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Blackpill High schoolers who are physically attractive are just as likely (and sometimes even more likely) to finish college than those who are average or ugly

I dropped out cuz im ugly
i never went to college tbh
and they say chads end up as hobos
Ugly and low AVG guys are shunned or stealth bullied by classmates and accomodation student flatmates. We are unwanted socially and there's no greater example when you have to work in a group on assignments and find none wants to interact w/you We come full circle and realize we are not wanted and develop the "what's the fucking point" mindset. It's simple really.
Ugly and low AVG guys are shunned or stealth bullied by classmates and accomodation student flatmates. We are unwanted socially and there's no greater example when you have to work in a group on assignments and find none wants to interact w/you We come full circle and realize we are not wanted and develop the "what's the fucking point" mindset. It's simple really.
what is AVG?
I finished but almost dropped out because my ugliness affects every part of my life
agreed, because of bullying
If you have sub-par LOOKS as a male, practically everyone would do everything to kill you.
poor looks equals no validation which equals low motivation which equals less acheivement
This is because as an ugly male their is no motivation to try as hard and could also be difficult because of bullying
Ugly and low AVG guys are shunned or stealth bullied by classmates and accomodation student flatmates. We are unwanted socially and there's no greater example when you have to work in a group on assignments and find none wants to interact w/you We come full circle and realize we are not wanted and develop the "what's the fucking point" mindset. It's simple really.

Did you ever go to College or University?

While I am here. This is what happens even when an incel truecel completes his College or University with including BA's, MBA's and even a "Academic Doctor" status in the 2010s, 2020s.

- No friends
- No girlfriend and no-one wants to date him
- No-one wants to hire him despite applying for jobs (especially where you have to attach a photo to show how "presentable" you are)
- He's broke, now 40, and living at his parents house (now two bedroom flat) on £100 per week and eating his parent's left over dinners

Video here from 6 years ago (2014) and his situation has only deteriorated where he can't even get a job scrubbing toilets due to his age and requiring yet another student loan for "a 12 month masters in city and guilds for public sanitation technician".

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Water is wet

Attractive people know they will get jobs
brutal truth for every successful ugly nerd, there are far far more ugly subhuman failure trash. this is world filled with suffering at every moment, every millisecond, thousands suffer, millions suffer. Sentience is undeniably a curse
I can't fucking believe it. They are picking random guys and rating them as unattractive. And then these faggots advise us to stay confident and that looks don't matter. FUCK THIS WORLD.

Brutal blackpill -

Screenshot 3

Attractive students drink more and have more sex than other students.
"Just work on your personality bro..":soy::soy:
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Did you ever go to College or University?

While I am here. This is what happens even when an incel truecel completes his College or University with including BA's, MBA's and even a "Academic Doctor" status in the 2010s, 2020s.

- No friends
- No girlfriend and no-one wants to date him
- No-one wants to hire him despite applying for jobs (especially where you have to attach a photo to show how "presentable" you are)
- He's broke, now 40, and living at his parents house (now two bedroom flat) on £100 per week and eating his parent's left over dinners

Video here from 6 years ago (2014) and his situation has only deteriorated where he can't even get a job scrubbing toilets due to his age and requiring yet another student loan for "a 12 month masters in city and guilds for public sanitation technician".

I did two years diploma in college and passed. I then went to uni to study my Hnd but dropped out after 1 year.
I lost motivation at the end, almost dropped out of college. Not even high doss of adderall could keep me focused. But a note from my doctor, allowed me to withdraw from unnessicary classes I was taking, and got to finish line. My degree, applied math, was worthless. 2 years later, I'm a NEET not motivated to do abything. Even if parents kick me out, I'll prob just rope.
Correlation between height and getting a BA/BS is prob even stronger
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Graphic design.

You know there's an academic joke that goes like this when a graduate student states they are unemployed

"What was your topic? Business or Art Studies?"

Regarding graphical work that all ended up getting outsourced abroad.
Graphic design.

Most design graduates don't get jobs these days anyway. U have to have the right connections. the brutal truth is that most people get career opportunities through their social network. technology has made us all more disconnected and it's therefore harder to build meaningful connections.

I can't even get a job stacking shelves, despite experience from 1998-2003 doing so at tesco. They don't take me on, And I see some 18yo Stacies take these jobs instead. Everybody hates ugly guys. They want us perma unemployed. Runnerd underground.

