video reads very similarly to an op ed article the new York times I read the other day written by Jessica Valenti, a crazed full of shit feminazi cunt bag who tends to actually be a lil less full of shit than the rest of them. She also founded that feminazi whore hole of a website feministing.

The article I don't want to say is word for word the same, but it reads very similarly to this. It's the same idea, these shy/inadequate and awkward feeling/anger filled sex driven/pent up/ "don't see women or at least not HAWT! women as human"/just need to be reached out and helped and told it's ok to feel vulnerable and all that "toxic masculinity stuff". Seriously. Try and find it and read it. I will look for it and post it. Anyways, my point is, this might look like some sort of attempt to reach and connect. But it's not. Now, without re-stating the obvious , we live in highly polarized social/political times. Say whatever you will about that, but we do.

Now, if there is an attempt to reach across and forgive, and let shit go, and connect, and find a sense of commonality and teamwork, and being there for one another, I'm all for that. If they can make it work and it all goes well, great.

But that's not what this is about. Yeah I'm all for the above mentioned stuff provided it's done with honest attentions and fairness. But this and they are not. No. They? They don't give a fuck about you or your problems. No this? This is political. I'll explain my theory.

Maybe I am stating the obvious, but this is something I am not seeing said. As I am sure you all know, the left/mainstream media is STILL, STILL,2 years after the fucking fact, pissed about Trump. I think we know why. But I think there is more to it. See, part of why they are so pissed at Trump and his supporters isn't so much the social/political/ideological differences and views, no, it's that they couldn't control them. They cannot stand that they got beat at their own game and are too proud to admit it or that they were wrong. Yeah that ain't gonna happen so don't hold your breath. As you know, part of the key to his success/strategy was the online independent alternative media outlets that didn't have to play by the regular rules. I am sure one could find whatever problems or disagreements with anyone they could if they wanted too. Part of it too was this MGTOW/AltRight/MRA thing and their issue brought up and how it relayed into Trumps win. I am sure there were people pointing this out prior, but within the past year, I have been seeing and reading stuff I'd been saying myself repeated about the effect of this. I mean fuck! It only took them 3 fucking years to realize it! 3 years! I saw this from a million miles away.

So I think they believe, that if they reach out to said alienated angry incel dudes and the like, somehow get them to join their team, this will lead to more votes for them. Cause they can't stand the online independent media/altrigt/mgtow/mra thing. Drives them nuts. Now, however you feel or vote or sense things politically or what you decide is up to you. If one chooses to join that side of things so be it, this is not a personal thing for me. But keep in mind, they don't give a fuck about you and this is about them winning an election.
@Hellothere the problem is most women's instinctual revulsion at the mere existence of unattractive men makes them incapable of successfully doing what you suggest. Women have life on the easiest mode ever, but it has come at the cost of their ability to influence men culturally/politically as much as they've done in the past.
Say what you will about this, but I think some on here are a bit too caught up on looks. I'm not saying some are more or less attractive, but I think one of the problems on here and overall, is all looks looks looks. No one even tries to think beyond that. No I am not beta cuck white knighting, I am saying it can about influence/ideology/winning the election.

Oh I think that is their goal, to take back control to try and win. I would say don't give in, but one will choose how or for who or why they vote. I think you guys may tend to forget that sometimes. You still have the right to do that, good looking or not. That is in part why Trump won, he tapped into the resource.
Here's another freak.
That's what tons of youtubers do these days. Pick a topic that's popular in the news at the time, regurgitate what you read in the articles, offer no unique perspective, and don't bother doing your own research beyond buzzfeed and vice articles. And as long as you strike while the iron is hot you're guaranteed to get views regardless, especially if you're female.

Nailed it again, as usual.
She looks, acts and talks that way because of all the Chad semen that has been pumped up her ass.

Seriously, looks like she is about to start growing a moustache, all the testosterone that has been pumped into her.

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