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RageFuel Girls on Tinder do smash. A lot! 80/20 rule confirmed.



Dec 30, 2017

Girls on Tinder do smash. A lot!

I am a student in sexology and we did a research in sexual behavior on Tinder.


It's something we can't deny that it has a big impact on many people's sex lives. We asked questions to 300 guys and 300 girls who use tinder about their sexual experiences. They were easy to find since it seems to be extremely popular with people from ages 18 to 35! Here are some results that surprised me.

- Unlike I thought, 240 of the 300 girls actually had sex through tinder! Only less than 50 of the 300 men, which is remarkable.

- When we asked for numbers to the people that did have sex: Girls did it on average less than the few guys that did. That means that a couple guys score with almost al the women.

- These men do however show a lot of similarities: Muscular, well-endowed relaxed and (surprise!) a little beerbelly? The girls described the men's attractive personal traids as "they know what they want and don't hold back to take it."

- The opening lines that worked, were often extremely flat but to the point. One that seemed to work was just "wanna smash".

- It appears that these dates where sex was involved were mostly not related with hopes for relationships, just casual sex. The sex in most cases happened on a first date or even just immediately at someones place.

- The terms that came up most to describe the sex were: emotionless, hard, wild, fast, fun, physical and although that wasn't our question, doggystyle (lol). They rated their sexual encounters almost always as very good (other options were bad, mediocre, good). Many even said their best sexual experience is through tinder.

- Neither girls nor guys regretted the sex afterwards, but almost all girls like to keep it a secret, or with very close friends. Many guys liked to share their stories in detail. (not so surprising maybe)

- Something negative: Around 50 women admitted to have cheated through Tinder. Very few guys have. In almost all cases, the partner doesn't have a clue.

- Something positive: Almost everyone agreed that Tinder is a very positive influence on their sex lives.


So it seems that a lot of girls show more sexual interest than we thought. Also it seems (and not only through tinder) that women are, and this is increasing fast, daring to admit that they really enjoy casual sex without emotions and prefer certain guys simply for that purpose. This is a very posivive evolution for sexual/mental health. The number of women cheating however (this is also discovered through other researches) is also increasing VERY fast, and it is becoming less and less taboo, which in my eyes is a little shocking. The cheating doesn't mainly happen through tinder though, but apparently mostly at work with a boss or superior figure.
JFL at the normies getting blackpilled in the comments. Its fucking over.
repost. use search function next time.
If this isn´t a sticky it definitely should be.
Didn't think majority on that site were Red/Black-pilled.

Jfl at this foid:
You idiots actually believe a woman would go to a stranger's apartment (or invite then over) and not be concerned for her safety? The amount of things you dumbasses believe beyond that rather obvious one is impressive.

Some pictures with showing social value has already passed that concern.

This foid confirms hypergamy JFL:
There will never come a time when girls will seek casual sex without benefits. Even if they cheat, they will do it with someone of a better or equal status to the one they are currently in a relationship with, because it's too stupid to do otherwise.

If you're on Tinder, you should be embarrassed of yourself. I have too much dignity as a human being to even try something like that.

Hamsters/Justifies that casual sex isn't bad but Tinder is. She probably doesn't use Tinder but has lots of casual sex.
having a vagina is a literal god-mode switch
it's insane
foids are the reptiles secretly controlling our world - Alex Jones was right, but he misidentified the enemy
So basically every girl you see on Tinder has fucked a big dicked Chad.

The only positive I can see is the same type of foid who uses Tinder is the same type that would whore it up at the club back in the day looking for a one night stand with big dicked Chad.

You're never going to find a quality girl in either place.
Oh ya , tinder is so fucking positive in everyones sex life, that Is if your a foid or Chad only though, did they forget to mention that ?
I saw this before. It made me so sick, I'm trying to tell myself it's a troll article.

I tried their "wanna smash?" line, first response back.....


  • 20180713_120411.jpg
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But but I don’t kiss on the first date tee hee. Are they really that delusional to think we believe that?
girls on tinder = sluts
men on tinder = average man
I'll repost this in 90 minutes from now.
I know someone that met their gf through tinder. Poor dude is gonna get cucked sooner or later. Any woman that uses that shit is a confirmed WHORE.
So if you actually do the math it’s worse then 20%. 50/300 is 16.6 % and in the article it says less than 50 so it’s even worse than that. Although this could just be due to the small sample size.
So if you actually do the math it’s worse then 20%. 50/300 is 16.6 % and in the article it says less than 50 so it’s even worse than that. Although this could just be due to the small sample size.

It said 240 women had sex.

I know someone that met their gf through tinder. Poor dude is gonna get cucked sooner or later. Any woman that uses that shit is a confirmed WHORE.
a lot of mental health fags recommend tinder for LTRs. It's fucking unbelievable
Solution: Don't respect wamon. Stay BlackPilled, surgerymax and get the fuck out of the West. If we get enough men on the MGTOW Exodus Soul Train as Trump got on the MAGA shit, we can help a lot of people.
Just be female theory.
The blackpils in the comments
No fucking shit. Tons of experiment confirmed that already. Be a 9/10 Chad and girls will act as hungry dogs.
I know someone that met their gf through tinder. Poor dude is gonna get cucked sooner or later. Any woman that uses that shit is a confirmed WHORE.
Every foids use it.
Where do you want find a "pure" one ? In a remote location with shitty internet access ? In the forest ?
For the majority of men, it's over. It's gonna be much worse.
But thanks g.od, there is cheap entertainment (videogames, porn aka watching other men having all the fun, etc).
"You idiots actually believe a woman would go to a stranger's apartment (or invite then over) and not be concerned for her safety? The amount of things you dumbasses believe beyond that rather obvious one is impressive."

Oh, they certainly do and then back out for no fuckin reason and waste the time of all parties involved. One hopes they set up a sweet little liaison with an aspiring Bundy some day.
It's a repost but who cares? Sticky this shit. Funnily enough it could be stickied permanently and still never get posted on cuckqueers though.
High IQ thread. Thanks for sharing this.
Don't know how normshits candeny statistics like this. Fucking ridiculous girls only Fucking thugs and chadlite+
You should renew the blackpilled statistics about how ugly men are seen as low IQ, incompetent and like they have horrible personalities
brb sending "wanna smash" to all my female contacts.
Can't help but laugh sometimes. They're even ok with vulgar Chad.


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She went on to tell me she was a BBW and asked if that was ok. I said yes as long as she had big titties and she said she did. Then I deleted her lol.

Anyways Chad would probably have gone and fucked this BBW (Landwhale) if he was coming up dry that day. Her looksmatch future husband will always be inferior in her mind after that.

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