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Has any country even come close to solving the incel problem?



Nov 5, 2019
Historically on incel forums people have talked about incel from a western perspective, and how people have an easier time in Eastern Europe/Southeast Asia/the middle east/etc. We now know that's at least partially wrong as incels from those countries have given their perspective.

Eastern Europe has slavcels. I doubt guys are doing that well in Southeast Asia if their women are hypergamymaxxing with 50 year old white expats. The middle east is full of terroristmaxxing incels. Even places like South America, where there is more of a jovial and social culture, have incels.

That's not even getting into China which literally has islands full of 40+ year old incels, and Japan which invented the concept of the "grass eater" (hikkikomori).

Am I missing something? Or does every country in the world have a growing and festering incel problem that they're completely failing to productively deal with?

Maybe India manages to keep incel under control with its arranged marriage culture. Or am I wrong about that too?
It’s the US they don’t give a fuck
Solving the Incel Problem is death
North Korea managed to solve it with isolation and extreme social Conservatism.

On the surface it seems like that's the case, but we really don't know much about it because it's so insular.

That said their incel rate is probably dramatically lower than in most neoliberal countries.
One's personal sex life isn't a national problem. Birth rates are a problem, if a country had an issue with birth rates then someone might step in. But if the only problem is that ugly men can't have normal sex/social lives, that's not a problem for the government.
One's personal sex life isn't a national problem. Birth rates are a problem, if a country had an issue with birth rates then someone might step in. But if the only problem is that ugly men can't have normal sex/social lives, that's not a problem for the government.

Yet the government gets involved with foid's miscellaneous problems... JFL
One's personal sex life isn't a national problem. Birth rates are a problem, if a country had an issue with birth rates then someone might step in. But if the only problem is that ugly men can't have normal sex/social lives, that's not a problem for the government.

Depends on how you see it I guess. It IS a waste of human capital/potential.
Countries that allow incels to cope with drugs & prostitutes should be considered. Netherlands & some South American countries do this.

Anti-feminist places like the Middle-East means better chances for incels. India with arranged marriages also comes to mind.
Mfw 2 niggas with the same avi lol
And about op's post I dare to say hypergamy exists everywhere, thing is, said hypergamy has different parameters and standards depending on location.
You seriously can't compare Philippines with USA cuz they aren't even close to being on the same fucking level and thinking otherwise it's retarded.
Depends on how you see it I guess. It IS a waste of human capital/potential.

Human capital/potential? To who? Who's looking to squeeze potential/capital out of me? And what does me having sex have to do with that?

Yet the government gets involved with foid's miscellaneous problems... JFL

Which problems are those? I can think of one or two.
Most countries believe you dieing alone silently is the solution
Human capital/potential? To who? Who's looking to squeeze potential/capital out of me? And what does me having sex have to do with that?

They want you to moneymaxx so they can taxmaxx you. Being a miserable incel reduces your potential for moneymaxxing, or at least mortgagemaxxing, etc.

A competent government wants to keep the number of incels at the bare minimum.

Mfw 2 niggas with the same avi lol
And about op's post I dare to say hypergamy exists everywhere, thing is, said hypergamy has different parameters and standards depending on location.
You seriously can't compare Philippines with USA cuz they aren't even close to being on the same fucking level and thinking otherwise it's retarded.
its spreading
Which problems are those? I can think of one or two.

Welfare, single mothers, diversity hiring, divorces, and now they're trying to get government to pay for contraception.
India. They have the philosophy of “if we are all incel, then none of us are incel.”
North Korea managed to solve it with isolation and extreme social Conservatism.

My acquaintances went there and they met a woman who got married at 29. That is a left over woman in China. If they starve threats to status quo, the men are starved and the women are in command.
There is no solving the incel problem without fundamentally changing how society operates. I'd go as far as to say that the ratio of men to women would have to be lower for there to be any chance of success. 50/50 or more men will always leave incels, even if sexual communism existed.
They want you to moneymaxx so they can taxmaxx you. Being a miserable incel reduces your potential for moneymaxxing, or at least mortgagemaxxing, etc.

A competent government wants to keep the number of incels at the bare minimum.

First of all, in America we're lenient on our rich, in the hopes that they'll use their riches to employ the poor. The rich don't do that, but that's the thinking.

Second, in the eyes of the government and most people, just because you're not having sex doesn't mean you should give up on earning money. You need it to survive. Even if there was widespread sadness about sexlessness, the government wouldn't step in, they'd instead explain why being sexless is not a big enough deal for you to give up on life. Because sex is second to needs like food and shelter. If anyone's gonna step in and tend to the need, it'd be the private sector, and not because they care about the sex lives of men.

Third, the money is still within the country. Even if unemployment was at an all time high, the money is still somewhere, and if the government wants it, it'll find a way to tax it.

Welfare, single mothers, diversity hiring, divorces, and now they're trying to get government to pay for contraception.

Welfare is for families, not women. It's about what should be done about the kids. There is the problem that these initiatives are mother-centric. Family law doesn't really acknowledge fathers or how they feel, the father isn't really seen as the core of the family.

Also, what do you mean by "divorce?"

And diversity hiring isn't just for women either, it's for anyone who's not a white man. And I don't know if those are enforced/incentivized at the government level. Are they? I thought it was private organizations that were rewarding companies for diversity.
There was an incel control mechanism, it's called war.

You take all the incels with nothing to lose, and you send them to fight each other and die. That way, you keep them busy and lower the amount of males in the population. Wars were often so brutal, that you'd have an entire nation of women afterwards, basically eliminating the incel problem for a generation or so.

