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Hero judge charged for asking relevant question in rape case



Nov 8, 2017

The judge is a bald incel, btw.
Jfl @ being charged because of a serious, helpful question. What a cucked country.
Twoxchomosomes is worse than cucktears. JFL at "if a woman doesn't struggle at all it can still be rape". Lots of women say "no" and "stop" but don't really mean it because it turns them on. Unless they scream "STOOOP" and try to kick you off them then it's not rape, assuming there was no weapon involved. "Oh but the guy could of beat her up if she screamed and kicked" Fuck off, all it takes is one high shriek for dozens of beta simps to come rushing to the rescue, assuming it's not taking place in the middle of nowhere. And by staying quiet and not struggling it may encourage a rapist to want to kill you even more because he's not satisfied with the visible displeasure she's getting, it's all about power after all right?
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Every bitch on TwoXChromosomes should be raped and thrown into fire
Study after study have proven most femoids enjoy their rape experience.
Every bitch on TwoXChromosomes should be raped and thrown into fire
95% of women in the world should tbh. The rest 5% should be kept for reproduction purposes.
misconduct for asking a helful question? cucked world
those whores are fucking retarded that place is like the seventh layer of hell
Study after study have proven most femoids enjoy their rape experience.

Unpopular opinion here, but this is a pretty outrageously misguided claim. You're taking the "a lot of women orgasm during rape" claim and hyper generalizing it. If some homeless dude pinned you to the ground, beat you up, and sucked your dick until you came in his mouth, would you like it?

If you're using another study though, I'd like to see it. The "a lot of women orgasm during rape" study is the dumb study I see thrown around here.
It can't be rape if she provoked the "rapist" and orgasmed from the sex. It's called hooking up bitch. No victim points for you.
Unpopular opinion here, but this is a pretty outrageously misguided claim. You're taking the "a lot of women orgasm during rape" claim and hyper generalizing it. If some homeless dude pinned you to the ground, beat you up, and sucked your dick until you came in his mouth, would you like it?

If you're using another study though, I'd like to see it. The "a lot of women orgasm during rape" study is the dumb study I see thrown around here.

that's not a valid example in any way. the former is gay sex, for one. second, every female is into rape and other degrading sexual fantasies (with good looking people). things being how they are, it is absolutely laughable that any non-virgin female could EVER be "traumatised" by rape, when they specifically like THAT kind of sex. the only thing that makes rape "rape" is the guy not being attractive.
If you rape a prostitute, is it rape or theft?
Dude just wanted to know whether or not she struggled.
Femoids are offended by pretty much everything.
that's not a valid example in any way. the former is gay sex, for one. second, every female is into rape and other degrading sexual fantasies (with good looking people). things being how they are, it is absolutely laughable that any non-virgin female could EVER be "traumatised" by rape, when they specifically like THAT kind of sex. the only thing that makes rape "rape" is the guy not being attractive.

Every female is semi into rape, but they don't like a lot of the violent stuff. Usually it's not Chad raping them anyway. They want rape on their own terms. I would say that "traumatized" is a strong word in most cases, but you can definitely get PTSD and feel used/violated. A lot of roasties don't even enjoy getting pumped and dumped by Chad (they do it in hopes of finally keeping one long term). I don't think they'd like getting pumped and dumped by some random incel violently.
How the fuck can you charge someone for asking a valid question, wtf? Cucks need to be fucking shot
Unpopular opinion here, but this is a pretty outrageously misguided claim. You're taking the "a lot of women orgasm during rape" claim and hyper generalizing it. If some homeless dude pinned you to the ground, beat you up, and sucked your dick until you came in his mouth, would you like it?

If you're using another study though, I'd like to see it. The "a lot of women orgasm during rape" study is the dumb study I see thrown around here.

Why do you guys arguing this shit always use a gay example, notice you never use the actual equivalent of heterosexuality, because you know you're being disingenuous, you know you're saying bullshit, most rapists are average looking males, its not a bunch of hunch back of notre dame's going out raping, if an avearge looking homeless woman drugged me and sucked on my dick till I came I'd be somewhat disgusted, but it wouldn't be and "end of the world" thing like women make rape seem like, because to women rape is worst than death because it is a man taking the only thing she has that makes her worth anything by force, while not awarding her material resources and or emotional gratification.

