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High Effort Thread

Valiant Virgin

Valiant Virgin

Just a face in the crowd
Nov 7, 2018
High IQ, detailed and insightful posts only in this thread, lads. Postmaxxing, shitposting and low effort spamming is most definitely not encouraged.
Well this thread's intention went to shit with the content of the thread itself!

Very funny.
OP you need to lead by example and so far you are not doing it boyo...
Giphy 15
You're in the wrong part of town for that.
Good morning I hate women
It's over for high IQ cels
Don't go ER
Im not having a good time rn
If you're pitied or supported by society generally, you're not a real victim. In this way, I can sympathise with other misunderstood groups, even if I don't agree or subscribe to them, like Furries or people who watch My Little Pony. I don't see the appeal and I think it's silly if I'm honest, but the important thing is that these men (let's face it: women aren't oppressed in these groups; they're orbited if anything) are hated by society and mocked if brought up. I've seen comments in a tone similar to how incels are spoken about: "No surprise here buckaroos! He's a Brony!! Look at this loser! Edit: thankarino for the Gold, kind stranger!"

People to whom I can't relate include transgenders (all of the LGBT cult), women, blacks (though I can relate to asians, as they're mocked), because what are they a victim of. First, let's look at the definition of 'victim':

a person who has come to feel helpless and passive in the face of misfortune or ill-treatment.

Now, one can assume that a victim has nowhere to go; they have no place to speak their mind or be themselves without being subjected to mocking, violent or otherwise hostile behaviour towards them. You can claim victimhood of the groups
mentioned previously all you like, but, in the end, they're supported by the majority: they can voice the injustices they have faced as a transgender or whatever and be supported. You can go to Twitter or whatever, have major celebrities celebrate your existence as a cohort and have a month celebrated to your mental illness.

We don't have anything like that. We are low value, and people (inherently selfish beings with a tribe mentality; no one is exempt, not me, not you) will refuse to help someone if it does not get them anything; the ability to virtue signal and gain popularity and good boy points, for example, is something people gain from supporting the 'right' cause. Please explain to me how people who have these privileges are in any way oppressed when they are the 'right ones'; when they are the ones people fight for.

I never see any support for Asian men, for virgins, for men in general, in fact, in anything sexual or social that's not LGBT. Do you? Ugly men have the worst reputation because we're don't have the value to be worth virtue signalling for, and that's what makes us oppressed. Say we claim a 'victim mentality' all you like; the fact that our issues and pleas for sympathy for out problems are dismissed is a far greater indicator of the attitude of society towards low ranking individuals and groups.
Spring time, flowers are blooming, happiness everywhere.
But to me frustration is looming, 'cause I'll never have
My dick deeply lodged inside a white teen's throat
Spring time, flowers are blooming, happiness everywhere.
But to me frustration is looming, 'cause I'll never have
My dick deeply lodged inside a white teen's throat
It's over.

36CCD657 7A0F 4C8E 8467 DC7DF09DCBDF
High IQ, detailed and insightful posts only in this thread, lads. Postmaxxing, shitposting and low effort spamming is most definitely not encouraged.

