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LifeFuel Good news! Someone finally made accurate incel documentary



Laff Dawn Sean
Feb 23, 2022

View: https://youtu.be/QgkXzaHptZM?feature=shared

Might as well not be news if someone posted this before considering video is a month old at this point, but I've been busy ever since the start of this week and haven't posted much, not as if anyone noticed. It's all because it's my last year in technical school and I'm currently an intern in carpentry company. It's wagecuck demo pretty much, from 8AM til 5PM, but atleast I can become better at my mostly terrible current skills. Im also getting paid 1.5 minimum salary a month, which is way better than the 100€ per month what I got in random garage with only few tools, where I went in 2nd and 3rd year.
The good part is school has insured me if I get into accidents and since it's a 3 party contract it would be alot harder for the company to fire me. This will go on til the start of April and so far the training has been really fun and all the employees and the bookkeeper actually try to help me improve in my craft

Back to the topic, as the saying goes "Whatever you do there's an asian that can do it better than you" and last month Ching from Beijing took it personally, opened his 800 dollar ChongHui laptop and decided to create most investigative, challenging and well produced documentary of all time that slaps of the board anything jew funded stuck up westoid whores have done in the last 5 years

Quality is really top notch, there are no unnecesary sound effects, overtly immersive annoying VFX, and he doesn't try to center the attention around himself for no reason, unlike all the previous jewrnalistoilets, only revealing how he looks like at the end, when 90% have clicked off anyway

The quality is really phenomenal, every seemingly insignificant detail, like duration of each footage is perfect, the cuts are seemless and the whole video is structured in logical order starting from the issue itself to the media and society response and lastly his own thoughts about this

I even learned a few new things, like that there was Warren Farrel who tried to help men against the whole loneliness and being outcasted issue in the 70s, and he was kind of like a more genuine and less jewed OG version of Juden Peterstein

Another thing that I picked up was that male suicide rates after puberty are disproportionally large as compared to women. Being honest noone here is surprised , it would be odd if it wasn't that wag. I believe there could be atleast 5 people that have wrote threads about this topic, but the thing is, those threads are too convoluted and ghey to read, and I'm glad chinkman presented in more concetrated and upfront manner. The statistics look disgusting in screenshot because I took it with the pause buttons so you could find the exact timestamps, but in the video they look very well illustrated


Also him calling (probably accidentally due to the lack of direct translations) dating market/sexual marketplace mating market was pretty hilarous:feelskek:

I also appreciated that he dedicated nearly a minute nuking the whole incel=terrorist slander which has been raped to death by every disingenouous wageslaving jewrnalistoilet that has ever dedicated a minute to the topic of inceldom

My only complaint, as you may have already guessed, is that the whole video is chinese

But, luckily, these days there's captions for that

Even in the comments (if google translate built in feature works correctly) other chinkmen had overall positive and chill attitude compared to the usual "incels are sexless because they're evil mentally ill retarded chimp niggers" discourse, that single braincell westoid normtards are capable to entertain
It's only natural an Asian country would be the one to do an accurate documentary. They're the ones suffering the most from it.
Is it on CNN?
no and it never will be because all the "workers" would hate seeing him anywhere near the big corporate media, even as an independent contractor because these journalist cockroaches know how lazy and effortless their job is. The moment some senior manager sees one asian working with more enthusiasm than the entire crew combined for janitor salary, they're done for. Yeah, journos technically advocate for diversity, but they only like when it's forced, racist and doesn't affect them. They wouldn't want to lose THEIR employment to an asian, much less for legitimate reasons like being better at their job

the whole perspective and bias is as neutral as it gets, something mainstream media has failed to do for the past decade atleast.

Speaking of production quality it's is truly outstanding, there's diagrams, videos, cutscenes effects but in classy non-aggressive way, there are about 20 short clips from other sources, but somehow it feels really connected to the videos message, because when other's try to embed tiktok/shorts/IG reels clips into a video longer than 10 minutes most of the time it feels out of place

The documentary Is way better in every single way compared towhat legacy corpos produce, other the fact it's in mandarin
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watched everything
incel: the documentary no one wants to watch


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