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SuicideFuel Got asked if I was a virgin by a coworker



Mar 19, 2018
Ruined my night.
I thought I was blending in to normie society pretty well, but no matter how much you smile and attempt to socialize normies can smell the incel on you.
I work at a min-wage job, lots of teenagers. Pretty much everyone there is a non-virgin, even the 16 year olds. I'm 25, and even the guys that are around my age (but a bit younger) are already getting married. I'm talking dudes like 21-24 years old.
It's really nerve wracking when the kids are talking about their sexual conquests and you have literally nothing to say so you just step away and try to look occupied.
So tonight I was doing normal work shit and one of the guys I thought I was cool with randomly asks me if I was a virgin. I pretty much shut down right there, but luckily I'm already known as being a quiet person so me not talking wasn't anything too weird. Then later on when I was obviously on depression mode he said I look like a rapist because I wasn't joking and smiling like usual ( he was joking, but that shit is still fucked up to say to an ugly incel )
I'm extremely tempted to quit, I really don't need that job anymore as I'm just filling in the time before I get to my new much better paying job.

How are you supposed to handle situations like being asked your sexual status? I know admitting you're an incel is suicide, but if you don't respond at all it only makes it obvious.
Fucking over for you go er at your work
How are you supposed to handle situations like being asked your sexual status? I know admitting you're an incel is suicide, but if you don't respond at all it only makes it obvious.

It is a lose-lose-situation since people actually already know.
Ruined my night.
I thought I was blending in to normie society pretty well, but no matter how much you smile and attempt to socialize normies can smell the incel on you.
I work at a min-wage job, lots of teenagers. Pretty much everyone there is a non-virgin, even the 16 year olds. I'm 25, and even the guys that are around my age (but a bit younger) are already getting married. I'm talking dudes like 21-24 years old.
It's really nerve wracking when the kids are talking about their sexual conquests and you have literally nothing to say so you just step away and try to look occupied.
So tonight I was doing normal work shit and one of the guys I thought I was cool with randomly asks me if I was a virgin. I pretty much shut down right there, but luckily I'm already known as being a quiet person so me not talking wasn't anything too weird. Then later on when I was obviously on depression mode he said I look like a rapist because I wasn't joking and smiling like usual ( he was joking, but that shit is still fucked up to say to an ugly incel )
I'm extremely tempted to quit, I really don't need that job anymore as I'm just filling in the time before I get to my new much better paying job.

How are you supposed to handle situations like being asked your sexual status? I know admitting you're an incel is suicide, but if you don't respond at all it only makes it obvious.
The fact that you are a wagecuck to begin with, instantly revokes my sympathy i had for you.
Normies asked if I had a girlfriend before
Your work needs a hERo.
just lie they won't know. be like nah I'm not a virgin just haven't had a gf in a bit.
TYou know its over when people ask if you are a virgin tbhtybhtbhtbhtbhgbhthbh
you can't hide it, it's in our face
Normie tiers always talking about sex.So annoying.They can tell we are different and just have to say it.
How are you supposed to handle situations like being asked your sexual status? I know admitting you're an incel is suicide, but if you don't respond at all it only makes it obvious.

Dude you get by that by simply lying, just fucking larp, they'll never know the difference anyways.

Easiest excuse is that you've had 1 or 2 serious relationships but they left you and you're still devastated and have a hard time moving on and you have trust issues. You have to have your story premeditated, start now and invent one in your head and memorize all details you would like to use that way you don't get caught with your pants down making shit up on the spot then forgetting the details of your story down the line.
Normie tiers always talking about sex.So annoying.
This is something that really makes me want to kill normies, they will never have the sex life experience of a chad, not in 1000 of years yet they still talk of their sex lives as if it was something to be proud of, chad have fucked their wives like they were some rotten animal while they brag about that one time a foid touched their penis
They already know because you don't talk about sex or girls, sometimes it's what you don't say that betrays you. You don't ask a question like that if you don't already know the answer, even your cover story is probably interpreted as you saving face.
I really don't need that job anymore as I'm just filling in the time before I get to my new much better paying job.
Is your life that boring that you don't have anything better to do?
When I was asked at my first real job I told the truth. At that time I thought it was more pathetic to lie and be afraid to "own up" to being a virgin. Keep in mind I was 20 and this was before the incel scare so I didn't think too much of it.
Boy did I come to regret that. Ever since that day it was like whatever little respect I had evaporated immediately. I was basically treated like some sort of manchild and now all the normalscum found it necessary to belittle me at every opportunity in order to assert their status.