Argument given for free will

1 is it possible for you to imagine a world where you are in control.
2 it is not possible to imagine a world where you are not in control even in dreams it still is your consciousness making the choice.
3 if the former is possible but the latter is not you cannot deny your own free.
C1 you have free will to act and choose their is not something else controlling you
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
In October of 2009 I laid eyes for the first time on a woman and immediately though “I have to know her” 2 and a half months later I had a chance to speak to her and we really hit it off. She flirtingly, play stalked me at our local bar where I was in rehearsals for a production of Moulin Rouge in their at the time closed downstairs. She invited me upstairs after for a beer and karaoke. This started a pattern of nights singing and hanging out until our first date (which I was oblivious to the serious “date” aspect of) on New Year’s Eve. We declared ourselves officially an exclusive couple on January 18, 2010. After an excellent Mabon Ritual with friends from the local pagan community the following Fall Equinox (and some amazing sex after) we decided to become handfasted and the ceremony was held October 2nd, 2010 at the anniversary of the festival we had first met at a year before. About a year and a half later deep depression stole my libido and we’ve had difficulty rekindling our sex life to its former glory since. At some point in the next year or two she brought home a psychic parasite from a hospital or nursing home she had visited in the course of doing her job as a paramedic. We were, sadly, oblivious to the presence of this parasite (I have just discovered it recently) but it poisoned her against me, fostered the growth of a toxic persona she has preferred more and more over her true self, and spread negativity and discord in our lives, our relationships in the communities we were once active with, our marriage (which since it was before same-sex marriage became legal in the US was not legally binding, but is STILL spiritually binding), and just everything. The havoc this parasite has fostered has also invited toxic people into our lives and has deterred my partner from smudging and cleansing our home after we finally got rid of them. That’s almost 10 years, 5 households, and at least 20 toxic people worth of toxic negarive energy building. One of these toxic people is her best friend of over 20 years from her hometown. We moved him here, gave him a home, provided for all his needs, without requiring him to work. He was only expected to help keep the house and yard and be a live in dog nanny for when our crazy work and sleep schedules kept us from being able to take them out for all of their walk times. And yet, he grew resentful of our relationship and of her “control” over his life and when he eventually caved in to his past drug addictions, stole her mother’s prescription painkillers and was kicked out of the house he began working with Coyote and spun a curse directed my partner which has now reached its peak 4 years later. He has now, with curse in full swing, subsumed her free will and schemed with an individual who is bound to an incubus or succubus (actions and energy say incubus, but host is biologically female with preference for male pronouns so I don’t know if that would mean succubus or incubus). She began cheating on me with the incubus/succubus on July 10 after meeting its host forthe firfirsfirfirst time on July 4th. She has fought the entities and the curse a few times and xome to me crying and apologizing and professing her love for me only to again succumb to their pretty little lies, deceptions and manipulations. On August 24th at a public poetry reading event she performed a poem essentially spelling the doom of the one whocarries the incubus/succubus. But 6 days later in a civil ceremony with no spiritual aspect legally married this person. Yet still desperatelyclings to our friendship and “common interests, because none of that is stuff ‘we’ (she and the incubus/succubus host) do” I can feel our bond remains. I can feel her emotions which are in turmoil. She is perpetually drained, weak, exhausted, sick, and in pain. Her elderly mother who lives with her is having more issues. And our 5 dogs are sick and depressed. I can see she is not really happy though she keeps saying she is. Her body language, constant eyerolling, always seeming on the verge of tears or of begging my forgiveness or confessung her mistakes to me while battling the spells and entities entrap ping her tell me the truth. I also learned recently the host of the incubus/succubus is chearing on her with 3 other women. Gods I wish I could prove it to her. I am working on breaking the curse and recently cast a protection in the house to work on casting out the psychic parasite as well as protect and shield her, her mother, and the dogs. But I need help ensuring the curse is truly broken, and removing the incubus/succubus. I will be able to cleanse the house and salt all the thresholds in a week and a half when they go out of town for the weekend and I am there to care for the dogs alone. This should eliminate the parasite and make the incubus/succubus uncomfortable when they return. If the curse is still active then, it will also hopefully weaken its hold on her further. She is my soul mate and I can feel under all the deceptive magic she still loves me and regrets the past 2 and a half months. But she also feels trapped by the new legal marriage and the guilt of betraying me. Ineed to free her of the curse and for her to discover the deceptions and infidelity of the incubus/succubus host. Once she is freed and the incubus/succubus loses its control over her she will divorce it and I can non-magically work on winning her back. Please help!
