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Discussion Have any of you gone to therapy or a psychiatrist, and did it help with coping?



Subhuman monstrosity
Jul 28, 2020
Read title. I've gone to a couple therapists and psychiatrists that have told me blue pill shit like "Just go to the skating rink and talk to people". Totally delusional. You can go up and start conversations with people and literally see their interest fade from their eyes as you talk to them. Basically you go there to the shrink and pay them to repeat stupid platitudes to you, then you leave and rot at home.

Any experiences with psych drugs? I was prescribed some but they literally didn't do anything but make me violently sick to my stomach and shit myself to death JFL.
Therapy is cucked. I'll go only if the hole therapist agrees to fuck me.
The only counseling that has been fruitful for me is family counseling. Helped me unload some of the weight I've been carrying around my whole. For all the mistakes my dad made, his willingness to do it was a huge blessing which I'm very thankful for. That bit a validation goes a long way instilling some amount of self worth in a person.
Yes to the first half, no to the second half
Therapy is cucked. I'll go only if the hole therapist agrees to fuck me.
Based as fuckkk

20200721 073617
I went once for my OCD but it never fruitioned into an actual therapy session because I figured I would do it on my own and it has worked.
Therapy is cucked. I'll go only if the hole therapist agrees to fuck me.
I went once for my OCD but it never fruitioned into an actual therapy session because I figured I would do it on my own and it has worked.

Smart. I went to a doc for OCD and they instantly try to get you hooked on medication

Smart. I went to a doc for OCD and they instantly try to get you hooked on medication
Yeah I knew they would not allow me to do things on my own and even force medication on me since I was in my teens. Good thing I wisened up though. Thank God it isn't even as bad as it used to be. Just around 10% of what I had (extreme OCD).
Psychiatrists are useless. They are just blue pilled cucks and foids that can't help incels because they are unable to change how society treats them. My experience was they are super quick to diagnose bipolar disorder, prescribe lithium, and call it a day. I told them to shove their lithium pills up their asses.
It made me understand things, but as far as helping me it accomplished nothing
I had a female therapist who I converted to the black pill. Truth is a dangerous weapon in a place of illusion.
I had a female therapist who I converted to the black pill. Truth is a dangerous weapon in a place of illusion.
How the hell did you manage to do that?
No, no, and no. Still keeping hope, but how we say it here "hope is the mother of bitches, but every mother loves her children".

Anyway, the only thing that is positive is that you have somebody who is at best being paid to play your buddy for an hour or so, at worst, would treat you like shit and let other people "professionals" or wannabees divulge your most confidential secrets without your acknowledgment. The worst thing to do is to be weak and see these "specialists" or pseudo-wannabee scientists with a requirement of help. Don't you know they can destroy your life? Society gives too much power to these people, till the present day. So, just like in the USSR any dissident, opponent, or undesirable person for the political elite, was labeled and locked down with some diagnosis of psychosis.
I got given an antidepressant and the zombie medicine called risperdal.
Fortunately, i dropped the zombie drug after a month. The anti depressant (zoloft i think) was however quite nice.


There was one that kinda helped but not much
Yes i had a dozen therapy sessions, the therapist ultimately recommended me to check into a mental hospital which i did. Apart from discovering that i had aspergers, it didn't really do much for me.
They gave me ssri’s but all it did was fuck up my sex drive
Shrinks and Therapists do nothing. Best case scenario, they're a huge waste of money and time spouting normalfag sophistry, worst case scenario, they pump you full of neurotoxic substances that rend your soul, making you an addict, turning you into a demented husk, causing permanent brain damage as they make the risk for strokes skyrocket. Here's how it usually goes:

"Hey incel, you're depressed. Have an antidepressant (causes chronic depression in the long term)."
>You then have an iatrogenic hypomanic reaction
"Holy Jesus buddyboy, you must be bipolar! Time to break out the big guns! Have a benzodiazepine, (ridiculously addictive, withdrawal will make you want to kill yourself), an "anti"psychotic (turning you into a houseplant, causing a Parkinsonoid syndrome), lithium (severely neurotoxic) and whatever else that the quack I am can come up with!"
>Thus begins your downward spiral to oblivion

What did help me, however, to get better emotional management, was neurofeedback training. Made a huge difference in how much my life sucks from day to day.
Did it fuck, went to 2 psychiatrists, once cos sister made me in cuckifornia, once cos friend (riceman cuck and jbw simp) made me in Sydney.

