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Blackpill High IQ is the biggest Cope. Low IQ is Superior. This retard breeds and you don't

  • Thread starter 5ft4ropeconnoisseur
  • Start date


ovER if you don't have 8 nipples
Apr 4, 2022
life fuel for currycels
High IQ = Autistm sperg Weirdo creep

Low IQ = Normal NT Cool guy
An Xbox Kinect is like $400 lol.
This is like some shit Homer Simpson would do
High IQ = Autistm sperg Weirdo creep

Low IQ = Normal NT Cool guy
Low IQ is also easier for foids to control, another reason why they prefer them
Yeah foids purposefully select for lower IQs

Follow up article. The fucking faggot soy normies at College Humor gave this man $2600 and gave an XBOX Kinect. Fuck this faggot fucking planet. This sexhaver moron is finally about to face the consequences of his poor decisions and they not only bail him out but they reward him.
I legit want to hunt down this troglodyte and smash his fucking skull in. Why reward a goddamn retard of all people.

There is no justice
"It's still much better to enjoy higher intelligence, since it gives us access to new copes"



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Follow up article. The fucking faggot soy normies at College Humor gave this man $2600 and gave an XBOX Kinect. Fuck this faggot fucking planet. This sexhaver moron is finally about to face the consequences of his poor decisions and they not only bail him out but they reward him.
I legit want to hunt down this troglodyte and smash his fucking skull in. Why reward a goddamn retard of all people.

There is no justice
tons of government support exists for retards nowadays. free child support for single mother low IQ trash. Free college. free this free that. no wonder they mog
Eugenics needs to be implemented. Too many idiots are breeding like rabbits.
People who think "high IQ" is valid are just secret whoremaxxers and redpillers. It's not unlike oofy doofy.

Idiocracy is obviously a thing. Look at Soft White Underbelly. All those degenerates and lowlives have a bunch of kids.
Thinking you're smarter than others while being a virgin is the real cope. Why don't you use that intelligence to figure out how to get pussy?

If you're so smart, then why are you so virginal?


Thinking you're smarter than others while being a virgin is the real cope. Why don't you use that intelligence to figure out how to get pussy?

If you're so smart, then why are you so virginal?


That's not how IQ works. That's not how pussy works.

Pussy isn't a math, logic, or science problem to be solved. JFL @ this retardation.
Thinking you're smarter than others while being a virgin is the real cope. Why don't you use that intelligence to figure out how to get pussy?

If you're so smart, then why are you so virginal?


Ты еще самых претенциозных дебилов местных не видел
That's not how IQ works. That's not how pussy works.

Pussy isn't a math, logic, or science problem to be solved. JFL @ this retardation.
I never mentioned IQ

It's exactly how intelligence works. Use your brain to figure out how to survive and reproduce. Literally what humans have been doing since forever
I never mentioned IQ
Intelligence is measured by IQ. You're posting in a thread about IQ.

It's exactly how intelligence works. Use your brain to figure out how to survive and reproduce. Literally what humans have been doing since forever
You're not getting what I'm saying. Sexual attraction has no problem solving component. It's either there or it isn't, and that is determined first and foremost by genetics.
Yeah foids purposefully select for lower IQs

SNP rs17070145 is one of the secrets to higher IQ. It is more common in East Asians and Africans than Europeans.
Foids are attracted to low iq. Low iq is sexually attractive. Low iq makes foids horny. When foid looks at a retard her pussy gets wet.

Foids are sexually repulsed by high iq. Nothing dries pussy faster than high iq.

That's my observation. I observed many foids and high iq guys. God damnit foids become violently aggressive when they see a high iq guy. It's actually scary how foids react to high iq guys, it's very negative. Anytime foids get together they will always always always plot against the high iq guys. This is why i really hate foids, they aren't just passively selecting for low iq guys, they will perform aggressive and brutal acts of war on any high iq guy they detect.

What's about high iq chads? Idk it's weird but foids will always try to value iq at zero and put 100% value on ethnicity and looks.

I think foids hate high iq so much because the theory is that people develop high iq as a compensation for lack in other areas such as looks so high iq is like a sign of genetic weakness. It's also why foids like genetic defects like super tall chads or guys who are rude and have anger management issues. The idea is that they are able to be weak because they are strong something like that.
I think foids hate high iq so much because the theory is that people develop high iq as a compensation for lack in other areas such as looks so high iq is like a sign of genetic weakness. It's also why foids like genetic defects like super tall chads or guys who are rude and have anger management issues. The idea is that they are able to be weak because they are strong something like that.

Compensatory in the sense of engaging in activities that enhance natural ability, perhaps.

