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Has anyone here had a glimpse of Chad’s life?



Voidcel: Friendless Truecel
Jan 13, 2018
I know on here we talk about how Chad’s life is this and that but we’re talking about things that we imagine mostly. Yes, women approach him, they throw away marriages for him, do things for him they wouldn’t for “lesser” males, etc. However, is there anyone here who’s spent a long period of time with a Chad? A close roommate is more along the lines of what I’m thinking.
I have never even had a friend who slayed. Actually, I have never had a friend.
I have never even had a friend who slayed. Actually, I have never had a friend.

Same here, no friends at all ever. The ultimate black pill would be Chadvision.
Nope, but I heard some of the stuff my old Chad/upper tier normie friends did.
Thank god I stopped hanging out with them as I wouldn't be able to cope with that shit.
There was a high T slayer in school who slept with all my oneitii lol
glimpse? I watched as my 6’3 cousin who has shoulders the width of a monolith get the attention of every female in the gym. Never went back to the gym after that day.
Chad, no, but I remember a cousin's birthday party in 2012 where he had invited a DJ who didn't show up, I sniffed cocaine for the first and only time with him and I became so low inhib that I DJ'ed a large part of the night and jb femoids asked me for their favourite tunes etc. I felt like a god. (didn't bang or kiss any though)
Sorry, this is not the answer you are looking for since it was a single conversation, but I once got a minuscule glimpse. It was a 6'4 chad car salesman who said he used to do steroids and has been with over 200 woman, but now he finally found the one woman he wanted to marry and stopped using. He was telling me that you had to be retarded not to go downtown and easily get laid and also was giving tips and etc and trying to act cool in order to make it his pitch seem casual and not like he wanted to make a quick buck off a poor incel.

I didn't buy the car.
Yeah multiple.

It’s basically all true.

This guy is currently in his prime and will continue to slay for many years
One of my friends is a slayer. He would always tell me about having threesomes with two girls. Fucking fwbs in his car while his gf is at work. His gf sucking his dick in the back of the bus. He has 10 million nudes and porn of girls hes fucked on his phone. Had a shit ton of gfs in high school. For Chads, getting girls is as easy as breathing.
yes my middle school therapist was a chad and when i would see him in public he would always be with a group of attractive women lucky bastard.
Knowing/ seeing live Chad's life would be too much for me. It would literally fuck me up
Yes, I've had a 'friend' like that and I despise him.
i'm a normie and yes, i spent a couple of years living with one of my friends who is chad beyond shadow of a doubt. married a stripper this guy did.

big reason i got blackpilled early
Yes my freshman roommate was a chad. He was actually a cool guy, but him being so much better looking and sociable than me made things hard. Some things that happened that year:

- Constantly being asked to leave the room so he could fuck a new girl. I would chill in the dorm waiting area and still overhear their moans.
- Being woken up by him quietly fucking a girl in the middle of the night. Whenever that happened I just pretended to sleep.
- Having to cope while he and his Chad friends went out and partied almost every night. In the beginning I went out with them too, but being an incel at a party of chads is even worse than being in your room alone so I stopped.
- Having to constantly listen to chad and his friends' conversations about sex. I could be talking with them about sports and really involved in the conversation, but than the topic would switch to hoes and I would go silent.
I have a Chad friend that I've known since middleschool. He always gets sex with hot females, I remember in highschool he was getting laid regularly and I was still a kissless virgin. He's still slaying to this day.
ITT: Some crushing stuff. I’ve only ever known contempt and disgust from women. There are guys on here who talk about being invisible and while I see how that hurts, especially in your “prime”, that would be a dream for me. Appreciate the responses as I know it’s not easy to remember these things.
Youtube gives us a good view of how Young Chad develops

Sorry, this is not the answer you are looking for since it was a single conversation, but I once got a minuscule glimpse. It was a 6'4 chad car salesman who said he used to do steroids and has been with over 200 woman, but now he finally found the one woman he wanted to marry and stopped using. He was telling me that you had to be retarded not to go downtown and easily get laid and also was giving tips and etc and trying to act cool in order to make it his pitch seem casual and not like he wanted to make a quick buck off a poor incel.

I didn't buy the car.

It’s still hearing about an experience that you’d never get.
Youtube gives us a good view of how Young Chad develops

While I know Chad lives that life, I’m more interested in the day to day interactions he has. That stuff you posted is pure suifuel but so far removed from my life experience that it seems surreal to me.
While I know Chad lives that life, I’m more interested in the day to day interactions he has. That stuff you posted is pure suifuel but so far removed from my life experience that it seems surreal to me.
I hope you saw the scene where the Porche was parked in the handicapped parking space LOL

Chad's days are similar to ours except he has more interactions. He also has no free time because he is busy working, out with friends after work, or going on dates
Youtube gives us a good view of how Young Chad develops

Wow - why would these guys ever leave college? Does life continue like that after college for them? I honestly can't even imagine.

Actually, the tall blonde chad at the start of the video is my phenotype. If only my body and face would have grown and developed correctly - fml.
Wow - why would these guys ever leave college? Does life continue like that after college for them? I honestly can't even imagine.

Actually, the tall blonde chad at the start of the video is my phenotype. If only my body and face would have grown and developed correctly - fml.

College is the peak, I’ll relate the story of Matt Leinart to you. He was a good-looking QB for USC and they were THE hottest team in America from 2004-2005. Leinart won the championship, college MVP, etc and was projected to go No. 1 in the NFL Draft. He decides NOT to go? All the draft experts were baffled as he would definitely not go as high the next year. Dude was leaving millions on the table. Why? Because being King on campus to him >>>> losing millions of dollars. THAT’S how seriously the life of a college Chad drops off after school. Sure, he’s richer in the NFL but not a King fucking 18+ gorgeous women.
No, I've never really been around a Chad for an extended period of time

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