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Have a beer with Camela Harass

That was a obvious product placement advertisement
Just be a lizard person theory.
Ickes me..
Interesting. I didn't take Kamala Harris as the ticklish type.
Interesting. I didn't take Kamala Harris as the ticklish type.
It's the carbon dioxide fizz that she'll be taxing us for next year, that tickled her nose.
Stephen ColbERt is a fucking idiot, and Stacy Cameltoe Harris and Chad Tim Walz desERve to burn in Hell for all etERnity
Stephen ColbERt is a fucking idiot, and Stacy Cameltoe Harris and Chad Tim Walz desERve to burn in Hell for all etERnity
Hell is a Jewish concept it doesn't exist
Jews killed Jesus and Hell is real and is where Chads and Stacies face God’s wrath and burn for etERnity

Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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The Eternal Battle Of Darkness And Light; The Forbidden Knowledge​

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JoinedOct 7, 2023Posts18,809
The Mystery of Belicena Villca, based on the Oera Linda (The Himmler's Bible), is the quintessential Esoteric Nazism initiatory book.

Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer-SS, carried the Hindu epic poem BHAGAVAD GITA with him at all times. The Waffen SS were heavily influenced by this book. Himmler proclaimed himself a worshiper of the god Wotan and used to distribute Otto Rahn's work, Lucifer’s Court, among high-ranking SS officers. Once gathered around the symbol of the Black Sun, he gave them the Totenkopfring ring, a "reminder at all times to be willing to risk our lives for the lives of all."
The tradition of Greece and Rome, Celts, Vikings, Germans, tells us about the existence of Hyperborea (Agharta) and its capital Thule. Hyperborea was a true Paradise, created by a superior race, beautiful, wise and totally pure. Plato claims that the golden race had founded Atlantis. The end of Atlantis was due to a racial mixture of the Atlanteans with other impure races, thus losing their place in Paradise. All of history from this cataclysm is the involution of the Golden Age.
Faced with this pessimistic view of history, National Socialists would fight and do everything possible to overcome the decadence, and regain "the lost race", through an alchemical process of racial purification. (The Germanic people keep in their blood the memory of the Hyperborean ancestors). Only by awakening the spiritual power in the Aryan race, the Vril, can social entropy be overcome and return to the Golden Age.
Adolf Hitler affirms that "the Aryan is the Prometheus of humanity." Every civilization, from the oldest, has been the creation of the Aryan Race, from Europe to Asia, Africa or even America. The Aryan race is the true Chosen People. It is the divine lineage, which the Jew intends to destroy and usurp. The Jew is the antipode of the Aryan. It represents the typical parasite, incapable of building any civilization and always destroying the peoples that host it.
According to Aryosophy, the history of humanity would be understood as a war to the death between two antagonistic and irreconcilable poles, represented by two races. On the other hand, we find the luminous forces of creation, life and vigor, represented by the divine races. On the other hand, we would find the dark forces of death, decay, destruction and chaos represented by telluric races.
From the extraordinary war between the Pandavas and the Koravas of the Hindu book Maharbarata, until the Second World War, the echoes of this primal and metaphysical war are repeated in history; on the one hand, the Hyperborean spirit and on the other hand the soul of JEHOVAH SATAN. According to Gnosticism, the God of the Old Testament imprisons the spirit in this material world. The true God is far superior and perfect. The Demiurge used Hyperborea as a model to create the corruptible material world that we know.
Jehovah (Moloch-Cronos-Saturn) “sanctified” his Chosen People, has protected them and continues to protect them, as long as they provide their food, bloody ritual crimes. High-grade Freemasons, lackeys of the Jews, still practice today bloody rituals and secretly worship Jahbulon. Those who have discovered these ritual crimes have left in horror. Some of this would have happened to Mozart.
The Kristos-Lucifer (or Prometheus) archetype is seen in Gnosticism as a bearer of light, a liberator who helps captive spirits against the tyranny of the Demiurge. Naturally, Judeo-Christianity declared Lucifer "evil", and condemned early (positivist) Christianity. KRISTOS LUCIFER is related to Odin, Apollo, Hermes, Khrisna, Vishnu, Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, among others. It is through Dharma and self-sacrifice for others that one enters divinity, it is the path that unifies Christ with Buddha, the savior with the bodhisattva. Odin agreed to be crucified on the TREE OF LIFE (Iggdrasil or Irmisul). Through this voluntary sacrifice, as Jesus and Buddha, he revealed GNOSIS, the means to free ourselves from this world of illusion.
In List and Liebenfels' opinion, Jesus Christ did not have Jewish blood, since Galilee means "Land of Gentiles" (non-Jews). Christ was a true Aryan, a son of God who manifested his miracles thanks to the power of the vril with which he is endowed. Jesus Christ denounced the Jews as children of the evil Jehovah and, for this reason, they ended up murdering him. The blood of Christ, shed by the Lance of Longinus, collected by the Grail, is considered to be a link with the original divine race.
The Nazi Gnosis does not refer to an attitude of mere flight or resignation from Jehovah's world, but of rebellion and combat. AdoIf HitIer, possessed by the spirit of Odin, and recognized by his followers as the incarnation of Parsifal, as he possessed the mythical Spear of Longinus and, probably, the Holy Grail, has been considered as the last Avatar who faced the servants of Jehovah-Satan and taught mankind the way that leads to utopia and salvation.
Stephen ColbERt is a fucking idiot, and Stacy Cameltoe Harris and Chad Tim Walz desERve to burn in Hell for all etERnity

No argument there. Ofc, I don't know who any of them are. But I figure if they're TV folks then yeah. Burn them.
Maybe the indian part of her got scared of the ethanol in the beer since its used in cleaning products and jeets are scared of it.

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