Yeah female infanticide fucked up the ecosystem.
If I had a daughter, I would do something like this
The realistic way for a man to make up for being an incel in his prime is to have a hot slut daughter. It is 1 in 1,000 you would have a Chad son, and even if you did, Chad's sexual opportunities are limited to how many times he can get an erection. On the other hand, there is at least a 30%...
That's a waste of her female privilege.
If I ever had a daughter, I would encourage her to get into the sciences/politics. She will land easy jobs due to diversity quotas and preferential hiring. "Men get jobs easier" Men get preferential hiring" "men command more respect" is all nonsense. Reality is that it is the complete opposite.
If she decides to whoremaxx, at least she's enjoying her life. "She's pleasuring other men bro
thats putting female sexuality on a pedestal, which is what led to this in the first place
If people only raised daughters to have protected sex with,
Everybody that doesn't already have a wife would be an eternal incel.
Some people will say that raising a daughter is cucked, but they also want a wife
Thats like coming to a party to eat pizza without bringing any gifts
Remember 80s india or china
Every retard wanted a son because he could wageslave while a daughter was just an extra mouth in their eyes (Which is wrong btw)
"Raising a daughter is like watering another man's garden"
-Chinese proverb
What happened?
Inceldom skyrocketed
Dowries became bride price, having a wife costs $500,000 rmb (roughly equalivant to 100,000 usd in some provinces, which is a lot in chinkland) sometimes even more
Every time I see a boy on the streets of china, I feel sorry for him
Suitors bringing the most exotic foods and gifts, only to be rejected
Men became even more disposable (We aren't) in society's eyes
My maternal side had 4 daughters just before the one child policy
All of them are well off, every single daughter has a betabuxxer slave husband and a nice house
Meanwhile my paternal side
3 sons, no daughters
My dad had to wageslave delivering newspapers for years and even fell into a drain which broke his face
His father refused to help him becuz he was a boy and nobody cares about boys, not even their own fathers
An incel son will lose no matter what. Idc if I can relate to him, watching him suffer will tear me apart. People that have sons are truly sadistic or uneducated. A daughter, will always live privileged even if she fucks up badly.