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Blackpill [Hard to Swallow Edition] Honesty is an impediment to success in a world of deception and lies



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019
From birth we are indoctrinated by society to be an honest person as doing so is considered “virtuous” and moral, and we are discouraged and shamed for lying as doing so is considered immoral and bad.

But as I got older, I started to realise that the world we live in is full of lies and deception, we are told that you have to be a nice guy to get a woman when in reality they are attracted to violent, abusive, manipulative psychopaths.

We are told that women are attracted to personality rather than looks, but everyday you notice that the vast majority of men who are successful with women “just so happen” to be good-looking while the vast majority of men who are alone “just so happen” to be ugly.

We are told that hard work creates success, but when you enter the working world, you realise that your hard work is just making your bosses successful rather than yourself. You see others becoming rich through connections, exploiting loopholes and using cheat codes while your hard work gives you just enough resources to survive but never enough to attract a woman.

I really understood how bad the level of corruption is when I observe politicians, government officials. They dress up in suits, use big words and complex vocabulary to communicate deep and meaningful messages just to sell a false dream in order to win votes, but once they’re in power they rarely fulfill their promises.

them giving these influential and motivational speeches is just part of the ACT, they have no intention of benefitting society, they just want to benefit themselves and they need your vote to achieve that.

In a sense, They are professional ACTORS and everyone falls for the ACT just because these people dress nicely and talk in a smart way to give off the impression that they are knowledgeable and well-educated in order to seem trustworthy and reliable, when In reality they are just cunning and ruthless liars.

The world is a stage and everyone is putting on their own performance, we live in a world of ACTORS.

so to be successful in the world, you have to also be an actor just like everybody else. Never reveal to anyone that you are blackpilled, ACT as if you are a bluepilled NPC just like them so that you don’t get kicked out of your job and so that you can continue accumulating resources, ACT like a gullible and stupid sheep so People don’t see you as a threat. ACT like you’re poor so people don’t try to take advantage of you, ACT like a peaceful and Law-abiding citizen while you plan your retribution against your enemies, learn how to be an actor and you will succeed in anything you do because in a world full of actors, being honest will put you at a disadvantage to everybody else and will lead to your downfall.

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As Nietzsche would say:

"The people little understand what is great, that is: the creator. But they have a sense for all performers and actors of great things. The world revolves around the inventors of new values: – it revolves invisibly. But the people and fame revolve around actors: thus is the course of the world."
The people who always follow the rules and keep their heads down always end up being fucked and dealt the short end of the stick.

While the people who never follow any rules and always just do whatever they want, they get rewarded and blessed.

This is why I don't believe in morals or rules (I'm a law abiding citizen of course Mr. Pig don't arrest me pls).
Interesting topic.

Recently I came to the conclusion that the more a society condemns violence, the less honest it becomes. The idea is simple : just because violence becomes impossible doesn't mean antagonisms have disappeared, and they must be resolved in other ways. One way is deception, ruse and other stratagems. Like explained in Sun Tzu's art of war if I understand correctly (I actually never read it but it's so famous I think I get the idea).

Like the cold war. It was "cold" because nukes became a thing. I don't think we'll ever see a war between two nations with nuclear weapons, but that doesn't mean their relations will be always peaceful. Their leaders will cheat, lie, deceive and manipulate. It's quite despicable, if you ask me.

I suspect you can't have an honest society without people killing one another from times to times.

Maybe it's also why the concept of "based" entails both notions of honesty and brutality.
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"People don't play fair in the world." That's not a new or profound observation.
"People don't play fair in the world." That's not a new or profound observation.

I never said my observation is new or profound, I’m just trying to help my fellow cels escape the indoctrination they received from society which told them to be an honest and truthful person, when doing so in a world of actors and liars will cause them more harm than benefit.
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The world is a stage and everyone is putting on their own performance, we live in a world of ACTORS

It has been quite literally the case in the twentieth century. The most famous people then were Hollywood actors and they were pretty much worshipped like demi-gods or something. Even today we still consider some of them as part of the international "elite" even though they're just good at pretending they are what they are not.

It's so bad that Americans have a motto "fake it until you make it", and I bet that's part of the reasons fraud cases like Theranos popp up from times to times.

