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Serious Guns are the ultimate incel invention



Nov 24, 2017
Seriously, in the wild jungle of animal kingdom, the biggest, strongest and the meanest rule. The unfortunate weak few that were born with shitty genetics doesn't get to reproduce or even receive a tad bit of respect. At worst, the weak males are simply killed by the stronger or the alpha pack of animals when trying to gain mating rights with the female animals. This is a cruel process in the nature, called natural selection. It is designed to weed out the weak part of the chain, by eliminating the weak males from reproducing with the females in the group, thus eliminating his weak gene pool.

In human society, the same rules applies, from the ancient primitive caveman societies, to tribal societies, to agricultural and to industrial societies; the same applies. The wiring of the female to look for the most dominant (strongest, tallest etc) male continues.


When competing for mating rights with foids, beta males lose out with their weaker bodies, facial features and height. This cruel process continues for thousands of years.
With chad's higher height, he has longer reach with axe or spear or whatever weapon he has, and a incel manlet is easily defeated by the sheer reach and the physical superiority of chads.
For thousands of years, incels have been suffering under chad's superior presence.
Then something magical came.


This, is the ultimate incel invention. The GUN. The EQUALIZER. It fires bullets, powered by gunpowder. Bullet drills holes in things with large amount of kinetic energy behind it. No physical superiority, reach, and dominance is needed to use it. Everyone can be trained to use a gun with pretty much equal results (in terms of damage), which puts the incels and chads on a equal footing, at least on survivability sense.


In the wild jungle, the man on the right would easily prevail the manlet on the left with his superior physical prowess.
No longer the case.

TL;DR - Guns are a fuck you to natural selection and puts the survivability of alpha/beta males equal (not fully equal but that's as much as it can do).
What else is a better incel invention than guns?

If you don't have arms I'm sorry. :feelsrope:
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Thanks China.
God made incels and chads, but Samuel Colt made them equal.
Cope. An incels arms will be sprained from the recoil of the gun while Chad can fire off continuous shots without having his aim damaged from recoil.
Cope. An incels arms will be sprained from the recoil of the gun while Chad can fire off continuous shots without having his aim damaged from recoil.
Still more equal than the good ol' melee weapons which demands lots of physical prowess
Chads are going down just like everyone else when shot with bullets.
Your framecel manlet hitting a muscle chad with a hammer would be suicide.
Cope. An incels arms will be sprained from the recoil of the gun while Chad can fire off continuous shots without having his aim damaged from recoil.

Plenty of gymcelled incels on here.

And most guns don't have that bad of a recoil. I think you haven't actually shot one before.
God made incels and chads, but Samuel Colt made them equal.
God bless America.

Liberal ZOG controlled cucks can fuck off. You’ll never win.


Seriously, in the wild jungle of animal kingdom, the biggest, strongest and the meanest rule. The unfortunate weak few that were born with shitty genetics doesn't get to reproduce or even receive a tad bit of respect. At worst, the weak males are simply killed by the stronger or the alpha pack of animals when trying to gain mating rights with the female animals. This is a cruel process in the nature, called natural selection. It is designed to weed out the weak part of the chain, by eliminating the weak males from reproducing with the females in the group, thus eliminating his weak gene pool.

In human society, the same rules applies, from the ancient primitive caveman societies, to tribal societies, to agricultural and to industrial societies; the same applies. The wiring of the female to look for the most dominant (strongest, tallest etc) male continues.

View attachment 69251

When competing for mating rights with foids, beta males lose out with their weaker bodies, facial features and height. This cruel process continues for thousands of years.
With chad's higher height, he has longer reach with axe or spear or whatever weapon he has, and a incel manlet is easily defeated by the sheer reach and the physical superiority of chads.
For thousands of years, incels have been suffering under chad's superior presence.
Then something magical came.

View attachment 69252

This, is the ultimate incel invention. The GUN. The EQUALIZER. It fires bullets, powered by gunpowder. Bullet drills holes in things with large amount of kinetic energy behind it. No physical superiority, reach, and dominance is needed to use it. Everyone can be trained to use a gun with pretty much equal results (in terms of damage), which puts the incels and chads on a equal footing, at least on survivability sense.

View attachment 69254

In the wild jungle, the man on the right would easily prevail the manlet on the left with his superior physical prowess.
No longer the case.

TL;DR - Guns are a fuck you to natural selection and puts the survivability of alpha/beta males equal (not fully equal but that's as much as it can do).
What else is a better incel invention than guns?

