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Discussion has anyone ever asked a girl out to a lunch or a coffee or similar date-adjacent things?



May 20, 2018
This seems like a basic thing of PUA strategy and all that but the concept is basically alien to me. I've never had enough confidence to do it, never felt enough rapport where I'd think it'd be taken positively instead of harassment.

I guess some would call it fakecel if you don't do this but if you are confident in your skills at assessing a girl's interest/disgust I don't think one should be obligated to embarass oneself (possibly be open to harassment charges or her friends persecuting you) based on the slim possibility that you are somehow wrong and she might be willing to date.

That said, perhaps it is arrogant to think I can perfectly measure interest/disgust and maybe it is a good exercise in humility to test if you are wrong by actually asking girls out?

It just seems like putting the cart before the horse to me. Like usually you are supposed to do small talk, banter, flirt, etc and perceive subtle positive responses/feedback prior to asking girls to outings and getting to know them better.

This is probably one of those issues where it would be beneficial to have a circle of friends since you can do group activities and get to know people w/ an audience so there is fewer pressures associated with scheduling 1-on-1 outings.

The most talking I've ever done to girls is some jobs I've had in the past in retail where they are co-workers, but I always kept it related to what we were doing (ie "manager asked me to help you put boxes on shelf") unlike others who would talk about non-job related things to female coworkers: I always felt too high-inhib about that, like it would be over-stepping.

Even when I can overhear girls talking about something which interests me, or they're wearing something that advertises something I'm also a fan of... it's like a continent apart. I don't understand how to broach it.

Everything I think of always seems to direct. I just spiral into obsession about "what is a subtle way I can let her know we share an interest in this thing, so maybe she will initiate the conversation with me".

Maybe that is why guys walk around wearing animu/MLP shirts? Maybe I should try that instead of being low-inhib and wearing blank shirts. It's probably a pipe dream that this would lead to a girl starting a conversation with me, but I dunno...

The most feasible outcomes I could see:
1) girl not interested in me thinks she can genuinely pair me up with her ugly friend (ugly friend is not interested but girl who initiates conversation with does not know that)​
2) girl not interested in me thinks she can jokingly pair me up with her ugly friend (knows ugly friend is not interested but wants to troll/bully her by using me)​
3) girl wants to mock me on social media​
4) girl wants to rob me​
5) girl gets off on chad BF beating shit out of incels she approaches in malls​

All of these seem much more likely than someone approaching out of their own genuine interest.

Even so, all of these are still a form of socializing, I guess?

I'm just picturing that advertising any cute interests that might attract some genuine shy girl would also make me the target of gang violence. You can't just go around wearing a Cardcaptor Sakura shirt as an adult man. That's why even though I'd love loli shirts and shit I don't bother buying stuff like that.
I have never talked to a girl.
Only very brief conversations in uni about lessons and stuff.
they don't want it from men they don't already like

To sum it up better, as early as 2000, girls already considered it very bad and awkward if:
- average boys asked them directly on a date in a naive way, flowers&chocolate type stuff
- average boys wanted to be close friends when it seemed they might be romantically infatuated
- average boys told a girl that they liked her, without being 100% sure that the girl liked them too
- average boys allowed the information to leak out, that they liked a girl, and others found out including the girl
This seems like a basic thing of PUA strategy and all that but the concept is basically alien to me. I've never had enough confidence to do it, never felt enough rapport where I'd think it'd be taken positively instead of harassment.

I guess some would call it fakecel if you don't do this but if you are confident in your skills at assessing a girl's interest/disgust I don't think one should be obligated to embarass oneself (possibly be open to harassment charges or her friends persecuting you) based on the slim possibility that you are somehow wrong and she might be willing to date.

That said, perhaps it is arrogant to think I can perfectly measure interest/disgust and maybe it is a good exercise in humility to test if you are wrong by actually asking girls out?

It just seems like putting the cart before the horse to me. Like usually you are supposed to do small talk, banter, flirt, etc and perceive subtle positive responses/feedback prior to asking girls to outings and getting to know them better.

This is probably one of those issues where it would be beneficial to have a circle of friends since you can do group activities and get to know people w/ an audience so there is fewer pressures associated with scheduling 1-on-1 outings.

