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Venting having a woman truly in love with you must be the greatest feeling...



May 21, 2020
I'm not talking about just being attracted to you, or idk having sex with her, women can fuck men they're not in love with but, it's just different when they really have feelings for someone.

It's one of those things that I can understand being a truly chad only experience. You know, that admiration you can see in their eyes, not like these average normie relationships when you just know the woman thinks the guy ain't shit, but the ones you can just tell when you see one of those couples and you can only think "yeah, she really loves him".

THAT guy is the one she's addressing those silly instagram posts to, hopelessly trying to catch his attention. I can barely imagine what is life when you are that guy, everyday must be a dopamine overdose.

You can't be that guy. You think you can buy that with money? You can't.
Well, as much as I agree with this.
This feeling of greatness is only rivaled by the delicious taste of a turkey sandwich on wheat bread with lettuce and mayo.
True, people think we only seek out sex but we seek out romantic relationships
how long are we going to cope with this?

it does exist, we just won't have it :blackpill:
It doesn't really exist, the sole reason people abide to strict relationships are societal pressured roles and obvious personal benefits.

Women/men simply become Chadstruck/Stacystruck or stick to the relationships because it personally benefits them in some way. The more attractive partners offer greater sexual arousal and can be displayed as some kind of trophy on social circles, and regarding non-chad/non-stacy relationships, it's either about the money or how much of a personal slave that person can be in your life so you can [UWSL]parasitize[/UWSL] from.

People like to larp as if they had some higher rationality and consciousness, but they are still no different from the average animals.
not the greatest, id say the best is feeling of intelectual revelation, but u got to be high iq braincel to have it
its like elves who have stronger emotions and pleasures cause they are so smart
Love isn't a feeling because feelings change with time. She can love you because of your looks then when she sees another good looking man, she will cheat on you. The chad knows that love doesn't exist that is why he just fuck then dumb.

Men and women love in different ways. Men love idealistically in a romantic and fantastic way while women love in opportunistic and realistic way.

Love as we know is a social value that is formed of looks, status and money and while forming this value, you start producting a chemical bond that makes you feel great feelings. That is how people used to get married and make families through history. Women always say, i love him because he is handsome, rich etc they never say i love him because he is a good man.

It doesn't really exist, the sole reason people abide to strict relationships are societal pressured roles and obvious personal benefits.

Women/men simply become Chadstruck/Stacystruck or stick to the relationships because it personally benefits them in some way. The more attractive partners offer greater sexual arousal and can be displayed as some kind of trophy on social circles, and regarding non-chad/non-stacy relationships, it's either about the money or how much of a personal slave that person can be in your life so you can [UWSL]parasitize[/UWSL] from.

People like to larp as if they had some higher rationality and consciousness, but they are still no different from the average animals.
So you are saying there's no such a thing as a feeling humans are capable of that makes them want to have intimacy, spend time with and care for someone else genuinely? Sounds like a big piece of cope to me.

Whether it is conditional or not, if it's some chemical reactions in our brains or some metaphysical concept it's irrelevant in this discussion, it is real. You're just over rationalizing it.
it's just different when they really have feelings for someone.

It's one of those things that I can understand being a truly chad only experience

These two

Sakura side
Rock back
Rock front

why didn't she ever give him a chance?
So you are saying there's no such a thing as a feeling humans are capable of that makes them want to have intimacy, spend time with and care for someone else genuinely? Sounds like a big piece of cope to me.
Yes, humans want intimacy. Yes, people enjoy spending time with one another. And no, people only care and look up to each other while they still have something to offer / something to bargain. You lose your value to people once they can't have back something you could originally provide, or they found better suitors.

Very few people are willing to do sacrifices to please someone they cherish, and when they do are most of the time delusional men hoping to get reciprocation out of obsession since they can't or don't know if they can get something better at that given moment in time.

I even think most parents think of their children as pets, albeit rational ones. I care about my pets myself, but I don't "love" them, if they die or whatever they will be missed for a short while, but they were all ephemeral lifeforms anyway just like human beings are and it's easy to fill the void.

I strongly believe that women in particular are unable to love men as partners, I even have doubts they are able to love their own children or parents the same way the average man claims to love his family.

When a couple breaks up, the beta males become desperate about coming back to their exes after a while only to find out their ex has already jumped to the next branch and replaced the guy with an arguably chaddier or richer one and completely forgot about the other guy and whatever she felt for him before. The guy has trouble to move on and is obsessed because he doesn't have an easy time to "switch branches" and find himself another woman just like his ex found another man. If "love" is situational and conditional like that, then it never really existed.
Tell me, would you see so much "femicide"/crime of passion perpetrated by men, particularly in our country, if they had better and easier options to engage with other women that could fill the void in terms of attention and sexual attraction? It's all about time and options

Whether it is conditional or not, if it's some chemical reactions in our brains or some metaphysical concept it's irrelevant in this discussion, it is real. You're just over rationalizing it.

The mind does plays tricks but most of the time there is a logical/rational reason behind our actions especially the lasting ones.
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I even think most parents think of their children as pets, albeit rational ones.
This is particularly true for parents who force their kids to study and careermax. It's kind of like playing a premium irl version of Sim. When I played Sim, I made my character work all day so he could get a promotion, buy a big house and get a gf. I didn't really care if he was miserable for doing nothing else but working and all it mattered was me feeling a sense of achievement for all his success.
If "love" is situational and conditional like that, then it never really existed.
tbh most of us grew up reading fairy tales where love is pure even though in reality it's nothing but transactional. Chads simply have a larger reservoir of resources (looks, to be precise) to keep a relationship long enough maybe even up until death, giving the rest of us an illusion that true love exists.
The mind does plays tricks but most of the time there is a logical/rational reason behind our actions especially the lasting ones.
High IQ. In the past, there was social pressure preventing women from whoring around. With sexual liberation, there's no more logical reason for women to stick to an average-looking wagie. Blackpill theory is the universal truth that precedes online dating. It only started to manifest as dating apps were becoming widely available, in the same sense that germs have always existed before they were observed under microscopes.
I'm not talking about just being attracted to you, or idk having sex with her, women can fuck men they're not in love with but, it's just different when they really have feelings for someone.

It's one of those things that I can understand being a truly chad only experience. You know, that admiration you can see in their eyes, not like these average normie relationships when you just know the woman thinks the guy ain't shit, but the ones you can just tell when you see one of those couples and you can only think "yeah, she really loves him".

THAT guy is the one she's addressing those silly instagram posts to, hopelessly trying to catch his attention. I can barely imagine what is life when you are that guy, everyday must be a dopamine overdose.

You can't be that guy. You think you can buy that with money? You can't.
yes, must be really good feeling. playing dating Sims is good cope but suifuel for me due to this. I see what I am missing out on. No entertaining hangout watching a movie, no discussion on book, no going out for dinner. game cope alone. while Chad can do it all with another
yes, must be really good feeling. playing dating Sims is good cope but suifuel for me due to this. I see what I am missing out on. No entertaining hangout watching a movie, no discussion on book, no going out for dinner. game cope alone. while Chad can do it all with another
I feel you bro, dating sims were such a good cope for me, but now it's just total suifuel indeed, life sucks :feelsbadman:

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