It is only going to get worse for men. The current enviroment we live in is gynocentric, eugenic, comically lookist and doesnt want men to succeed in life, especially ugly or average white men. Depopulation is the goal. All we can do as men is survive the best we can.
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It is only going to get worse for men. The current enviroment we live in is gynocentric and doesnt want men to succeed in life

I don't think depopulation is the goal. I think it is just to keep men from living too comfortably so that they are always nervous and so work harder for less benefits.
As ugly males we are discriminated in every single aspect of life
I don't think depopulation is the goal. I think it is just to keep men from living too comfortably so that they are always nervous and so work harder for less benefits.

Depopoulition is the goal. Why do u think this governments r so hard on men with this metoo movement,. Jailing men for 20yrs for having consensual sex with a drunk foid who blew the rape whistle on you 10 years later. The whole sex offender moral panic. It's all to deter men from interacting with women and passing on your genes.

Oh and covid19 was made in a Chinese or American lab as a form of wiping out populations.
Depopoulition is the goal. Why do u think this governments r so hard on men with this metoo movement,. Jailing men for 20yrs for having consensual sex with a drunk foid who blew the rape whistle on you 10 years later. The whole sex offender moral panic. It's all to deter men from interacting with women and passing on your genes.

Oh and covid19 was made in a Chinese or American lab as a form of wiping out populations.

But at the same time governments complain about low birth rates and how they need more immigration and a push for more tax benefits for couples to make up for low birth rates.
It doesn't make sense to me why they would be focused on depopulation when a lot of governments are pursuing natalist policies like giving welfare to single mothers as long as they have children.
Most design graduates don't get jobs these days anyway. U have to have the right connections. the brutal truth is that most people get career opportunities through their social network. technology has made us all more disconnected and it's therefore harder to build meaningful connections.

I can't even get a job stacking shelves, despite experience from 1998-2003 doing so at tesco. They don't take me on, And I see some 18yo Stacies take these jobs instead. Everybody hates ugly guys. They want us perma unemployed. Runnerd underground.

It is only going to get worse for men. The current enviroment we live in is gynocentric, eugenic, comically lookist and doesnt want men to succeed in life, especially ugly or average white men. Depopulation is the goal. All we can do as men is survive the best we can.

Legit and with free and open resource graphical design programmes (photoshop, Microsoft Windows, GIMP, wordpress) people can do part or all of their own graphical design, web pages or printing anyway.

I helped my Mother do an "order of service" for the Funeral of a relative. We took it into a Graphical Print Shop, they did a few adjustments and we got something for £35 that would've cost £100 years back.

If you're talking making money through, say, TATE Modern Art Gallery London. Yep that is 100% connections and even being rich or going to an elite Art School doesn't guarantee anything. I knew of a rich Jewish girl who went to Fashion college and now she does membership enquries at a local sport complex. So the estimated £27,000 to £35,000 student debt probably wasn't the best idea.

Yes all the service industry jobs are 100% lookist. McDonalds, Tesco and Starbucks only hire attractive female jailbaits or tall dark and handsome waiters who could model for Gucci if they got scouted while serving Coffee with Tuna Panninis in some Italiano Restaurant Covent Garden.
How did they conducted this experiment?

I, for once, don't believe in this research because I've read plenty of them and let me tell you that they can be very easily "manipulated" and misunderstood by the lowIQ sheeples.
Legit and with free and open resource graphical design programmes (photoshop, Microsoft Windows, GIMP, wordpress) people can do part or all of their own graphical design, web pages or printing anyway.

I helped my Mother do an "order of service" for the Funeral of a relative. We took it into a Graphical Print Shop, they did a few adjustments and we got something for £35 that would've cost £100 years back.

If you're talking making money through, say, TATE Modern Art Gallery London. Yep that is 100% connections and even being rich or going to an elite Art School doesn't guarantee anything. I knew of a rich Jewish girl who went to Fashion college and now she does membership enquries at a local sport complex. So the estimated £27,000 to £35,000 student debt probably wasn't the best idea.

Yes all the service industry jobs are 100% lookist. McDonalds, Tesco and Starbucks only hire attractive female jailbaits or tall dark and handsome waiters who could model for Gucci if they got scouted while serving Coffee with Tuna Panninis in some Italiano Restaurant Covent Garden.