The most talking I've ever done to girls is some jobs I've had in the past in retail where they are co-workers, but I always kept it related to what we were doing (ie "manager asked me to help you put boxes on shelf") unlike others who would talk about non-job related things to female coworkers: I always felt too high-inhib about that, like it would be over-stepping.

Even when I can overhear girls talking about something which interests me, or they're wearing something that advertises something I'm also a fan of... it's like a continent apart. I don't understand how to broach it.

Everything I think of always seems to direct. I just spiral into obsession about "what is a subtle way I can let her know we share an interest in this thing, so maybe she will initiate the conversation with me".

Maybe that is why guys walk around wearing animu/MLP shirts? Maybe I should try that instead of being low-inhib and wearing blank shirts. It's probably a pipe dream that this would lead to a girl starting a conversation with me, but I dunno...

The most feasible outcomes I could see:
1) girl not interested in me thinks she can genuinely pair me up with her ugly friend (ugly friend is not interested but girl who initiates conversation with does not know that)​
2) girl not interested in me thinks she can jokingly pair me up with her ugly friend (knows ugly friend is not interested but wants to troll/bully her by using me)​
3) girl wants to mock me on social media​
4) girl wants to rob me​
5) girl gets off on chad BF beating shit out of incels she approaches in malls​

All of these seem much more likely than someone approaching out of their own genuine interest.

Even so, all of these are still a form of socializing, I guess?

I'm just picturing that advertising any cute interests that might attract some genuine shy girl would also make me the target of gang violence. You can't just go around wearing a Cardcaptor Sakura shirt as an adult man. That's why even though I'd love loli shirts and shit I don't bother buying stuff like that.
Asked some
I asked a foid if she wanted to go to the gym together. It just so happened she was busy with work the day I suggested.
My autism makes it basically impossible for me to interact with femherroids
Asked 2 in school, got friendzoned by nice Stacy and got brutally rejected by low Becky ,asked some online ,it wasn’t me either it was one of my low inhib super nt ugly friend that did the talking in my account ,she(Becky) accepted we had a date then she ghosted me cuz I’m a gigasperg and way uglier irl
Don't you normally change to a new room each period in HS?

Or did you mean when the same class came around the following day?

elab plz
Cannot ask anyone else cuz I have serious anxiety panic attack stuff ,even my family said that “if you can’t comprehend the dates don’t do it “ cuz I really can’t
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more on what led up to this plz
The foid was an acquintance from high school I had spoken to a handful of times, so not a total stranger. Me being desperate for a gf, messaged her on social media. There was a small conversation where I jestermaxxed fruitlessly until I asked her if she wanted go to a gym together. Unfortunately she had to work on the suggested day, surely a great coincidence.
messaged her on social media. There was a small conversation where I jestermaxxed fruitlessly until I asked her if she wanted go to a gym together
I don't get what jestermaxing leads up to that
I asked her at dinner:smonk:
I read once that if they don't give you another day like "oh sorry i can't i have work. maybe we can go on friday" than it's cap.

I'm fine if they don't say sorry (after all it's not like they did something bad if they legit already had other plans) but yeah if they don't volunteer another date that's a hint they don't want to meet up with you.

That said: it's theoretically possible a girl is a scatterbrain with a busy schedule and she might need to check a notebook as to when she has free time. So it's not 100% guaranteed if she doesn't offer up another date that she doesn't want to meet someone.

If hypothetically some girl asked me out and I actually had things going on in my life, I'd prob be like that, unless I was willing to cancel some stuff on her behalf, which I might be, depending on what it was.

Even though most girls would drop plans to pencil in Chad, the kind of girl I'd like wouldn't necessarily drop plans for some guy she just meet (neither Chad nor me) so I wouldn't want to condemn her for a lack of immediate accomodations.

If however you were important to her, she would make a note to contact you and book something with you. Even if she was booked up, she would for exampel contact you saying something like "I'm booked up for the next 2 weeks but then I have a couple hours we could meet up, unless something comes up" and if something did come up that was more important, she would tell you and insist on rescheduling.

Basically if she ghosts it means she's indirectly turning you down. At best maybe 1 courtesy "how are you doing" or "haven't heard from you" but any more than that is too needy and might be framed as harassment (even though she never explicitly turned you down) so I'd just back off.
Sorry but too ADHD to read all that.

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