I stuck with it for a week or so but one day made a mess on accident and as I contemplated cleaning it up I decided to just walk out mid shift instead.
  1. By remaining silent you pretty much admitted that yes, you're a virgin.
  2. See if he'll ask again in front of other people and then threaten your superior with a sexual harassment suit (don't actually go through with this, just get the normalfaggot who tried to mog you like that fired)
You don't ask a question like that if you don't already know the answer, even your cover story is probably interpreted as you saving face.
This. I don't think it would've mattered what you said OP, even if you're an excellent liar it sounds they already had their mind made up.
Ruined my night.
I thought I was blending in to normie society pretty well, but no matter how much you smile and attempt to socialize normies can smell the incel on you.
I work at a min-wage job, lots of teenagers. Pretty much everyone there is a non-virgin, even the 16 year olds. I'm 25, and even the guys that are around my age (but a bit younger) are already getting married. I'm talking dudes like 21-24 years old.
It's really nerve wracking when the kids are talking about their sexual conquests and you have literally nothing to say so you just step away and try to look occupied.
So tonight I was doing normal work shit and one of the guys I thought I was cool with randomly asks me if I was a virgin. I pretty much shut down right there, but luckily I'm already known as being a quiet person so me not talking wasn't anything too weird. Then later on when I was obviously on depression mode he said I look like a rapist because I wasn't joking and smiling like usual ( he was joking, but that shit is still fucked up to say to an ugly incel )
I'm extremely tempted to quit, I really don't need that job anymore as I'm just filling in the time before I get to my new much better paying job.

How are you supposed to handle situations like being asked your sexual status? I know admitting you're an incel is suicide, but if you don't respond at all it only makes it obvious.
you could say "I misused alcohol and sex in the past and now want to practice the two in strict moderation".
I can't stand how normies brag about sex like it's some achievement.
Sad, hopefully that employee gets fired
The lesson here is to ALWAYS LIE ABOUT YOUR VIRGINITY as OP stated, they CAN smell the incel on you. And they only ask you the question to confirm their commonly held belief about you. If you tell the truth its basically social suicide which matters even at the workplace.
How are you supposed to handle situations like being asked your sexual status? I know admitting you're an incel is suicide, but if you don't respond at all it only makes it obvious.

How do I? I don't wanna diminish your suffering, one man's toxic sludge is another man's potpourri. But me? I don't understand what god damn planet you people are living on and I wish I could find it. Nobody asks me about my sexual history and I wish someone in the world gave a damn. Where in the fuck do you work that a question like that isn't an immediate phone call to HR? I used to go over unemployment claims. People got fired for questions like that. And this was over 10-12 years ago that I was going over those unemployment claims.
Normies asked if I had a girlfriend before
Me too. But they somehow, never asked me if i'm a virgin or not. I guess it's because they already, know the answer ngl.
blackpill it didn't matter how you act, you're ugly and so they thought you were a virgin, but because of failo effect they will say it's because they can tell you have a creepy weirdo personality.
You just have to lie. It’s all you can do. Create a story in your head and swear by it. I have like three for when this situation has come up and haven’t been called out on it.
They never ask me. I mastered the practice of staying busy and saying brief statements.
Damned if you do damned if you don't.
How are you managing to get a better job, did you go to school? I wouldn't let it effect you that much, just your standard normie bull shit.
That guy should be burned at the stake
Report to HR. You are the victim of a hate crime. Seriously, use their bullshit against them.
This is something that really makes me want to kill normies, they will never have the sex life experience of a chad, not in 1000 of years yet they still talk of their sex lives as if it was something to be proud of, chad have fucked their wives like they were some rotten animal while they brag about that one time a foid touched their penis
For real Chad's sex is like what ever man but for Normies is Holy Grail.
They already know because you don't talk about sex or girls, sometimes it's what you don't say that betrays you. You don't ask a question like that if you don't already know the answer, even your cover story is probably interpreted as you saving face.