Re: DBZ Discussion: Vegito or Gokhan?

Join Date: 2016-01-12
Post Count: 563
#186214563Sunday, March 27, 2016 8:45 PM CDT
It would depend on the effects of the Potara earrings. Firstly, Gohan, despite having his inner capabilities unlocked, is merely a "half-Saiyan." Recognizing that basic fact, it is possible that the fusion energy capabilities of two "pure" Saiyans is much greater than that of an "impure" fusion. Another potential explanation is that the Potara fusion method is orientated around the fusees' inner capabilities. If so, perhaps Vegeta and Goku combined had much greater inner potential than a (Goku - Gohan) pairing?
What's about high iq chads? Idk it's weird but foids will always try to value iq at zero and put 100% value on ethnicity and looks.

I briefly thought so, but it seems to be balanced out fairly well.

Let me find a new study...I can't directly test my theory right now.
High IQ = immediate blackpill AND/OR advanced coping strategies needed in order to survive

Low IQ = oblivious to blackpill AND gets to cope with less baggage

Pick one.
It's like how the most privileged people in society are always clueless and out of touch with reality simply because they have no need to understand reality. They're so powerful that they can afford to be weak and that makes weakness attractive as a signal of power. Whereas some poor incel person probably has to deceive hundreds of people just to get and keep a minimum wage job.

Similarly if some guy can't control his anger it means he didn't need to because he was so powerful, for example he is able to win fights. This is why people in the hood always act unnecessarily aggressive.
Foids are attracted to low iq. Low iq is sexually attractive. Low iq makes foids horny. When foid looks at a retard her pussy gets wet.

Foids are sexually repulsed by high iq. Nothing dries pussy faster than high iq.

That's my observation. I observed many foids and high iq guys. God damnit foids become violently aggressive when they see a high iq guy. It's actually scary how foids react to high iq guys, it's very negative. Anytime foids get together they will always always always plot against the high iq guys. This is why i really hate foids, they aren't just passively selecting for low iq guys, they will perform aggressive and brutal acts of war on any high iq guy they detect.

What's about high iq chads? Idk it's weird but foids will always try to value iq at zero and put 100% value on ethnicity and looks.

I think foids hate high iq so much because the theory is that people develop high iq as a compensation for lack in other areas such as looks so high iq is like a sign of genetic weakness. It's also why foids like genetic defects like super tall chads or guys who are rude and have anger management issues. The idea is that they are able to be weak because they are strong something like that.
This matches my experiences as well.

Assessing the Working Memory Abilities of ADHD Children Using the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition​

The present study investigated the working memory abilities of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as measured by the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SBV). In a retrospective causal-comparative design, the archival data of 46 ADHD children were compared to 59 nondiagnosed children. The ADHD children scored significantly lower in measures of working memory compared to the control group. Within the ADHD group, working memory was the lowest factor score, significantly lower than three of the four other factors. Significant differences were also revealed within the working memory factor, with ADHD children displaying significantly lower nonverbal working memory scores than verbal working memory. No such differences were evident in the control group. The results are interpreted within Baddeley’s working memory model.

Executive Function in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: the NIH EXAMINER battery​

Theories of ADHD increasingly highlight the role of neuropsychological impairment in ADHD; however, a consistent and identifiable pattern of performance on tests is not well established. The NIH EXAMINER battery provides measures of common variance across multiple executive function tests within specific domains and was used to characterize which executive functions are most affected in children with ADHD. Thirty-two children (24 male), ages 8–15 years (M=12.02, SD=2.29), diagnosed with ADHD and no comorbid disorder completed the NIH EXAMINER battery. Sixty age and gender matched healthy controls were chosen from a database of participants enrolled in the NIH EXAMINER multi-site study. Children with ADHD performed worse on the working memory score compared with the controls. No differences were found on the cognitive control or fluency scores. For children with ADHD, poorer working memory performance predicted parent report of child learning problems. Cognitive control and fluency scores did not predict learning problems. In summary, working memory emerges as a primary impairment in children with ADHD who have no comorbid disorders. Furthermore, working memory weaknesses may underlie the academic problems often seen in children with ADHD.