Elizabeth Holmes et Theranos : la fraude à 9 milliards de ...
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Funny you made this thread because I was thinking about making a similar one these days. I hate the "invisible clothes of the king" scenarios that are imposed onto us so frequently nowadays. For instance, you have to pretend a 40 yo used-up foid is more desirable and attractive than a 14 yo virgin one, you have to pretend that RNA-changing experimental vaccine is efficient and take it against all evidence and prudence, etc.

This world is full to the brim with lies you have to pretend to agree with or else you get ostracized or even worse. Jesus talked about gaining the world but losing your soul and the bible said the world is currently under the prince of the air i.e. Satan.
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the world is currently under the prince of the air i.e. Satan.
I like to call it the new dark age. Not dark because of scientific ignorance, but because of political correctness and deceptive leaders.
I like to call it the new dark age. Not dark because of scientific ignorance, but because of political correctness and deceptive leaders.
Scientific ignorance as well. Apart from technology, everything is in a pretty bad state overall.
Obey your Jew masters.

2A05BA17 6C0C 4A6A B68F AF75E81469E1
22CA3826 4461 4CE2 8FA1 FE1E029DC69C

Those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right – the right of the superior to rule over the inferior. This dichotomy requires "perpetual deception" between the rulers and the ruled. Goyim are told what they need to know and no more.

The inherently aggressive nature of goyim can only be restrained by a powerful state. Because mankind is intrinsically wicked, he has to be governed. Such governance can only be established, however, when men are united – and they can only be united against other people.

New World Order can be stable only if it is united by an external threat. If no external threat exists then one has to be manufactured.

Religion is absolutely essential in order to impose moral law on the masses (the vulgar many) who otherwise would be out of control.

(((They))) really have no use for liberalism and democracy, but they're conquering the world in the name of liberalism and democracy.
As Nietzsche would say:

"The people little understand what is great, that is: the creator. But they have a sense for all performers and actors of great things. The world revolves around the inventors of new values: – it revolves invisibly. But the people and fame revolve around actors: thus is the course of the world."

great quote, Nietzsche is one of my favorites
The people who always follow the rules and keep their heads down always end up being fucked and dealt the short end of the stick.

While the people who never follow any rules and always just do whatever they want, they get rewarded and blessed.

This is why I don't believe in morals or rules (I'm a law abiding citizen of course Mr. Pig don't arrest me pls).

rules and morals exist just to handicap those who are stupid enough to follow them, those with any self-awareness quickly realise that these things exist just to put others at a disadvantage, and that to succeed in life you have to realise that in reality rules don’t actually exist, rules are a man-made social construct to create social order and stability, but in a “free-for all” world where it’s every man/woman for themselves, life is an individual battle and to win at life you have to focus on doing what benefits you, even if you have to break some rules and do immoral things to achieve that. Winning in life is the ultimate goal, rules and morals should never restrict you.
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It has been quite literally the case in the twentieth century. The most famous people then were Hollywood actors and they were pretty much worshipped like demi-gods or something. Even today we still consider some of them as part of the international "elite" even though they're just good at pretending they are what they are not.

It's so bad that Americans have a motto "fake it until you make it", and I bet that's part of the reasons fraud cases like Theranos popp up from times to times.

Elizabeth Holmes et Theranos : la fraude à 9 milliards de ...

I remember this case, this exemplifies the fact that lying gets you far in this world, this bitch became a multi-millionaire from a fraudulent company meanwhile genuine and honest companies are going bankrupt.
Obey your Jew masters.

View attachment 560425View attachment 560424

Those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right – the right of the superior to rule over the inferior. This dichotomy requires "perpetual deception" between the rulers and the ruled. Goyim are told what they need to know and no more.

The inherently aggressive nature of goyim can only be restrained by a powerful state. Because mankind is intrinsically wicked, he has to be governed. Such governance can only be established, however, when men are united – and they can only be united against other people.

New World Order can be stable only if it is united by an external threat. If no external threat exists then one has to be manufactured.

Religion is absolutely essential in order to impose moral law on the masses (the vulgar many) who otherwise would be out of control.

(((They))) really have no use for liberalism and democracy, but they're conquering the world in the name of liberalism and democracy.

I find it funny that the morality imposed on us by the elites is never actually followed by the elites themselves. They tell us that murder is immoral, meanwhile they wage war in other countries and kill thousands of
Innocent civilians in addition to committing genocides and atrocities. They tell us that it’s immoral to have sex with minors, meanwhile they host parties where they sexually abuse children on private islands.

