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Serious High T=death sentence

  • Thread starter NothingButALoser
  • Start date


Mar 28, 2018
If you are high T you will have trouble socializing and holding conversations because you will be always thinkign about pussy/sex/women. Every time you go out and don't get laid, you will feel sad afterwards which negatively affect your personality and interactions with other people. If you are high T you will always see women as sexual objects no matter how much you fap.

Who socializes the best? Women. Why? Because they have low T levels so they are able to enjoy conversations and interactions with other humans. Normies are low T cucks too so they can do this as well. High T men like me don't give a fuck about socialization and only care about sex which ultimately leads to inceldom since socializing is necessary for sub 8s.

Having a high testosterone is only useful if you are an naimal. For humans, its a fucking curse since humans have to be social and shit. I actually worsened my condition by taking food suplements and roids when I was gymceling back in 2016 which further increased my T levels and made me even more sex driven.
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Which roids? I want to be high t as possible with no side effects. If I'm not getting laid, might as well be horny as shit and fuck a sex doll or escort.
Which roids? I want to be high t as possible with no side effects. If I'm not getting laid, might as well be horny as shit and fuck a sex doll or escort.
Some guy in the gym gave them to me. They were called "Snaps".
This is false. Testosterone helps to balance stress hormone levels AKA make you calmer. That's why men are better capable of being brain surgeons, CEOs and fighter pilots than women. High T men can handle stress better.

Even femoids will become nervous and awkward around Giga Chad, unless they are Stacy. Low T heterosexual men have the worst of both worlds, unless they are so low T that they have no libido and are practically impotent. But then it doesn't even matter.
This is false. Testosterone helps to balance stress hormone levels AKA make you calmer. That's why men are better capable of being brain surgeons, CEOs and fighter pilots than women. High T men can handle stress better.

Even femoids will become nervous and awkward around Giga Chad, unless they are Stacy. Low T heterosexual men have the worst of both worlds, unless they are so low T that they have no libido and are practically impotent.
I never said I'm not calm or that I can't handle stress.
They are Testosterone supplements basically
Did you measure your t levels before and after? I thought the only way to increase testosterone was testosterone replacement injections.
Legit. I am high T af yet truecel.
Did you measure your t levels before and after? I thought the only way to increase testosterone was testosterone replacement injections.
These pills were equally effective and they did infact increase my T levels further beyond. i actually had the hightest testosterones measured at the hospital in the last 6 months
I never said I'm not calm or that I can't handle stress.

Then you shouldn't have a problem. I am on the low end of normal T levels and still only see women as sex objects because that's mainly what they are. My biggest problem interacting with women, other than my subpar looks, was being nervous AKA approach anxiety. Now I don't interact with a lot of women anymore, because its over and women are pretty boring if you have no chance of getting laid.
yep. being a 22 virgin is extremely frustrating and i had to cut porn/fapping out because it fucks with your head so now im even more frustrated. :feelsree:
Then you shouldn't have a problem. I am on the low end of normal T levels and still only see women as sex objects because that's mainly what they are. My biggest problem interacting with women, other than my subpar looks, was being nervous AKA approach anxiety. Now I don't interact with a lot of women anymore, because its over and women are pretty boring if you have no chance of getting laid.
Why shouldn't I have a problem?
yep. being a 22 virgin is extremely frustrating and i had to cut porn/fapping out because it fucks with your head so now im even more frustrated. :feelsree:
We are designed to fuck but not designed to be attractive
There is a bit of truth to this. Some of the biggest slayers are guys who have some ability to really talk to women and understand their stupid social cues etc. Being very high T is not only about body and looks but also in the brain, which can hinder social ability.
Low T is much much worse. As a result I am quite passive irl, have a weak voice, I suffer from high inhibition and anxiety. Suck at sport.
Worst of all my motivation sucks. I am unmotivated to do anything and have a very passive attitude towards life so active self improvement is impossible for me.
I'd trade my low sex drive to fix these issues
There is a bit of truth to this. Some of the biggest slayers are guys who have some ability to really talk to women and understand their stupid social cues etc. Being very high T is not only about body and looks but also in the brain, which can hinder social ability.
Legit. High T means you can fuck good but to get to that point you need to be low T
Another scapegoat. High t. Really?
OP is coping hard, high testosterone is only a bad thing if you are ugly.
Testosterone masculinzes your face, you get deeper set eyes, bigger orbitals, a wider jaw, a wider frame, wider and thicker cheekbones, in no world is this a bad thing.
Testosterone masculinzes your face, you get deeper set eyes, bigger orbitals, a wider jaw, a wider frame, wider and thicker cheekbones, in no world is this a bad thing.
Testosterone has little to do with bones
Mega cope itt. I'd reckon part of the reason we are incels is because of our low T levels
Testosterone masculinzes your face, you get deeper set eyes, bigger orbitals, a wider jaw, a wider frame, wider and thicker cheekbones, in no world is this a bad thing
Then why are there ugly high-t guys without those things?
Tfw you have good bones but facial bloat
Only a matter of time before high T-cels commit mass rape
When Chad is High-T he's alpha and dominant.
thats the downside to it but high T boosts your SMV
Over 900 ng/dlcel checking in. TKHHV, speaks for itself.
Can confirm, I have high T, high DHT, and high Free Test.
If I'm not thinking about sex I'm thinking about pussy. I have a somewhat masculine face with a prominent brow ridge and an overall large skeleton with a thick frame, thick wrist bones, etc. I put on muscle very quickly.

Still a mentalcel though, FML

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