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JFL Going for casual sex has shown me again how my love for dick can never deter me from hating men

I lost a few braincells reading this.
what a retarded whore

literally and literally
also note that apparently this behavior would not exist or be significantly reduced if contraceptives weren't a thing, as per the retard's obsession with latex, which doesn't do shit against some STDs anyway.
We should kill all women who like cocks that aren't mine.
Why the fuck would her being “autistic” maker not want sensual experiences and just to be used as a fuck toy by Chad for 7 minutes that is just a part of being a foid
Tbf many guys here hate foids but would absolutely have sex with one if they could
also note that apparently this behavior would not exist or be significantly reduced if contraceptives weren't a thing, as per the retard's obsession with latex, which doesn't do shit against some STDs anyway.
Jordan Peterson cope since there's always blowjobs, fingering and anal. Women love getting on their knees and sucking macrophallic Chad holding their heads and flooding their mouths with gallons of cum. It makes them glad to be alive.

It's worship to them as Chad is the real God of feminism not women. The whole idea of women's liberation (from ugly men obviously) is an endless blowjob to Chad.
Jordan Peterson cope since there's always blowjobs, fingering and anal. Women love getting on their knees and sucking macrophallic Chad holding their heads and flooding their mouths with gallons of cum. It makes them glad to be alive.

It's worship to them as Chad is the real God of feminism not women. The whole idea of women's liberation (from ugly men obviously) is an endless blowjob to Chad.
women are drowning in STDs to the point that the meds for that will stop working
Lets kill her


This is her :lul:
Tbf many guys here hate foids but would absolutely have sex with one if they could
if these men had as much sex and were treated as favorably as that women is by the other sex they would never have found their way onto this site, stop forcing unfair comparisons (at least ones that are in the favor of your supposed outgroup) :feelsseriously:
Tbf many guys here hate foids but would absolutely have sex with one if they could

I feel pleasure eating pork but that doesn't mean I love it or I wouldn't cause him to become a corpse in the first place.
if these men had as much sex and were treated as favorably as that women is by the other sex they would never have found their way onto this site, stop forcing unfair comparisons (at least ones that are in the favor of your supposed outgroup) :feelsseriously:
I'm just saying that incels blaming a foid for having sex with someone she hates is hypocritical bc many here would do the same.

Again, women can have sex with whoever they can, if they get creampied by guys they hate, it's their problem, not mine, idgaf and hope these whores get raped by a group of inkwells.
I'm just saying that incels blaming a foid for having sex with someone she hates is hypocritical bc many here would do the same.

Again, women can have sex with whoever they can, if they get creampied by guys they hate, it's their problem, not mine, idgaf and hope these whores get raped by a group of inkwells.
There is so much wrong with that take I'm not sure I wanna spend the time writing it all out...

Hypocracy has no 100% rigid definition, it's sometimes used synonymously with "lying" or "faking virtue" but more commonly with "pretending to believe something you don't" or "act in a way that contradicts your stated believes" or "apply differend rules for yourself and your own than you apply to the behavior of others".
But in all those cases it is not expected to apply the same rules / standards to people in differend situations. The situation this woman is in, where she has easy access to love, affection, intimacy, etc. but feels nothing but hate and disgust for the people offering her these things, is not the same as the situation most incels find themselfs in.

Incels might fuck that girl despite hating her for who she is, but that is not actually the same behavior that she displays. She doesn't hate the men she fucks because of how they behave, she hates men in general and chooses to view everything they do in the worst light possible, just so she can be maximally obnoxious, hateful, meanspirited and mentally ill.
If we as men were treated with the same reverance she gets to experience all the time, we wouldn't be able to fuck women we hate because we would never have developed any hate towards women...

For a fair comparison, imaging you go to a club, you get to have sex as many times as you want with a variety of girls who try to court you and cater to what they think you want, and after doing that, on the way home from a night of easy sex, all you feel is hate for the same girls you just fucked and you wish they would just shut up and let you fuck them without opening their mouths or trying to create any interpersonal interaction. Basically, you are angry at them for not being mindless, robotic sex toys just existing for your own personal pleasure. And also, you get to openly state those things and have people agree with you.

Under those circumstances direct comparisons could be made. Not under the ones present right now.
No one here is as bad as that woman. Some might make some more crass statements, but that's it, they are making extrem statements online while in a constant state of frustration and after a lifetime of rejection.
This woman is actually doing things and she didn't have to go through anything we had to go through. A comparison where we are anywhere near her level is simply not reasonable.

I honestly could keep going but it seems unnecessary
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I bet her oral hole is STD paradise.
on a side note, I hope she gets every kind of cancer known to man
Foids can't be autistic never have u met a foid where autism actually affects their overall quality of life.
When did autism become something to brag about
There is so much wrong with that take I'm not sure I wanna spend the time writing it all out...

Hypocracy has no 100% rigid definition, it's sometimes used synonymously with "lying" or "faking virtue" but more commonly with "pretending to believe something you don't" or "act in a way that contradicts your stated believes" or "apply differend rules for yourself and your own than you apply to the behavior of others".
But in all those cases it is not expected to apply the same rules / standards to people in differend situations. The situation this woman is in, where she has easy access to love, affection, intimacy, etc. but feels nothing but hate and disgust for the people offering her these things, is not the same as the situation most incels find themselfs in.

Incels might fuck that girl despite hating her for who she is, but that is not actually the same behavior that she displays. She doesn't hate the men she fucks because of how they behave, she hates men in general and chooses to view everything they do in the worst light possible, just so she can be maximally obnoxious, hateful, meanspirited and mentally ill.
If we as men were treated with the same reverance she gets to experience all the time, we wouldn't be able to fuck women we hate because we would never have developed any hate towards women...