Thats why women hate rape, not because its this deeply traumatic thing, its because they don't get to monopolize their pussy power and pimp their holes out for benefits, its a man taking what he wants for free.
Thats why women hate rape, not because its this deeply traumatic thing, its because they don't get to monopolize their pussy power and pimp their holes out for benefits, its a man taking what he wants for free.
Underrated mega black pill! They can't give it away for free, it has to be worth 1.4 million if she is a virgin.
Meanwhile prison guards look away while outcasts are getting fucked in the ass by Bubba.
Underrated mega black pill! They can't give it away for free, it has to be worth 1.4 million if she is a virgin.
Meanwhile prison guards look away while outcasts are getting fucked in the ass by Bubba.
Same sex rape is 100 times worse than heterosexual rape. I rather be raped by an average looking woman than an average looking man.
Same sex rape is 100 times worse than heterosexual rape. I rather be raped by an average looking woman than an average looking man.
Me too. Male on male rape is not even taken seriously. I got molested as a child and it fucking sucks.
Me too. Male on male rape is not even taken seriously. I got molested as a child and it fucking sucks.
That was probably taken less seriously than a woman getting her ass grabbed at a night club.
That was probably taken less seriously than a woman getting her ass grabbed at a night club.
You are correct. I told a few nurses that someone touched me (I was in the hospital). Dgaf
Why do you guys arguing this shit always use a gay example, notice you never use the actual equivalent of heterosexuality, because you know you're being disingenuous, you know you're saying bullshit, most rapists are average looking males, its not a bunch of hunch back of notre dame's going out raping, if an avearge looking homeless woman drugged me and sucked on my dick till I came I'd be somewhat disgusted, but it wouldn't be and "end of the world" thing like women make rape seem like, because to women rape is worst than death because it is a man taking the only thing she has that makes her worth anything by force, while not awarding her material resources and or emotional gratification.

Thats why women hate rape, not because its this deeply traumatic thing, its because they don't get to monopolize their pussy power and pimp their holes out for benefits, its a man taking what he wants for free.

What if some female ogre like this one

Took a crowbar and knocked you unconscious, then handcuffed you down to a bed (legs and arms) so you couldn't move. Waited for you to gain consciousness (I use this example because men can fight back otherwise, but women cannot), and then sucked you off and sodomized you with a dildo until you came? You wouldn't feel traumatized? You wouldn't be able to do anything at all. You might not feel emotionally scarred, but you'd at least have unconscious fear and issues when going out in public. I'm just stating that you're not in the situation of women to really judge the situation. You're making quite a low iq opinion. The women that make it "the end of the world" that women make up is a gross exaggeration, but it seriously can cause some psychological issues that are very hard to get over.
What if some female ogre like this one

I stopped reading here (at the image), because if you won't give me the courtesy of properly reading my post, I definitely won't fucking bother with yours, because based on your response here you CLEARLY DIDN'T READ A DAMN THING I SAID PROPERLY. (Idiots need to stop skimming, it leads to misunderstandings and outright arguing points that were already addressed)

Seriously how the fuck can you quote my entire post, where I SAID THIS -
most rapists are average looking males, its not a bunch of hunch back of notre dame's going out raping.

and then you reply with a a "hunch back of notre dame" looking bitch, sorry but I can't take you seriously now, you are arguing a point that was already refuted FROM THE VERY BEGINNING. Most men raping aren't ugly fucks, they are average looking and some even above average looking. You can't post an actual example of Female on Male rape that would worry any man here because you know full fucking well you are being disingenuous and that being raped by an average looking woman isn't a big deal.

EDIT - As a habit I just read a little bit forward and read the sodomy part
sodomized you with a dildo until you came

Notice that you are so fucking retarded, that even in your example where you ATTEMPT to prove me wrong by using my criteria (WHICH YOU DIDN'T, YOU USED AN UGLE BITCH, NOT AVERAGE LOOKING) you still manage to insert homosexual sex acts into the picture, you couldn't make an argument to save your life smh.
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I stopped reading here (at the image), because if you won't give me the courtesy of properly reading my post, I definitely won't fucking bother with yours, because based on your response here you CLEARLY DIDN'T READ A DAMN THING I SAID PROPERLY. (Idiots need to stop skimming, it leads to misunderstandings and outright arguing points that were already addressed)

Seriously how the fuck can you quote my entire post, where I SAID THIS -

and then you reply with a a "hunch back of notre dame" looking bitch, sorry but I can't take you seriously now, you are arguing a point that was already refuted FROM THE VERY BEGINNING. Most men raping aren't ugly fucks, they are average looking and some even above average looking. You can't post an actual example of Female on Male rape that would worry any man here because you know full fucking well you are being disingenuous and that being raped by an average looking woman isn't a big deal.