In October of 2009 I laid eyes for the first time on a woman and immediately though “I have to know her” 2 and a half months later I had a chance to speak to her and we really hit it off. She flirtingly, play stalked me at our local bar where I was in rehearsals for a production of Moulin Rouge in their at the time closed downstairs. She invited me upstairs after for a beer and karaoke. This started a pattern of nights singing and hanging out until our first date (which I was oblivious to the serious “date” aspect of) on New Year’s Eve. We declared ourselves officially an exclusive couple on January 18, 2010. After an excellent Mabon Ritual with friends from the local pagan community the following Fall Equinox (and some amazing sex after) we decided to become handfasted and the ceremony was held October 2nd, 2010 at the anniversary of the festival we had first met at a year before. About a year and a half later deep depression stole my libido and we’ve had difficulty rekindling our sex life to its former glory since. At some point in the next year or two she brought home a psychic parasite from a hospital or nursing home she had visited in the course of doing her job as a paramedic. We were, sadly, oblivious to the presence of this parasite (I have just discovered it recently) but it poisoned her against me, fostered the growth of a toxic persona she has preferred more and more over her true self, and spread negativity and discord in our lives, our relationships in the communities we were once active with, our marriage (which since it was before same-sex marriage became legal in the US was not legally binding, but is STILL spiritually binding), and just everything. The havoc this parasite has fostered has also invited toxic people into our lives and has deterred my partner from smudging and cleansing our home after we finally got rid of them. That’s almost 10 years, 5 households, and at least 20 toxic people worth of toxic negarive energy building. One of these toxic people is her best friend of over 20 years from her hometown. We moved him here, gave him a home, provided for all his needs, without requiring him to work. He was only expected to help keep the house and yard and be a live in dog nanny for when our crazy work and sleep schedules kept us from being able to take them out for all of their walk times. And yet, he grew resentful of our relationship and of her “control” over his life and when he eventually caved in to his past drug addictions, stole her mother’s prescription painkillers and was kicked out of the house he began working with Coyote and spun a curse directed my partner which has now reached its peak 4 years later. He has now, with curse in full swing, subsumed her free will and schemed with an individual who is bound to an incubus or succubus (actions and energy say incubus, but host is biologically female with preference for male pronouns so I don’t know if that would mean succubus or incubus). She began cheating on me with the incubus/succubus on July 10 after meeting its host forthe firfirsfirfirst time on July 4th. She has fought the entities and the curse a few times and xome to me crying and apologizing and professing her love for me only to again succumb to their pretty little lies, deceptions and manipulations. On August 24th at a public poetry reading event she performed a poem essentially spelling the doom of the one whocarries the incubus/succubus. But 6 days later in a civil ceremony with no spiritual aspect legally married this person. Yet still desperatelyclings to our friendship and “common interests, because none of that is stuff ‘we’ (she and the incubus/succubus host) do” I can feel our bond remains. I can feel her emotions which are in turmoil. She is perpetually drained, weak, exhausted, sick, and in pain. Her elderly mother who lives with her is having more issues. And our 5 dogs are sick and depressed. I can see she is not really happy though she keeps saying she is. Her body language, constant eyerolling, always seeming on the verge of tears or of begging my forgiveness or confessung her mistakes to me while battling the spells and entities entrap ping her tell me the truth. I also learned recently the host of the incubus/succubus is chearing on her with 3 other women. Gods I wish I could prove it to her. I am working on breaking the curse and recently cast a protection in the house to work on casting out the psychic parasite as well as protect and shield her, her mother, and the dogs. But I need help ensuring the curse is truly broken, and removing the incubus/succubus. I will be able to cleanse the house and salt all the thresholds in a week and a half when they go out of town for the weekend and I am there to care for the dogs alone. This should eliminate the parasite and make the incubus/succubus uncomfortable when they return. If the curse is still active then, it will also hopefully weaken its hold on her further. She is my soul mate and I can feel under all the deceptive magic she still loves me and regrets the past 2 and a half months. But she also feels trapped by the new legal marriage and the guilt of betraying me. Ineed to free her of the curse and for her to discover the deceptions and infidelity of the incubus/succubus host. Once she is freed and the incubus/succubus loses its control over her she will divorce it and I can non-magically work on winning her back. Please help!
Low effort, banned.
If you're pitied or supported by society generally, you're not a real victim. In this way, I can sympathise with other misunderstood groups, even if I don't agree or subscribe to them, like Furries or people who watch My Little Pony. I don't see the appeal and I think it's silly if I'm honest, but the important thing is that these men (let's face it: women aren't oppressed in these groups; they're orbited if anything) are hated by society and mocked if brought up. I've seen comments in a tone similar to how incels are spoken about: "No surprise here buckaroos! He's a Brony!! Look at this loser! Edit: thankarino for the Gold, kind stranger!"