Both were western noodles, both married to low SMV JBW, so how the fuck could it help me.

Just look at an orange for 4 hours bro theory
I went to a therapist and it didn't help at all, on the contrary. It would usually go like this: I'd tell her about the injustices and frustrations of being an ugly man full of desire for sex and relationships and she'd do stuff like saying "that is not necessarily true" repeatedly and encourage me to try, which I had already done ad nauseum with my hundreds of approaches, cold, warm, internet, you name it.

Then I eventually fell in love with her because I wasn't used at all to have deep, intimate conversations with young attractive women, she obviously rejected me and was cold af about the whole thing, I got extremely sad and felt terrible about it and she basically came up with some reason I don't even remember why the "treatment" would have to be suspended for some months (idk if true or not, I was doing it for free at least, so it'd be plausible that they did have to suspend it for a while) and then we never contacted each other again.

Looking back, I regret both going to therapy and telling her I liked her. I lost my time and I could have been falsely accused of harassment, rape or some shit like that. Such a dumb decision, really.
I've gone in the past for extreme anxiety and agoraphobia. Through my teens and early adulthood. I had a male psychiatrist which helped and he didn't try any of that holistic woo woo bullshit on me and was able to help me with some coping mechanisms to get me back to school and shit.

I went back to therapy a couple of years ago for a few months after a family member died and my anxiety started to go to shit again and it helped with that.

Medication has also helped. But it's taken a bit of trial and error at times to get it right. Has kept me from killing myself a few times though.

But for incel related shit? Nah. I can say that therapy has helped me with other issues but with being untouchable, I don't think some shrink can talk you out of that.
I don't have money
I'd rather fuck hookers
I don't have money
I'd rather fuck hookers

The irony is this is a better form of therapy

I've seen so many cuck incels on this site say they've paid for therapy and had female therapists, but paying for sex is COMPLETELY OUT OF THE QUESTION ("Too cucked")

Yet paying a woman to invalidate and ignore all of your problems is "a good gamble, may yield results, I'll spend my money on this"

Retards I tell you, ego makes even a man of high intelligence into an idiot
Read title. I've gone to a couple therapists and psychiatrists that have told me blue pill shit like "Just go to the skating rink and talk to people". Totally delusional. You can go up and start conversations with people and literally see their interest fade from their eyes as you talk to them. Basically you go there to the shrink and pay them to repeat stupid platitudes to you, then you leave and rot at home.

Any experiences with psych drugs? I was prescribed some but they literally didn't do anything but make me violently sick to my stomach and shit myself to death JFL.

I only go every now and then to make me look depressed and on the edge of a mental breakdown so it strengthens my case for staying on NEETbux. Same with Jewpills.
Therapy is for people who don't have real problems.
Basically you go there to the shrink and pay them to repeat stupid platitudes to you, then you leave and rot at home
Is so pathetic. Its so clear they dont have the issues that you have and you are just simply paying someone to hear you cause nobody else will. Its just suicidefuel
Any experiences with psych drugs?
Unfortunatelly yes. Im taaking them as Im just at the limit as my fathers finally get rid of me this next years after leaving me disabled and destroyed together with the chads from the gang and the fucking foids and the lack of sex. Cannot recomend them though. Pills are killers
neurofeedback training
what the fuck is that. i need something. Anything!!
Therapy is for people who don't have real problems.
true. If you are one trully fucked therapist go bananas like 'I dont know what to do with such a complicated case'
15 years going to therapy. They did not help me with any mental health issue. I do take pills but in the last 6 months as I feel somehow i'm aproaching my final stages.
what the fuck is that. i need something. Anything!!

Quick disclaimer, I'm not offering you medical advice. I'm offering you my personal experience as a patient. Take it with a grain of salt (biases apply and surely are in effect) and please, do your own research.

Here's a quick rundown:

Right, so your brain activity is characterized by brain waves at certain frequencies in certain locations. The theory behind neurofeedback is that if you have a certain pattern of brain waves at certain activities, you'll feel a certain way, and that emotional issues like impulsivity, anxiety, depression, etc. are mostly learned behavior.

During neurofeedback, an EEG is strapped to your head to read brain activity, a software isolates frequencies and when your brain does something undesired, like activating fight or flight durng the session, a feedback is given - a movie you're watching darkens, music you're listening to is interrupted.

This way, your brain is conditioned into a more calm / happy / whatever state over the course of 10 - 20 sessions.