For a fair comparison, imaging you go to a club, you get to have sex as many times as you want with a variety of girls who try to court you and cater to what they think you want, and after doing that, on the way home from a night of easy sex, all you feel is hate for the same girls you just fucked and you wish they would just shut up and let you fuck them without opening their mouths or trying to create any interpersonal interaction. Basically, you are angry at them for not being mindless, robotic sex toys just existing for your own personal pleasure. And also, you get to openly state those things and have people agree with you.

Under those circumstances direct comparisons could be made. Not under the ones present right now.
No one here is as bad as that woman. Some might make some more crass statements, but that's it, they are making extrem statements online while in a constant state of frustration and after a lifetime of rejection.
This woman is actually doing things and she didn't have to go through anything we had to go through. A comparison where we are anywhere near her level is simply not reasonable.

I honestly could keep going but it seems unnecessary
This made me think of what thoroughly shit people women are. Imagine having the world handed to you by men and still finding a way to hate them. I think these women deep down know they aren't deserving of it so they hate men for being so stupid as to put them on a pedastal.
There is so much wrong with that take I'm not sure I wanna spend the time writing it all out...

Hypocracy has no 100% rigid definition, it's sometimes used synonymously with "lying" or "faking virtue" but more commonly with "pretending to believe something you don't" or "act in a way that contradicts your stated believes" or "apply differend rules for yourself and your own than you apply to the behavior of others".
But in all those cases it is not expected to apply the same rules / standards to people in differend situations. The situation this woman is in, where she has easy access to love, affection, intimacy, etc. but feels nothing but hate and disgust for the people offering her these things, is not the same as the situation most incels find themselfs in.

Incels might fuck that girl despite hating her for who she is, but that is not actually the same behavior that she displays. She doesn't hate the men she fucks because of how they behave, she hates men in general and chooses to view everything they do in the worst light possible, just so she can be maximally obnoxious, hateful, meanspirited and mentally ill.
If we as men were treated with the same reverance she gets to experience all the time, we wouldn't be able to fuck women we hate because we would never have developed any hate towards women...

For a fair comparison, imaging you go to a club, you get to have sex as many times as you want with a variety of girls who try to court you and cater to what they think you want, and after doing that, on the way home from a night of easy sex, all you feel is hate for the same girls you just fucked and you wish they would just shut up and let you fuck them without opening their mouths or trying to create any interpersonal interaction. Basically, you are angry at them for not being mindless, robotic sex toys just existing for your own personal pleasure. And also, you get to openly state those things and have people agree with you.

Under those circumstances direct comparisons could be made. Not under the ones present right now.
No one here is as bad as that woman. Some might make some more crass statements, but that's it, they are making extrem statements online while in a constant state of frustration and after a lifetime of rejection.
This woman is actually doing things and she didn't have to go through anything we had to go through. A comparison where we are anywhere near her level is simply not reasonable.

I honestly could keep going but it seems unnecessary
Great post:bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain::yes::yes::yes:.
This made me think of what thoroughly shit people women are. Imagine having the world handed to you by men and still finding a way to hate them. I think these women deep down know they aren't deserving of it so they hate men for being so stupid as to put them on a pedastal.
Guess "being ungrateful and making themselfs unhappy, or at least pretending to be doing so, no matter how good they have it" should be added on here:
Since your list seems incomplete, here are some more reasons to hate women:

I hate women as a group for their trait / personality distribution and their psychological & behavioral tendencies.
I hate them for betraying the values this society claims to uphold for personal gain, for getting away with it because they are innately blessed by mother nature to be treated preferentially by both men and women and for being so fkign stupid that they don't even have to shoulder any awareness of what they are doing, for being simple-minded enough to believe their own motivated reasoning 100% of the time.
I hate them for being born with the higher SMV as well as with the better orgasm, having to invest no effort to get laid and having the better payout for not doing anything.
I hate them for being granted the power to judge my worth as a person just because they are born as the sex with the more rare and valuable sex cells.
I hate them for being able to blackmail society with their control over human reproduction and I hate this society for going along with it.
I hate them for killing free speech whereever they go, be it online, in politics or in academia.
I hate them for how they abuse cheap social aggression like shame, guilt and gaslighting instead of holding themselfs to even the most minimal standarts of rational debate.
I hate them for how absurdly self-centered and egotistical they are, for how they treat love as nothing but a trade offer, how they are idealized by the men around them as these innocent angels while picking their partner purely by what he can offer them in the moment and happily abandoning him if another man offers them a better deal.
I hate them for how they have misinterpretated every flaw of their own as a consequence of oppression, I hate how they always reject any responsibility for their own actions and always aim to be percieved as the victim, how they abuse sympathy and naivety of others to get what they want without any shame or mercy.
I hate them for how they have made it impossible for me to join my real ingroup because not being willing to let them get away with every horrendous lie and distortion they have commited makes me a pariah amongst the people most similar to me.
I hate them for having all this power over human afairs and using it purely for their own personal and group benefits.
I have them for abandoning my sex to its misery just decades after they were given increased freedom and influence by that very same sex.
I hate them for being such disappointing, morally repugnant creatures that I have no choice but be attracted to.
I hate them for having control over my quality of life despite being such irredeemable low lifes.
I hate them for everything they are and stand for, for being nature's favorite, for being born rich in the one market that matters the most, I hate them for what they are deep down once all the lies, deceptions and self-deceptions are removed, for being such solipsistic, vacuous, overly neurotic, instinct driven amoral midwits who my sex is doomed to fight over to the death because this trash is the only option around.
May allah cast her into the depths of hell

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