High IQ answer tbh
So tonight I was doing normal work shit and one of the guys I thought I was cool with randomly asks me if I was a virgin. I pretty much shut down right there, but luckily I'm already known as being a quiet person so me not talking wasn't anything too weird. Then later on when I was obviously on depression mode he said I look like a rapist because I wasn't joking and smiling like usual ( he was joking, but that shit is still fucked up to say to an ugly incel )

As an oldcel I have experienced this so many times. Like one time I was sitting there with friends and one guy said: "I bet last time you saw a cunt is probably 25 years ago". Without giving much of a shit I will say: "Fuck you dude!" and not bother thinking about it anymore. Everybody knows I am a loser anyway. It is more than obvious in all aspects of my life so I dont even bother defending my dignity anymore. It is just over.
I'm assuming this was in the US? Based on personal acounts I've read from Americels online, it seems like people there are completely obsessed with not being a virgin. Where I live, I think lots of adults around me are virgins and I've never heard people who weren't virgins talk about their sexual experiences openly.
Literally lie, lie, fucking lie. What ever you do - fucking lie your ass off if you're asked. Admitting your virginity will confirm your complete pariah status and you'll be ostracised and mocked. Never believe the lie that people don't care if you're a virgin, they do and will judge you for it (especially if you're a man). It doesn't matter if everyone susses you for being a virgin, deny regardless, it creates a small crevice of doubt in their minds and you will retain a small slither of respectability. The minute you confirm their suspicions, it's over for you.

If it ever comes up, try to shut down the conversation down as quickly as you can with terse and blunt short answers. If pressed come up with a realistic and plausible virginity story like how you got drunk and laid at 15 with a landwhale or something, but admit to not being successful with women and that you're going through a dry spell, don't try and pretend to be a slayer/chadlite, normies sense inceldom and low-status male carriers.
Everybody at my job knows I am a 27 yo virgin. Luckily normies are sex-obsessed and never ask about kisses though, lol.
Its how people judge. If your a 25yo, sub 6, below 5ft11 (a manlet), small built frame, and have a younger look (like say you look 17-18) they just assume your a virgin.

Happened to me.
Whole thread’s making escortceling look more attractive
Whole thread’s making escortceling look more attractive
I don't see how that would help tbh. They assumed OP is a virgin because of his looks, not some magical aura he gives off. Even if he escortcelled, the same thing would've happened. The only difference would be that he'd be able to say "no" when asked a bit more confidently, but that doesn't mean he is going to be believed.
Its how people judge. If your a 25yo, sub 6, below 5ft11 (a manlet), small built frame, and have a younger look (like say you look 17-18) they just assume your a virgin.

Happened to me.
I look 15-16 and I'm 24. The other day a guy in class asked me what year I was born in. When I answered 95 he said "that's crazy" implying I look 18-19 at best (I'm in second year of college.) He's younger than me (21 I believe), but he looks much older than me. I don't even bother buying alcohol or anything that requires an ID, I don't want to go through the embarrassment. It's also the reason why I haven't joined a gym. I don't want to be forced to show my ID to some slut receptionist.

Embarrassing moments like these happen to me every time I leave my house. The babyfacepill ruined me.

It's getting better, though because a few years ago when I was 21 I legit looked like a child. Hopefully by the time I'm 26 or 27 I'll look closer to my age or at least 18. My best years are behind me and I've spent those years looking like a child.
You have no choice but to lie I'm afraid.
I recommend you lose your V to a nice Asian masseuse asap. Then you will only have to half lie.

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