When I dropped out of uni, half the people that did pass the course and got qualifications (and bullied me for being a 130lbs baby faced cel) ended either having to do other careers or ended up as a line manager in some McDonalds shithole high street. A few became freelancers. One girl who made fun of me for being small ended up as a driving instructor.

The most talented in class ended up in New York working as a junior. He got out of the UK real quick. But his daddy was a graphic designer with connections and that obv helped him get into the business.
A couple of years back, I worked in a factory for about a year, and not a single one of my coworkers was Chad tier, most of them had disabilities, and many others were incel tier. While on the other hand, the people that worked in the factory's office (the company's HQ was attached to the factory) were fairly attractive looking, almost all of them were Stacys and Chads. This was one of my very first blackpilled moments, when I realized that your looks, will determine where you stand in the social hierarchy.
A couple of years back, I worked in a factory for about a year, and not a single one of my coworkers was Chad tier, most of them had disabilities, and many others were incel tier. While on the other hand, the people that worked in the factory's office (the company's HQ was attached to the factory) were fairly attractive looking, almost all of them were Stacys and Chads. This was one of my very first blackpilled moments, when I realized that your looks, will determine where you stand in the social hierarchy.

Not to go off on a tangent but most factories are closing their lines and just shutting up shop completely. UK industry is dead and even the retail sector the largest Mall chain is closing.

Recently a load of Eastern European got busted for theft and embezzlement at a local I-Phone repair Warehouse, spearheaded by an old-cel. He told me you have to have your hand in the cash register or you'll be seen as a snitch. That's why they don't hire British workers who'll see shit going on. Same with furloughed hipster workers applying for Strawberry pickers roles on farms getting either blocked from applying or sabotaged during the "selection process". As hipster would realise this eastern european slave labour literally sleep in shipping containers on farms AND have to "pay rent" for doing so. Damned if you do damned if you don't.

The West is heading to a North Korea, Eastern Europe Bloc culture. No future basically.
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But at the same time governments complain about low birth rates and how they need more immigration and a push for more tax benefits for couples to make up for low birth rates.
It doesn't make sense to me why they would be focused on depopulation when a lot of governments are pursuing natalist policies like giving welfare to single mothers as long as they have children.

In bold is problem > reaction > solution.

Low birth rates are because foids don't want to reproduce with disenfranchised, broke, indigenous, unemployed men who missed "last orders" in 2008 before the recession hit and being denied granted a mortgage loan by a bank.
You could only make it via a white collar career and getting private property ownership asap. But said Globalisation, the rise of China and the recession killed off this dream by 2009.
Unless you now work for your Dad's firm- whether construction worker* (*all about family now that sector has shrunk), inner city office or are due some property or equity inheritance, you've had it. Since most jobs in the "job centre" or cv library are either speculative or "they already know who they've picked" but advertise anyway.

The immigration thing is because a lot of UK firms got bought out by foreign companies, so in construction KIER is french and they got bought about by Ringway-Jacobs. Add in the fact the (((European Union))) was paying factories and recruitment firms £1000 to take on foreign workers. So a warehouse with 300 Svetas and Vladimirs earns a cashflow £300,000 incentive on top of cheap zero hour contract labour. This kept a local warehouse to me afloat for close to a decade.

Of course you only have to hear (((Barbara Lerner Spectre))) admit this displacement will be done by design and without opposition. And she was right.

As for single mothers once all the men have either killed themselves, they are of no opposition or resistance to whats coming to our countries.

But as I turn 39 myself this will be someone else's problem. The issue of recessions, deskilling, not reproducing are of no concern to me as an incel and I shake my head at people here posting like they have a future.

(mic drop)
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How did they conducted this experiment?

I, for once, don't believe in this research because I've read plenty of them and let me tell you that they can be very easily "manipulated" and misunderstood by the lowIQ sheeples.
there's no evidence that this study is wrong (no don't bring up the appeal to ignorance fallacy because you claiming something is true doesn't make it true). they had a sample of 8000 students over a national longtitude study so there's proof this study is accurate and also, no they aren't manipulated. these studies are peer-reviewed.
I can't fucking believe it. They are picking random guys and rating them as unattractive. And then these faggots advise us to stay confident and that looks don't matter. FUCK THIS WORLD.

Brutal blackpill -

View attachment 289753

Attractive students drink more and have more sex than other students.
"Just work on your personality bro..":soy::soy:
according to IT, many deformed norwooding manlets are partying chick magnets
they just push them forwards, society loves attractive people.

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