I read your whole post boyo. The point is that females get to have high standards. They think average is ugly, so I needed to find a girl that even an incel would have high enough standards to find ugly. Rape by a person you find ugly is obviously way worse, but are you actually saying that you'd enjoy being forcefully sodomized until orgasm by an average looking girl? You must be gay lmao.
The point is that females get to have high standards. They think average is ugly, so I needed to find a girl that even an incel would have high enough standards to find ugly.

You are leaving out the factor of the male libido, women don't really see men any less than men see women, women just don't have a high libido constantly pushing you to lower your standards, a guy who is a 5 IS STILL A 5 TO A WOMAN, she just knows she doesn't have to settle because of how society is structured, nor does she feel the urge to settle because she doesn't have a high male libido.

You made a bullshit argument and now you're trying to tack together some sad excuse for one in an attempt to still try and rationalize it lol. Just quit while you're behind. Ugly is ugly, a guy who is a 5 looks like a 5 to a woman, she just simply knows she doesn't have to settle for 5, she doesn't see fucking Sloth from goonies when she spots an average looking guy lol.


You trying to make it seem that way makes you look retarded, stop grasping for straws, ITS OVER.

I read your whole post boyo.
but are you actually saying that you'd enjoy being forcefully sodomized until orgasm by an average looking girl?

The only thing anyone can deduce from these two quotes together is that you can read but your comprehension skills are shit tier lol.
You are leaving out the factor of the male libido, women don't really see men any less than men see women, women just don't have a high libido constantly pushing you to lower your standards, a guy who is a 5 IS STILL A 5 TO A WOMAN, she just knows she doesn't have to settle because of how society is structured, nor does she feel the urge to settle because she doesn't have a high male libido.

You made a bullshit argument and now you're trying to tack together some sad excuse for one in an attempt to still try and rationalize it lol. Just quit while you're behind. Ugly is ugly, a guy who is a 5 looks like a 5 to a woman, she just simply knows she doesn't have to settle for 5, she doesn't see fucking Sloth from goonies when she spots an average looking guy lol.

View attachment 6143

You trying to make it seem that way makes you look retarded, stop grasping for straws, ITS OVER.

The only thing anyone can deduce from these two quotes together is that you can read but your comprehension skills are shit tier lol.

Lmao my comprehension skills are shit tier. I always scored really high on math/analytical skills, but pretty average/low on comprehension, so sorry if I misinterpreted anything you said. I'll admit I probably didn't understand your argument entirely, but I still think that rape is a psychologically scarring incident. Also if done by a person you trust, it can be very emotionally scarring as well. Most rape is done by someone the victim knows, so it can be pretty bad.

Also there kind of isn't a male equivalent for rape. It kind of implies defenselessness, and by default, pretty much any man can overpower a woman. The only male equivalent to rape is really getting sodomized by another man.
The only male equivalent to rape is really getting sodomized by another man.

You know drugs are a thing right, you know there have been cases where men have been drugged and raped by women right? (though rare, it does happen)

Here's another thing that makes this false, a woman being raped vaginally can experience orgasm, a man being raped vaginally experiencing orgasm......... very unlikely, all you'll likely feel is intense pain and discomfort. Its not an equal comparison, women are basically designed to be "taken by force", the vagina is muscle, it self lubricates, most women get off to rough sex and have rape fantasies, etc. A man's ass does not of the things a womans vagina does nor is it built like that, nor are men as innate masochistic as women are, we are more sadistic.
You know drugs are a thing right, you know there have been cases where men have been drugged and raped by women right? (though rare, it does happen)

Here's another thing that makes this false, a woman being raped vaginally can experience orgasm, a man being raped vaginally experiencing orgasm......... very unlikely, all you'll likely feel is intense pain and discomfort. Its not an equal comparison, women are basically designed to be "taken by force", the vagina is muscle, it self lubricates, most women get off to rough sex and have rape fantasies, etc. A man's ass does not of the things a womans vagina does nor is it built like that, nor are men as innate masochistic as women are, we are more sadistic.

And did those men like it? They probably felt taken advantage of and felt pretty odd and awkward after it. I guarantee they didn't say "Cool! Sign me up again!"

