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Got into a argument with my parents

  • Thread starter Reddit_is_for_cucks
  • Start date


Nov 10, 2017
So my parents are dropping me off and they are saying how I finally did it, I graduated and found a good job and now I can have fun, and talk to girls and live life.

Then, I give them the black pill again and tell them I can’t get girls because I don’t have a good looking face. They get angry and tell me how I have low self esteem and low confidence and that’s why I can’t get girls. “The problem is my attitude”.

They tell me that in west everyone is liberal and don’t care about looks and they don’t care about things like race, height, face and stuff that is out of the persons control. They tell me, all girls care about is how you present yourself lmao.

Furrrrkkk these blue pill parents piss me off. I just wish I could show them how confidence is not the problem and how I got 10 different girls talking to me on my chad account just because Chad looks better then me.

 Furrrkk I just wana rub this on their face https://imgur.com/a/aE17l
And tell them I’ll never have this many girls go this crazy for me. But I can’t show them this because they will get angry at me.

I am tired of the society feeding me bluepills when my experience opposes everything they have said.
Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
So my parents are dropping me off and they are saying how I finally did it, I graduated and found a good job and now I can have fun, and talk to girls and live life.

Then, I give them the black pill again and tell them I can’t get girls because I don’t have a good looking face. They get angry and tell me how I have low self esteem and low confidence and that’s why I can’t get girls. “The problem is my attitude”.

They tell me that in west everyone is liberal and don’t care about looks and they don’t care about things like race, height, face and stuff that is out of the persons control. They tell me, all girls care about is how you present yourself lmao.
Holy fuck
And I thought i have it bad.

Never talk to your parents about stuff like that.

It only angers and frustrates you even more.
Especially the youngscels. Its the startshot for years of planned bluepilling with false or hilarious arguments. In moments like this I always feel like Im the only rational and true person in the room.
most parents are bluepilled, hell even mine are.

i think my mother has accepted im an ugly useless fuck though, because im still a virgin at 22.

just keep dispensing the black pills eventually they realise the truth,
I don't often talk about this stuff with anyone IRL because I'm not very good at articulating my views and debating IRL so it comes off as clunky. Also most people don't even believe in this so good luck convincing anyone. Good luck with trying to argue blackpill IRL and not get agitated because it's not going anywhere because people think you're crazy.
My brother is a heavy redpill coper. He talks a lot about "frame" and "game" and "confidence". I didn't want to tell him he only gets girls because of his GL face. Men really get off on thinking their successes are do to things they control rather than your genes.
You should Menendez your parents.
Our folks are naturally Blue Pilled because they grew up before modern hypergamy and inceldom. There is no point arguing with them. Just agree with their bullshit, you know different.
At least you have something going for you.
Most of us have nothing at all.
Mahlo said:
My brother is a heavy redpill coper. He talks a lot about "frame" and "game" and "confidence". I didn't want to tell him he only gets girls because of his GL face. Men really get off on thinking their successes are do to things they control rather than your genes.

Redpill is just bluepill 2.0.

They don’t wana accept the truth that it’s all about looks. An ugly guy running game will never get good result like chad running game.
I'm scared of how my life will go after college
Why argue with your parents?
Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
They tell me that in west everyone is liberal and don’t care about looks and they don’t care about things like race, height, face and stuff that is out of the persons control. They tell me, all girls care about is how you present yourself lmao.

looooooooooooooool laughted so hard

u made my day fellow incel
What your parents mean by having fun is giving them grandchildren they can play with without any responsibility, and telling their friends and family about how successful their son is.

What your parents mean by talking to girls and living life is being a reliable betabux provider. You just have to present yourself as reliable betabux.

The problem is that you don't share this attitude.
The reason why your parents say this is because they are biologically programmed to do what whatever they can to make sure the bloodline survives. Even my mother cannot deny this one.
My dad tells me I will get married one day. I'm insulted my dad thinks I will betabux
I understand your anger. My mother knows that I'm totally blackpilled and she has been trying for years to convince me with bluepill conditioning. Obviously she has failed and she has mostly stopped now, though.

Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
Furrrkk I just wana rub this on their face https://imgur.com/a/aE17l
And tell them I’ll never have this many girls go this crazy for me. But I can’t show them this because they will get angry at me.