This happened in Paraguay after they lost the Triple Alliance war, and post-war Soviet Block.
There is no solving the incel problem without fundamentally changing how society operates. I'd go as far as to say that the ratio of men to women would have to be lower for there to be any chance of success. 50/50 or more men will always leave incels, even if sexual communism existed.

There was an incel control mechanism, it's called war.

You take all the incels with nothing to lose, and you send them to fight each other and die. That way, you keep them busy and lower the amount of males in the population. Wars were often so brutal, that you'd have an entire nation of women afterwards, basically eliminating the incel problem for a generation or so.

This happened in Paraguay after they lost the Triple Alliance war, and post-war Soviet Block.

Yeah, war was the old fashioned solution, because it killed off "excess" (I hate that term) men. But life expectancy is higher and wars are down, so that escape vale no longer exists.

Countries have to come up with some other kind of solution. Maybe bioengineering to have an even male/female ratio? If current trends continue, the 1.06m/f birth ratio will create tons of incels all by itself.
Yeah, war was the old fashioned solution, because it killed off "excess" (I hate that term) men. But life expectancy is higher and wars are down, so that escape vale no longer exists.

Countries have to come up with some other kind of solution. Maybe bioengineering to have an even male/female ratio? If current trends continue, the 1.06m/f birth ratio will create tons of incels all by itself.
Unfortunately, in current society 'excess' is the best way to describe many people. Modern society evolved from a system in which people died at reliable rates, which allowed certain systems to operate. I want to make more detailed post about this later, but I think that a combination of better life security and safety coupled with the continued use of outdated systems is what is crippling many men.
No country has solved the incel problem because inceldom is a symptom of the inevitable collapse. Nations will fall when millions of men are lonely, angry, forgotten and utterly disenfranchised.
My acquaintances went there and they met a woman who got married at 29. That is a left over woman in China. If they starve threats to status quo, the men are starved and the women are in command.

I stand corrected. I heard North Korea has a very sustainable birthdate.
On the surface it seems like that's the case, but we really don't know much about it because it's so insular.

That said their incel rate is probably dramatically lower than in most neoliberal countries.

I don't see how it couldn't be.
Welfare is for families, not women. It's about what should be done about the kids. There is the problem that these initiatives are mother-centric. Family law doesn't really acknowledge fathers or how they feel, the father isn't really seen as the core of the family.

Also, what do you mean by "divorce?"

And diversity hiring isn't just for women either, it's for anyone who's not a white man. And I don't know if those are enforced/incentivized at the government level. Are they? I thought it was private organizations that were rewarding companies for diversity.

To be as clueless and bluepilled as you are must be comforting.
One's personal sex life isn't a national problem. Birth rates are a problem, if a country had an issue with birth rates then someone might step in. But if the only problem is that ugly men can't have normal sex/social lives, that's not a problem for the government.

Every western country has a birthrate below replacement level. It's why we import so many people.
A Proudhonian conservative socialism which made strict marriage rules against pornocracy(the rule of prostitutes)
but the competition would be even more fierce for the spoils, for the wealth, for the comfort and for the luxury, everything whose production would remain subject to the same laws and, in a society dedicated to the love and the ideal, it would be even more insufficient than today. Establish, with the community of loves, the universality of celibacy and, I am not afraid to say, you will have more consumption, less work, less economy and, therefore, more misery; in the final analysis, instead of a civilized society, a society bound to fight and, if not, to the most degrading servitude. This result, for any man who has to reflect on family relationships, marriage, work, production and accumulation of wealth, as well as on the conditions of justice in society, is as certain as two and two make four.
Maybe India manages to keep incel under control with its arranged marriage culture. Or am I wrong about that too?
There was a thread that addressed that, saying about castes of ugly men that had to resort to rape and cucks would promote capital punishment for them.
Historically on incel forums people have talked about incel from a western perspective, and how people have an easier time in Eastern Europe/Southeast Asia/the middle east/etc. We now know that's at least partially wrong as incels from those countries have given their perspective.

Eastern Europe has slavcels. I doubt guys are doing that well in Southeast Asia if their women are hypergamymaxxing with 50 year old white expats. The middle east is full of terroristmaxxing incels. Even places like South America, where there is more of a jovial and social culture, have incels.

That's not even getting into China which literally has islands full of 40+ year old incels, and Japan which invented the concept of the "grass eater" (hikkikomori).

Am I missing something? Or does every country in the world have a growing and festering incel problem that they're completely failing to productively deal with?

Maybe India manages to keep incel under control with its arranged marriage culture. Or am I wrong about that too?

Buddy the incel problem isn't ever gonna be solved with a society like this. Incels are going to only grow in numbers.
(((their))) solution to the incel problem is terminating all sub8s
Religion was the original solution to “the incel problem” (aka female hypergamy). Any country that still has strict social conservatism (mostly this is via religion but some communist countries retained anti-hypergamy rules) is dealing with it to some extent. Arranged marriage was the ideal solution (only some countries still have it) but India has the problem of an unbalanced gender ratio which throws a spanner in the works (far more men than women). China also has this problem, to an even greater extent, but the government suppresses any reporting of it (huge organised crime problems in China).

Traditionally every culture in the world controlled female hypergamy via social conservatism. With the rise of feminism in the 20th century, it was only a matter of time until society was completely fucked.

The more I think about it, the only answer now is to genetically engineer the human race to be male-only and have female sexbots instead of women.
Not that i know of
What is grass Eater?
I just like that @MENSA_IQcel has brighter picture where @Mindmaxx is still maxxing to reach the brilliance of @MENSA_IQcel
I just like that @MENSA_IQcel has brighter picture where @Mindmaxx is still maxxing to reach the brilliance of @MENSA_IQcel
Cope both are garbage compared to @DENSA_IQcel
I'm not high IQ I'm just trying to mindmaxx.

There will always be men who "lose out".

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