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Story Has anyone else been panic buying in the wake of Coronavirus?



Post like the FBI is watching.
May 6, 2018
I know @FrailPaleStaleMale has. I just got back from it. It never really feels real until it enters your world and starts affecting your life. You see all of these people on the Internet like "Hey, you don't need to buy up all this toilet paper, how long do you plan to stay in quarantine?" So you figure "That's other places in the world. My city is smart. My city read the articles. My city won't be buying into the hysteria." And then you see store after store in your neighborhood, bereft of so much. Especially toilet paper. I wasn't even there for toilet paper. I went to go get Magic Shave for my head. But they didn't have Magic Shave or toilet paper. Or much of anything else. So I had to journey across my city, checking store after store.

If you went, I wanna hear how it was.

I had to ride buses because I can't drive. At a bus stop I saw a woman wearing a facemask. I decided to try some day game on her. It didn't work. But at another bus stop I ran into this older guy. He was much friendlier and much more open than the woman. He was also 75. He complimented my jacket and we hit it off from there. His story was the story of the American working class. Fucked around when he was young, then he went to Vietnam, then he went to prison, and then he tried to keep his head above water with what honest work he could find. I asked what it was he did to get locked up, and all he would tell me was "Those bad crimes people talk about." So I'm guessing it's something worse than burglary. I told him about how I wish my life was more exciting, and he said no, life is for living long and slow. And it really did feel good to hear that from him. I'm probably not gonna take his advice, but his words felt warm and wise. Also, we talked about this K-pop thing that seems to be taking over Twitter, and the K-pop dudes women seem to be into nowadays. And we talked about the women of nowadays compared to the women of his day. He says the women of today are better than when he was bangin'. God bless you, old man, where ever you are.

I traveled as far north as I could without getting into the open air drug dens of my city. And there was no Magic Shave or toilet paper or anything. But there was something about the feeling in air. The hustle and bustle of the panic, the eerie quiet of the deserted areas, it was like Christmas. I feel a kinship with all my locked down. Even though I'm not really "locked down" per se. And that affords me the privilege of exploring the world while everyone else is inside.
No not really
mogs me at living a normal life and having conversations with random people
It sounds like having a privileged view of the landscape.
I had to ride buses because I can't drive. At a bus stop I saw a woman wearing a facemask. I decided to try some day game on her. It didn't work.

WTF why? Why are you still doing this?

It's very easy to prove as a public nuisance/harassment and she can definitely send you to jail if she wants.
WTF why? Why are you still doing this?

It's very easy to prove as a public nuisance/harassment and she can definitely send you to jail if she wants.

I live in a free country and I know my rights. I know about that guy in the UK, if some cops wanna arrest me for talking to a woman I dare them.
I live in a free country and I know my rights. I know about that guy in the UK, if some cops wanna arrest me for talking to a woman I dare them.
Lol, are you actually blackpilled? Although, you are within your rights.
Which guy?

There's at least one thread around here somewhere about it. Some guy was talking to women in a park and I think the cops were called on him.

Lol, are you actually blackpilled? Although, you are within your rights.

I think? Define "blackpilled."
I think? Define "blackpilled."
Blackpill is to understand the reality of the world and above all of our species in an objective way, blackpill is to avoid things like what you did with that woman. But as I said, you can do what you wanted, even if it's creepy.
Am stocking up on tecate beer and mexican coca cola, since the mexicans have cleared out all the toilet papers and spring water in my city.
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Am stocking up on tecate beer and mexican coca cola, since the mexicans have cleared out all the toilet papers and spring water in my city.

You must live in Arizona.
mogs me at living a normal life and having conversations with random people
NGL sometimes my extroverted side comes out idk how to explain I’m just like really annoyingly good at being manipulative and making ppl think I’m friendly I think
I bought some batteries.

Because of Chinese shipping stopping. But nothing special for corona chan.
mogs me at living a normal life and having conversations with random people

I know right? I try and talk with people all the time, but they just run away screaming AHHHHA A GORILLA

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I ran into this older guy. He was also 75. Fucked around when he was young, then he went to Vietnam, then he went to prison, and then he tried to keep his head above water with what honest work he could find. I asked what it was he did to get locked up, and all he would tell me was "Those bad crimes people talk about." So I'm guessing it's something worse than burglary. I told him about how I wish my life was more exciting, and he said no, life is for living long and slow. says the women of today are better than when he was bangin'.
what an asshole old pos hope he gets it.
You must live in Arizona.
No i mentioned a few time already that i live in Texas. U.S.A. have 5 distinct geobiometric regions. Tex-Mex being one of those 5, extending from southern cali to louisiana border. Land that once was part of Mexico.
no as I cant afford to.
maybe you are just friendly
I prolly am, always kinda been extroverted as a kid and just a friendly person. My dad is the same too and my mom always says she hates it
I prolly am, always kinda been extroverted as a kid and just a friendly person. My dad is the same too and my mom always says she hates it
i also used to be extroverted and outgoing child
being an introvert is a result of either realizing your ugliness in puberty or just being low IQ .
im both .
i also used to be extroverted and outgoing child
being an introvert is a result of either realizing your ugliness in puberty or just being low IQ .
im both .
I wouldn’t say too much about the ugliness factor but more so because of being bullied (as a result of being ugly doe)
He was much friendlier and much more open than the woman. He was also 75. He complimented my jacket and we hit it off from there.
I rarely encounter them, but friendly old guys (75+) are a different species than the rest of humanity--they're really cool. Good that you had some interaction with one.