I believe that you should show that proof. At least, from personal experience I can say that if you rub the reality in their face enough times, they will probably give up. I was very straightforward with my parents, I told them: no artificial womb, no offspring.
ArtoriasWolf said:
The reason why your parents say this is because they are biologically programmed to do what whatever they can to make sure the bloodline survives. Even my mother cannot deny this one.

Yeah, let's relate anything with evolution even if it has nothing to do with this bullshit. Btw who programmed them and for what reason ?
My mother at least admits my face is ugly.
Stanx22 said:
Yeah, let's relate anything with evolution even if it has nothing to do with this bullshit. Btw who programmed them and for what reason ?

Everything ties into it though, what else would it be?
ArtoriasWolf said:
Everything ties into it though, what else would it be?

But it does not make any sense. The "biologically programmed" argument is bullshit. How can humans or animals be programmed when evolution says that there's no god ? Nature can't do shit as nature doesn't even have a conscious
VST said:
At least you have something going for you.
Most of us have nothing at all.

I’d trade it all to be a chad
Stanx22 said:
But it does not make any sense. The "biologically programmed" argument is bullshit. How can humans or animals be programmed when evolution says that there's no god ? Nature can't do shit as nature doesn't even have a conscious

Whey are you attracted to females and why do you try to survive?
Grotesque said:
What your parents mean by having fun is giving them grandchildren they can play with without any responsibility, and telling their friends and family about how successful their son is.

What your parents mean by talking to girls and living life is being a reliable betabux provider. You just have to present yourself as reliable betabux.

The problem is that you don't share this attitude.

I’ll never be a betabux, there is no way. They wana get me arranged marriage but that is not happening.

If a girl is not listing after me like FHOs list after chad, then I don’t want her.

I’ll just end up on reddit dead bedroom

Stanx22 said:
But it does not make any sense. The "biologically programmed" argument is bullshit. How can humans or animals be programmed when evolution says that there's no god ? Nature can't do shit as nature doesn't even have a conscious

All beings are programmed to have sex and pass on their genes.

That is what the meaning of life.

Every species is programmed like this
My dad tells me I will get married one day. I'm insulted my dad thinks I will betabux
Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]They tell me that in west everyone is liberal and don’t care about looks and they don’t care about things like race, height, face and stuff that is out of the persons control. They tell me, all girls care about is how you present yourself lmao.[/font]

feels bad man, me two, both my parents pretend looks don't matter, faurk this blue pilled society
ArtoriasWolf said:
Whey are you attracted to females and why do you try to survive?

I'm attracted to females because humans are here to populate the earth and to worship god. I'm trying to survive because i can't die when i'am this sinful. If i knew that i'd go to heavens, i'd be happy to die immediately. And humans fear death because of the fear of the unknown because nearly all of them subconsciously know that there's something after death and not this "nothing" nonsense.

Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
I’ll never be a betabux, there is no way. They wana get me arranged marriage but that is not happening.

If a girl is not listing after me like FHOs list after chad, then I don’t want her.

I’ll just end up on reddit dead bedroom

All beings are programmed to have sex and pass on their genes.

That is what the meaning of life.

Every species is programmed like this

Who the fuck programmed them ? Why are you so damn stupid that you can't even understand the damn question.
Stanx22 said:
I'm attracted to females because humans are here to populate the earth and to worship god. I'm trying to survive because i can't die when i'am this sinful. If i knew that i'd go to heavens, i'd be happy to die immediately. And humans fear death because of the fear of the unknown because nearly all of them subconsciously know that there's something after death and not this "nothing" nonsense.

Who the fuck programmed them ? Why are you so damn stupid that you can't even understand the damn question.

Low IQ comment
Stanx22 said:
I'm attracted to females because humans are here to populate the earth and to worship god. I'm trying to survive because i can't die when i'am this sinful. If i knew that i'd go to heavens, i'd be happy to die immediately. And humans fear death because of the fear of the unknown because nearly all of them subconsciously know that there's something after death and not this "nothing" nonsense.

Who the fuck programmed them ? Why are you so damn stupid that you can't even understand the damn question.

