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Have You Ever Been in The Friendzone With A Girl?

Romello Gaghan 2

Romello Gaghan 2

No Descriptor
Aug 6, 2018
Have you? If so, were you orbiting in hopes of ascension or what? Or is the mark of a real incel having no girl ever want you even to orbit?
no because I dont interact with femorrhoids at all
I’ve held the title of orbiter many times
After being rejected I leave the situation as it is, I dont want to orbit.
ye i guess few times they would keep me as their orbiter as i didnt knew any better at the time
You can't even get female friends if you are ugly and socially awkward/not fitting and to get into friendzone you need first to get to know foids, befriend them and then start being a cuck. if you can achieve that then you are at least 4/10 in looks and you should fuck off this site. So many fakecels above JFL. Normiecels.co :feelspuke:
Yes the last one was quite a few years ago. I gave up on her after she tried to emasculate me. If I don't message her for a long time she tracks me down on social media somehow and contacts me, but she wont come to visit me. She probably wont even touch me anymore. I don't contact her, just reply when she tracks me down.
femoids only laugh at me and never try to say anything to me
Have you? If so, were you orbiting in hopes of ascension or what? Or is the mark of a real incel having no girl ever want you even to orbit?
I am pretty sure friendzone just means being an orbiter and no I have not had the pleasure of orbiting any female
I never even had a female "friend". My brain never seemed compatible with their hyperneurotypical nature.
lol no, women past 2001 or so will very seldom let you even meet up with them outside of school/work, i.e be an orbiter
they'll talk for a bit and maybe let you be a friendzoner or "work husband" but that's it

in 2019 that's the role of a chaddish tall dude, who typically hangs out with 2 women at once and serves a weird orbiter/leader/chaperone role
nope, they are too repulsed by me to even allow me to be "just friends" with them, not that i would want to be friendzoned anyway
Yes, I have a castle there.
I've orbited a lot in my life before finding you boyos, you liberated me in some way
Nope. Would strangle a puppy for the experience though.
I’ve tried getting with quite a lot of foids so I’ve gotten friend zoned a few times apart from getting ghosted. But I always kick them to the curb when that happens. I’m not gonna listen her crap while some other guy gets to fuck her
yes during school years, i was in deep friendzone talking and doing everything the foid wanted and she didnt even want to hug me in a friendly way,btw she hugged the chad from the class that pretty much hated her for happy new years...FUCKKKKKK WHY U HAD TO REMIND ME
Yes lol. Always friendzoned. But didn't keep orbiting. It's always when I approach girls and finally ask them out I get "I like you as a friend" or "I don't see you that way". Take notes bluepillers and CuckTears, my personality is good enough for girls to be their friend
I had one female friend in middle school. By that point, I was too depressed and self-loathing to be interested in girls or think it was even possible for a girl to be interested in me. Looking back, it seems like she was interested in me, which wouldn't be completely out of the realm of plausibility since she was my looksmatch and didn't realize her inherent SMV advantage as a female.

At my age, however, such a thing would be a complete fantasy since every female over the age of 20 has had a taste of the genetically superior male and knows she doesn't have to settle for a sub 5.
All my friends were males, never a foid jfl
Yes, constantly since I am 14 afaik. They never want any business with me that isn't strictly platonic, because I'm extremely unattractive to fucking foids due to being mentally fucked up.
I have never even been friends with a female.
It really makes no difference because I would automatically be placed into the friend zone once they see my face.
All the time before I accepted the :blackpill: & saw that it wasn't my personality fault but solely my looks deficiency.
Yes lol. Always friendzoned. But didn't keep orbiting. It's always when I approach girls and finally ask them out I get "I like you as a friend" or "I don't see you that way". Take notes bluepillers and CuckTears, my personality is good enough for girls to be their friend

Same tbh ngl.
Foids always ignored me, especially in highschool. I never had a friend apart from my brother, so it's impossible to me to have a "female friend" anyways.
No, I never had a foid friend
Yeah. I orbited her and a Chad in my class fucked her. She thought I was amusing and I thought I had a chance. But I wasn't her friend so no I haven't been friendzoned but yes I've orbited a foid
Never been in the FACEzone with the ladies, the only females who’ve ever talked to me that were my age and unrelated either pretended to like me, told me I was ugly, or asked me something in a teller/cashier capacity.
I wish a girl liked me as a friend. I wish a girl hated me as an enemy. I'd like to be on a woman's mind.
Yes..I was terribly afflicted with nice guy syndrome for a better portion of my life.. I wanted women to like me more than anything else, the more I would get rejected the nicer I tried to be. It was the only thing i knew how to do...

Now I know how disgusting I am to females and i do them a huge favor by not trying to bargain for thier approval. I always knew but it hurt too bad to acknowledge..I was delusional and blackpill has made me sane.
No, I’ve never had a female friend. Women have never cared about me enough to even consider me as a potential orbiter / friend-zoned suitor.
I am truly a good friend.
But I'm not her type...

Click. Loop.
Like a fucking 8 track player.

I was a planet in my youth.
Now I'm a meteor!
I’ve been friendzoned before. It feels pretty bad, man. Women are scum for the most part. That was back in 2014 though, and I haven’t dated a woman since.
Yes quite often when I was younger. Not now.
How do you even befriend foids even if you do whats the point you get nothing out of it
And i would never put myself in such a vulnerable position.

Look at Garret... The Fedora Dancer.
I am pretty sure friendzone just means being an orbiter and no I have not had the pleasure of orbiting any female

Nah not all friendzoned men are orbiters, the usual meaning of orbiter i've seen used is like friendzone squared, you are friendzoned ontop of tasked with doing favors for her, often going out of your way to do them, orbiters are often errand boys in a way, a guy who is just friendzoned doesnt always get taken advantage of as much, in other words an orbiter is a coping friendzoner, he gets pulled into the gravity of a foids influence and is manipulated by her
When I was younger, several times. I would do ANY favor for a female friend in hopes of getting in closer. For one girl, not only did I help her move, I literally moved her myself because nobody else showed up.

I learned my lesson the hard-way.

Now I cringe at how much I was taken advantage of.
Im even too ugly for the friendzone

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