In essence, neurofeedback training provides a possibility to make you happier with who you are, instead of trying to change who you are, like therapy

It did wonders to me, I have way less anxiety, depression rarely haunts me and if it does, it's very temporary. I'm okay with being an ugly virgin, and I don't stress myself out by chasing foids anymore, which is futile anyways. I can focus way more on my copes, like driving and gymmaxxing. All this within like 15 sessions, at 130 Euros each. Sometimes, I get stressful life bullshit, but a session or two usually fixes me up again, if they're necessary at all.

There is, however, no guarantee that it will work for you the way it did for me, I'm saddened to say. Not every neurofeedback therapist is the same, not every method of doing it is the same, not every brain reacts the same. If you chose to try it, it's gonna take 5-6 sessions (usually) to have a noticeable, constant effect. I wish you the best. I wish each and every member on this forum the best, we all deserve better than feeling like shit. (except the Y-cucklective megafaggots, they can suck a parsec of dick)

EDIT: Also, if you're willing to try neurofeedback, please carefully taper off your psychotropic medication beforehand. That shit fucks you up in the long term.
I have tried some therapy during school because it was free. I wanted to find help because the blue pill told me being attracted to teens was wrong. The first thing the therapist asked was if I had any younger siblings or worked with kids.

Yep, 6 years later I don’t give a shit anymore after the blackpill opened my eyes to the promiscuity going on between all the teen age girls and a few chads. So yes, I am a firm believer in therapy is trash. Some ITard replied to my thread about how therapist will facilitate the cutting off of working sex organs while condemning anyone that is not attracted to adult women. Saying how it was “different”. No faggot it is not different. Therapy for these men are pretty much “castrate yourself” or “just keep being blue balled”, how about if trannies hang themselves for being defective.
I’ve been to therapy multiple times. Never worked.
@BlkPillPres any thoughts you can offer on therapy?
I’ve been to therapy multiple times. Never worked.
@BlkPillPres any thoughts you can offer on therapy?

Therapy makes no sense at all, and its really just for dishonest people

Think about it, the therapist doesn't get you to discover anything "new", they just guide you towards self realizations, things that you didn't want to think about or admit


Anybody who is such an NPC should just kill themselves

Only dishonest people need therapy

Of course I'm talking about things like "working through personal issues", not things like "working through your fear and self loathing after being gangraped in an alleyway"

I can understand therapy in that sense, because its not about "self discovery", its about venting and becoming comfortable with talking about something that mentally tortures you, so you can "normalize" it and become more comfortable with it to "move on"

But most people aren't going to therapy for things like that, most people are going to therapy for common sense shit they already know the answer to, but they are such dishonest pieces of shit they don't want to admit it to themselves, so they pay someone else to guide them towards whats obvious

For example guys who go to therapists to discuss relationship problems like their woman cheating on them - "I don't think I can forgive her, do you think I should end the relationship?"

They know what they have to do, they know whats logical to do, but they are such pathetic self deceiving cucks that they place all the onus and responsibility on someone else's opinion so they can feel "safer" making a choice and not take any accountability for their choices
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Therapy makes no sense at all, and its really just for dishonest people

Think about it, the therapist doesn't get you to discover anything "new", they just guide you towards self realizations, things that you didn't want to think about or admit


Anybody who is such an NPC should just kill themselves

Only dishonest people need therapy

Of course though I'm talking about things like "working through personal issues", not thinks like "working through your fear after being gangraped in an alleyway"

I can understand therapy in that sense, because its not about "self discovery", its about venting and becoming comfortable with talking about something that mentally tortures you, so you can "normalize" it and become more comfortable with it to "move on"

But most people aren't going to therapy for things like that, most people are going to therapy for common sense shit they already know the answer to, but they are such dishonest pieces of shit they don't want to admit it to themselves, so they pay someone else to guide them towards what obvious

For example guys who go to therapists to discuss relationship problems like their woman cheating on them - "I don't think I can forgive her, do you think I should end the relationship"

They know what they have to do, they know whats logical to do, but they are such pathetic self decieving cucks that they place all the onus and responsibility on someone elses opinion so they can feel "safer" making a choice and not take any accountability for their choices
That... actually makes a lot of sense. Looking back on my previous experiences with therapy, I can say I was rather dishonest. I never really stuck with it because i didn’t think it was helping but the reality is I already knew what I had to do. Having somebody else tell me what to do was just pathetic.

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