Ok ok what about this one. Most people sleep facing the door because thousands of years ago those that did sleep facing the door survived and those that didn't died off from animals being able to sneak up on them. It's useless now, but we are biologically programmed to feel safer when sleeping whilst facing the door to where you sleep.
Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
Low IQ comment

Yeah every atheist when they can't answer shit, they resort to saying "low IQ" and make fun of others.

You are a waste of human brain tbh.
Stanx22 said:
I'm attracted to females because humans are here to populate the earth and to worship god. I'm trying to survive because i can't die when i'am this sinful. If i knew that i'd go to heavens, i'd be happy to die immediately. And humans fear death because of the fear of the unknown because nearly all of them subconsciously know that there's something after death and not this "nothing" nonsense.

There's no evidence for an afterlife and a soul that lives on within a brain is a ludicrous idea.
ArtoriasWolf said:
Ok ok what about this one. Most people sleep facing the door because thousands of years ago those that did sleep facing the door survived and those that didn't died off from animals being able to sneak up on them. It's useless now, but we are biologically programmed to feel safer when sleeping whilst facing the door to where you sleep.
6 gorollion years ago, humans were taking shits in the street to fertilize the planets. And that's why curries are streetshitters because they are "biologically programmed" to shit in the street.

FeminismsCancer said:
There's no evidence for an afterlife and a soul that lives on within a brain is a ludicrous idea.

If you want an evidence about the afterlife, then what even the point of life and believing in god ? You're supposed to believe in god without proof and that's why you get rewarded or get punished. If god revealed himself to us, then why are we even here ? We would all believe in god and life would be pointless.
Stanx22 said:
6 gorollion years ago, humans were taking shits in the street to fertilize the planets. And that's why curries are streetshitters because they are "biologically programmed" to shit in the street.

If you want an evidence about the afterlife, then what even the point of life and believing in god ? You're supposed to believe in god without proof and that's why you get rewarded or get punished. If god revealed himself to us, then why are we even here ? We would all believe in god and life would be pointless.

Ok I will try a different way.

God created Adam, so doesn't that mean that his descendants would inherit the important traits of Adam? God wanted man to survive and thrive didn't he?
Stanx22 said:
6 gorollion years ago, humans were taking shits in the street to fertilize the planets. And that's why curries are streetshitters because they are "biologically programmed" to shit in the street.

If you want an evidence about the afterlife, then what even the point of life and believing in god ? You're supposed to believe in god without proof and that's why you get rewarded or get punished. If god revealed himself to us, then why are we even here ? We would all believe in god and life would be pointless.

I have to blindly believe what a human tells me?
And which god? Allah? Jahweh? Zeus? Jupiter? Kali? Vishnu? Hanuman? The Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Don't fuck this thread up with religious talk.
ArtoriasWolf said:
Ok I will try a different way.

God created Adam, so doesn't that mean that his descendants would inherit the important traits of Adam? God wanted man to survive and thrive didn't he?

We're supposed to survive and get love like everyone else, but females are stupid and 1000x more evil nowadays and that's why we're fucked. We were born in the wrong time, that's all. Women are even criticized in Islam for being stupid. That's why they're dominated by men in Islamic countries and can't do the same shit women in the west do. But after the Jewish propaganda  (feminism, media, hollywood, etc) women are spoiled and evil more than ever now.

FeminismsCancer said:
I have to blindly believe what a human tells me?
And which god? Allah? Jahweh? Zeus? Jupiter? Kali? Vishnu? Hanuman? The Flying Spaghetti Monster?

Abrahmic religions. Allah is the god in those three religions. First there were Judaism and the Jews had them Moses (pbuh) sent with the Torah (they later twisted it and invented the Talmud which is the worst book ever made) and then Jesus (pbuh) came with the Bible for Christians, but the Jews didn't leave them alone, of course, and killed a lot of Christians and then had the bible also twisted into some nonsense (Jesus is god, etc) and then Muhammad  (pbuh) with sent by the Quran to correct what happened to the Torah and the bible, so the quran is the same as the Torah and the Bible before they got twisted. 

