fantasizing romantically with Oneitis is cucked and an illusion, and thinking she's "redeemed and special" is just a trick of this ideal; In the end, and in the beginning too, every foid is one to cum dumpster, and for that there are no exceptions; having a oneitis is a illusion of the ideal, and maybe a strong incel trait; while you in your daydreams of love think about kissing her, having sex with her and having her give her affection and love she is giving herself to another unworthy and taking pictures with him, proudly posting on valentines how much she likes it of him or simply not saying anything, talking alot that she is lonely and leading a lifestyle of wantonness and insolence with fuckboys and random men, while you, who are lost in love for her, cry and suffer in LDAR: I'm sick of Oneitis, enough