People to whom I can't relate include transgenders (all of the LGBT cult), women, blacks (though I can relate to asians, as they're mocked), because what are they a victim of. First, let's look at the definition of 'victim':

Now, one can assume that a victim has nowhere to go; they have no place to speak their mind or be themselves without being subjected to mocking, violent or otherwise hostile behaviour towards them. You can claim victimhood of the groups
mentioned previously all you like, but, in the end, they're supported by the majority: they can voice the injustices they have faced as a transgender or whatever and be supported. You can go to Twitter or whatever, have major celebrities celebrate your existence as a cohort and have a month celebrated to your mental illness.

We don't have anything like that. We are low value, and people (inherently selfish beings with a tribe mentality; no one is exempt, not me, not you) will refuse to help someone if it does not get them anything; the ability to virtue signal and gain popularity and good boy points, for example, is something people gain from supporting the 'right' cause. Please explain to me how people who have these privileges are in any way oppressed when they are the 'right ones'; when they are the ones people fight for.

I never see any support for Asian men, for virgins, for men in general, in fact, in anything sexual or social that's not LGBT. Do you? Ugly men have the worst reputation because we're don't have the value to be worth virtue signalling for, and that's what makes us oppressed. Say we claim a 'victim mentality' all you like; the fact that our issues and pleas for sympathy for out problems are dismissed is a far greater indicator of the attitude of society towards low ranking individuals and groups.
Sad shit, man. Crazy shit, man. It's over for many men, man.
Chad fucks
Cucks dont
Women win
Incels die
:feelsLSD: roses are red....:feelsLSD:
:feelsLSD:violets are blue..:feelsLSD:
:feelsLSD:i will die a virgin.:feelsLSD:
:feelsLSD: so will you.........:feelsLSD:
Last edited:
pick out all the seeds of a strawberry for maximum nutrients
Image result for strawberry with all seeds removed
If you're pitied or supported by society generally, you're not a real victim. In this way, I can sympathise with other misunderstood groups, even if I don't agree or subscribe to them, like Furries or people who watch My Little Pony. I don't see the appeal and I think it's silly if I'm honest, but the important thing is that these men (let's face it: women aren't oppressed in these groups; they're orbited if anything) are hated by society and mocked if brought up. I've seen comments in a tone similar to how incels are spoken about: "No surprise here buckaroos! He's a Brony!! Look at this loser! Edit: thankarino for the Gold, kind stranger!"

People to whom I can't relate include transgenders (all of the LGBT cult), women, blacks (though I can relate to asians, as they're mocked), because what are they a victim of. First, let's look at the definition of 'victim':

Now, one can assume that a victim has nowhere to go; they have no place to speak their mind or be themselves without being subjected to mocking, violent or otherwise hostile behaviour towards them. You can claim victimhood of the groups
mentioned previously all you like, but, in the end, they're supported by the majority: they can voice the injustices they have faced as a transgender or whatever and be supported. You can go to Twitter or whatever, have major celebrities celebrate your existence as a cohort and have a month celebrated to your mental illness.

We don't have anything like that. We are low value, and people (inherently selfish beings with a tribe mentality; no one is exempt, not me, not you) will refuse to help someone if it does not get them anything; the ability to virtue signal and gain popularity and good boy points, for example, is something people gain from supporting the 'right' cause. Please explain to me how people who have these privileges are in any way oppressed when they are the 'right ones'; when they are the ones people fight for.

I never see any support for Asian men, for virgins, for men in general, in fact, in anything sexual or social that's not LGBT. Do you? Ugly men have the worst reputation because we're don't have the value to be worth virtue signalling for, and that's what makes us oppressed. Say we claim a 'victim mentality' all you like; the fact that our issues and pleas for sympathy for out problems are dismissed is a far greater indicator of the attitude of society towards low ranking individuals and groups.
High efforts me

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