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"Have you ever met incels in real life? What are they like?"



Nov 7, 2017
I've encountered them. As well as near-incels. A lot of them would try to get me to "teach" them, as I was notoriously promiscuous. None were ever able to really grasp what I would tell them about relating to women, it's like thinking in a different language. Women are commodities to these people, or robots that seek out square jawed tallguys and jump on their dicks, or like pinball machines that dispense a moist, warm fleshlight if you wiggle the paddles the right way: whatever women are to them they are definitely not humans.

This irks me because he is assuming every incel is an anti social loser who lives in his mothers basement who ignores girls and cries when they don't give him a chance. A pre-requisite for being incel is to have asked out many girls, and to be ugly. Majority of us have lives outside this forum, many of us are in university, or have jobs, and for some there are "girls" in our lives we frequently talk to, not all 

>A lot of them would try to get me to "teach" them, as I was notoriously promiscuous. 
He didn't have to include the last part, he is bragging about how he is apparently a "slayer", he is probably insecure about it so he's mentioning it here, but lets assume he is saying the truth, I really don't believe an incel asked him tips and tricks, if its true the guy is probably autistic or is an incel in denial meaning he denies looks theory, every incel knows women reject him partly due to his looks

>None were ever able to really grasp what I would tell them about relating to women, it's like thinking in a different language 
I wonder, why is there a correlation between being an ugly man and how shy that man is with women? Why are attractive men all very successful with women? I wonder.

>Women are commodities to these people 
Humans all want sex, same argument can be made about anyone who wants sex, like one night stands, literally a commodity for two horny people who find each other hot. Also lack of sex is a small part of being incel, inceldom is about lack of affection/love and relationships.

>[incels think women are] robots that seek out square jawed tallguys and jump on their dicks 
Our life experiences shaped our views on lookism, on top of that, the halo effect is very real and it's been scientifically proven attractive people have it better, also, have you never used tinder? Girls will literally swipe right only on "square jawed tallguys", is this guy denying that looks matter? lol then why does /r/LadyBoners exist? it's a sub for women to lust over "square jawed tallguys", fucking idiot.

Just like all of our criticizers, all their arguments rely solely on assumptions they made due to outlandish claims made by radical incels who intern get posted on inceltears and on walter fates channel, and those 'radical incels' are only venting their frustrations with life, just like how each sub reddit is a safe space, this is ours to vent about anything. They assume we are disgusting and unclean, they assume we are basement dwellers, they assume we never talked to women (you can't be incel if you haven't tried and aren't still trying), they assume we all share elliot rodgers views, they assume we want nothing to do with women (even tho we would kill to be in a loving relationship with a girl). 

Everyone of these people is a legit copy paste of each other, they all make the same assumptions, in fact they actually think we are serial killers, am not joking, in fact the way I found /r/incels was a guy saying "/r/incels is where serial killers are born", people literally think we are rapist serial killers, and they have no sympathy for us.

This is how you debate them, just ask 'does physical attractiveness help you when choosing a partner?', the most delusional copers will say no, say no need changing his/her mind because they're an idoit, but if they say yes, it will usually have a "but personality is worth so much more", all you have to then say is "loss of sexual attraction is a large reason marriages fail or lose that 'spark'", and they will literally start contradicting themselves with cope and classic "more to life then sex", which is a really stupid thing to tell a virgin. 

inb4 "incel complains about comparing him to elliot rodger but has er avatar", i have it cuz it's a meme, it's ironic, not meant to be taken seriously.
>still caring about inceltears in 2018
Met many incels in denial cucked by feminism.
kodoku said:
>still caring about inceltears in 2018

on their front page rn only 2 posts are from this forum. bored brah, friday night got nothing to do
You don't take ER seriously? Cuck.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
You don't take ER seriously? Cuck.

i relate to him a lot, but killing won't make you good looking, therefore going er is cope
iiiTeMpeR said:
i relate to him a lot, but killing won't make you good looking, therefore going er is cope

He didn't kill to become good looking.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
He didn't kill to become good looking.

whats the point? only made us look worse lol, plus er is a narcissist and hated ugly men and he would call sub 8s "disgusting pigs", lol @ u worshiping a narcy mentalcel
iiiTeMpeR said:
whats the point? only made us look worse lol, plus er is a narcissist and hated ugly men and he would call sub 8s "disgusting pigs", lol @ u worshiping a narcy mentalcel

Who said I was worshipping him? I just like when people try to get revenge (even when they fail)

And ugly males will always look bad through the eyes of society.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
Who said I was worshipping him? I just like when people try to get revenge (even when they fail)

And ugly males will always look bad through the eyes of society.

>he wasn't ugly
>revenge won't get you laid, it will make people hate incels more

going er is cope
i've had people try to set  me up with an incel friend at work before. he was far more gone than me. the issue is i need uplifting people in my life. as hypocritical as it is, incels are far from that. we just stared at each other for 20 sec and moved on. never talked again.  honestly, i dont think i never meet anyone that totally unclicked with me in my life.

in some aspect it made me trim my hair, beard and shit for a good year. scary seeing yourself as others see ya

OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
These people are so dense.

That guy is a incel-in-denial and WORST coper from cucktears, so fucking PATHETIC.

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