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RageFuel Girls are now Allowed in the Boy Scouts

  • Thread starter Deleted member 6501
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Deleted member 6501

Deleted member 6501

jbw or jkys
May 4, 2018


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fuck this shit im moving to mars
Umm, what the hell is the girl scouts then?
JFL why would you be a boy scout in 2018 ? It's filled with rapists that will penetrate your tight white ass.
no boys allowed in the girls scouts. the double standard right there.
What a fucking cunt, boys scouts are not boys scouts anymore.. lmao @ that stupidity
WAHMEN just have to infiltrate everything
Because cunts have to invade any and all male spaces. Girl scouts wasn't enough, just like nothing is enough for them. Feminism isn't about equality, it's about trying to gain superiority.
Erin (((Eisner)))
Wow, Wish there was girls in the scouts when I was a kid.. the Boy Scouts was like a constant fear of being raped and molested so at least there will be girls from the boys to pay attention to now.

I feel bad for anyone who ever participated in boys scouts, cause they are going to have their entire program turn to shit:feelsbadman:

I remember wanting to do boyscouts as a child but didn't and now I feel sad that it will be turned to shit
Girls must have the right to invade boy only spaces Guys mustn't even DARE thinking about invading female only spaces though.

t. modern cuck society
You guys don't stop and think that maybe this would be a good thing one of the reasons why girls and boys are so awkward around each other is because I don't have time to experience being around each other before puberty hits the more time the opposite gender spend with each other the more comfortable they'll be with each other
Girls must have the right to invade boy only spaces Guys mustn't even DARE thinking about invading female only spaces though.

t. modern cuck society

Being in the Girl Scouts would suck also they do is stand outside of Walmart and sell cookies to pervy old men, they don't even sell cookies door-to-door anymore because of feminist claiming that men will try to rape them
There's no safe places for males anymore.
JFL why would you be a boy scout in 2018 ? It's filled with rapists that will penetrate your tight white ass.

This. I read this news a few days ago and thought well I guess that means little girls can get diddled in the scouts too.

Also, one of the benefits of being an ugly ethnic is no one wants to diddle you. My ass has never been diddled once. I could probably get put in jail and remain assrape free.
This. I read this news a few days ago and thought well I guess that means little girls can get diddled in the scouts too.

Also, one of the benefits of being an ugly ethnic is no one wants to diddle you. My ass has never been diddled once. I could probably get put in jail and remain assrape free.
Most rape in Boy Scouts is Scout on Scout
Most rape in Boy Scouts is Scout on Scout

Really? Like older scouts raping the younger scouts?

Well either way I guess parents are now gonna be enrolling daughters so they can get raped too. Equal opportunity child rape in the scouts.

Just lol at being a parent in 2018.
You guys don't stop and think that maybe this would be a good thing one of the reasons why girls and boys are so awkward around each other is because I don't have time to experience being around each other before puberty hits the more time the opposite gender spend with each other the more comfortable they'll be with each other
What are you talking about, it's not like public schools are gender segregated. If boys want to hang out with girls they will, but in general young boys don't want anything to do with girls before they hit puberty anyway. Girls have cooties after all. There's a reason why boys tease each other by comparing them to girls. Gender roles have already been fucked to hell due to feminism, this just blurs the line and makes the dynamic worse.
Really? Like older scouts raping the younger scouts?

When I was in Boy Scouts they were people inappropriately touching each other of all ages even some of them were the same ages as each other there's just a lot of bad sexual conduct in the Boy Scouts so having girls around might change that a little bit
There will be sexual harassment cases, and I will NOT care
What are you talking about, it's not like public schools are gender segregated. If boys want to hang out with girls they will, but in general young boys don't want anything to do with girls before they hit puberty anyway. Girls have cooties after all. There's a reason why boys tease each other by comparing them to girls. Gender roles have already been fucked to hell due to feminism, this just blurs the line and makes the dynamic worse.

At least in American schools they don't run them like Social Clubs when you're at school you're at school we only had two minutes between classes you don't really have time to hang out at American schools anymore and Boy Scouts is primarily done over the summer
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