The elites never follow morality because Morality as a concept was designed for the plebs to follow, plebs are just a bunch puppets and the elites are the puppeteers controlling the plebs by pulling their strings, using morality as a tool to keep them in line.
I remember this case, this exemplifies the fact that lying gets you far in this world, this bitch became a multi-millionaire
Multi-billionnaire. With a B.

The Theranos case is absolutely ridiculous. Lots of hilarious aspects to it. Like how she was faking her voice.
Multi-billionnaire. With a B.

The Theranos case is absolutely ridiculous. Lots of hilarious aspects to it. Like how she was faking her voice.

And as far as I know, she escaped any punishment. im planning on doing some kind of fraud and then running away to a different country, financial crime carries least risk and is most profitable. I will change my name and live off-grid
And as far as I know, she escaped any punishment
According to the Wikipedia article on her, on the third of this month she was found guilty of fraud, but her sentence has not been pronounced yet for some reason. She faces up to 20 years. We'll see what happens.

BTW check out this interview where you have lamestream media anchors blatantly defending her even after the conviction, arguing that she maybe should not go to jail because of the "excitement about a young female founder" and other bs excuses.

View: https://youtu.be/P7RG1NJCqfM

Looks to me that the women are wonderful effect is in full swing here.
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Scientific ignorance as well.
If it were just scientific ignorance, it wouldn't be so bad. The problem is that scientists lie or cover the truth.

Here is a recent example :

View: https://youtu.be/nVYhlGGu0B8

It's pretty bad when people become skeptical of science because scientists are liars. A new dark age, I tell you.

PS. I'll risk an other reference to Greek mythology by stating that there is a reason Apollo is not the greatest of the Gods.
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so to be successful in the world, you have to also be an actor just like everybody else. Never reveal to anyone that you are blackpilled, ACT as if you are a bluepilled NPC just like them so that you don’t get kicked out of your job and so that you can continue accumulating resources, ACT like a gullible and stupid sheep so People don’t see you as a threat. ACT like you’re poor so people don’t try to take advantage of you, ACT like a peaceful and Law-abiding citizen while you plan your retribution against your enemies, learn how to be an actor and you will succeed in anything you do because in a world full of actors, being honest will put you at a disadvantage to everybody else and will lead to your downfal

Great summary, all my life I've been forced into playing roles.
From birth we are indoctrinated by society to be an honest person as doing so is considered “virtuous” and moral, and we are discouraged and shamed for lying as doing so is considered immoral and bad.

But as I got older, I started to realise that the world we live in is full of lies and deception, we are told that you have to be a nice guy to get a woman when in reality they are attracted to violent, abusive, manipulative psychopaths.

We are told that women are attracted to personality rather than looks, but everyday you notice that the vast majority of men who are successful with women “just so happen” to be good-looking while the vast majority of men who are alone “just so happen” to be ugly.

We are told that hard work creates success, but when you enter the working world, you realise that your hard work is just making your bosses successful rather than yourself. You see others becoming rich through connections, exploiting loopholes and using cheat codes while your hard work gives you just enough resources to survive but never enough to attract a woman.

I really understood how bad the level of corruption is when I observe politicians, government officials. They dress up in suits, use big words and complex vocabulary to communicate deep and meaningful messages just to sell a false dream in order to win votes, but once they’re in power they rarely fulfill their promises.

them giving these influential and motivational speeches is just part of the ACT, they have no intention of benefitting society, they just want to benefit themselves and they need your vote to achieve that.

In a sense, They are professional ACTORS and everyone falls for the ACT just because these people dress nicely and talk in a smart way to give off the impression that they are knowledgeable and well-educated in order to seem trustworthy and reliable, when In reality they are just cunning and ruthless liars.

The world is a stage and everyone is putting on their own performance, we live in a world of ACTORS.

so to be successful in the world, you have to also be an actor just like everybody else. Never reveal to anyone that you are blackpilled, ACT as if you are a bluepilled NPC just like them so that you don’t get kicked out of your job and so that you can continue accumulating resources, ACT like a gullible and stupid sheep so People don’t see you as a threat. ACT like you’re poor so people don’t try to take advantage of you, ACT like a peaceful and Law-abiding citizen while you plan your retribution against your enemies, learn how to be an actor and you will succeed in anything you do because in a world full of actors, being honest will put you at a disadvantage to everybody else and will lead to your downfall.