If you don't have arms I'm sorry. :feelsrope:

Ricecels invented gunpowder. Its no coincidence- one of the weakest and most downtrodden created the great equalizer.
nukes too
Wrong actually. Nukes are only available to people in positions of power (aka just Chads)
kaczynski level IQ

that's why foids hate guns and want them to be banned.
God bless America.

Liberal ZOG controlled cucks can fuck off. You’ll never win.


Cope. An incels arms will be sprained from the recoil of the gun while Chad can fire off continuous shots without having his aim damaged from recoil.
Only if you are a weakcel, and even a tiny .22 does the trick honestly. This looks bad without context, hello IncelTears
most csgo gamer are mormielite or chadlite with status
the ultimate equalizer
Ricecels are our ultimate saviors.
More guns here than people
We don't need large bodies and strength. Brain put itself at the top of the food chain and humans have the best.
TL;DR - Guns are a fuck you to natural selection and puts the survivability of alpha/beta males equal (not fully equal but that's as much as it can do).
What else is a better incel invention than guns?

High IQ.
That's why the liberal elites want to ban them.

Here in Germany it's pretty hard to get a gun.
Shall not be infringed
Asian level IQ tbh
lol forgot to mention bows, the most important weapon in history. I do HEMA, height is an advantage in sword and spear fighting but it's barely an advantage when compared to boxing. The world champion for longsword a couple years ago was manlet, like less than five ft four, he won several matches against tall heavy guys by ducking head thrusts, binding when the opponent's blade tip was over his shoulder and running thrusts forward while the opponent's blade was still binded to the left of his blade.
Bump for discussion
Bump for discussion
Basically you are right, it equalizes the superiority of chad and is the ultimate incel weapon BUT I dont think gun inventers had that in mind when they invented it
Basically you are right, it equalizes the superiority of chad and is the ultimate incel weapon BUT I dont think gun inventers had that in mind when they invented it
Basically you are right, it equalizes the superiority of chad and is the ultimate incel weapon BUT I dont think gun inventers had that in mind when they invented it
Maybe. People unintentionally come up with all the times. But consider this, weapons are pretty much invented as equalizers, in the old times. E.g. a man wasn't gonna take on a tiger alone, so we invented sharp weapons and bows, giving humans a chance to take on these beasts,making up for our lack of physical superiority.
Maybe. People unintentionally come up with all the times. But consider this, weapons are pretty much invented as equalizers, in the old times. E.g. a man wasn't gonna take on a tiger alone, so we invented sharp weapons and bows, giving humans a chance to take on these beasts,making up for our lack of physical superiority.
thats true but it could also be a chad who just wants to do it more efficient, but dont know man
thats true but it could also be a chad who just wants to do it more efficient, but dont know man
Chad will always be more efficient, but at least now incels can kill chad just as easily. Chads thick skull while good for fighting, won't survive a hollowpoint to the head much more than a incel
Guns are the true object which what were once confused with fireballs, staffs, that "wizards"/ nerds had.
Cope. An incels arms will be sprained from the recoil of the gun while Chad can fire off continuous shots without having his aim damaged from recoil.
Not all of us are that weak. That would only happen if it was like a .50cal Desert Eagle.
Incels invented mewing. Chads appropriated mewing even though they don’t need it.
If Chads appropriate guns, we’re FUCKED.
Cope, we need nukes now so all go down
What do u think would happen if you gave guns to subordinate males of other species? The ones that definitely are not getting any pussy because they can’t kill the males larger than them?

The western sexual market is almost full blown textbook sexual selection. Money is losing its ability to buy pussy, which by the way is ABSOLUTELT NECESSARY for civilization to exist. Pussy is the real commodity that drives men to be productive members of society, it’s the carrot on the stick being dangled in front of them... Men are slowly waking up to the reality that this is no longer the case. the tribe cannot reward one’s contributions with sexual access to females because the government and capitalism has overtaken the beta providers role in the dual mating strategy. Foids have their own money.. Boys in high school are soon gonna know that it’s over for them in this new sexual market. They have no chance of every being loved or ever reproducing... these guys (bottom 90 percent of men) will have no reason to contribute, they will drop out of society and be very angry. The world will be a very different place for them than it was for us mid-20s cels when we were in high school. We had hope. The future gens will not have hope.. and then remember that this in this new paradigm, GUNS EXIST.. textbook natural/sexual selection except the bald manlet chincels have guns.. shits gonna get real bloody as men’s needs are not being fulfilled and there is cut-throat competition for pussy. Imo the thing that will accelerate the transition to such a dystopia is harems becoming the new normal.. and they will become the normal, it’s just a matter of time.. once that happens, I guess bunker down cuz the world is gonna go up in flames. Society cannot exist if women’s sexuality is no restrained, and we are doing the exact opposite right now. Not only is it not restrained but it is AMPLIFIED with high efficiency eugenics platforms like tinder, methods of gene frauding, and giving women agency over their own survival with women’s rights, women working, and police forces.. sexual selection in humans will soon be even more selective and brutal than any other species.
What do u think would happen if you gave guns to subordinate males of other species? The ones that definitely are not getting any pussy because they can’t kill the males larger than them?

