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Serious Hammer @Broly



Mar 31, 2020
Ban @Broly and others who support him as clearly they have good FACE. mentalcel by default is not a priority for inceldom.

If I and broly were in a class and the teacher asked my oneitis to pick one, she would choose broly no question asked each and every time.

He clearly has a perfectly symmetrical face. also can grow beard. skull mogs me. has talked to random girls about sex

Have i ever talked to a foid about cooming, NEVER. have you @Fat Link
they would have to hammer @Rhaast first
They can hammer this one first:

My Dick Is Literally Only 9.5 Fucking Inches. Its Fucking Brutal Man. I Cant Live Like This. If You Are Sub10 Inches, Women Wont Even Consider You For A Fucking Second. :feelsrope::feelsrope:

(GTFIH) Broly Pics Exposed. Pics Of How He Looks IRL. Not Kidding. What Are Your Thoughts On This? was deleted. Reason: Harassing other users, exposing peoples personal information.


Apparently Linking Some Threads That The Retard @Broly Himself Posted Counts As "exposing peoples personal information." What In The Absolute Fuck? And Then To Cover Up For @Broly 's Retarded Dumbass THEY EVEN DELETED THE THREAD WHERE HE HIMSELF UPLOADED PICS OF HIS FACE!! THE THREAD WAS ALMOST A YEAR OLD!!!! LOL!!!!

I Cant Believe This Place Lmao

Incompetent Mods Covering Up Retarded Users Who Make Posts About Their Fucking "Ancestors" LOL

If You Want To Know How @Broly Looks Like, Just Look At My Avi

My Avi Is @Broly 's Face, But Apparently Exposing Certain Types Of Users Makes Me The Rule Breaker For Some Reason

Another Funny Thing Is, Is That The Post Had 42 Replies In Less Than An Hour, I Am Sure Many Users Would Have Enjoyed The Thread If It Didnt Get Deleted By Some Semen Swallowing Tranny "m.o.d" And It Just Goes To Show The Length Jannies Will Go To, To Protect Certain Users, Who Knows? Maybe @Broly Sent Them Some Truecel Ethnic Private Photos And The Jannies Had A Sudden Change Of Heart Lol :smonk::smonk::ahegao::ahegao::smonk::smonk::society::society::smonk::smonk:
I Support This Decision.
If Anyone Cares About This Forum, You Should Help Me Spread The Pics Of @Broly 's Face
I Support This Decision.
If Anyone Cares About This Forum, You Should Help Me Spread The Pics Of @Broly 's Face
stfu controlled opposition kike
I Support This Decision.
If Anyone Cares About This Forum, You Should Help Me Spread The Pics Of @Broly 's Face
you're an alt saying "i have a 9.5 inch dick, if you're sub10 it's over." stop trolling, you clearly don't care about the forum
Who’s alt even are you kek
might be jungle since jungle once joined only to shit on TPC (Rhaast), tho the capital letters is not a jungle trait.
mental"cels" are allowed here even if they mog Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise because clown forum, even if they say they had unpaid sex and were married in the past but suddenly fell into "depression", they're allowed to stay :feelsclown:
He’s a manlet fucking chill
Not even my real face, if anyone tried to find out who I was irl with that, they would never succeed jfl.
Blackpill is free. you can learn about it but you dont need to be here. have i not see guys like you ascending . i certainly did.
they would have to hammer @Rhaast first
Then you’d be gone 2nd and forever since some of us have seen your pics and you’re a clear supreme fuck boy mogger with stylish hair and 6 pack abs and could arguably be considered Rhaast’s better looking twin brother. :feelswhere:
These pictures are circulating till like mid 2021
I think there should be a certain limit to how much of a "mentalcel" someone could be if that makes sense, like if someone is avg looking (5/10), and is avg height (5'8-5'9) but has some sort of mental blockages like aspergers, social anxiety, etc, that truly prevents them from forming relationships, or even friends, then I think they should be allowed on the forum as long as they don't use this place as an ego boost for themselves. But yea some 6'3 guy that looks like Brad Pitt calling himself a "mentalcel" is fucking insane and shouldn't be tolerated.
There should be a limit yes, but sadly the clown administration doesn't think so. You could be the next Genghis Khan and impregnate an entire city by yourself without paying and you'd still be allowed here, just as long as you say "DuRRR iT's OvEr 4 mE :feelstastyman:", all while looking like Dolph Lundgren from Rocky IV and nailing trannies on the side :feelsclown:
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Then you’d be gone 2nd and forever since some of us have seen your pics and you’re a clear supreme fuck boy mogger with stylish hair and 6 pack abs and could arguably be considered Rhaast’s better looking twin brother. :feelswhere:
don't gas me up bro :feelshaha:
creating an account here should be the last resort. you are having conversation with foids, you claim to be an incel, until you arent. your life is better than most user here as you have a good FACE. you rate yourself as 6. what did you edit, the jaw line, eye area , lips..

look at this shit.
who were the faggots that justified broly as an incel. they don't seem to mind his facial features. wonder why. could they have the same features and in supporting him, justifying their own stay. why would they want to be here
were you actually that curry with stylish hair and 6 abs that was leaked or was it just a fake? if it actually was you, why did you name yourself "iamsubhuman?"
  1. i'm not curry
  2. i wouldn't consider my hair stylish tbh. it's pretty generic.
  3. i never leaked my body. i'm actually pretty skinny

the post i quoted above.
yeah, but that wasn't me. i asked "who" cause i didn't know who you were talking about. when did this curry get leaked?
were you actually that curry with stylish hair and 6 abs that was leaked or was it just a fake? if it actually was you, why did you name yourself "iamsubhuman?"
It makes a lot of sense for it to be him tbh as his longtime attacking of Rhaast was probably entirely motivated to distract us away from looking in his direction over the very real fear he himself would one day be outed as being a good looking Chad archetype and thus a “fakecel” according to his purity spiraler friends in the community and then ostracized by them for it. :feelsrope:

@nice_try, @ERadicator and my bro @based_meme would no longer let him hang out in their sandbox after school anymore then. :cryfeels:
i only saw the leaked pics up until about a 4-5 days ago because it was circulating on a bunch of "incel" discord servers, not sure when they were actually leaked tho.
nah i'm not in any discords. is someone spreading rumors that i have 6 pack abs :feelshehe:
how do u cope knowing that a guy having a good face that regularly has conversation with foids, lies about having no friends, have a height of 5 8 posts freely in a forum for incels .
one cannot claim to be an incel on a future date while benefitting socially from his features simultaneously.
I think he turns 18 in april/may or some shit, if he can save up some money by working part-time, and asking his parents to help him out a bit, he could seamaxx within a year.
Based tbh
I agree the guy‘s larping but he‘s nothing more than a normie, maybe high tier on a good day.
It makes a lot of sense for it to be him tbh as his longtime attacking of Rhaast was probably entirely motivated to distract us away from looking in his direction over the very real fear he himself would one day be outed as being a good looking Chad archetype and thus a “fakecel” according to his purity spiraler friends in the community and then ostracized by them for it. :feelsrope:

@nice_try, @ERadicator and my bro @based_meme would no longer let him hang out in their sandbox after school anymore then. :cryfeels:
I already explained why @iamsubhuman looks worse than @Rhaast, but lets not argue about looks and lets say they look equal.
I never judge users only by looks.
I judge by what they post.

To my knowledge, @iamsubhuman has never ever indicated in any post that he isn't an incel. That's what's important to me.
Contrary to that, Rhaast made several threads about having girls flirting with him and was rightfully accused of bragging by many users multiple times.
So they're not comparable in my oppinion because one posts like an incel and the other posts like a normie who gets positive attention from girls and is only here to shitpost and kill time.

The same is true for @Broly. I don't even care if he's the guy in the pictures above, I care about what he posts and sadly, he doesn't post like an incel. He posts like a normie highschool kid with a healthy relationship to girls (talking, touching, flirting with them).

It's not rocketscience, if a faggot keeps posting about how he gets female attention, he's not an incel. Eventually he will interact with one who is into him and he's gone.
mental"cels" are allowed here even if they mog Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise because clown forum, even if they say they had unpaid sex and were married in the past but suddenly fell into "depression", they're allowed to stay :feelsclown:
This really should be the end of the discussion. You have moggers like rhaast who are on their nth alt and they brag like normies about their normie interactions with girls (if I do 5% of the things he does, I'll have the police called on me). You have moeggels with his intermittent bragging and SIXTY MOTHERFUCKING TINDER LIKES. We've all seen the statistics on Tinder and know how insanely difficult it is to get matches from both personal experiences and pure data. Most men are entirely invisible to women on tinder and aren't given a second thought before being left-swiped. Meanwhile, this fakecel faggot gets 60 matches in, what is it, a day or two? That doesn't happen unless you're very good looking and in the top 20% of looks at minimum.

But it's OK, u guise, cuz they're both MENTALCELS.

Broly's recent threads can easily be seen as brags, which they probably are and he should be temped for that. But if that and looks are the yardstick we're using to judge whether or not somebody should be banned, then rhaast and moeggels need to be summarily banned immediately without appeal.
Moeggels is an obvious troll.
Tell that to the admin. He keeps defending him. Serge and Master would have perma banned him three times over.
He will get wristslaped at best, and he will get back to braging.
I thought he was a mentalcel at first and was chill about it since i believe mentalcels do exist, but this nigga broly makes a thread every other day talking about how he interacted with a foid, or how a foid touched his leg in class, etc, so idk lmao, kinda sus.
This exactly. I don't even get a chance to talk to women.
This really should be the end of the discussion. You have moggers like rhaast who are on their nth alt and they brag like normies about their normie interactions with girls (if I do 5% of the things he does, I'll have the police called on me). You have moeggels with his intermittent bragging and SIXTY MOTHERFUCKING TINDER LIKES. We've all seen the statistics on Tinder and know how insanely difficult it is to get matches from both personal experiences and pure data. Most men are entirely invisible to women on tinder and aren't given a second thought before being left-swiped. Meanwhile, this fakecel faggot gets 60 matches in, what is it, a day or two? That doesn't happen unless you're very good looking and in the top 20% of looks at minimum.

But it's OK, u guise, cuz they're both MENTALCELS.

Broly's recent threads can easily be seen as brags, which they probably are and he should be temped for that. But if that and looks are the yardstick we're using to judge whether or not somebody should be banned, then rhaast and moeggels need to be summarily banned immediately without appeal.
Based. Ban all of the fakecels.
creating an account here should be the last resort. you are having conversation with foids, you claim to be an incel, until you arent. your life is better than most user here as you have a good FACE. you rate yourself as 6. what did you edit, the jaw line, eye area , lips..
View attachment 590890
look at this shit.
Is that @Broly
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe I'm blind
Not even my real face, if anyone tried to find out who I was irl with that, they would never succeed jfl.
why do people think it’s you?

regardless if it is your face it’s decent but not enough to make up for being a complete autist which i assume you are otherwise you wouldn’t be on this forum XD

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