Basically summarizes why so called evil people succeed in society, they don't have moral handicaps to their success.
Great thread OP

Basically summarizes why so called evil people succeed in society, they don't have moral handicaps to their success.
Yeah, pretty much this

Funny you made this thread because I was thinking about making a similar one these days. I hate the "invisible clothes of the king" scenarios that are imposed onto us so frequently nowadays. For instance, you have to pretend a 40 yo used-up foid is more desirable and attractive than a 14 yo virgin one, you have to pretend that RNA-changing experimental vaccine is efficient and take it against all evidence and prudence, etc.

This world is full to the brim with lies you have to pretend to agree with or else you get ostracized or even worse. Jesus talked about gaining the world but losing your soul and the bible said the world is currently under the prince of the air i.e. Satan.
I like to call it the new dark age. Not dark because of scientific ignorance, but because of political correctness and deceptive leaders.
Interesting label. In an era where we have discovered and explained every single thing possible, how the fuck are we still so confused about life? Well, the answer is simple: lies. We are fed lies upon lies, daily! With the media being a propaganda outlet, corrupting every single soul.

In the end life is actually very simple, at its core. BUT, if it is that simple, then everyone would be at the same level as everyone else... which CANNOT HAPPEN! Some people just HAVE to be BETTER than others, at any cost really. So they make weird constructs and weird rules, start breeding lies and bullshit all around so that eventually the random kid is defeated and fails: then and only then it is enough.
It is unneeded, and cruel, but what can we really do about it? Things are just too big for one person to make a dent. You either hop in the cruelty train, or get smashed by it while u least except it.

Now, most fathers knows this already. Yeah, this is actually common knowledge, one though that is never publicly shared. They just transmit it inside the family, from father to sons, and that's why kids raised in a healthy family are way more likely to achieve success in life: they are taught these important life lesson since the early stages of life, while single mothers sons are taught the opposite: all the media bs and lies, poor saps dont stand a chance (which is exactly what many families want: the failure of other parents kids, and the success of their own one)
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True. Like I said in your other post, we think we have free speech and we can be whoever we want but in reality we don't. You have to fall in line in order to simply survive in this society.
High IQ. Honesty is almost never rewarded in this world, but mostly deception and lies. Unless you are a :bluepill:-ed NPC, the only practical way to rise the economic ladder in society would be via putting on a mask and faking a bluepilled character. As soon as the :blackpill: slips through your character, you will probably be ridiculed, ostracized, silenced or lynched by other people

Ascension in the financial world will always come down to who you know and are on fair terms with, not what you know. As the human world is mostly :bluepill:, it is near impossible to economically ascend without having to blend in with them
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Interesting topic.

Recently I came to the conclusion that the more a society condemns violence, the less honest it becomes. The idea is simple : just because violence becomes impossible doesn't mean antagonisms have disappeared, and they must be resolved in other ways. One way is deception, ruse and other stratagems. Like explained in Sun Tzu's art of war if I understand correctly (I actually never read it but it's so famous I think I get the idea).

Like the cold war. It was "cold" because nukes became a thing. I don't think we'll ever see a war between two nations with nuclear weapons, but that doesn't mean their relations will be always peaceful. Their leaders will cheat, lie, deceive and manipulate. It's quite despicable, if you ask me.

I suspect you can't have an honest society without people killing one another from times to times.

Maybe it's also why the concept of "based" entails both notions of honesty and brutality.
How did I miss this thread and this 200 IQ post?

There's a lot of truth in this. The more violent-averse a society is, the more feminized it is, and thus the more deception (which we know is used as a weapon by women, because they're physically weaker) is used as an outlet of (passive) aggression. In Russia, for example, two men can get into a fist-fight, beat the shit out of each other, and then shake it off and get on with their day. Bystanders will notice, but not really give a shit, and then everyone moves on. That same fight in America would result in 80 tiktok clips, a buzzfeed article, a lawsuit, and at least one of the men in the fight losing their job. What tends to happen instead is a lot of bullshit drama (lies and backbiting - hole behavior) that borders on slander and defamation.

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