IDK if they just don't give a fuck because they're old or because they were just from a different time altogether, but many of them seem to just genuinely enjoy starting conversation with whomever. Unlike boomers, they don't go around acting like pompous know it alls who are better than you, and are just genuine, real people--something that is very rare today.

Am stocking up on tecate beer and mexican coca cola, since the mexicans have cleared out all the toilet papers and spring water in my city.
What's the difference between mexican coca cola and 'regular' coca cola? I'm guessing it mogs the regular stuff--never heard that term before though.
Am stocking up on toilet paper right now. This investment will prove to be fruitful when it is deemed as the official apocalyptic currency of the earth.
What's the difference between mexican coca cola and 'regular' coca cola? I'm guessing it mogs the regular stuff--never heard that term before though.
Mexican coca cola use pure cane sugar 1/2 liter bottle sell for 99cents across the street. U.S.A. coke use the foul
metallic tasting corn syrup.
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I haven't eaten in two days so I haven't guy anything.
Mexican coca cola use pure cane sugar 1/2 liter bottle sell for 99cents across the street. U.S.A. coke use the foul
metallic tasting corn syrup.
Damn bro, I'm jealous! That sounds so good.

I hate corn syrup. Tastes horrible, refuse to buy anything that uses it as an ingredient.
Not because I'm not retarded. No one is going to remember any of this in a month,
Not because I'm not retarded. No one is going to remember any of this in a month,

That's what I thought in January. "Huh, they've got it rough in this Wuhan place. Hope they get it under control." 2 months later and Boris Johnson literally said "Many of you are now going to die, and sadly that's the plan. You have to die so the rest of us can live."
I can’t even find a bag of rice.

I did, but it was a week before the masses did. I went to the store and stocked up 2 months worth of food and supplies. Even though it was before the mass panic, I was super nervous. I didn't know whether the store would enforce rations on me, or whether other customers would notice me stocking up and begin panic buying themselves. Nonetheless, my shopping went off without a hitch. My shopping cart was completely full. I remember going to the canned foods and covertly putting cans in my cart. I'd wait til people would walk by and I'd dump them all into my cart. I got like 160 cans total from 2 trips to the store. I hid them under a big bag of paper towels. Later on, I learned the crisis may last longer than 2 months, and I wish I had stocked up on more. But at the same time, you'll never feel like you have enough. Thankfully, the fast food in my area hasn't closed, so I've been bumming off the dollar menus and preserving my stash at home.

A week later, the panic buying began, and I went to the gas station and walked inside. This oldcel came in and started sperging out about all the food being gone in the stores (I made a thread about this). His public breakdown made me realize that despite my fears, I am relatively calm compared to the masses, which lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.

A week after that, I went to Walmart at 6 am for non quarantine related items, and there was already a line snaking through the parking lot. The store was set to open at 7. I was like "fuck this" and drove out of there. A week later, I went on a Saturday afternoon, and the place was completely ransacked of canned food, frozen food, and meats. I went to the toiletries section and there was a cart blocking the aisle. I went to move it, and this worker immediately told me to leave it, as it's being used to intentionally block the toiletries section. I asked him how I could get some toilet paper, and he said that I would need to ask, and that they would go to the back and give you a pack. You don't get to choose what brand or size it is. Nonetheless, they were cleaned out.

I went to get in line, and there was this loud mouthed nigress in front of me. She had a shit ton of stuff that took forever to scan. And when she finally went to pay, her credit card wouldn't work. She spent like 10 mins swiping to no avail. She asked the cashier if Walmart accepted Apple Pay, which they don't. She got pissed and went to go to an atm. After she left, I ranted to the cashier that the world does not revolve around Apple, and that people need to use real money, or at the very least, a credit card. I ordered her to cancel the nigress's purchases so she could scan my own. I should also mention that Walmart is not currently accepting returns on anything. I won't be going to the store anytime soon, unless my baby wipes run out.
No,I just bought 20 kilogramme of frozen meat
not rly i just bought canned food
I already had food in storage for an emergency
my grandfather owns a small shop so I have all
Still pretty fucked where I am. Went to the stores to get a couple items (and keep an eye on the current freak-out level of the normies tbh) and the grocery store was still pretty empty. No toiletries still, the soup and canned goods were at maybe 10-15%, and frozen was beginning to look pretty bleak as well. Even the pasta sauce was starting to look pretty rough.

Target was also totally out of most toiletries, and very low on cleaning supplies, groceries, and now has a limit on freaking hand and dish soap now (1 per customer).

I was stocking up starting in mid-February as best as I could (very small living quarters right now) and had enough for close to two months (or if things got bad and I went on a diet just above starvation level, I could have stretched it out to three months+ easily). Had some storable food finally arrive after a long backorder wait so that helps, but honestly wish I had done more at this point. Just gonna keep topping off while I can for now.

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