Men can have orgasms by solely through prostate stimulation (http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-prostate-orgasm.htm). Our prostates are similar to the G spot in women's VAGINAS, and can cause intense orgasms in men. So, anal rape of a male is about as equivalent to vaginal rape of a female that you can get.

To assess your point of females being innately masochistic, yes they are, but probably not as much as you'd think. Yes they enjoy getting slapped on the ass and getting fucked hard, but in a controlled environment. Literally everybody when trying sex beyond vanilla sex devises a safe word for this exact purpose. Getting violently restricted and fucked extremely hard with no way to have any control is not something most women enjoy (even unconsciously).

Want a random foid from your uni/work to drug you, sodomize you until you orgasm, and just let you deal with the pain after?
Want a random foid from your uni/work to drug you, sodomize you until you orgasm, and just let you deal with the pain after?

Again false comparison, unless she's just going to up and sprout a dick, any penetration I received would not be to her physical pleasure, to compare a woman raping a man in a homosexual manner using objects, to a man raping a woman in a heterosexual manner using AN ACTUAL SEX ORGAN (his penis) is obviously a false comparison.

Now if one of my female co-workers, drugged and straddled me, and rode me till she orgasmed, and I got one too, why would I care, even if I didn't get an orgasm I wouldn't care much. You see for men its different because we have to pay for sex and companionship, so if anything were left a little perplexed in "how we should feel" because we literally just got what we wanted without having to pay or "work for it" like we usually do.

You keep attempting to homosexualize the scenario to make it off putting but its a false comparison, if you do a legitimate heterosexual comparison no man here would really care much, would you feel shame, maybe even disgusted, yes, but we already feel that while not getting laid lol. To the men that get raped like this and aren't incel, they'd probably feel worse, but nothing they couldn't get over, I'd say 6 months max the average man would be bothered by it, if even that long.

Stop trying to insert faggotry into this shit, I know its hard because you're one of these female avatar posters that are probably into some gay shit, but try and suppress the faggotry and make a legitimate argument lol. Could I see a woman sodomizing a man as part of rape, yes, but it would be more like she wanted to punish the man, like a penis envy kind of this, when a man penetrates a woman vaginally or analy it isn't because he envies being fucked, he genuinely enjoy it, he's equipped to enjoy it.

I'm done arguing this, I fear you may be getting off to being able to speak on about men being raped anally, we both know you're going to keep bringing it up.
Again false comparison, unless she's just going to up and sprout a dick, any penetration I received would not be to her physical pleasure, to compare a woman raping a man in a homosexual manner using objects, to a man raping a woman in a heterosexual manner using AN ACTUAL SEX ORGAN (his penis) is obviously a false comparison.

Now if one of my female co-workers, drugged and straddled me, and rode me till she orgasmed, and I got one too, why would I care, even if I didn't get an orgasm I wouldn't care much. You see for men its different because we have to pay for sex and companionship, so if anything were left a little perplexed in "how we should feel" because we literally just got what we wanted without having to pay or "work for it" like we usually do.

You keep attempting to homosexualize the scenario to make it off putting but its a false comparison, if you do a legitimate heterosexual comparison no man here would really care much, would you feel shame, maybe even disgusted, yes, but we already feel that while not getting laid lol. To the men that get raped like this and aren't incel, they'd probably feel worse, but nothing they couldn't get over, I'd say 6 months max the average man would be bothered by it, if even that long.

Stop trying to insert faggotry into this shit, I know its hard because you're one of these female avatar posters that are probably into some gay shit, but try and suppress the faggotry and make a legitimate argument lol. Could I see a woman sodomizing a man as part of rape, yes, but it would be more like she wanted to punish the man, like a penis envy kind of this, when a man penetrates a woman vaginally or analy it isn't because he envies being fucked, he genuinely enjoy it, he's equipped to enjoy it.

I'm done arguing this, I fear you may be getting off to being able to speak on about men being raped anally, we both know you're going to keep bringing it up.

Sorry I took so long to respond. Just finished jerking off to gay porn and thinking about getting anally penetrated. /s

Most women get over it too. I was just trying to make the point "they don't like being raped". I think anybody with half a brain would agree that most women don't like being raped. There's just NO male equivalent, so you can't argue it that well to a male.
Most women get over it too. I was just trying to make the point "they don't like being raped

So you were trying to make this point to the guy that said -
to women rape is worst than death because it is a man taking the only thing she has that makes her worth anything by force, while not awarding her material resources and or emotional gratification.