Analysis of WISC-III, Stanford-Binet:IV, and Academic Achievement Test Scores in Children with Autism​

Nonverbal IQs were greater than verbal IQs for young children (3–7 years of age) on the Stanford-Binet:IV (n = 53). However, WISC-III verbal and nonverbal IQs were similar for older children, 6–15 years of age (n = 63). Stanford-Binet:IV profiles were generally consistent for the low-IQ (<80) and high-IQ (≥80) groups, with high scores on visual matching tests (Bead Memory and Quantitative Reasoning). The low- and high-WISC-III IQ groups both performed well relative to IQ on tests of lexical knowledge (Similarities, Information, and Vocabulary), but not on language comprehension and social reasoning (Comprehension). The low-IQ group did best on visuo-motor subtests (Object Assembly and Block Design), but the high-IQ group did not. The high-IQ group had significantly low scores on the Digit Span, Arithmetic, Coding, VMI, and WIAT Written Expression tests, suggesting attention and writing weaknesses.



Working Memory
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of certain genes become more and more relevant as potential modulators of cognitive function. It has been shown that young
homozygous C-allele carriers of the KIBRA-SNP rs17070145 exhibit a lower memory performance and hippocampal (HC) activity as well as a smaller volume of HC subfields
than T-allele carriers (1, 2). However, a potential impact of the KIBRA-SNP on memory functions and related brain structures, especially during aging, is still a matter of
debate (3). Therefore, here we addressed whether KIBRA-SNP status is linked with memory performance as well as HC volume and microstructural integrity in older
subjects and whether this is modulated by vascular risk factors (4).


KIBRA groups neither differed in demographic parameters as age, sex or
education nor in potential risk factors for age-dependent decline (Tab. 1).
Adjusting for systolic blood pressure did not attenuate the effect that KIBRA T-
allele carriers showed a better memory consolidation (ANCOVA, F (1, 137) = 5.61,
p = 0.019; Fig. 2) and a larger mean HC volume (ANCOVA, F (1, 137) = 6.33, p =
0.013; Fig. 3) than homozygous C-allele carriers. The volumetric differences can
be selectively explained by larger volumes of the cornu ammonis (CA)2/3
(ANCOVA, F (1, 137) = 9.23, p = 0.003; Fig. 3) and the CA4/dentate gyrus (DG)
(ANCOVA, F (1, 137) = 8.81, p = 0.004 ; Fig. 3) subfields. Furthermore, MD (as an
inverse parameter for microstructural integrity) was not different in the total HC
between the KIBRA groups. However, T-allele carriers tended to show a reduced
MD in the HC subfields CA1, CA2/3, CA4/DG and subiculum, reaching
significance in the right CA4/DG subfield independent of the arterial blood
pressure (ANCOVA, F (1, 137) = 10.26, p = 0.002)

The results of this cross-sectional study confirm previous findings (5) of a better memory performance in KIBRA-SNP T-allele carriers in comparison to homozygous C-allele
carriers in a well-characterized sample of older people, independent of the arterial blood pressure, one of the highest risk factors for cognitive decline. Moreover, we could
show for the first time that T-allele carriers exhibited a larger volume and partially better microstructure within those HC subfields that offer neurogenesis and long-term
potentiation, key features linked with memory processes. The identification of neuronal mechanisms and genetic predisposition, underlying cognitive function and synaptic
plasticity can be of clinical benefit to develop new prevention, diagnosis and therapy strategies against age-associated cognitive decline.

Low IQ DOESNT help I hav e 78 IQ tested in school
Foids are attracted to low iq. Low iq is sexually attractive. Low iq makes foids horny. When foid looks at a retard her pussy gets wet.

Foids are sexually repulsed by high iq. Nothing dries pussy faster than high iq.

That's my observation. I observed many foids and high iq guys. God damnit foids become violently aggressive when they see a high iq guy. It's actually scary how foids react to high iq guys, it's very negative. Anytime foids get together they will always always always plot against the high iq guys. This is why i really hate foids, they aren't just passively selecting for low iq guys, they will perform aggressive and brutal acts of war on any high iq guy they detect.

What's about high iq chads? Idk it's weird but foids will always try to value iq at zero and put 100% value on ethnicity and looks.

I think foids hate high iq so much because the theory is that people develop high iq as a compensation for lack in other areas such as looks so high iq is like a sign of genetic weakness. It's also why foids like genetic defects like super tall chads or guys who are rude and have anger management issues. The idea is that they are able to be weak because they are strong something like that.

Ok maybe foids just try to set the value of iq at zero. It just looks like they like low iq men because it seems illogical to us that the low iq man is worthy of pussy. They want looks to be everything in an abundant society. It just looks like foids brutally plot against high iq guys when in reality they plot brutally against all incels, it's just that it naturally takes more plotting to defeat high iq incels. Make sense since to foids an incel is an incel.
Most chads are high IQ actually. Good physical genes and mental genes go hand in hand.

Think about the average White IQ vs the average Somalian IQ, and their appearances.

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