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Blackpill "Heritability of number of sex partners was estimated to be 0.50 for females and 0.38 for males."

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
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There are no happy endings in Eastern Europe.
Oct 30, 2022
Just rewrite your genes and you'll slay bro:soy::feels:.

Among the males, possessing one or two alleles of the 10 repeat is associated with an 80–100% increase (P<0.0001, 2df) in the number of sexual partners as compared with the homozygotes for the 9 repeat. The association holds in race/ethnicity-stratified analyses, in Allison's procedure that tests population stratification, and in within-family fixed-effects models.
We researched for evidence that may explain the sex differences in our findings via the twin and full-sib data in Add Health and biometrical methods. Table 5 gives the twin and sibling intraclass correlations and number of pairs by gender and type of sibling pairs using the mixed models.56 Heritability of number of sex partners was estimated to be 0.50 for females and 0.38 for males. The estimates were obtained after controlling for age and ethnicity. Partly because the numbers of pairs available were moderate, we were unable to show that the two estimates are statistically different from one another.

Both animal and human studies have demonstrated a genetic basis for sexual behavior. A study based on 1,600 female twin pairs reported an estimated heritability of 0.40 for the self-reported number of sexual partners (Cherkas et al 2004). Another study based on pairs of full siblings, half siblings, cousins and a small number of same-sex twins from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth identified a genetic contribution (heritability) to age at first sex in the all-ethnicity sample (0.37), the white sample (0.51), and the male sample (0.54) (Rodgers et al 1999). Evidence for age at first sex is also reported from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health; the evidence is based on both a biometrical analysis of twins and an association with the variants of the DRD4 gene (Guo and Tong 2006).

Gene by Social-Context Interactions for Number of Sexual Partners Among White Male Youths: Genetics-informed Sociology
this is a genes game and we are banned to access another genes
I don't speak autistic nerd can someone explain what this means btw??
Nice catch:feelshaha:, but if they were bullshitting about it then that's just even crazier since the researchers still found such a high level of heritability:fuk:.

I don't speak autistic nerd can someone explain what this means btw??
The number of sex partners someone had is in part determined by their jeans, to a level about as big as that of their environment. Meaning that some normie, given the environment he lives in, might end up banging twice as many women as he should given his genes if lucky, or half of that number if unlucky, but there's a genetic base he's working with which heavily predisposizes him to a certain number of partners.
Nice catch:feelshaha:, but if they were bullshitting about it then that's just even crazier since the researchers still found such a high level of heritability:fuk:.

The number of sex partners someone had is in part determined by their jeans, to a level about as big as that of their environment. Meaning that some normie, given the environment he lives in, might end up banging twice as many women as he should given his genes if lucky, or half of that number if unlucky, but there's a genetic base he's working with which heavily predisposizes him to a certain number of partners.
All those words just to say only looks matter.
All those words just to say only looks matter.
and yet soyciety will ignore while soying out over trust the science:soy:, the halo is so strong that you don't even need to think to be able to come that conclusion but the gooberment has done a good job tricking people with mass media (movies & social media) into beleeing otherwise, no amount of science can undo the damage
OP, you gave me a strong painful headache with this thread.
OP, you gave me a strong painful headache with this thread.
Just have some soup and then have a nap it's my favourite way to get rid of a headache

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