Thats why women hate rape, not because its this deeply traumatic thing, its because they don't get to monopolize their pussy power and pimp their holes out for benefits, its a man taking what he wants for free.

Again, reading and comprehension skills man, I already know they don't like it, I thought that was obvious to everyone already (including rapists), you know the whole crying and screaming bit lol.

You are arguing something different, I'm not arguing that they like it, I'm arguing WHY they don't like it, and I'm arguing that its not the act itself. Its what the act denies them.

There's just NO male equivalent, so you can't argue it that well to a male.
Yes there is, I already gave you the male equivalent, it just so happens that men have to fucking pay women for sex and companionship, on top of having a high libido, so for us even if were a bit disturbed by it, we still just got free sex, something we never really get. If a female wolf in the wild beat up and then mounted a smaller weaker male wolf, and rode him till orgasm, what difference does that make, she saved him all the trouble of competing against another male and he still gets to reproduce, of course animals don't have the ego to feel shame, etc but the point still stands, it was A NET BENEFIT to said males existence. He got what he always wanted with no effort, I wouldn't mind getting raped by a few women right now if all it meant was a few bruises on my body and sore loins lol, sounds like a decent trade off to me.

To women sex is a resource to be traded, rape is basically theft of their merchandise, that's really why they don't like it, do you really think most rapists want to be slapping women around, punching them randomly during the rape, or bothering to do anal sex (admittedly uncomfortable no matter the sex), obviously not, most rape is vaginal, and it goes on without physical assault so long as the victim is co-operative, and its not like the average rapist is packing 8+ inches of dick, these women aren't being "stretched out" like in some rape porn fantasy, in a lot of cases I'd assume they don't even actually "feel the guy" much, its one of those "is it in yet" situations, except in this case its not the man facing shame in the situation, its the woman. The women still feel violated in this case, even if there was no physical trauma, guess why? - THEIR GOODS WERE STOLEN.

The image posted pretty much explains why women really hate rape


  • whywomenhaterape.jpg
    207.9 KB · Views: 82
I’m not clicking on TwoXChromosomes but that title sounds click-baity as hell; I bet there were several questions in-context that the judge asked and maybe the title’s comment slipped through. If so, it was inappropriate, but nowhere near deserving a reprimand and a round of shills promoting the incident and inciting gender warfare against men.
He shouldn't have said that, but I'll guarantee plenty of judges today think this.

More than half the cases that I saw along with mine in court were bullshit harassment charges, and most of them didn't stand up at all.
So you were trying to make this point to the guy that said -

Again, reading and comprehension skills man, I already know they don't like it, I thought that was obvious to everyone already (including rapists), you know the whole crying and screaming bit lol.

You are arguing something different, I'm not arguing that they like it, I'm arguing WHY they don't like it, and I'm arguing that its not the act itself. Its what the act denies them.

Yes there is, I already gave you the male equivalent, it just so happens that men have to fucking pay women for sex and companionship, on top of having a high libido, so for us even if were a bit disturbed by it, we still just got free sex, something we never really get. If a female wolf in the wild beat up and then mounted a smaller weaker male wolf, and rode him till orgasm, what difference does that make, she saved him all the trouble of competing against another male and he still gets to reproduce, of course animals don't have the ego to feel shame, etc but the point still stands, it was A NET BENEFIT to said males existence. He got what he always wanted with no effort, I wouldn't mind getting raped by a few women right now if all it meant was a few bruises on my body and sore loins lol, sounds like a decent trade off to me.

To women sex is a resource to be traded, rape is basically theft of their merchandise, that's really why they don't like it, do you really think most rapists want to be slapping women around, punching them randomly during the rape, or bothering to do anal sex (admittedly uncomfortable no matter the sex), obviously not, most rape is vaginal, and it goes on without physical assault so long as the victim is co-operative, and its not like the average rapist is packing 8+ inches of dick, these women aren't being "stretched out" like in some rape porn fantasy, in a lot of cases I'd assume they don't even actually "feel the guy" much, its one of those "is it in yet" situations, except in this case its not the man facing shame in the situation, its the woman. The women still feel violated in this case, even if there was no physical trauma, guess why? - THEIR GOODS WERE STOLEN.

The image posted pretty much explains why women really hate rape

I guess I get your point. Sorry for being an aspie about it and arguing for so long.

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