Hey there Brocel, I changed my therapist and the New one is a women maybe 7 years older then me (shes about 32) she has like no idea of anything I tell her.
She also seemed to have a normie tutorial mode life. I told about some of my bullying and how many times i had been harassed and shes also like "damn" and then I tell her about my nonexistent sex and relationship life and shes like "some people are okay with having NO FRIENDS AT ALL" and I am like "Well shit I am not one of these people, i want and NEED connections".
How fucking annoying is that? You call for help, and she basically tells you that you're fine and you actually don't need friendships or a sexlife. Fucking stupid whore should eat shit and fucking die. These fucking therapists think that since one thing works for one person, it'll work for anyone. News flash, cunt. Everyone's brains are wired very fucking differently. She spent years in school and didn't learn jack shit.
She now thinks I am a schizophrenic because I told her I have a very large amount of knowledge and sometimes my thoughts are warping around.
Also she is SCARED of me, because I now started regulary going to the gym (and I have a buff upper build) and I told her that I have a confirmed registration of Sociopathy and shes like "Shit I am not made for this! My main clients are druggies, alcoholics, Transgender freaks and social media addicts who just visit me to cope from not having enough insta followers, that guy is on a different level, HELP!"
I aint kidding, shes told me in JUST 3 Sessions that I had with her, that she is completely overwhelmed with me.
Yeah, man. My therapist basically said I'm fucked too. He never said he's overwhelmed, though. She doesn't know how to handle more severe cases like yours and I. She can only basic shit like "muh, my wife gets mad when I leave dishes on the counter

I am sitting alone in a room with her. I am very calm and cool minded despite telling her of my warped brain and that I suffer from social anxiety but she is confused why I dont suffer from it in front of her.
Imagine being this foid and spending 8 years in college only to say shit like this.
My social anxiety shows when I have to: make calls, write emails to superiors, when I am in a crowd (alienation), when I speak to a decently looking women, when people get weirded out by me just doing ANYTHING (usually Jestermaxxing) or when I get gigamogged by some Chad right next to people I know.
Shes also completely shocked about my advanced knowledge of psychology. I mean SHE has the degree but I have far more knowledge because I read over 100 psychology and self motivation books.
Also she has NO IDEA what a NEET/Hikikomori is.
Mine is really bad too. I used to get jumped in high school like a kid punching me in the back of my head or having my skull slammed into a locker. Basically I can't be around people in public since my brain is in "survival mode" 24/7 and I'm afraid I'm going to get jumped. Therapist just tells me "Oh, you just need practice and go outside more."
I'm not shocked you know more than her. No exaggeration, a solid 90% of the shit they studied in school was likely completely unrelated to their field of expertise.
I explained to her that as a lonely guy with a shit job you have no chance to establish:
- a house
- a good car
- multiple vacations
- financial freedom
- newest tech
- children
And marriage is dead + getting a girlfriend is seemingly impossible for a guy like me anyway.
Shes like "But dropping out of society is not the right way!"
And I am like "For a lot of men, who have nothing to lose or gain anymore, it quite literally is!"
Jesus christ that stupid fucking foid is infuriating. Dropping out of society
IS the right thing to do. Why should you be part of a society that wants nothing to do with
YOU because of your looks and only wants you for your labor? You get nothing out of it. You don't get a wife, children, a house, and only get a video game console (if you can even afford it) and endless porn. Fucking Indians have it better. At least they get laid and have a family.
Women like her have NO IDEA of just the insane amount of lonely men that work daily 9 hours and then just come home to their lonely home and cry into a pillow!
They don't man. They never will. Shit is on tutorial mode for them.