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Have any of you guys noticed this as well?



Slowly Decomposing
Nov 8, 2017
I noticed when people talk to other people, they talk to them normally and laugh along and have a good time and all that jazz. I notice when people talk to me, they talk very differently. Like they talk very seriously, they don't laugh along with me and have this creeped out expression when I do laugh and they awkwardly and uncomfortably "agree" with me by nodding their head with a slightly freaked out expression and a half assed smile. And if I'm alone with another co-worker, they'll have small talk, again, very serious, hard to relate to on a personal level, etc. The SECOND another co-worker comes in, that person immediately ignores me and starts talking to the other coworker. When I try to join in, they both just ignore me and talk over me.

God damn, "hurrrrrrr I wonder why that guy hates everyone, I just don't get it!"
At least people look at you when you talk, that`s something.
Unbearable2woman said:
At least people look at you when you talk, that`s something.

Well, I forgot to mention that part apparently. I guess I just didn't feel like mentioning literally everything as that would take up the entire page to do so. No, they do everything in their power to avoid having eye contact with me. They always look at me, then when I look at them as I listen to them flap their jaw, they look away. They act like they would drop dead the second they make eye contact.
1) It always starts with looks. As looks permeates through anything, this in a way causes people to either treat you good or bad, based on your looks.

2) They probably haven't known you or had ever gotten to learn about you. Probably, the most general answer you'll get.

3) Most of the time, its too late for most people to form friendships in their 20s, 30s and beyond. People had already established their friendships and relationships long ago.

4) Most people are flakey fakie, especially on informal meetings and dates. They'll try to pretend to be your friend, but it wont work out because their occupied with other people and stuff in their lives, I guess this understandable; if you're living an adult life...
It's just inherent lookism man. Life is not very good if you are ugly and subhuman.
idkwattodowithlife said:
1) It always starts with looks. As looks permeates through anything, this in a way causes people to either treat you good or bad, based on your looks.

2) They probably haven't known you or had ever gotten to learn about you. Probably, the most general answer you'll get.

3) Most of the time, its too late for most people to form friendships in their 20s, 30s and beyond. People had already established their friendships and relationships long ago.

4) Most people are flakey fakie, especially on informal meetings and dates. They'll try to pretend to be your friend, but it wont work out because their occupied with other people and stuff in their lives, I guess this understandable; if you're living an adult life...

It's obviously the first one. All people do this to me. From people I've never met, to co-workers I worked alongside with for 3 years now. Everyone treats me like shit simply because I'm ugly AND deformed.

Kek, hardly any replies. Guess I'm one of the very few truecels here.
This happens to me as well, though sometimes people do look at me although they mostly avoid eye contact and lookscared or creeped out by my face. They also avoid interacting with me as much as possible and greatly prefer the company of others. I cannot remember the last time I was treated normally by people.
its called having autism dumbass
incel scum said:
its called having autism dumbass

If he is truly ugly which he is since he has an actual facial deformity, it is not autism, humanity despises those that are deformed.
universallyabhorred said:
If he is truly ugly which he is since he has an actual facial deformity, it is not autism, humanity despises those that are deformed.

Lol don't even respond to him, his username is "incel scum," similar to other trolls who decided to not be subtle with usernames like "incels are fags," "kill yourself incels," etc.
I've noticed that people are scared of me in public. When I walk by someone during the brief moment that we make eye contact I can see genuine fear and disgust in their eyes.
Framecel222 said:
I've noticed that people are scared of me in public. When I walk by someone during the brief moment that we make eye contact I can see genuine fear and disgust in their eyes.

Kids literally hide behind their parent's leg when I walk by. Or they'll stare with a frightened expression.
BasedTruecel said:
Kids literally hide behind their parent's leg when I walk by. Or they'll stare with a frightened expression.

Oh true, kids reactions are some of the most brutal blackpills. Unlike adults they have ZERO conditioning preventing them from expressing their utter disgust for subhumans.
Framecel222 said:
Oh true, kids reactions are some of the most brutal blackpills. Unlike adults they have ZERO conditioning preventing them from expressing their utter disgust for subhumans.

Yep, if you ever want the god honest truth, you'll definitely get them from kids. They'll let you know if you're subhuman. They won't sugarcoat it.
BasedTruecel said:
Kids literally hide behind their parent's leg when I walk by. Or they'll stare with a frightened expression.

I always try to smile at babies or too-young-to-talk kids in the supermarket queue or whatever if they end up looking at me like they sometimes do. I try to be polite and kind in most of my daily interactions. They never smile back or laugh, just look horrified.
Wizard said:
I always try to smile at babies or too-young-to-talk kids in the supermarket queue or whatever if they end up looking at me like they sometimes do. I try to be polite and kind in most of my daily interactions. They never smile back or laugh, just look horrified.

Same, and even grown adults had the same reaction, so I gave up on trying to be nice. If you look hideous, you are seen as a monster no matter how nice you are.

Edit: Jesus Christ, I'm gonna throw my "smart" phone against the wall if it auto corrects another fucking word.
Or when you talk with somebody and they dont look at your eyes they look at a different part of your face. IT pisses me off so much
undeadcel said:
Or when you talk with somebody and they dont look at your eyes they look at a different part of your face. IT pisses me off so much

Yeah, or completely look away, not even attempting to make it look like they're listening. A lot of the times they don't listen. God, all people deserve death.

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