The western sexual market is almost full blown textbook sexual selection. Money is losing its ability to buy pussy, which by the way is ABSOLUTELT NECESSARY for civilization to exist. Pussy is the real commodity that drives men to be productive members of society, it’s the carrot on the stick being dangled in front of them... Men are slowly waking up to the reality that this is no longer the case. the tribe cannot reward one’s contributions with sexual access to females because the government and capitalism has overtaken the beta providers role in the dual mating strategy. Foids have their own money.. Boys in high school are soon gonna know that it’s over for them in this new sexual market. They have no chance of every being loved or ever reproducing... these guys (bottom 90 percent of men) will have no reason to contribute, they will drop out of society and be very angry. The world will be a very different place for them than it was for us mid-20s cels when we were in high school. We had hope. The future gens will not have hope.. and then remember that this in this new paradigm, GUNS EXIST.. textbook natural/sexual selection except the bald manlet chincels have guns.. shits gonna get real bloody as men’s needs are not being fulfilled and there is cut-throat competition for pussy. Imo the thing that will accelerate the transition to such a dystopia is harems becoming the new normal.. and they will become the normal, it’s just a matter of time.. once that happens, I guess bunker down cuz the world is gonna go up in flames. Society cannot exist if women’s sexuality is no restrained, and we are doing the exact opposite right now. Not only is it not restrained but it is AMPLIFIED with high efficiency eugenics platforms like tinder, methods of gene frauding, and giving women agency over their own survival with women’s rights, women working, and police forces.. sexual selection in humans will soon be even more selective and brutal than any other species.

Cope. Women will just get guns too then and start shooting incels on sight. Society will be divided between women (50% of population), Chad (5% of population) and normie cucks who worship roasties (40% of the population) what will be left is 5% of the population (incels) who will be waging war against the 95%.

It will not be a glorious battle, but a complete genocide against us.
Cope. Women will just get guns too then and start shooting incels on sight. Society will be divided between women (50% of population), Chad (5% of population) and normie cucks who worship roasties (40% of the population) what will be left is 5% of the population (incels) who will be waging war against the 95%.

It will not be a glorious battle, but a complete genocide against us.
Yeah that was my point lol. He future is looking extremely violent.
Lol cucktears posted this thread and the best they can come up with is that FBI should come after me. Sorry talking about guns being in favor of beta male in evolutionary terms doesn't make me a potential school shooter.

Pussy is the real commodity that drives men to be productive members of society, it’s the carrot on the stick being dangled in front of them
I swear this is one of the truest and highest IQ line I ever read here, no matter which time period of humanity you look at, it was always about women and coping life with women otherwise no one would have endured this shitty existence and also in today's world, men only endure shitty 45 hour jobs because they know they can fuck their betabuxxed wife once a month when she is not with chad
Lol cucktears posted this thread and the best they can come up with is that FBI should come after me. Sorry talking about guns being in favor of beta male in evolutionary terms doesn't make me a potential school shooter.

Jfl. @ IT
Lol cucktears posted this thread and the best they can come up with is that FBI should come after me. Sorry talking about guns being in favor of beta male in evolutionary terms doesn't make me a potential school shooter.

They're so fucking effeminate, it truly pains me.
>the black scary looking shooting thing is scary to me
>incels are all a serious threat because of 2 (two) incel mass murderers (or whatever small number) out of the shit ton of people who identify as incel, and because of things they post on the internet
I know that the inceltears thing has been beaten to death, but it's still an awful sight to behold.
Cope. An incels arms will be sprained from the recoil of the gun while Chad can fire off continuous shots without having his aim damaged from recoil.
This. Chads are physically superior, and that will apply to using guns as well. Chads move faster, and have better aim.

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