The Quran has never got twisted because it was carefully saved by Muslims.
Stanx22 said:
We're supposed to survive and get love like everyone else, but females are stupid and 1000x more evil nowadays and that's why we're fucked. We were born in the wrong time, that's all. Women are even criticized in Islam for being stupid. That's why they're dominated by men in Islamic countries and can't do the same shit women in the west do. But after the Jewish propaganda  (feminism, media, hollywood, etc) women are spoiled and evil more than ever now.

Abrahmic religions. Allah is the god in those three religions. First there were Judaism and the Jews had them Moses (pbuh) sent with the Torah (they later twisted it and invented the Talmud which is the worst book ever made) and then Jesus (pbuh) came with the Bible for Christians, but the Jews didn't leave them alone, of course, and killed a lot of Christians and then had the bible also twisted into some nonsense (Jesus is god, etc) and then Muhammad  (pbuh) with sent by the Quran to correct what happened to the Torah and the bible, so the quran is the same as the Torah and the Bible before they got twisted. 

The Quran has never got twisted because it was carefully saved by Muslims.

Lol no evidence that the quran is written by a god any more than other religions. If you were Christian you would say it's the bible and tell me the exact same thing about just having faith without proof.
Religion is just blue pilled bs.
FeminismsCancer said:
Lol no evidence that the quran is written by a god any more than other religions. If you were Christian you would say it's the bible and tell me the exact same thing about just having faith without proof.
Religion is just blue pilled bs.

Muhammad (pbuh) couldn't even read or write, never mind writing something like the Quran which was hailed as a miracle by people due to the incredible things it contains and how linguistically perfect it is. And what did he gain by doing this ? He suffered and got kicked from his own home and felt a lot of pain and at the end died as a poor man, it wasn't worth it for anyone who is sane. Also, we Worship Allah, not Muhammad. I recommend you to read the Quran (corrected version) and think for a moment if an illiterate man who lived in the desert could write such a thing.
Tried to help blackpill my mother once, explaining why you see most women with guys well above their looksmatch. Ofc she didn't give it any credence at all: refused to acknowledge that female hypergamy really even existed, let alone was commonplace.
It's just not worth your time talking to parents about the issues you have, the incel suffering unfortunately has to be one of silence.
Stanx22 said:
Muhammad (pbuh) couldn't even read or write, never mind writing something like the Quran which was hailed as a miracle by people due to the incredible things it contains and how linguistically perfect it is. And what did he gain by doing this ? He suffered and got kicked from his own home and felt a lot of pain and at the end died as a poor man, it wasn't worth it for anyone who is sane. Also, we Worship Allah, not Muhammad. I recommend you to read the Quran (corrected version) and think for a moment if an illiterate man who lived in the desert could write such a thing.

I've heard those arguments before and they aren't proof of a divine origin.
There's nothing fabulous in the quran and there are many things that contradict modern science.
Origin: man-made.
Grotesque said:
Don't fuck this thread up with religious talk.

Religion and Politics should stay out of this site.
Luker_Incel said:
Tried to help blackpill my mother once, explaining why you see most women with guys well above their looksmatch. Ofc she didn't give it any credence at all: refused to acknowledge that female hypergamy really even existed, let alone was commonplace.
It's just not worth your time talking to parents about the issues you have, the incel suffering unfortunately has to be one of silence.

That’s what I hate about it, I am already alone enough and I don’t have anyone to talk about this issues with irl.

It’s fucked up.

rotting-alone said:
what job did you get?

Software developer
Parents will never understand our feelings as incels.
Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
Luker_Incel said:
Tried to help blackpill my mother once, explaining why you see most women with guys well above their looksmatch. Ofc she didn't give it any credence at all: refused to acknowledge that female hypergamy really even existed, let alone was commonplace.
It's just not worth your time talking to parents about the issues you have, the incel suffering unfortunately has to be one of silence.
That’s what I hate about it, I am already alone enough and I don’t have anyone to talk about this issues with irl.
It’s fucked up.

rotting-alone said:
what job did you get?
Software developer

Dude, that's fucking awesome. You're one of the few guys here who actually has a good job.

I think there's LOTS of hope for you. You could try to beta-bux girls, fuck them, and then dump them and send them packing before they can take too much. You could save up money and surgerycel into a Chad. Or you could just escortcel.

You could be living a great life. Don't fuck up.
curry parents are impossible to blackpill

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